X-Git-Url: http://git.megacz.com/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=src%2FHaskProofToStrong.v;h=6ba094e9fe98e7e3c373a86d1cf281b18e0ca532;hb=ada4d4ef74dbd3ca46b4f80eec68e10b903d75f4;hp=40268e28331f8b471f6852182f7164b12f6b0137;hpb=553474663acbc6a2ee360497e9d943d3c0b3ccb5;p=coq-hetmet.git diff --git a/src/HaskProofToStrong.v b/src/HaskProofToStrong.v index 40268e2..6ba094e 100644 --- a/src/HaskProofToStrong.v +++ b/src/HaskProofToStrong.v @@ -16,318 +16,854 @@ Require Import HaskProof. Section HaskProofToStrong. - Context {VV:Type} {eqdec_vv:EqDecidable VV}. + Context {VV:Type} {eqdec_vv:EqDecidable VV} {freshM:FreshMonad VV}. - Definition Exprs Γ Δ ξ τ := - ITree _ (fun τ => Expr Γ Δ ξ τ) τ. + Definition fresh := FMT_fresh freshM. + Definition FreshM := FMT freshM. + Definition FreshMon := FMT_Monad freshM. + Existing Instance FreshMon. + + Definition ExprVarResolver Γ := VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★. Definition judg2exprType (j:Judg) : Type := match j with - (Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ) => forall (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★ ) vars, Σ=mapOptionTree ξ vars -> Exprs Γ Δ ξ τ + (Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ) => forall (ξ:ExprVarResolver Γ) vars, Σ = mapOptionTree ξ vars -> + FreshM (ITree _ (fun t => Expr Γ Δ ξ t) τ) end. - Definition judges2exprType (j:Tree ??Judg) : Type := - ITree _ judg2exprType j. + Definition justOne Γ Δ ξ τ : ITree _ (fun t => Expr Γ Δ ξ t) [τ] -> Expr Γ Δ ξ τ. + intros. + inversion X; auto. + Defined. - Definition urule2expr Γ Δ : forall h j (r:@URule Γ Δ h j), - judges2exprType (mapOptionTree UJudg2judg h) -> judges2exprType (mapOptionTree UJudg2judg j). + Definition ileaf `(it:ITree X F [t]) : F t. + inversion it. + apply X0. + Defined. - intros h j r. + Lemma update_branches : forall Γ (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) lev l1 l2 q, + update_ξ ξ lev (app l1 l2) q = update_ξ (update_ξ ξ lev l2) lev l1 q. + intros. + induction l1. + reflexivity. + simpl. + destruct a; simpl. + rewrite IHl1. + reflexivity. + Qed. + + Lemma quark {T} (l1:list T) l2 vf : + (In vf (app l1 l2)) <-> + (In vf l1) \/ (In vf l2). + induction l1. + simpl; auto. + split; intro. + right; auto. + inversion H. + inversion H0. + auto. + split. + + destruct IHl1. + simpl in *. + intro. + destruct H1. + left; left; auto. + set (H H1) as q. + destruct q. + left; right; auto. + right; auto. + simpl. + + destruct IHl1. + simpl in *. + intro. + destruct H1. + destruct H1. + left; auto. + right; apply H0; auto. + right; apply H0; auto. + Qed. + + Lemma splitter {T} (l1:list T) l2 vf : + (In vf (app l1 l2) → False) + -> (In vf l1 → False) /\ (In vf l2 → False). + intros. + split; intros; apply H; rewrite quark. + auto. + auto. + Qed. + + Lemma helper + : forall T Z {eqdt:EqDecidable T}(tl:Tree ??T)(vf:T) ξ (q:Z), + (In vf (leaves tl) -> False) -> + mapOptionTree (fun v' => if eqd_dec vf v' then q else ξ v') tl = + mapOptionTree ξ tl. + intros. + induction tl; + try destruct a; + simpl in *. + set (eqd_dec vf t) as x in *. + destruct x. + subst. + assert False. + apply H. + left; auto. + inversion H0. + auto. + auto. + apply splitter in H. + destruct H. + rewrite (IHtl1 H). + rewrite (IHtl2 H0). + reflexivity. + Qed. + + Lemma fresh_lemma'' Γ + : forall types ξ lev, + FreshM { varstypes : _ + | mapOptionTree (update_ξ(Γ:=Γ) ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) = (types @@@ lev) + /\ distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes)) }. + admit. + Defined. + + Lemma fresh_lemma' Γ + : forall types vars Σ ξ lev, Σ = mapOptionTree ξ vars -> + FreshM { varstypes : _ + | mapOptionTree (update_ξ(Γ:=Γ) ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) vars = Σ + /\ mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) = (types @@@ lev) + /\ distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes)) }. + induction