X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=src%2FHaskStrongToProof.v;h=791fdf5aa400466048c3e9b81b45e646c18e5a89;hb=57e387249da84dac0f1c5a9411e3900831ce2d81;hp=c0a0bb3531b962482bb4d8728d1ee9fe8ae66f26;hpb=976b9bb93bf6ab296b3ac60dcdb4e87b1c665376;p=coq-hetmet.git diff --git a/src/HaskStrongToProof.v b/src/HaskStrongToProof.v index c0a0bb3..791fdf5 100644 --- a/src/HaskStrongToProof.v +++ b/src/HaskStrongToProof.v @@ -14,147 +14,580 @@ Require Import HaskStrongTypes. Require Import HaskStrong. Require Import HaskProof. -Axiom fail : forall {A}, string -> A. - Extract Inlined Constant fail => "Prelude.error". - Section HaskStrongToProof. -(* Whereas RLeft/RRight perform left and right context expansion on a single uniform rule, these functions perform - * expansion on an entire uniform proof *) -Definition ext_left {Γ}{Δ}(ctx:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ)) - := @nd_map' _ _ _ _ (ext_tree_left ctx) (fun h c r => nd_rule (@RLeft Γ Δ h c ctx r)). -Definition ext_right {Γ}{Δ}(ctx:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ)) - := @nd_map' _ _ _ _ (ext_tree_right ctx) (fun h c r => nd_rule (@RRight Γ Δ h c ctx r)). - -Definition pivotContext {Γ}{Δ} a b c τ : - @ND _ (@URule Γ Δ) - [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,b),,c |- τ] - [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,c),,b |- τ]. - set (ext_left a _ _ (nd_rule (@RExch Γ Δ τ c b))) as q. - simpl in *. - eapply nd_comp ; [ eapply nd_rule; apply RCossa | idtac ]. - eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAssoc ]. - apply q. - Defined. - -Definition copyAndPivotContext {Γ}{Δ} a b c τ : - @ND _ (@URule Γ Δ) - [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,b),,(c,,b) |- τ] - [ Γ >> Δ > (a,,c),,b |- τ]. - set (ext_left (a,,c) _ _ (nd_rule (@RCont Γ Δ τ b))) as q. - simpl in *. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply q ]. - clear q. - eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RCossa ]. - set (ext_right b _ _ (@pivotContext _ Δ a b c τ)) as q. - simpl in *. - eapply nd_comp ; [ idtac | apply q ]. - clear q. - apply nd_rule. - apply RAssoc. - Defined. +Definition pivotContext {T} a b c : @Arrange T ((a,,b),,c) ((a,,c),,b) := + RComp (RComp (RCossa _ _ _) (RLeft a (RExch c b))) (RAssoc _ _ _). +Definition pivotContext' {T} a b c : @Arrange T (a,,(b,,c)) (b,,(a,,c)) := + RComp (RComp (RAssoc _ _ _) (RRight c (RExch b a))) (RCossa _ _ _). +Definition copyAndPivotContext {T} a b c : @Arrange T ((a,,b),,(c,,b)) ((a,,c),,b). + eapply RComp; [ idtac | apply (RLeft (a,,c) (RCont b)) ]. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | apply RCossa ]. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | apply (RRight b (pivotContext a b c)) ]. + apply RAssoc. + Defined. Context {VV:Type}{eqd_vv:EqDecidable VV}. - (* maintenance of Xi *) - Definition dropVar (lv:list VV)(v:VV) : ??VV := - if fold_left - (fun a b:bool => if a then true else if b then true else false) - (map (fun lvv => if eqd_dec lvv v then true else false) lv) - false - then None - else Some v. +(* maintenance of Xi *) +Fixpoint dropVar (lv:list VV)(v:VV) : ??VV := + match lv with + | nil => Some v + | v'::lv' => if eqd_dec v v' then None else dropVar lv' v + end. + +Fixpoint mapOptionTree' {a b:Type}(f:a->??b)(t:@Tree ??a) : @Tree ??b := + match t with + | T_Leaf None => T_Leaf None + | T_Leaf (Some x) => T_Leaf (f x) + | T_Branch l r => T_Branch (mapOptionTree' f l) (mapOptionTree' f r) + end. + (* later: use mapOptionTreeAndFlatten *) Definition stripOutVars (lv:list VV) : Tree ??VV -> Tree ??VV := - mapTree (fun x => match x with None => None | Some vt => dropVar lv vt end). + mapOptionTree' (dropVar lv). + +Lemma In_both : forall T (l1 l2:list T) a, In a l1 -> In a (app l1 l2). + intros T l1. + induction l1; intros. + inversion H. + simpl. + inversion H; subst. + left; auto. + right. + apply IHl1. + apply H0. + Qed. + +Lemma In_both' : forall T (l1 l2:list T) a, In a l2 -> In a (app l1 l2). + intros T l1. + induction l1; intros. + apply H. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons. + simpl. + right. + apply IHl1. + auto. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct_app : forall T (l1 l2:list T), distinct (app l1 l2) -> distinct l1 /\ distinct l2. + intro T. + intro l1. + induction l1; intros. + split; auto. + apply distinct_nil. + simpl in H. + inversion H. + subst. + set (IHl1 _ H3) as H3'. + destruct H3'. + split; auto. + apply distinct_cons; auto. + intro. + apply H2. + apply In_both; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma mapOptionTree'_compose : forall T A B (t:Tree ??T) (f:T->??A)(g:A->??B), + mapOptionTree' g (mapOptionTree' f t) + = + mapOptionTree' (fun x => match f x with None => None | Some x => g x end) t. + intros; induction t. + destruct a; auto. + simpl. + destruct (f t); reflexivity. + simpl. + rewrite <- IHt1. + rewrite <- IHt2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_lemma a x t : stripOutVars (a::x) t = stripOutVars (a::nil) (stripOutVars x t). + unfold stripOutVars. + rewrite mapOptionTree'_compose. + simpl. + induction t. + destruct a0. + simpl. + induction x. + reflexivity. + simpl. + destruct (eqd_dec v a0). + destruct (eqd_dec v a); reflexivity. + apply IHx. + reflexivity. + simpl. + rewrite <- IHt1. + rewrite <- IHt2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_nil_lemma t : stripOutVars nil t = t. + induction t; simpl. + unfold stripOutVars. + destruct a; reflexivity. + rewrite <- IHt1 at 2. + rewrite <- IHt2 at 2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_swap0_lemma : forall a a0 y t, + stripOutVars (a :: a0 :: y) t = stripOutVars (a0 :: a :: y) t. + intros. + unfold stripOutVars. + induction t. + destruct a1; simpl; [ idtac | reflexivity ]. + destruct (eqd_dec v a); subst. + destruct (eqd_dec a a0); subst. + reflexivity. + reflexivity. + destruct (eqd_dec v a0); subst. + reflexivity. + reflexivity. + simpl in *. + rewrite IHt1. + rewrite IHt2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_swap1_lemma : forall a y t, + stripOutVars (a :: nil) (stripOutVars y t) = + stripOutVars y (stripOutVars (a :: nil) t). + intros. + induction y. + rewrite strip_nil_lemma. + rewrite strip_nil_lemma. + reflexivity. + rewrite (strip_lemma a0 y (stripOutVars (a::nil) t)). + rewrite <- IHy. + clear IHy. + rewrite <- (strip_lemma a y t). + rewrite <- strip_lemma. + rewrite <- strip_lemma. + apply strip_swap0_lemma. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_swap_lemma : forall x y t, stripOutVars x (stripOutVars y t) = stripOutVars y (stripOutVars x t). + intros; induction t. + destruct a; simpl. + + induction x. + rewrite strip_nil_lemma. + rewrite strip_nil_lemma. + reflexivity. + rewrite strip_lemma. + rewrite (strip_lemma a x [v]). + rewrite IHx. + clear IHx. + apply strip_swap1_lemma. + reflexivity. + unfold stripOutVars in *. + simpl. + rewrite IHt1. + rewrite IHt2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma strip_twice_lemma x y t : stripOutVars x (stripOutVars y t) = stripOutVars (app x y) t. + induction x; simpl. + apply strip_nil_lemma. + rewrite strip_lemma. + rewrite IHx. + clear IHx. + rewrite <- strip_lemma. