X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=base.cabal;h=67005376d0e43273320b0ed53c3ed62be6b37ed8;hb=88f389fc1807aac92b4b026c2b09b2ec6266d05b;hp=f4fd2fe709752e8bf328a158321125d462cb4e28;hpb=5e70ec8f27f4f62d9f1137e931b4d64d37eb221e;p=ghc-base.git diff --git a/base.cabal b/base.cabal index f4fd2fe..6700537 100644 --- a/base.cabal +++ b/base.cabal @@ -1,195 +1,229 @@ -name: base -version: 2.1 -license: BSD3 -license-file: LICENSE -maintainer: libraries@haskell.org -synopsis: Basic libraries +name: base +version: +license: BSD3 +license-file: LICENSE +maintainer: libraries@haskell.org +bug-reports: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/newticket?component=libraries/base +synopsis: Basic libraries description: - This package contains the Prelude and its support libraries, - and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data - structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities. -exposed-modules: - Control.Applicative, - Control.Arrow, - Control.Concurrent, - Control.Concurrent.Chan, - Control.Concurrent.MVar, - Control.Concurrent.QSem, - Control.Concurrent.QSemN, - Control.Concurrent.SampleVar, - Control.Exception, - Control.Monad, - Control.Monad.Fix, - Control.Monad.Instances, - Control.Monad.ST, - Control.Monad.ST.Lazy, - Control.Monad.ST.Strict, - Control.Parallel, - Control.Parallel.Strategies, - Data.Array, - Data.Array.Base, - Data.Array.Diff, - Data.Array.IArray, - Data.Array.IO, - Data.Array.MArray, - Data.Array.ST, - Data.Array.Storable, - Data.Array.Unboxed, - Data.Bits, - Data.Bool, - Data.ByteString, - Data.ByteString.Char8, - Data.ByteString.Lazy - Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 - Data.ByteString.Base - Data.ByteString.Fusion - Data.Char, - Data.Complex, - Data.Dynamic, - Data.Either, - Data.Eq, - Data.Foldable, - Data.Fixed, - Data.Function, - Data.Generics, - Data.Generics.Aliases, - Data.Generics.Basics, - Data.Generics.Instances, - Data.Generics.Schemes, - Data.Generics.Text, - Data.Generics.Twins, - Data.Graph, - Data.HashTable, - Data.IORef, - Data.Int, - Data.IntMap, - Data.IntSet, - Data.Ix, - Data.List, - Data.Maybe, - Data.Map, - Data.Monoid, - Data.Ord, - Data.PackedString, - Data.Ratio, - Data.STRef, - Data.STRef.Lazy, - Data.STRef.Strict, - Data.Sequence, - Data.Set, - Data.String, - Data.Tree, - Data.Traversable, - Data.Tuple, - Data.Typeable, - Data.Unique, - Data.Version, - Data.Word, - Debug.Trace, - Foreign, - Foreign.C, - Foreign.C.Error, - Foreign.C.String, - Foreign.C.Types, - Foreign.Concurrent, - Foreign.ForeignPtr, - Foreign.Marshal, - Foreign.Marshal.Alloc, - Foreign.Marshal.Array, - Foreign.Marshal.Error, - Foreign.Marshal.Pool, - Foreign.Marshal.Utils, - Foreign.Ptr, - Foreign.StablePtr, - Foreign.Storable, - GHC.Arr, - GHC.Base, - GHC.Conc, - GHC.ConsoleHandler, - GHC.Dotnet, - GHC.Enum, - GHC.Err, - GHC.Exception, - GHC.Exts, - GHC.Float, - GHC.ForeignPtr, - GHC.Handle, - GHC.IO, - GHC.IOBase, - GHC.Int, - GHC.List, - GHC.Num, - GHC.PArr, - GHC.Pack, - GHC.Prim, - GHC.PrimopWrappers, - GHC.Ptr, - GHC.Read, - GHC.Real, - GHC.ST, - GHC.STRef, - GHC.Show, - GHC.Stable, - GHC.Storable, - GHC.TopHandler, - GHC.Unicode, - GHC.Weak, - GHC.Word, - Numeric, - Prelude, - System.Cmd, - System.Console.GetOpt, - System.CPUTime, - System.Directory, - System.Directory.Internals, - System.Environment, - System.Exit, - System.IO, - System.IO.Error, - System.IO.Unsafe, - System.Info, - System.Locale, - System.Mem, - System.Mem.StableName, - System.Mem.Weak, - System.Posix.Internals, - System.Posix.Signals, - System.Posix.Types, - System.Process, - System.Process.Internals, - System.Random, - System.Time, - Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP, - Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec, - Text.PrettyPrint, - Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ, - Text.Printf, - Text.Read, - Text.Read.Lex, - Text.Show, - Text.Show.Functions - Unsafe.Coerce -other-modules: - Data.Array.IO.Internals -c-sources: - cbits/PrelIOUtils.c - cbits/WCsubst.c - cbits/Win32Utils.c - cbits/consUtils.c - cbits/dirUtils.c - cbits/execvpe.c - cbits/fpstring.c - cbits/inputReady.c - cbits/lockFile.c - cbits/longlong.c - cbits/runProcess.c - cbits/selectUtils.c - cbits/timeUtils.c -include-dirs: include, ../../includes, ../../rts -includes: HsBase.h -extensions: CPP --- XXX is there an extension for using # in varids? --- We need to set the package name to base (without a version number) --- as it's magic. -ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -package-name base + This package contains the Prelude and its support