types. + intros; destruct a. + refine (bind vf = fresh (leaves vars) ; return _). + apply FreshMon. + destruct vf as [ vf vf_pf ]. + exists [(vf,h)]. + split; auto. + simpl. + set (helper VV _ vars vf ξ (h@@lev) vf_pf) as q. + rewrite q. + symmetry; auto. + simpl. + destruct (eqd_dec vf vf); [ idtac | set (n (refl_equal _)) as n'; inversion n' ]; auto. + split; auto. + apply distinct_cons. + intro. + inversion H0. + apply distinct_nil. + refine (return _). + exists []; auto. + split. + simpl. + symmetry; auto. + split. + simpl. + reflexivity. + simpl. + apply distinct_nil. + intros vars Σ ξ lev pf; refine (bind x2 = IHtypes2 vars Σ ξ lev pf; _). + apply FreshMon. + destruct x2 as [vt2 [pf21 [pf22 pfdist]]]. + refine (bind x1 = IHtypes1 (vars,,(mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) vt2)) (Σ,,(types2@@@lev)) (update_ξ ξ lev + (leaves vt2)) _ _; return _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + rewrite pf21. + rewrite pf22. + reflexivity. + clear IHtypes1 IHtypes2. + destruct x1 as [vt1 [pf11 pf12]]. + exists (vt1,,vt2); split; auto. + + set (update_branches Γ ξ lev (leaves vt1) (leaves vt2)) as q. + set (mapOptionTree_extensional _ _ q) as q'. + rewrite q'. + clear q' q. + inversion pf11. + reflexivity. + + simpl. + set (update_branches Γ ξ lev (leaves vt1) (leaves vt2)) as q. + set (mapOptionTree_extensional _ _ q) as q'. + rewrite q'. + rewrite q'. + clear q' q. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in *. + split. + destruct pf12. + rewrite H. + inversion pf11. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + reflexivity. + + admit. + Defined. - refine (match r as R in URule H C - return judges2exprType (mapOptionTree UJudg2judg H) -> judges2exprType (mapOptionTree UJudg2judg C) with - | RLeft h c ctx r => let case_RLeft := tt in _ - | RRight h c ctx r => let case_RRight := tt in _ - | RCanL t a => let case_RCanL := tt in _ - | RCanR t a => let case_RCanR := tt in _ - | RuCanL t a => let case_RuCanL := tt in _ - | RuCanR t a => let case_RuCanR := tt in _ - | RAssoc t a b c => let case_RAssoc := tt in _ - | RCossa t a b c => let case_RCossa := tt in _ - | RExch t a b => let case_RExch := tt in _ - | RWeak t a => let case_RWeak := tt in _ - | RCont t a => let case_RCont := tt in _ - end ); intros. + Lemma fresh_lemma Γ ξ vars Σ Σ' lev + : Σ = mapOptionTree ξ vars -> + FreshM { vars' : _ + | mapOptionTree (update_ξ(Γ:=Γ) ξ lev ((vars',Σ')::nil)) vars = Σ + /\ mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev ((vars',Σ')::nil)) [vars'] = [Σ' @@ lev] }. + intros. + set (fresh_lemma' Γ [Σ'] vars Σ ξ lev H) as q. + refine (q >>>= fun q' => return _). + apply FreshMon. + clear q. + destruct q' as [varstypes [pf1 [pf2 pfdist]]]. + destruct varstypes; try destruct o; try destruct p; simpl in *. + destruct (eqd_dec v v); [ idtac | set (n (refl_equal _)) as n'; inversion n' ]. + inversion pf2; subst. + exists v. + destruct (eqd_dec v v); [ idtac | set (n (refl_equal _)) as n'; inversion n' ]. + split; auto. + inversion pf2. + inversion pf2. + Defined. + + Definition ujudg2exprType Γ (ξ:ExprVarResolver Γ)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) Σ τ : Type := + forall vars, Σ = mapOptionTree ξ vars -> FreshM (ITree _ (fun t => Expr Γ Δ ξ t) τ). + + Definition urule2expr : forall Γ Δ h j t (r:@Arrange _ h j) (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★), + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ h t -> + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ j t + . + intros Γ Δ. + refine (fix urule2expr h j t (r:@Arrange _ h j) ξ {struct r} : + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ h t -> + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ j t := + match r as R in Arrange H C return + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ H t -> + ujudg2exprType Γ ξ Δ C t + with + | RLeft h c ctx r => let case_RLeft := tt in (fun e => _) (urule2expr _ _ _ r) + | RRight h c ctx