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma notin_strip_inert a y : (not (In a (leaves y))) -> stripOutVars (a :: nil) y = y. + intros. + induction y. + destruct a0; try reflexivity. + simpl in *. + unfold stripOutVars. + simpl. + destruct (eqd_dec v a). + subst. + assert False. + apply H. + left; auto. + inversion H0. + auto. + rewrite <- IHy1 at 2. + rewrite <- IHy2 at 2. + reflexivity. + unfold not; intro. + apply H. + eapply In_both' in H0. + apply H0. + unfold not; intro. + apply H. + eapply In_both in H0. + apply H0. + Qed. + +Lemma drop_distinct x v : (not (In v x)) -> dropVar x v = Some v. + intros. + induction x. + reflexivity. + simpl. + destruct (eqd_dec v a). + subst. + assert False. apply H. + simpl; auto. + inversion H0. + apply IHx. + unfold not. + intro. + apply H. + simpl; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma in3 {T}(a b c:list T) q : In q (app a c) -> In q (app (app a b) c). + induction a; intros. + simpl. + simpl in H. + apply In_both'. + auto. + rewrite <- ass_app. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons. + simpl. + rewrite ass_app. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H. + left; auto. + right. + apply IHa. + apply H0. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct3 {T}(a b c:list T) : distinct (app (app a b) c) -> distinct (app a c). + induction a; intros. + simpl in *. + apply distinct_app in H; auto. + destruct H; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons. + apply distinct_cons. + rewrite <- ass_app in H. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H. + subst. + intro q. + apply H2. + rewrite ass_app. + apply in3. + auto. + apply IHa. + rewrite <- ass_app. + rewrite <- ass_app in H. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H. + subst. + auto. + Qed. + +Lemma notin_strip_inert' y : forall x, distinct (app x (leaves y)) -> stripOutVars x y = y. + induction x; intros. + simpl in H. + unfold stripOutVars. + simpl. + induction y; try destruct a; auto. + simpl. + rewrite IHy1. + rewrite IHy2. + reflexivity. + simpl in H. + apply distinct_app in H; destruct H; auto. + apply distinct_app in H; destruct H; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst. + set (IHx H3) as qq. + rewrite strip_lemma. + rewrite IHx. + apply notin_strip_inert. + unfold not; intros. + apply H2. + apply In_both'. + auto. + auto. + Qed. + +Lemma dropvar_lemma v v' y : dropVar y v = Some v' -> v=v'. + intros. + induction y; auto. + simpl in H. + inversion H. + auto. + apply IHy. + simpl in H. + destruct (eqd_dec v a). + inversion H. + auto. + Qed. + +Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' + {Γ} lev + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) + lv tree2 : + mapOptionTree (update_xi ξ lev lv) (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) lv) tree2) + = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) lv) tree2). + + induction tree2. + destruct a; [ idtac | reflexivity ]; simpl. + induction lv; [ reflexivity | idtac ]; simpl. + destruct a; simpl. + set (eqd_dec v v0) as q; destruct q; auto. + set (dropVar (map (@fst _ _) lv) v) as b in *. + assert (dropVar (map (@fst _ _) lv) v=b). reflexivity. + destruct b; [ idtac | reflexivity ]. + apply dropvar_lemma in H. + subst. + inversion IHlv. + rewrite H0. + clear H0 IHlv. + destruct (eqd_dec v0 v1). + subst. + assert False. apply n. intros; auto. inversion H. + reflexivity. + unfold stripOutVars in *. + simpl. + rewrite <- IHtree2_1. + rewrite <- IHtree2_2. + reflexivity. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct_bogus : forall {T}a0 (a:list T), distinct (a0::(app a (a0::nil))) -> False. + intros; induction a; auto. + simpl in H. + inversion H; subst. + apply H2; auto. + unfold In; simpl. + left; auto. + apply IHa. + clear IHa. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst. + inversion H3; subst. + apply distinct_cons; auto. + intros. + apply H2. + simpl. + right; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct_swap' : forall {T}a (b:list T), distinct (app b (a::nil)) -> distinct (a::b). + intros. + apply distinct_cons. + induction b; intros; simpl; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst. + set (IHb H4) as H4'. + apply H4'. + inversion H0; subst; auto. + apply distinct_bogus in H; inversion H. + induction b; intros; simpl; auto. + apply distinct_nil. + apply distinct_app in H. + destruct H; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma in_both : forall {T}(a b:list T) x, In x (app a b) -> In x a \/ In x b. + induction a; intros; simpl; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H. + subst. + left; left; auto. + set (IHa _ _ H0) as H'. + destruct H'. + left; right; auto. + right; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct_lemma : forall {T} (a b:list T) a0, distinct (app a (a0 :: b)) -> distinct (app a b). + intros. + induction a; simpl; auto. + simpl in H. + inversion H; auto. + assert (distinct (app a1 b)) as Q. + intros. + apply IHa. + clear IHa. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst; auto. + apply distinct_cons; [ idtac | apply Q ]. + intros. + apply in_both in H0. + destruct H0. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst; auto. + apply H3. + apply In_both; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H. + inversion H; subst; auto. + apply H3. + apply In_both'; auto. + simpl. + right; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma nil_app : forall {T}(a:list T) x, x::a = (app (x::nil) a). + induction a; intros; simpl; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma distinct_swap : forall {T}(a b:list T), distinct (app a b) -> distinct (app b a). + intros. + induction b. + rewrite <- app_nil_end in H; auto. + rewrite <- app_comm_cons. + set (distinct_lemma _ _ _ H) as H'. + set (IHb H') as H''. + apply distinct_cons; [ idtac | apply H'' ]. + intros. + apply in_both in H0. + clear H'' H'. + destruct H0. + apply distinct_app in H. + destruct H. + inversion H1; auto. + clear IHb. + rewrite nil_app in H. + rewrite ass_app in H. + apply distinct_app in H. + destruct H; auto. + apply distinct_swap' in H. + inversion H; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma update_xiv_lemma' `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV} Γ ξ (lev:HaskLevel Γ)(varstypes:Tree ??(VV*_)) : + forall v1 v2, + distinct (map (@fst _ _) (leaves (v1,,(varstypes,,v2)))) -> + mapOptionTree (update_xi ξ lev (leaves (v1,,(varstypes,,v2)))) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) = + mapOptionTree (fun t => t@@ lev) (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) varstypes). + induction varstypes; intros. + destruct a; simpl; [ idtac | reflexivity ]. + destruct p. + simpl. + simpl in H. + induction (leaves v1). + simpl; auto. + destruct (eqd_dec v v); auto. + assert False. apply n. auto. inversion H0. + simpl. + destruct a. + destruct (eqd_dec v0 v); subst; auto. + simpl in H. + rewrite map_app in H. + simpl in H. + rewrite nil_app in H. + apply distinct_swap in H. + rewrite app_ass in H. + apply distinct_app in H. + destruct H. + apply distinct_swap in H0. + simpl in H0. + inversion H0; subst. + assert False. + apply H3. + simpl; left; auto. + inversion H1. + apply IHl. + simpl in H. + inversion H; auto. + set (IHvarstypes1 v1 (varstypes2,,v2)) as i1. + set (IHvarstypes2 (v1,,varstypes1) v2) as i2. + simpl in *. + rewrite <- i1. + rewrite <- i2. + rewrite ass_app. + rewrite ass_app. + rewrite ass_app. + rewrite ass_app. + reflexivity. + clear i1 i2 IHvarstypes1 IHvarstypes2. + repeat rewrite ass_app in *; auto. + clear i1 i2 IHvarstypes1 IHvarstypes2. + repeat rewrite ass_app in *; auto. + Qed. + +Lemma update_xiv_lemma `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV} Γ ξ (lev:HaskLevel Γ)(varstypes:Tree ??