libraries, + and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data + structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities. +cabal-version: >=1.6 +build-type: Configure +extra-tmp-files: + config.log config.status autom4te.cache + include/HsBaseConfig.h include/EventConfig.h +extra-source-files: + config.guess config.sub install-sh + aclocal.m4 configure.ac configure + include/CTypes.h +source-repository head + type: darcs + location: http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/base/ + +Flag integer-simple + Description: Use integer-simple + +Library { + if impl(ghc) { + if flag(integer-simple) + build-depends: integer-simple + else + build-depends: integer-gmp + cpp-options: -DOPTIMISE_INTEGER_GCD_LCM + build-depends: rts, ghc-prim + exposed-modules: + Foreign.Concurrent, + GHC.Arr, + GHC.Base, + GHC.Classes, + GHC.Conc, + GHC.Conc.IO, + GHC.Conc.Signal, + GHC.Conc.Sync, + GHC.ConsoleHandler, + GHC.Constants, + GHC.Desugar, + GHC.Enum, + GHC.Environment, + GHC.Err, + GHC.Exception, + GHC.Exts, + GHC.Float, + GHC.Float.RealFracMethods, + GHC.ForeignPtr, + GHC.MVar, + GHC.IO, + GHC.IO.IOMode, + GHC.IO.Buffer, + GHC.IO.Device, + GHC.IO.BufferedIO, + GHC.IO.FD, + GHC.IO.Exception, + GHC.IO.Encoding, + GHC.IO.Encoding.Latin1, + GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8, + GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF16, + GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF32, + GHC.IO.Encoding.Types, + GHC.IO.Encoding.Iconv, + GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage, + GHC.IO.Handle, + GHC.IO.Handle.Types, + GHC.IO.Handle.Internals, + GHC.IO.Handle.FD, + GHC.IO.Handle.Text, + GHC.IOBase, + GHC.Handle, + GHC.IORef, + GHC.IOArray, + GHC.Int, + GHC.List, + GHC.Num, + GHC.PArr, + GHC.Pack, + GHC.Ptr, + GHC.Read, + GHC.Real, + GHC.ST, + GHC.STRef, + GHC.Show, + GHC.Stable, + GHC.Storable, + GHC.TopHandler, + GHC.Unicode, + GHC.Weak, + GHC.Word, + System.Timeout + if os(windows) + exposed-modules: GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage.Table + GHC.Conc.Windows + } + exposed-modules: + Control.Applicative, + Control.Arrow, + Control.Category, + Control.Concurrent, + Control.Concurrent.Chan, + Control.Concurrent.MVar, + Control.Concurrent.QSem, + Control.Concurrent.QSemN, + Control.Concurrent.SampleVar, + Control.Exception, + Control.Exception.Base + Control.OldException, + Control.Monad, + Control.Monad.Fix, + Control.Monad.Instances, + Control.Monad.ST + Control.Monad.ST.Lazy + Control.Monad.ST.Strict + Data.Bits, + Data.Bool, + Data.Char, + Data.Complex, + Data.Dynamic, + Data.Either, + Data.Eq, + Data.Data, + Data.Fixed, + Data.Foldable + Data.Function, + Data.Functor, + Data.HashTable, + Data.IORef, + Data.Int, + Data.Ix, + Data.List, + Data.Maybe, + Data.Monoid, + Data.Ord, + Data.Ratio, + Data.STRef + Data.STRef.Lazy + Data.STRef.Strict + Data.String, + Data.Traversable + Data.Tuple, + Data.Typeable, + Data.Unique, + Data.Version, + Data.Word, + Debug.Trace, + Foreign, + Foreign.C, + Foreign.C.Error, + Foreign.C.String, + Foreign.C.Types, + Foreign.ForeignPtr, + Foreign.Marshal, + Foreign.Marshal.Alloc, + Foreign.Marshal.Array, + Foreign.Marshal.Error, + Foreign.Marshal.Pool, + Foreign.Marshal.Utils, + Foreign.Ptr, + Foreign.StablePtr, + Foreign.Storable, + Numeric, + Prelude, + System.Console.GetOpt + System.CPUTime, + System.Environment, + System.Exit, + System.IO, + System.IO.Error, + System.IO.Unsafe, + System.Info, + System.Mem, + System.Mem.StableName, + System.Mem.Weak, + System.Posix.Internals, + System.Posix.Types, + Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP, + Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec, + Text.Printf, + Text.Read, + Text.Read.Lex, + Text.Show, + Text.Show.Functions + Unsafe.Coerce + c-sources: + cbits/PrelIOUtils.c + cbits/WCsubst.c + cbits/Win32Utils.c + cbits/consUtils.c + cbits/iconv.c + cbits/inputReady.c + cbits/selectUtils.c + cbits/primFloat.c + include-dirs: include + includes: HsBase.h + install-includes: HsBase.h HsBaseConfig.h EventConfig.h WCsubst.h consUtils.h Typeable.h + if os(windows) { + extra-libraries: wsock32, user32, shell32 + } + if !os(windows) { + exposed-modules: + GHC.Event + other-modules: + GHC.Event.Array + GHC.Event.Clock + GHC.Event.Control + GHC.Event.EPoll + GHC.Event.IntMap + GHC.Event.Internal + GHC.Event.KQueue + GHC.Event.Manager + GHC.Event.PSQ + GHC.Event.Poll + GHC.Event.Thread + GHC.Event.Unique + } + -- We need to set the package name to base (without a version number) + -- as it's magic. + ghc-options: -package-name base + nhc98-options: -H4M -K3M +}