r => let case_RRight := tt in (fun e => _) (urule2expr _ _ _ r) + | RId a => let case_RId := tt in _ + | RCanL a => let case_RCanL := tt in _ + | RCanR a => let case_RCanR := tt in _ + | RuCanL a => let case_RuCanL := tt in _ + | RuCanR a => let case_RuCanR := tt in _ + | RAssoc a b c => let case_RAssoc := tt in _ + | RCossa a b c => let case_RCossa := tt in _ + | RExch a b => let case_RExch := tt in _ + | RWeak a => let case_RWeak := tt in _ + | RCont a => let case_RCont := tt in _ + | RComp a b c f g => let case_RComp := tt in (fun e1 e2 => _) (urule2expr _ _ _ f) (urule2expr _ _ _ g) + end); clear urule2expr; intros. + + destruct case_RId. + apply X. destruct case_RCanL. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ ([],,vars)). + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. + simpl in X. + apply (X ([],,vars)). simpl; rewrite <- H; auto. destruct case_RCanR. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ (vars,,[])). + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. + simpl in X. + apply (X (vars,,[])). simpl; rewrite <- H; auto. destruct case_RuCanL. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ vars2); auto. + simpl in X. + apply (X vars2); auto. destruct case_RuCanR. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ vars1); auto. + simpl in X. + apply (X vars1); auto. destruct case_RAssoc. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. + simpl in X. destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. destruct vars1; try destruct o; inversion H. - apply (X0 ξ (vars1_1,,(vars1_2,,vars2))). + apply (X (vars1_1,,(vars1_2,,vars2))). subst; auto. destruct case_RCossa. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. + simpl in X. destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. destruct vars2; try destruct o; inversion H. - apply (X0 ξ ((vars1,,vars2_1),,vars2_2)). + apply (X ((vars1,,vars2_1),,vars2_2)). subst; auto. - destruct case_RLeft. - (* this will require recursion *) - admit. - - destruct case_RRight. - (* this will require recursion *) - admit. - destruct case_RExch. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType ; intros. + simpl in X. destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. - apply (X0 ξ (vars2,,vars1)). + apply (X (vars2,,vars1)). inversion H; subst; auto. destruct case_RWeak. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ []). + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType; intros. + simpl in X. + apply (X []). auto. destruct case_RCont. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - apply (X0 ξ (vars,,vars)). + simpl; unfold ujudg2exprType ; intros. + simpl in X. + apply (X (vars,,vars)). simpl. rewrite <- H. auto. + + destruct case_RLeft. + intro vars; unfold ujudg2exprType; intro H. + destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. + apply (fun q => e ξ q vars2 H2). + clear r0 e H2. + simpl in X. + simpl. + unfold ujudg2exprType. + intros. + apply X with (vars:=vars1,,vars). + rewrite H0. + rewrite H1. + simpl. + reflexivity. + + destruct case_RRight. + intro vars; unfold ujudg2exprType; intro H. + destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. + apply (fun q => e ξ q vars1 H1). + clear r0 e H2. + simpl in X. + simpl. + unfold ujudg2exprType. + intros. + apply X with (vars:=vars,,vars2). + rewrite H0. + inversion H. + simpl. + reflexivity. + + destruct case_RComp. + apply e2. + apply e1. + apply X. Defined. - Definition rule2expr : forall h j (r:Rule h j), judges2exprType h -> judges2exprType j. + Definition letrec_helper Γ Δ l (varstypes:Tree ??