(VV*_)) : + distinct (map (@fst _ _) (leaves varstypes)) -> + mapOptionTree (update_xi ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) = + mapOptionTree (fun t => t@@ lev) (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) varstypes). + set (update_xiv_lemma' Γ ξ lev varstypes [] []) as q. + simpl in q. + rewrite <- app_nil_end in q. + apply q. + Qed. Fixpoint expr2antecedent {Γ'}{Δ'}{ξ'}{τ'}(exp:Expr Γ' Δ' ξ' τ') : Tree ??VV := match exp as E in Expr Γ Δ ξ τ with + | EGlobal Γ Δ ξ _ _ _ => [] | EVar Γ Δ ξ ev => [ev] | ELit Γ Δ ξ lit lev => [] | EApp Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev e1 e2 => (expr2antecedent e1),,(expr2antecedent e2) - | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v pf e => stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent e) - | ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t lev v ev ebody => ((stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent ebody)),,(expr2antecedent ev)) + | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v e => stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent e) + | ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t lev v ev ebody => (expr2antecedent ev),,((stripOutVars (v::nil) (expr2antecedent ebody))) | EEsc Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => expr2antecedent e | EBrak Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => expr2antecedent e - | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev wfco e => expr2antecedent e + | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev e => expr2antecedent e | ENote Γ Δ ξ t n e => expr2antecedent e | ETyLam Γ Δ ξ κ σ l e => expr2antecedent e - | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l wfco1 wfco2 e => expr2antecedent e - | ECoApp Γ Δ γ σ₁ σ₂ σ ξ l wfco e => expr2antecedent e - | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l pf e => expr2antecedent e - | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ l τ vars branches body => + | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e + | ECoApp Γ Δ κ γ σ₁ σ₂ σ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e + | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e + | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ l τ vars _ branches body => let branch_context := eLetRecContext branches - in let all_contexts := (expr2antecedent body),,branch_context + in let all_contexts := branch_context,,(expr2antecedent body) in stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _ ) vars)) all_contexts - | ECase Γ Δ ξ lev tc avars tbranches e' alts => + | ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches atypes e' alts => ((fix varsfromalts (alts: - Tree ??{ scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc avars - & Expr (sac_Γ scb Γ) - (sac_Δ scb Γ avars (weakCK'' Δ)) - (scbwv_ξ scb ξ lev) - (weakLT' (tbranches@@lev)) } + Tree ??{ sac : _ & { scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc atypes sac + & Expr (sac_gamma sac Γ) + (sac_delta sac Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)) + (scbwv_xi scb ξ l) + (weakLT' (tbranches@@l)) } } ): Tree ??VV := match alts with | T_Leaf None => [] - | T_Leaf (Some h) => stripOutVars (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars (projT1 h))) (expr2antecedent (projT2 h)) + | T_Leaf (Some h) => stripOutVars (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars (projT1 (projT2 h)))) (expr2antecedent (projT2 (projT2 h))) | T_Branch b1 b2 => (varsfromalts b1),,(varsfromalts b2) end) alts),,(expr2antecedent e') end with eLetRecContext {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{tree}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree) : Tree ??VV := match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] - | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => expr2antecedent e + | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ lev v t e => expr2antecedent e | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecContext b1),,(eLetRecContext b2) end. -(* -Definition caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon - `(ecb:EStrongAltCon Γ Δ ξ lev n tc avars tbranches) : - @StrongAltConRuleInfo n tc Γ lev tbranches. - set (ecase2antecedent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ecb) as Σ. - destruct ecb. - apply Build_StrongAltConRuleInfo with (pcb_scb := alt)(pcb_Σ := mapOptionTree ξ Σ). - Defined. - -Definition judgFromEStrongAltCon - `(ecb:EStrongAltCon Γ Δ ξ lev n tc avars tbranches) : - Judg. - apply caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon in ecb. - destruct ecb. - eapply pcb_judg. - Defined. - -Implicit Arguments caseBranchRuleInfoFromEStrongAltCon [ [Γ] [Δ] [ξ] [lev] [tc] [avars] [tbranches] ]. -*) -Definition unlev {Γ:TypeEnv}(lht:LeveledHaskType Γ) : HaskType Γ := match lht with t @@ l => t end. -Fixpoint eLetRecTypes {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ) := +Definition mkProofCaseBranch {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{l}{tc}{tbranches}{atypes} +(alt : { sac : _ & { scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc atypes sac + & Expr (sac_gamma sac Γ) + (sac_delta sac Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)) + (scbwv_xi scb ξ l) + (weakLT' (tbranches@@l)) } }) + : { sac : _ & ProofCaseBranch tc Γ Δ l tbranches atypes sac }. + destruct alt. + exists x. + exact + {| pcb_freevars := mapOptionTree ξ + (stripOutVars (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars (projT1 s))) + (expr2antecedent (projT2 s))) + |}. + Defined. + + +Fixpoint eLetRecTypes {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★) := match elrb with | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] - | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [unlev (ξ v) @@ lev] + | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ lev v t e => [t] | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecTypes b1),,(eLetRecTypes b2) end. -Fixpoint eLetRecVars {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??VV := - match elrb with - | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] - | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [v] - | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecVars b1),,(eLetRecVars b2) - end. - -Fixpoint eLetRecTypesVars {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{τ}(elrb:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev τ) : Tree ??