X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=src%2FGeneral.v;h=db77f344df6bf4e9361bf583700b048e2035fc56;hb=327fd294a7a4d3c02b5491708aadcd9acef9e376;hp=96ac1baf758f6721787292c58d588c4e66f8a3c9;hpb=32436fdf380f7f2efc7a70896268509e7b3e0d6f;p=coq-hetmet.git diff --git a/src/General.v b/src/General.v index 96ac1ba..db77f34 100644 --- a/src/General.v +++ b/src/General.v @@ -20,10 +20,37 @@ Class EqDecidable (T:Type) := }. Coercion eqd_type : EqDecidable >-> Sortclass. +Instance EqDecidableOption (T:Type)(EQDT:EqDecidable T) : EqDecidable ??T. + apply Build_EqDecidable. + intros. + destruct v1; + destruct v2. + destruct (eqd_dec t t0). + subst. + left; auto. + right. + unfold not; intros. + inversion H. + subst. + apply n. + auto. + right; unfold not; intro; inversion H. + right; unfold not; intro; inversion H. + left; auto. + Defined. Class ToString (T:Type) := { toString : T -> string }. Instance StringToString : ToString string := { toString := fun x => x }. -Notation "a +++ b" := (append (toString a) (toString b)) (at level 100). + +Class Concatenable {T:Type} := + { concatenate : T -> T -> T }. + Implicit Arguments Concatenable [ ]. +Open Scope string_scope. +Open Scope type_scope. +Close Scope list_scope. +Notation "a +++ b" := (@concatenate _ _ a b) (at level 99). +Instance ConcatenableString : Concatenable string := { concatenate := append }. + (*******************************************************************************) (* Trees *) @@ -80,6 +107,13 @@ Fixpoint treeReduce {T:Type}{R:Type}(mapLeaf:T->R)(mergeBranches:R->R->R) (t:Tre Definition treeDecomposition {D T:Type} (mapLeaf:T->D) (mergeBranches:D->D->D) := forall d:D, { tt:Tree T & d = treeReduce mapLeaf mergeBranches tt }. +Fixpoint reduceTree {T}(unit:T)(merge:T -> T -> T)(tt:Tree ??T) : T := + match tt with + | T_Leaf None => unit + | T_Leaf (Some x) => x + | T_Branch b1 b2 => merge (reduceTree unit merge b1) (reduceTree unit merge b2) + end. + Lemma tree_dec_eq : forall {Q}(t1 t2:Tree ??Q), (forall q1 q2:Q, sumbool (q1=q2) (not (q1=q2))) -> @@ -144,11 +178,10 @@ Lemma mapOptionTree_extensional {A}{B}(f g:A->B) : (forall a, f a = g a) -> (for simpl; rewrite IHt1; rewrite IHt2; auto. Qed. -Open Scope string_scope. Fixpoint treeToString {T}{TT:ToString T}(t:Tree ??T) : string := match t with | T_Leaf None => "[]" - | T_Leaf (Some s) => "["+++s+++"]" + | T_Leaf (Some s) => "["+++toString s+++"]" | T_Branch b1 b2 => treeToString b1 +++ ",," +++ treeToString b2 end. Instance TreeToString {T}{TT:ToString T} : ToString (Tree ??T) := { toString := treeToString }. @@ -397,10 +430,6 @@ Lemma distinct_decidable {VV:Type}{eqdVV:EqDecidable VV} : forall (lv:list VV), apply n; auto. Defined. -Lemma distinctT_decidable {VV:Type}{eqdVV:EqDecidable VV} : forall (lv:Tree ??VV), sumbool (distinctT lv) (not (distinctT lv)). - admit. - Defined. - Lemma map_preserves_length {A}{B}(f:A->B)(l:list A) : (length l) = (length (map f l)). induction l; auto. simpl. @@ -441,6 +470,96 @@ Instance EqDecidableList {T:Type}(eqd:EqDecidable T) : EqDecidable (list T). Defined. (*******************************************************************************) +(* Tree Flags *) + +(* TreeFlags is effectively a tree of booleans whose shape matches that of another tree *) +Inductive TreeFlags {T:Type} : Tree T -> Type := +| tf_leaf_true : forall x, TreeFlags (T_Leaf x) +| tf_leaf_false : forall x, TreeFlags (T_Leaf x) +| tf_branch : forall b1 b2, TreeFlags b1 -> TreeFlags b2 -> TreeFlags (b1,,b2). + +(* If flags are calculated using a local condition, this will build the flags *) +Fixpoint mkFlags {T}(f:T -> bool)(t:Tree T) : TreeFlags