(VV * HaskType Γ ★)) ξ' : + ITree (LeveledHaskType Γ ★) + (fun t : LeveledHaskType Γ ★ => Expr Γ Δ ξ' t) + (mapOptionTree (ξ' ○ (@fst _ _)) varstypes) + -> ELetRecBindings Γ Δ ξ' l varstypes. + intros. + induction varstypes. + destruct a; simpl in *. + destruct p. + simpl. + apply ileaf in X. simpl in X. + apply ELR_leaf. + rename h into τ. + destruct (eqd_dec (unlev (ξ' v)) τ). + rewrite <- e. + destruct (ξ' v). + simpl. + destruct (eqd_dec h0 l). + rewrite <- e0. + apply X. + apply (Prelude_error "level mismatch; should never happen"). + apply (Prelude_error "letrec type mismatch; should never happen"). + + apply ELR_nil. + apply ELR_branch. + apply IHvarstypes1; inversion X; auto. + apply IHvarstypes2; inversion X; auto. + Defined. + + Definition unindex_tree {V}{F} : forall {t:Tree ??V}, ITree V F t -> Tree ??{ v:V & F v }. + refine (fix rec t it := match it as IT return Tree ??{ v:V & F v } with + | INone => T_Leaf None + | ILeaf x y => T_Leaf (Some _) + | IBranch _ _ b1 b2 => (rec _ b1),,(rec _ b2) + end). + exists x; auto. + Defined. + + Definition fix_indexing X (F:X->Type)(J:X->Type)(t:Tree ??{ x:X & F x }) + : ITree { x:X & F x } (fun x => J (projT1 x)) t + -> ITree X (fun x:X => J x) (mapOptionTree (@projT1 _ _) t). + intro it. + induction it; simpl in *. + apply INone. + apply ILeaf. + apply f. + simpl; apply IBranch; auto. + Defined. + + Definition fix2 {X}{F} : Tree ??{ x:X & FreshM (F x) } -> Tree ??(FreshM { x:X & F x }). + refine (fix rec t := match t with + | T_Leaf None => T_Leaf None + | T_Leaf (Some x) => T_Leaf (Some _) + | T_Branch b1 b2 => T_Branch (rec b1) (rec b2) + end). + destruct x as [x fx]. + refine (bind fx' = fx ; return _). + apply FreshMon. + exists x. + apply fx'. + Defined. + + Definition case_helper tc Γ Δ lev tbranches avars ξ : + forall pcb:{sac : StrongAltCon & ProofCaseBranch tc Γ Δ lev tbranches avars sac}, + prod (judg2exprType (pcb_judg (projT2 pcb))) {vars' : Tree ??VV & pcb_freevars (projT2 pcb) = mapOptionTree ξ vars'} -> + ((fun sac => FreshM + { scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs VV eqdec_vv tc avars sac + & Expr (sac_Γ sac Γ) (sac_Δ sac Γ avars (weakCK'' Δ)) (scbwv_ξ scb ξ lev) (weakLT' (tbranches @@ lev)) }) (projT1 pcb)). + intro pcb. + intro X. + simpl in X. + simpl. + destruct pcb as [sac pcb]. + simpl in *. + + destruct X. + destruct s as [vars vars_pf]. + + refine (bind localvars = fresh_lemma' _ (unleaves (vec2list (sac_types sac _ avars))) vars + (mapOptionTree weakLT' (pcb_freevars pcb)) (weakLT' ○ ξ) (weakL' lev) _ ; _). + apply FreshMon. + rewrite vars_pf. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + reflexivity. + destruct localvars as [localvars [localvars_pf1 [localvars_pf2 localvars_dist ]]]. + set (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) localvars) as localvars'. + + set (list2vec (leaves localvars')) as localvars''. + cut (length (leaves localvars') = sac_numExprVars sac). intro H''. + rewrite H'' in localvars''. + cut (distinct (vec2list localvars'')). intro H'''. + set (@Build_StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ _ _ avars sac localvars'' H''') as scb. + + refine (bind q = (f (scbwv_ξ scb ξ lev) (vars,,(unleaves (vec2list (scbwv_exprvars scb)))) _) ; return _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + unfold scbwv_ξ. + rewrite vars_pf. + rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose. + clear localvars_pf1. + simpl. + rewrite mapleaves'. + + admit. + + exists scb. + apply ileaf in q. + apply q. + + admit. + admit. + Defined. + + Definition gather_branch_variables + Γ Δ (ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) tc avars tbranches lev (alts:Tree ?? {sac : StrongAltCon & + ProofCaseBranch tc Γ Δ lev tbranches avars sac}) + : + forall vars, + mapOptionTreeAndFlatten (fun x => pcb_freevars(Γ:=Γ) (projT2 x)) alts = mapOptionTree ξ vars + -> ITree Judg judg2exprType (mapOptionTree (fun x => pcb_judg (projT2 x)) alts) + -> ITree _ (fun q => prod (judg2exprType (pcb_judg (projT2 q))) + { vars' : _ & pcb_freevars (projT2 q) = mapOptionTree ξ vars' }) + alts. + induction alts; + intro vars; + intro pf; + intro source. + destruct a; [ idtac | apply INone ]. + simpl in *. + apply ileaf in source. + apply ILeaf. + destruct s as [sac pcb]. + simpl in *. + split. + intros. + eapply