(VV * LeveledHaskType Γ):= - match elrb with - | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => [] - | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t lev v e => [(v, ξ v)] - | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => (eLetRecTypesVars b1),,(eLetRecTypesVars b2) - end. - - Lemma stripping_nothing_is_inert {Γ:TypeEnv} - (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) tree : stripOutVars nil tree = tree. induction tree. @@ -163,57 +596,157 @@ Lemma stripping_nothing_is_inert fold stripOutVars. simpl. fold (stripOutVars nil). - rewrite IHtree1. - rewrite IHtree2. + rewrite <- IHtree1 at 2. + rewrite <- IHtree2 at 2. reflexivity. Qed. +Definition factorContextLeft + (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) + v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) + ctx (* initial context *) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) + : + + (* a proof concluding in a context where that variable does not appear *) + sum (Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ ([],,(stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx)) )) + + (* or a proof concluding in a context where that variable appears exactly once in the left branch *) + (Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ ([v],,(stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx)) )). + + induction ctx. + + refine (match a with None => let case_None := tt in _ | Some v' => let case_Some := tt in _ end). + + (* nonempty leaf *) + destruct case_Some. + unfold stripOutVars in *; simpl. + unfold dropVar. + unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. + + destruct (eqd_dec v' v); subst. + + (* where the leaf is v *) + apply inr. + subst. + apply RuCanR. + + (* where the leaf is NOT v *) + apply inl. + apply RuCanL. + + (* empty leaf *) + destruct case_None. + apply inl; simpl in *. + apply RuCanR. + + (* branch *) + refine ( + match IHctx1 with + | inr lpf => + match IHctx2 with + | inr rpf => let case_Both := tt in _ + | inl rpf => let case_Left := tt in _ + end + | inl lpf => + match IHctx2 with + | inr rpf => let case_Right := tt in _ + | inl rpf => let case_Neither := tt in _ + end + end); clear IHctx1; clear IHctx2. + + destruct case_Neither. + apply inl. + simpl. + eapply RComp; [idtac | apply RuCanL ]. + exact (RComp + (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) + (RRight _ (RComp lpf (RCanL _))) + (RLeft _ (RComp rpf (RCanL _)))). + + destruct case_Right. + apply inr. + unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. + fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply pivotContext' ]. + eapply RComp. + eapply RRight. + eapply RComp. + apply lpf. + apply RCanL. + eapply RLeft. + apply rpf. + + destruct case_Left. + apply inr. + fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). + simpl. + eapply RComp. + eapply RLeft. + eapply RComp. + apply rpf. + simpl. + eapply RCanL. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply RCossa ]. + eapply RRight. + apply lpf. + destruct case_Both. + apply inr. + simpl. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply RRight; eapply RCont ]. + eapply RComp; [ eapply RRight; eapply lpf | idtac ]. + eapply RComp; [ eapply RLeft; eapply rpf | idtac ]. + clear lpf rpf. + simpl. + apply arrangeSwapMiddle. + Defined. -Definition arrangeContext +Definition factorContextRight (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) ctx (* initial context *) - τ (* type of succedent *) - (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : (* a proof concluding in a context where that variable does not appear *) - sum (ND (@URule Γ Δ) - [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] - [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[] |- τ]) + sum (Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[] )) (* or a proof concluding in a context where that variable appears exactly once in the left branch *) - (ND (@URule Γ Δ) - [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] - [Γ >> Δ > mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) |- τ]). + (Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) )). - induction ctx; simpl in *. + induction ctx. - refine (match a with None => let case_None := tt in _ | Some v' => let case_Some := tt in _ end); simpl in *. + refine (match a with None => let case_None := tt in _ | Some v' => let case_Some := tt in _ end). (* nonempty leaf *) destruct case_Some. unfold stripOutVars in *; simpl. unfold dropVar. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. - destruct (eqd_dec v v'); simpl in *. + destruct (eqd_dec v' v); subst. + (* where the leaf is v *) apply inr. subst. - apply nd_rule. apply RuCanL. (* where the leaf is NOT v *) apply inl. - apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. (* empty leaf *) destruct case_None. apply inl; simpl in *. - apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. (* branch *) @@ -233,86 +766,151 @@ Definition arrangeContext destruct case_Neither. apply inl. - eapply nd_comp; [idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RuCanR ]. - exact (nd_comp + eapply RComp; [idtac | apply RuCanR ]. + exact (RComp (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) - (ext_right _ _ _ (nd_comp lpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _)))) - (ext_left _ _ _ (nd_comp rpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _))))). + (RRight _ (RComp lpf (RCanR _))) + (RLeft _ (RComp rpf (RCanR _)))). destruct case_Right. apply inr. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). - set (ext_right (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2) _ _ (nd_comp lpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _)))) as q. + set (RRight (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2) (RComp lpf ((RCanR _)))) as q. simpl in *. - eapply nd_comp. + eapply RComp. apply q. clear q. clear lpf. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAssoc ]. - set (ext_left (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1)) [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ctx2 |- τ] - [Γ >> Δ> (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx2),,[ξ v]) |- τ]) as qq. - apply qq. - clear qq. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | apply RAssoc ]. + apply RLeft. apply rpf. destruct case_Left. apply inr. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply pivotContext ]. - set (nd_comp rpf (nd_rule (@RCanR _ _ _ _ ) ) ) as rpf'. - set (ext_left ((mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1),, [ξ v])) _ _ rpf') as qq. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply pivotContext ]. + set (RComp rpf (RCanR _ )) as rpf'. + set (RLeft ((mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1),, [ξ v])) rpf') as qq. simpl in *. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply qq ]. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | apply qq ]. clear qq rpf' rpf. - set (ext_right (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2) [Γ >>Δ> mapOptionTree ξ ctx1 |- τ] [Γ >>Δ> (mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) ctx1),, [ξ v]) |- τ]) as q. - apply q. - clear q. + apply (RRight (mapOptionTree ξ ctx2)). apply lpf. destruct case_Both. apply inr. unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply copyAndPivotContext ]. - exact (nd_comp - (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) - (ext_right _ _ _ lpf) - (ext_left _ _ _ rpf)). + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply copyAndPivotContext ]. + (* order will not matter because these are central as morphisms *) + exact (RComp (RRight _ lpf) (RLeft _ rpf)). Defined. (* same as before, but use RWeak if necessary *) -Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken v ctx Γ Δ τ ξ : - ND (@URule Γ Δ) - [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ctx |- τ] - [Γ >> Δ>mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) |- τ]. - set (arrangeContext Γ Δ v ctx τ ξ) as q. +Definition factorContextLeftAndWeaken + (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) + v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) + ctx (* initial context *) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : + Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ ([v],,(stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx)) ). + set (factorContextLeft Γ Δ v ctx ξ) as q. destruct q; auto. - eapply nd_comp; [ apply n | idtac ]. - clear n. - refine (ext_left _ _ _ (nd_rule (RWeak _ _))). + eapply RComp; [ apply a | idtac ]. + refine (RRight _ (RWeak _)). Defined. -Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ v : forall ctx z, - ND (@URule Γ Δ) - [Γ >> Δ>(mapOptionTree ξ ctx) |- z] - [Γ >> Δ>(mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves v) ctx)),,(mapOptionTree ξ v) |- z]. +Definition factorContextLeftAndWeaken'' + (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) + v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : forall ctx, + distinct (leaves v) -> + Arrange + ((mapOptionTree ξ ctx) ) + ((mapOptionTree ξ v),,(mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves v) ctx))). - induction v. + induction v; intros. destruct a. unfold mapOptionTree in *. simpl in *. fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. intros. - apply arrangeContextAndWeaken. + set (@factorContextLeftAndWeaken) as q. + simpl in q. + apply q. + apply Δ. + + unfold mapOptionTree; simpl in *. + intros. + rewrite (@stripping_nothing_is_inert Γ); auto. + apply RuCanL. + intros. + unfold mapOptionTree in *. + simpl in *. + fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. + set (mapOptionTree ξ) as X in *. + + set (distinct_app _ _ _ H) as H'. + destruct H' as [H1 H2]. + + set (IHv1 (v2,,(stripOutVars (leaves v2) ctx))) as IHv1'. + + unfold X in *. + simpl in *. + rewrite <- strip_twice_lemma. + set (notin_strip_inert' v2 (leaves v1)) as q. + unfold stripOutVars in q. + rewrite q in IHv1'. + clear q. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply RAssoc ]. + eapply RComp; [ idtac | eapply IHv1' ]. + clear IHv1'. + apply IHv2; auto. + auto. + auto. + Defined. + +(* same as before, but use RWeak if necessary *) +Definition factorContextRightAndWeaken + (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) + v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) + ctx (* initial context *) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : + Arrange + (mapOptionTree ξ ctx ) + (mapOptionTree ξ ((stripOutVars (v::nil) ctx),,[v]) ). + set (factorContextRight Γ Δ v ctx ξ) as q. + destruct q; auto. + eapply RComp; [ apply a | idtac ]. + refine (RLeft _ (RWeak _)). + Defined. + +Definition factorContextRightAndWeaken'' + (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) + v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *) + (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : forall ctx, + distinct (leaves v) -> + Arrange + ((mapOptionTree ξ ctx) ) + ((mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves v) ctx)),,(mapOptionTree ξ v)). + + induction v; intros. + destruct a. + unfold mapOptionTree in *. + simpl in *. + fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. + intros. + apply factorContextRightAndWeaken. + apply Δ. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl in *. intros. rewrite (@stripping_nothing_is_inert Γ); auto. - apply nd_rule. apply RuCanR. intros. unfold mapOptionTree in *. @@ -320,7 +918,7 @@ Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ v : forall ctx z, fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. set (mapOptionTree ξ) as X in *. - set (IHv2 ((stripOutVars (leaves v1) ctx),, v1) z) as IHv2'. + set (IHv2 ((stripOutVars (leaves v1) ctx),, v1)) as IHv2'. unfold stripOutVars in IHv2'. simpl in IHv2'. fold (stripOutVars (leaves v2)) in IHv2'. @@ -330,269 +928,233 @@ Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ v : forall ctx z, simpl in IHv2'. fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in IHv2'. fold X in IHv2'. - set (nd_comp (IHv1 _ _) IHv2') as qq. - eapply nd_comp. + set (distinct_app _ _ _ H) as H'. + destruct H' as [H1 H2]. + set (RComp (IHv1 _ H1) (IHv2' H2)) as qq. + eapply RComp. apply qq. clear qq IHv2' IHv2 IHv1. - - assert ((stripOutVars (leaves v2) (stripOutVars (leaves v1) ctx))=(stripOutVars (app (leaves v1) (leaves v2)) ctx)). - admit. - rewrite H. - clear H. - - (* FIXME TOTAL BOGOSITY *) - assert ((stripOutVars (leaves v2) v1) = v1). - admit. - rewrite H. - clear H. - - apply nd_rule. + rewrite strip_swap_lemma. + rewrite strip_twice_lemma. + rewrite (notin_strip_inert' v1 (leaves v2)). apply RCossa. + apply distinct_swap. + auto. Defined. -Definition update_ξ'' {Γ} ξ tree lev := -(update_ξ ξ - (map (fun x : VV * HaskType Γ => ⟨fst x, snd x @@ lev ⟩) - (leaves tree))). - -Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert {Γ} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) v tree lev : - mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,lev)::nil)) (stripOutVars (v :: nil) tree) +Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert {Γ} (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) v tree t lev : + mapOptionTree (update_xi ξ lev ((v,t)::nil)) (stripOutVars (v :: nil) tree) = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (v :: nil) tree). - induction tree; simpl in *; try reflexivity; auto. - - unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *; fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,lev)::nil))) in *. - destruct a; simpl; try reflexivity. - unfold update_ξ. + set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' Γ lev ξ ((v,t)::nil)) as p. + rewrite p. simpl. - unfold mapOptionTree in *; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in *. - unfold update_ξ. - unfold dropVar. - simpl. - set (eqd_dec v v0) as q. - assert (q=eqd_dec v v0). - reflexivity. - destruct q. reflexivity. - rewrite <- H. - reflexivity. - auto. - unfold mapOptionTree. - unfold mapOptionTree in IHtree1. - unfold mapOptionTree in IHtree2. - simpl in *. - simpl in IHtree1. - fold (stripOutVars (v::nil)). - rewrite <- IHtree1. - rewrite <- IHtree2. - reflexivity. - Qed. - - - -Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' - {Γ} lev - (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) - tree tree2 : - mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) (stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) tree2) - = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) tree2). -admit. - Qed. - -Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert'' - {Γ} - (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) - v tree lev : - mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ (unleaves v) lev) (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) v) tree) - = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) v) tree). -admit. - Qed. - -(* -Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert''' - {Γ} - (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) -{T} - (idx:Tree ??T) (types:ShapedTree (LeveledHaskType Γ) idx)(vars:ShapedTree VV idx) tree -: - mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' ξ types vars) (stripOutVars (leaves (unshape vars)) tree) - = mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (leaves (unshape vars)) tree). -admit. Qed. -*) -(* IDEA: use multi-conclusion proofs instead *) +(* TODO: use multi-conclusion proofs instead *) Inductive LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev : forall tree, ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree -> Type := | lrsp_nil : LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev [] (ELR_nil _ _ _ _) - | lrsp_leaf : forall v e, - (ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [((unlev (ξ v) @@ lev))]]) -> - LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev [(v, (unlev (ξ v)))] (ELR_leaf _ _ _ _ _ _ e) + | lrsp_leaf : forall v t e , + (ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [t]@lev]) -> + LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev [(v, t)] (ELR_leaf _ _ _ _ _ t e) | lrsp_cons : forall t1 t2 b1 b2, LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev t1 b1 -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev t2 b2 -> LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev (t1,,t2) (ELR_branch _ _ _ _ _ _ b1 b2). -Lemma dork : forall Γ Δ ξ lev tree (branches:ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ lev tree), - - eLetRecTypes branches = - mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) - (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree). - intros. - induction branches. - reflexivity. - simpl. - unfold update_ξ. - unfold mapOptionTree; simpl. -admit. -admit. - Qed. - -Lemma letRecSubproofsToND Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches - : LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches -> - ND Rule [] - [ Γ > Δ > - mapOptionTree ξ (eLetRecContext branches) - |- - eLetRecTypes branches - ]. - intro X. - induction X; intros; simpl in *. +Lemma letRecSubproofsToND Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches : + LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ ξ lev tree branches -> + ND Rule [] [ Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (eLetRecContext branches) + |- (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) tree) @ lev ]. + intro X; induction X; intros; simpl in *. apply nd_rule. - apply REmptyGroup. - unfold mapOptionTree. - simpl. + apply RVoid. + set (ξ v) as q in *. + destruct q. + simpl in *. apply n. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RBindingGroup ]. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RJoin ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. Defined. - -Lemma update_twice_useless : forall Γ (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ) tree z lev, - mapOptionTree (@update_ξ'' Γ ξ tree lev) z = mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) tree lev) z. -admit. - Qed. - - - Lemma letRecSubproofsToND' Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree : - forall branches body, - ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) (expr2antecedent body) |- [τ @@ lev]] -> - LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev) lev tree branches -> - ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent (@ELetRec VV _ Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree branches body)) |- [τ @@ lev]]. + forall branches body (dist:distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree))), + ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree (update_xi ξ lev (leaves tree)) (expr2antecedent body) |- [τ ]@ lev] -> + LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ (update_xi ξ lev (leaves tree)) lev tree branches -> + ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent (@ELetRec VV _ Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree dist branches body)) |- [τ ]@ lev]. (* NOTE: how we interpret stuff here affects the order-of-side-effects *) - simpl. intro branches. intro body. + intro disti. intro pf. intro lrsp. - set ((update_ξ ξ - (map (fun x : VV * HaskType Γ => ⟨fst x, snd x @@ lev ⟩) - (leaves tree)))) as ξ' in *. + + assert (distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree))) as disti'. + apply disti. + rewrite mapleaves in disti'. + + set (@update_xiv_lemma _ Γ ξ lev tree disti') as ξlemma. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in ξlemma. + + set ((update_xi ξ lev (leaves tree))) as ξ' in *. set ((stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) (eLetRecContext branches))) as ctx. set (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree) as pctx. set (mapOptionTree ξ' pctx) as passback. - set (fun a b => @RLetRec Γ Δ a b passback) as z. + set (fun a b => @RLetRec Γ Δ a b (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) tree)) as z. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply z ]. clear z. - set (@arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ ξ' pctx (expr2antecedent body,,eLetRecContext branches)) as q'. + set (@factorContextRightAndWeaken'' Γ Δ pctx ξ' (eLetRecContext branches,,expr2antecedent body)) as q'. unfold passback in *; clear passback. unfold pctx in *; clear pctx. - eapply UND_to_ND in q'. + set (q' disti) as q''. unfold ξ' in *. - set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert') as zz. - unfold update_ξ'' in *. - rewrite zz in q'. + set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' Γ lev ξ (leaves tree)) as zz. + rewrite <- mapleaves in zz. + rewrite zz in q''. clear zz. clear ξ'. - simpl in q'. - - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply q' ]. + Opaque stripOutVars. + simpl. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in q''. + rewrite <- ξlemma. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ _ q'') ]. clear q'. - unfold mapOptionTree. simpl. fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ'' ξ tree lev)). - + clear q''. simpl. set (letRecSubproofsToND _ _ _ _ _ branches lrsp) as q. - - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RBindingGroup ]. - eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RJoin ]. + eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_rlecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. - rewrite dork in q. - set (@update_twice_useless Γ ξ tree ((mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) lev) as zz. - unfold update_ξ'' in *. - rewrite <- zz in q. - apply q. - Defined. + Defined. + +Lemma scbwv_coherent {tc}{Γ}{atypes:IList _ (HaskType Γ) _}{sac} : + forall scb:StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc atypes sac, + forall l ξ, + vec2list (vec_map (scbwv_xi scb ξ l) (scbwv_exprvars scb)) = + vec2list (vec_map (fun t => t @@ weakL' l) (sac_types sac _ atypes)). + intros. + unfold scbwv_xi. + unfold scbwv_varstypes. + set (@update_xiv_lemma _ _ (weakLT' ○ ξ) (weakL' l) + (unleaves (vec2list (vec_zip (scbwv_exprvars scb) (sac_types sac Γ atypes)))) + ) as q. + rewrite <- mapleaves' in q. + rewrite <- mapleaves' in q. + rewrite <- mapleaves' in q. + rewrite <- mapleaves' in q. + set (fun z => unleaves_injective _ _ _ (q z)) as q'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in q'. + rewrite fst_zip in q'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in q'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in q'. + rewrite snd_zip in q'. + rewrite leaves_unleaves in q'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in q'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in q'. + apply q'. + rewrite fst_zip. + apply scbwv_exprvars_distinct. + Qed. + -(* -Lemma update_ξ_and_reapply : forall Γ ξ {T}(idx:Tree ??T)(types:ShapedTree (LeveledHaskType Γ) idx)(vars:ShapedTree VV idx), - unshape types = mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' ξ types vars) (unshape vars). -admit. +Lemma case_lemma : forall Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches atypes e + (alts':Tree + ??