t := + match t as T return TreeFlags T with + | T_Leaf x => if f x then tf_leaf_true x else tf_leaf_false x + | T_Branch b1 b2 => tf_branch _ _ (mkFlags f b1) (mkFlags f b2) + end. + +(* takeT and dropT are not exact inverses! *) + +(* drop replaces each leaf where the flag is set with a [] *) +Fixpoint dropT {T}{Σ:Tree ??T}(tf:TreeFlags Σ) : Tree ??T := + match tf with + | tf_leaf_true x => [] + | tf_leaf_false x => Σ + | tf_branch b1 b2 tb1 tb2 => (dropT tb1),,(dropT tb2) + end. + +(* takeT returns only those leaves for which the flag is set; all others are omitted entirely from the tree *) +Fixpoint takeT {T}{Σ:Tree T}(tf:TreeFlags Σ) : ??(Tree T) := + match tf with + | tf_leaf_true x => Some Σ + | tf_leaf_false x => None + | tf_branch b1 b2 tb1 tb2 => + match takeT tb1 with + | None => takeT tb2 + | Some b1' => match takeT tb2 with + | None => Some b1' + | Some b2' => Some (b1',,b2') + end + end + end. + +(* lift a function T->bool to a function (option T)->bool by yielding (None |-> b) *) +Definition liftBoolFunc {T}(b:bool)(f:T -> bool) : ??T -> bool := + fun t => + match t with + | None => b + | Some x => f x + end. + +(* decidable quality on a tree of elements which have decidable equality *) +Definition tree_eq_dec : forall {T:Type}(l1 l2:Tree T)(dec:forall t1 t2:T, sumbool (eq t1 t2) (not (eq t1 t2))), + sumbool (eq l1 l2) (not (eq l1 l2)). + intro T. + intro l1. + induction l1; intros. + destruct l2. + destruct (dec a t). + subst. + left; auto. + right; unfold not; intro; apply n; inversion H; auto. + right. + unfold not; intro. + inversion H. + + destruct l2. + right; unfold not; intro; inversion H. + destruct (IHl1_1 l2_1 dec); + destruct (IHl1_2 l2_2 dec); subst. + left; auto. + right. + unfold not; intro. + inversion H; subst. + apply n; auto. + right. + unfold not; intro. + inversion H; subst. + apply n; auto. + right. + unfold not; intro. + inversion H; subst. + apply n; auto. + Defined. + +Instance EqDecidableTree {T:Type}(eqd:EqDecidable T) : EqDecidable (Tree T). + apply Build_EqDecidable. + intros. + apply tree_eq_dec. + apply eqd_dec. + Defined. + +(*******************************************************************************) (* Length-Indexed Lists *) Inductive vec (A:Type) : nat -> Type := @@ -728,10 +847,6 @@ Lemma extensionality_composes : forall t1 t2 t3 (f f':t1->t2) (g g':t2->t3), -CoInductive Fresh A T := -{ next : forall a:A, (T a * Fresh A T) -; split : Fresh A T * Fresh A T -}. @@ -739,6 +854,8 @@ CoInductive Fresh A T := Definition map2 {A}{B}(f:A->B)(t:A*A) : (B*B) := ((f (fst t)), (f (snd t))). +(* boolean "not" *) +Definition bnot (b:bool) : bool := if b then false else true. (* string stuff *) Variable eol : string. @@ -766,7 +883,6 @@ Definition orErrorBind {T:Type} (oe:OrError T) {Q:Type} (f:T -> OrError Q) := end. Notation "a >>= b" := (@orErrorBind _ a _ b) (at level 20). -Open Scope string_scope. Definition orErrorBindWithMessage {T:Type} (oe:OrError T) {Q:Type} (f:T -> OrError Q) err_msg := match oe with | Error s => Error (err_msg +++ eol +++ " " +++ s) @@ -907,10 +1023,116 @@ Lemma unleaves_injective : forall T (t1 t2:list T), unleaves t1 = unleaves t2 -> reflexivity. Qed. +(* adapted from Adam Chlipala's posting to the coq-club list (thanks!) *) +Definition openVec A n (v: vec A (S n)) : exists a, exists v0, v = a:::v0 := + match v in vec _ N return match N return vec A N -> Prop with + | O => fun _ => True + | S n => fun v => exists a, exists v0, v = a:::v0 + end v with + | vec_nil => I + | a:::v0 => ex_intro _ a (ex_intro _ v0 (refl_equal _)) + end. + +Definition nilVec A (v: vec A O) : v = vec_nil := + match v in vec _ N return match N return vec A N -> Prop with + | O => fun v => v = vec_nil + | S n => fun v => True + end v with + | vec_nil => refl_equal _ + | a:::v0 => I + end. + Lemma fst_zip : forall T Q n (v1:vec T n)(v2:vec Q n), vec_map (@fst _ _) (vec_zip v1 v2) = v1. - admit. - Defined. + intros. + induction n. + set (nilVec _ v1) as v1'. + set (nilVec _ v2) as v2'. + subst. + simpl. + reflexivity. + set (openVec _ _ v1) as v1'. + set (openVec _ _ v2) as v2'. + destruct v1'. + destruct v2'. + destruct H. + destruct H0. + subst. + simpl. + rewrite IHn. + reflexivity. + Qed. Lemma snd_zip : forall T Q n (v1:vec T n)(v2:vec Q n), vec_map (@snd _ _) (vec_zip v1 v2) = v2. - admit. - Defined. + intros. + induction n. + set (nilVec _ v1) as v1'. + set (nilVec _ v2) as v2'. + subst. + simpl. + reflexivity. + set (openVec _ _ v1) as v1'. + set (openVec _ _ v2) as v2'. + destruct v1'. + destruct v2'. + destruct H. + destruct H0. + subst. + simpl. + rewrite IHn. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Fixpoint mapM {M}{mon:Monad M}{T}(ml:list (M T)) : M (list T) := + match ml with + | nil => return nil + | a::b => bind a' = a ; bind b' = mapM b ; return a'::b' + end. + +Fixpoint list_to_ilist {T}{F}(f:forall t:T, F t) (l:list T) : IList T F l := + match l as L return IList T F L with + | nil => INil + | a::b => ICons a b (f a) (list_to_ilist f b) + end. + +Fixpoint treeM {T}{M}{MT:Monad M}(t:Tree ??(M T)) : M (Tree ??T) := + match t with + | T_Leaf None => return [] + | T_Leaf (Some x) => bind x' = x ; return [x'] + | T_Branch b1 b2 => bind b1' = treeM b1 ; bind b2' = treeM b2 ; return (b1',,b2') + end. + + +(* escapifies any characters which might cause trouble for LaTeX *) +Variable sanitizeForLatex : string -> string. + Extract Inlined Constant sanitizeForLatex => "sanitizeForLatex". +Inductive Latex : Type := rawLatex : string -> Latex. +Inductive LatexMath : Type := rawLatexMath : string -> LatexMath. + +Class ToLatex (T:Type) := { toLatex : T -> Latex }. +Instance ConcatenableLatex : Concatenable Latex := + { concatenate := fun l1 l2 => match l1 with rawLatex l1' => match l2 with rawLatex l2' => rawLatex (l1'+++l2') end end }. +Instance LatexToString : ToString Latex := { toString := fun x => match x with rawLatex s => s end }. + +Class ToLatexMath (T:Type) := { toLatexMath : T -> LatexMath }. +Instance ConcatenableLatexMath : Concatenable LatexMath := + { concatenate := fun l1 l2 => + match l1 with rawLatexMath l1' => + match l2 with rawLatexMath l2' => rawLatexMath (l1'+++l2') + end end }. +Instance LatexMathToString : ToString LatexMath := { toString := fun x => match x with rawLatexMath s => s end }. + +Instance ToLatexLatexMath : ToLatex LatexMath := { toLatex := fun l => rawLatex ("$"+++toString l+++"$") }. +Instance ToLatexMathLatex : ToLatexMath Latex := { toLatexMath := fun l => rawLatexMath ("\text{"+++toString l+++"}") }. + +Instance StringToLatex : ToLatex string := { toLatex := fun x => rawLatex (sanitizeForLatex x) }. +Instance StringToLatexMath : ToLatexMath string := { toLatexMath := fun x => toLatexMath (toLatex x) }. +Instance LatexToLatex : ToLatex Latex := { toLatex := fun x => x }. +Instance LatexMathToLatexMath : ToLatexMath LatexMath := { toLatexMath := fun x => x }. + +Fixpoint treeToLatexMath {V}{ToLatexV:ToLatexMath V}(t:Tree ??V) : LatexMath := + match t with + | T_Leaf None => rawLatexMath "\langle\rangle" + | T_Leaf (Some x) => (rawLatexMath "\langle")+++toLatexMath x+++(rawLatexMath "\rangle") + | T_Branch b1 b2 => (rawLatexMath "\langle")+++treeToLatexMath b1+++(rawLatexMath " , ") + +++treeToLatexMath b2+++(rawLatexMath "\rangle") + end.