source. + apply H. + clear source. + + exists vars. + auto. + + simpl in pf. + destruct vars; try destruct o; simpl in pf; inversion pf. + simpl in source. + inversion source. + subst. + apply IBranch. + apply (IHalts1 vars1 H0 X); auto. + apply (IHalts2 vars2 H1 X0); auto. + + Defined. + + + Definition rule2expr : forall h j (r:Rule h j), ITree _ judg2exprType h -> ITree _ judg2exprType j. intros h j r. - refine (match r as R in Rule H C return judges2exprType H -> judges2exprType C with - | RURule a b c d e => let case_RURule := tt in _ - | RNote Γ Δ Σ τ l n => let case_RNote := tt in _ - | RLit Γ Δ l _ => let case_RLit := tt in _ - | RVar Γ Δ σ p => let case_RVar := tt in _ - | RGlobal Γ Δ σ l wev => let case_RGlobal := tt in _ - | RLam Γ Δ Σ tx te x => let case_RLam := tt in _ - | RCast Γ Δ Σ σ τ γ x => let case_RCast := tt in _ - | RAbsT Γ Δ Σ κ σ a => let case_RAbsT := tt in _ - | RAppT Γ Δ Σ κ σ τ y => let case_RAppT := tt in _ - | RAppCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ₁ σ₂ γ σ l => let case_RAppCo := tt in _ - | RAbsCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ y => let case_RAbsCo := tt in _ - | RApp Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ tx te p => let case_RApp := tt in _ - | RLet Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ σ₁ σ₂ p => let case_RLet := tt in _ - | RLetRec Γ p lri x y => let case_RLetRec := tt in _ - | RBindingGroup Γ p lri m x q => let case_RBindingGroup := tt in _ - | REmptyGroup _ _ => let case_REmptyGroup := tt in _ - | RCase Σ Γ T κlen κ θ ldcd τ => let case_RCase := tt in _ - | RBrak Σ a b c n m => let case_RBrak := tt in _ - | REsc Σ a b c n m => let case_REsc := tt in _ - end); intros. - - destruct case_RURule. - eapply urule2expr. - apply e. - apply X. + refine (match r as R in Rule H C return ITree _ judg2exprType H -> ITree _ judg2exprType C with + | RArrange a b c d e r => let case_RURule := tt in _ + | RNote Γ Δ Σ τ l n => let case_RNote := tt in _ + | RLit Γ Δ l _ => let case_RLit := tt in _ + | RVar Γ Δ σ p => let case_RVar := tt in _ + | RGlobal Γ Δ σ l wev => let case_RGlobal := tt in _ + | RLam Γ Δ Σ tx te x => let case_RLam := tt in _ + | RCast Γ Δ Σ σ τ γ x => let case_RCast := tt in _ + | RAbsT Γ Δ Σ κ σ a => let case_RAbsT := tt in _ + | RAppT Γ Δ Σ κ σ τ y => let case_RAppT := tt in _ + | RAppCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ₁ σ₂ γ σ l => let case_RAppCo := tt in _ + | RAbsCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ y => let case_RAbsCo := tt in _ + | RApp Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ tx te p => let case_RApp := tt in _ + | RLet Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ σ₁ σ₂ p => let case_RLet := tt in _ + | RWhere Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ Σ₃ σ₁ σ₂ p => let case_RWhere := tt in _ + | RJoin Γ p lri m x q => let case_RJoin := tt in _ + | RVoid _ _ => let case_RVoid := tt in _ + | RBrak Σ a b c n m => let case_RBrak := tt in _ + | REsc Σ a b c n m => let case_REsc := tt in _ + | RCase Γ Δ lev tc Σ avars tbranches alts => let case_RCase := tt in _ + | RLetRec Γ Δ lri x y t => let case_RLetRec := tt in _ + end); intro X_; try apply ileaf in X_; simpl in X_. + + destruct case_RURule. + apply ILeaf. simpl. intros. + set (@urule2expr a b _ _ e r0 ξ) as q. + set (fun z => q z) as q'. + simpl in q'. + apply q' with (vars:=vars). + clear q' q. + unfold ujudg2exprType. + intros. + apply X_ with (vars:=vars0). + auto. + auto. destruct case_RBrak. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars H >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. apply EBrak. - inversion X. - set (X0 ξ vars H) as X'. - inversion X'. - apply X1. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_REsc. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars H >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. apply EEsc. - inversion X. - set (X0 ξ vars H) as X'. - inversion X'. - apply X1. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_RNote. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. - inversion X. - apply ENote. - apply n. - simpl in X0. - set (X0 ξ vars H) as x1. - inversion x1. - apply X1. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars H >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. + apply ENote; auto. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_RLit. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (return ILeaf _ _). apply ELit. destruct case_RVar. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (return ILeaf _ _). destruct vars; simpl in H; inversion H; destruct o. inversion H1. rewrite H2. apply EVar. inversion H. destruct case_RGlobal. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (return ILeaf _ _). apply EGlobal. - apply wev. destruct case_RLam. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. - (* need a fresh variable here *) - admit. + apply ILeaf. + simpl in *; intros. + refine (fresh_lemma _ ξ vars _ tx x H >>>= (fun pf => _)). + apply FreshMon. + destruct pf as [ vnew [ pf1 pf2 ]]. + set (update_ξ ξ x (((vnew, tx )) :: nil)) as ξ' in *. + refine (X_ ξ' (vars,,[vnew]) _ >>>= _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + rewrite pf1. + rewrite <- pf2. + simpl. + reflexivity. + intro hyp. + refine (return _). + apply ILeaf. + apply ELam with (ev:=vnew). + apply ileaf in hyp. + simpl in hyp. + unfold ξ' in hyp. + apply hyp. destruct case_RCast. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars H >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. eapply ECast. apply x. - inversion X. - simpl in X0. - set (X0 ξ vars H) as q. - inversion q. - apply X1. + apply ileaf in X. simpl in X. + apply X. - destruct case_RBindingGroup. + destruct case_RJoin. apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. - inversion X. - inversion X0. - inversion X1. + inversion X_. + apply ileaf in X. + apply ileaf in X0. + simpl in *. destruct vars; inversion H. - destruct o; inversion H5. - set (X2 _ _ H5) as q1. - set (X3 _ _ H6) as q2. + destruct o; inversion H3. + refine (X ξ vars1 H3 >>>= fun X' => X0 ξ vars2 H4 >>>= fun X0' => return _). + apply FreshMon. + apply FreshMon. apply IBranch; auto. destruct case_RApp. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf. + inversion X_. inversion X. inversion X0. - inversion X1. - destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. - set (X2 _ _ H5) as q1. - set (X3 _ _ H6) as q2. - eapply EApp. - inversion q1. - apply X4. - inversion q2. - apply X4. + simpl in *. + intros. + destruct vars. try destruct o; inversion H. + simpl in H. + inversion H. + set (X1 ξ vars1 H5) as q1. + set (X2 ξ vars2 H6) as q2. + refine (q1 >>>= fun q1' => q2 >>>= fun q2' => return _). + apply FreshMon. + apply FreshMon. + apply ILeaf. + apply ileaf in q1'. + apply ileaf in q2'. + simpl in *. + apply (EApp _ _ _ _ _ _ q1' q2'). destruct case_RLet. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. - (* FIXME: need a var here, and other work *) - admit. + apply ILeaf. + simpl in *; intros. + destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. + + refine (fresh_lemma _ ξ _ _ σ₁ p H2 >>>= (fun pf => _)). + apply FreshMon. - destruct case_REmptyGroup. + destruct pf as [ vnew [ pf1 pf2 ]]. + set (update_ξ ξ p (((vnew, σ₁ )) :: nil)) as ξ' in *. + inversion X_. + apply ileaf in X. + apply ileaf in X0. + simpl in *. + + refine (X ξ vars1 _ >>>= fun X0' => _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + auto. + + refine (X0 ξ' ([vnew],,vars2) _ >>>= fun X1' => _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + rewrite pf2. + rewrite pf1. + reflexivity. + apply FreshMon. + + apply ILeaf. + apply ileaf in X1'. + apply ileaf in X0'. + simpl in *. + apply ELet with (ev:=vnew)(tv:=σ₁). + apply X0'. + apply X1'. + + destruct case_RWhere. + apply ILeaf. + simpl in *; intros. + destruct vars; try destruct o; inversion H. + destruct