{sac : StrongAltCon & + {scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs VV eqd_vv tc atypes sac & + Expr (sac_gamma sac Γ) (sac_delta sac Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)) + (scbwv_xi scb ξ l) (weakLT' (tbranches @@ l))}}), + + (mapOptionTreeAndFlatten (fun x => pcb_freevars (projT2 x)) + (mapOptionTree mkProofCaseBranch alts')) + ,, + mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) = + mapOptionTree ξ + (expr2antecedent (ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches atypes e alts')). + intros. + simpl. + Ltac hack := match goal with [ |- ?A,,?B = ?C,,?D ] => assert (A=C) end. + hack. + induction alts'. + destruct a; simpl. + destruct s; simpl. + unfold mkProofCaseBranch. + reflexivity. + reflexivity. + simpl. + rewrite IHalts'1. + rewrite IHalts'2. + reflexivity. + rewrite H. + reflexivity. Qed. -*) -Lemma cheat : forall {T} (a b:T), a=b. - admit. - Defined. Definition expr2proof : forall Γ Δ ξ τ (e:Expr Γ Δ ξ τ), - ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [τ]]. + ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e) |- [unlev τ] @ getlev τ]. refine (fix expr2proof Γ' Δ' ξ' τ' (exp:Expr Γ' Δ' ξ' τ') {struct exp} - : ND Rule [] [Γ' > Δ' > mapOptionTree ξ' (expr2antecedent exp) |- [τ']] := + : ND Rule [] [Γ' > Δ' > mapOptionTree ξ' (expr2antecedent exp) |- [unlev τ'] @ getlev τ'] := match exp as E in Expr Γ Δ ξ τ with + | EGlobal Γ Δ ξ g v lev => let case_EGlobal := tt in _ | EVar Γ Δ ξ ev => let case_EVar := tt in _ | ELit Γ Δ ξ lit lev => let case_ELit := tt in _ | EApp Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev e1 e2 => let case_EApp := tt in - let e1' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e1 in - let e2' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e2 in _ - | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v pf e => let case_ELam := tt in - let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ + (fun e1' e2' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e1) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e2) + | ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v e => let case_ELam := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) | ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t v lev ev ebody => let case_ELet := tt in - let pf_let := (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ev) in - let pf_body := (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody) in _ - | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ lev t tree branches ebody => - let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody in - let ξ' := update_ξ'' ξ tree lev in - let subproofs := ((fix subproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' (tree':Tree ??(VV * HaskType Γ'')) + (fun pf_let pf_body => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ev) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody) + | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ lev t tree disti branches ebody => + let ξ' := update_xi ξ lev (leaves tree) in + let case_ELetRec := tt in (fun e' subproofs => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody) + ((fix subproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' (tree':Tree ??(VV * HaskType Γ'' ★)) (branches':ELetRecBindings Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' tree') : LetRecSubproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' tree' branches' := match branches' as B in ELetRecBindings G D X L T return LetRecSubproofs G D X L T B with - | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => lrsp_nil _ _ _ _ - | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ t l v e => (fun e' => let case_elr_leaf := tt in _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) - | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => lrsp_cons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b1) (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b2) + | ELR_nil Γ Δ ξ lev => lrsp_nil _ _ _ _ + | ELR_leaf Γ Δ ξ l v t e => lrsp_leaf Γ Δ ξ l v t e (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ELR_branch Γ Δ ξ lev t1 t2 b1 b2 => lrsp_cons _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b1) (subproofs _ _ _ _ _ b2) end - ) _ _ _ _ tree branches) in - let case_ELetRec := tt in _ - | EEsc Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EEsc := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | EBrak Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EBrak := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev wfco e => let case_ECast := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ENote Γ Δ ξ t n e => let case_ENote := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ETyLam Γ Δ ξ κ σ l e => let case_ETyLam := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l wfco1 wfco2 e => let case_ECoLam := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ECoApp Γ Δ γ σ₁ σ₂ σ ξ l wfco e => let case_ECoApp := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l pf e => let case_ETyApp := tt in let e' := expr2proof _ _ _ _ e in _ - | ECase Γ Δ ξ lev tbranches tc avars e alts => -(* + ) _ _ _ _ tree branches) + | EEsc Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EEsc := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | EBrak Γ Δ ξ ec t lev e => let case_EBrak := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ECast Γ Δ ξ γ t1 t2 lev e => let case_ECast := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ENote Γ Δ ξ t n e => let case_ENote := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ETyLam Γ Δ ξ κ σ l e => let case_ETyLam := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l e => let case_ECoLam := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ECoApp Γ Δ κ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ ξ l e => let case_ECoApp := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l e => let case_ETyApp := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + | ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc tbranches atypes e alts' => let dcsp := ((fix mkdcsp (alts: - Tree ??{ scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs tc avars - & Expr (sac_Γ scb Γ) - (sac_Δ scb Γ avars (weakCK'' Δ)) - (scbwv_ξ scb ξ lev) - (weakLT' (tbranches@@lev)) }) - : ND Rule [] (mapOptionTree judgFromEStrongAltCon alts) := - match alts as ALTS return ND Rule [] (mapOptionTree judgFromEStrongAltCon ALTS) with - | T_Leaf None => let case_nil := tt in _ - | T_Leaf (Some x) => (fun ecb' => let case_leaf := tt in _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ (projT2 x)) - | T_Branch b1 b2 => let case_branch := tt in _ - end) alts) - in *) let case_ECase := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) + Tree ??{ sac : _ & { scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc atypes sac + & Expr (sac_gamma sac Γ) + (sac_delta sac Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)) + (scbwv_xi scb ξ l) + (weakLT' (tbranches@@l)) } }) + : ND Rule [] (mapOptionTree (fun x => pcb_judg (projT2 (mkProofCaseBranch x))) alts) := + match alts as ALTS return ND Rule [] + (mapOptionTree (fun x => pcb_judg (projT2 (mkProofCaseBranch x))) ALTS) with + | T_Leaf None => let case_nil := tt in _ + | T_Branch b1 b2 => let case_branch := tt in (fun b1' b2' => _) (mkdcsp b1) (mkdcsp b2) + | T_Leaf (Some x) => + match x as X return ND Rule [] [pcb_judg (projT2 (mkProofCaseBranch X))] with + existT sac (existT scbx ex) => + (fun e' => let case_leaf := tt in _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ex) + end + end) alts') + in let case_ECase := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e) end -); clear exp ξ' τ' Γ' Δ'; simpl in *. + ); clear exp ξ' τ' Γ' Δ' expr2proof; try clear mkdcsp. + + destruct case_EGlobal. + apply nd_rule. + simpl. + apply (RGlobal _ _ _ g). destruct case_EVar. apply nd_rule. @@ -606,51 +1168,50 @@ Definition expr2proof : destruct case_EApp. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RApp ]. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac + | eapply nd_rule; + apply (@RApp _ _ _ _ t2 t1) ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply nd_prod; auto. destruct case_ELam; intros. unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RLam ]. - set (update_ξ ξ ((v,t1@@lev)::nil)) as ξ'. - set (arrangeContextAndWeaken v (expr2antecedent e) Γ Δ [t2 @@ lev] ξ') as pfx. - apply UND_to_ND in pfx. - unfold mapOptionTree in pfx; simpl in pfx; fold (mapOptionTree ξ) in pfx. + set (update_xi ξ lev ((v,t1)::nil)) as ξ'. + set (factorContextRightAndWeaken Γ Δ v (expr2antecedent e) ξ') as pfx. + eapply RArrange in pfx. + unfold mapOptionTree in pfx; simpl in pfx. unfold ξ' in pfx. - fold (mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ ((v,(t1@@lev))::nil))) in pfx. rewrite updating_stripped_tree_is_inert in pfx. - unfold update_ξ in pfx. + unfold update_xi in pfx. destruct (eqd_dec v v). - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply pfx ]. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply (nd_rule pfx) ]. clear pfx. apply e'. assert False. apply n. auto. inversion H. - apply pf. - destruct case_ELet; intros. + destruct case_ELet; intros; simpl in *. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RLet ]. - eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. - apply nd_prod; [ idtac | apply pf_let]. - clear pf_let. + eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_rlecnac | idtac ]. + apply nd_prod. + apply pf_let. eapply nd_comp; [ apply pf_body | idtac ]. - clear pf_body. fold (@mapOptionTree VV). fold (mapOptionTree ξ). - set (update_ξ ξ ((lev,(tv @@ v))::nil)) as ξ'. - set (arrangeContextAndWeaken lev (expr2antecedent ebody) Γ Δ [t@@v] ξ') as n. + set (update_xi ξ v ((lev,tv)::nil)) as ξ'. + set (factorContextLeftAndWeaken Γ Δ lev (expr2antecedent ebody) ξ') as n. unfold mapOptionTree in n; simpl in n; fold (mapOptionTree ξ') in n. unfold ξ' in n. rewrite updating_stripped_tree_is_inert in n. - unfold update_ξ in n. + unfold update_xi in n. destruct (eqd_dec lev lev). unfold ξ'. - unfold update_ξ. - apply UND_to_ND in n. - apply n. + unfold update_xi. + eapply RArrange in n. + apply (nd_rule n). assert False. apply n0; auto. inversion H. destruct case_EEsc. @@ -662,28 +1223,27 @@ Definition expr2proof : apply e'. destruct case_ECast. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RCast with (γ:=γ)]. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RCast ]. apply e'. auto. destruct case_ENote. + destruct t. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RNote ]. apply e'. auto. - destruct case_ETyApp; intros. + destruct case_ETyApp; simpl in *; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAppT ]. apply e'. auto. - destruct case_ECoLam; intros. + destruct case_ECoLam; simpl in *; intros. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply RAbsCo with (κ:=κ) ]. apply e'. - auto. - auto. - destruct case_ECoApp; intros. - eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (@RAppCo _ _ (mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e)) σ₁ σ₂ σ γ l) ]. + destruct case_ECoApp; simpl in *; intros. + eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (@RAppCo _ _ (mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent e)) _ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ l) ]. apply e'. auto. @@ -694,81 +1254,69 @@ Definition expr2proof : unfold mapOptionTree. apply e'. + destruct case_leaf. + clear o x alts alts' e. + eapply nd_comp; [ apply e' | idtac ]. + clear e'. + apply nd_rule. + apply RArrange. + simpl. + rewrite mapleaves'. + simpl. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + unfold scbwv_xi. + rewrite <- mapleaves'. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec. + unfold sac_gamma. + rewrite <- (scbwv_coherent scbx l ξ). + rewrite <- vec2list_map_list2vec. + rewrite mapleaves'. + set (@factorContextRightAndWeaken'') as q. + unfold scbwv_xi. + set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert' _ (weakL' l) (weakLT' ○ ξ) (vec2list (scbwv_varstypes scbx))) as z. + unfold scbwv_varstypes in z. + rewrite vec2list_map_list2vec in z. + rewrite fst_zip in z. + rewrite <- z. + clear z. + + replace (stripOutVars (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars scbx))) with + (stripOutVars (leaves (unleaves (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars scbx))))). + apply q. + apply (sac_delta sac Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ)). + rewrite leaves_unleaves. + apply (scbwv_exprvars_distinct scbx). + rewrite leaves_unleaves. + reflexivity. + + destruct case_nil. + apply nd_id0. + + destruct case_branch. + simpl; eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. + apply nd_prod. + apply b1'. + apply b2'. + destruct case_ECase. - unfold mapOptionTree; simpl; fold (mapOptionTree ξ). - apply (fail "ECase not implemented"). - (* + set (@RCase Γ Δ l tc) as q. + rewrite <- case_lemma. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply RCase ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]; apply nd_prod. rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. apply dcsp. apply e'. - *) - - destruct case_elr_leaf; intros. - assert (unlev (ξ0 v) = t0). - apply cheat. - set (@lrsp_leaf Γ0 Δ0 ξ0 l v) as q. - rewrite H in q. - apply q. - apply e'0. destruct case_ELetRec; intros. - set (@letRecSubproofsToND') as q. - simpl in q. - apply q. - clear q. + unfold ξ'0 in *. + clear ξ'0. + unfold ξ'1 in *. + clear ξ'1. + apply letRecSubproofsToND'. apply e'. apply subproofs. - (* - destruct case_leaf. - unfold pcb_judg. - simpl. - clear mkdcsp alts0 o ecb Γ Δ ξ lev tc avars e alts u. - repeat rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in *. - set (nd_comp ecb' - (UND_to_ND _ _ _ _ (@arrangeContextAndWeaken'' _ _ _ (unshape corevars) _ _))) as q. - idtac. - assert (unshape (scb_types alt) = (mapOptionTree (update_ξ''' (weakenX' ξ0) (scb_types alt) corevars) (unshape corevars))). - apply update_ξ_and_reapply. - rewrite H. - simpl in q. - unfold mapOptionTree in q; simpl in q. - set (@updating_stripped_tree_is_inert''') as u. - unfold mapOptionTree in u. - rewrite u in q. - clear u H. - unfold weakenX' in *. - admit. - unfold mapOptionTree in *. - replace - (@weakenT' _ (sac_ekinds alt) (coreTypeToType φ tbranches0)) - with - (coreTypeToType (updatePhi φ (sac_evars alt)) tbranches0). - apply q. - apply cheat. - - destruct case_branch. - simpl; eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. - apply nd_prod. - apply (mkdcsp b1). - apply (mkdcsp b2). - *) - Defined. End HaskStrongToProof. -(* - -(* Figure 7, production "decl"; actually not used in this formalization *) -Inductive Decl :=. -| DeclDataType : forall tc:TyCon, (forall dc:DataCon tc, DataConDecl dc) -> Decl -| DeclTypeFunction : forall n t l, TypeFunctionDecl n t l -> Decl -| DeclAxiom : forall n ccon vk TV, @AxiomDecl n ccon vk TV -> Decl. - -(* Figure 1, production "pgm" *) -Inductive Pgm Γ Δ := - mkPgm : forall (τ:HaskType Γ), list Decl -> ND Rule [] [Γ>Δ> [] |- [τ @@nil]] -> Pgm Γ Δ. -*)