vars2; try destruct o; inversion H2. + clear H2. + + assert ((Σ₁,,Σ₃) = mapOptionTree ξ (vars1,,vars2_2)) as H13; simpl; subst; auto. + refine (fresh_lemma _ ξ _ _ σ₁ p H13 >>>= (fun pf => _)). + apply FreshMon. + + destruct pf as [ vnew [ pf1 pf2 ]]. + set (update_ξ ξ p (((vnew, σ₁ )) :: nil)) as ξ' in *. + inversion X_. + apply ileaf in X. + apply ileaf in X0. + simpl in *. + + refine (X ξ' (vars1,,([vnew],,vars2_2)) _ >>>= fun X0' => _). + apply FreshMon. + simpl. + inversion pf1. + rewrite H3. + rewrite H4. + rewrite pf2. + reflexivity. + + refine (X0 ξ vars2_1 _ >>>= fun X1' => _). + apply FreshMon. + reflexivity. + apply FreshMon. + + apply ILeaf. + apply ileaf in X0'. + apply ileaf in X1'. + simpl in *. + apply ELet with (ev:=vnew)(tv:=σ₁). + apply X1'. + apply X0'. + + destruct case_RVoid. apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. + refine (return _). apply INone. destruct case_RAppT. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars H >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. apply ETyApp. - inversion X. - set (X0 _ _ H) as q. - inversion q. - apply X1. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_RAbsT. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ (weakLT ○ ξ) vars _ >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. + rewrite mapOptionTree_compose. + rewrite <- H. + reflexivity. + apply ileaf in X. simpl in *. apply ETyLam. - inversion X. - simpl in *. - set (X0 (weakLT ○ ξ) vars) as q. - rewrite mapOptionTree_compose in q. - rewrite <- H in q. - set (q (refl_equal _)) as q'. - inversion q'. - apply X1. + apply X. destruct case_RAppCo. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars _ >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. + auto. eapply ECoApp. apply γ. - inversion X. - set (X0 _ _ H) as q. - inversion q. - apply X1. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_RAbsCo. - apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; apply ILeaf. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros; refine (X_ ξ vars _ >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ _). apply FreshMon. + auto. eapply ECoLam. - inversion X. - set (X0 _ _ H) as q. - inversion q; auto. + apply (ileaf X). destruct case_RLetRec. - admit. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. + refine (bind ξvars = fresh_lemma' _ y _ _ _ t H; _). apply FreshMon. + destruct ξvars as [ varstypes [ pf1[ pf2 pfdist]]]. + refine (X_ ((update_ξ ξ t (leaves varstypes))) + (vars,,(mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes)) _ >>>= fun X => return _); clear X_. apply FreshMon. + simpl. + rewrite pf2. + rewrite pf1. + auto. + apply ILeaf. + inversion X; subst; clear X. + + apply (@ELetRec _ _ _ _ _ _ _ varstypes). + auto. + apply (@letrec_helper Γ Δ t varstypes). + rewrite <- pf2 in X0. + rewrite mapOptionTree_compose. + apply X0. + apply ileaf in X1. + apply X1. destruct case_RCase. - admit. + apply ILeaf; simpl; intros. + inversion X_. + clear X_. + subst. + apply ileaf in X0. + simpl in X0. - Defined. - - Definition closed2expr : forall c (pn:@ClosedND _ Rule c), ITree _ judg2exprType c. - refine (( - fix closed2expr' j (pn:@ClosedND _ Rule j) {struct pn} : ITree _ judg2exprType j := - match pn in @ClosedND _ _ J return ITree _ judg2exprType J with - | cnd_weak => let case_nil := tt in _ - | cnd_rule h c cnd' r => let case_rule := tt in (fun rest => _) (closed2expr' _ cnd') - | cnd_branch _ _ c1 c2 => let case_branch := tt in (fun rest1 rest2 => _) (closed2expr' _ c1) (closed2expr' _ c2) - end)); clear closed2expr'; intros; subst. - - destruct case_nil. - apply INone. - - destruct case_rule. - eapply rule2expr. - apply r. - apply rest. - - destruct case_branch. - apply IBranch. - apply rest1. - apply rest2. - Defined. + (* body_freevars and alts_freevars are the types of variables in the body and alternatives (respectively) which are free + * from the viewpoint just outside the case block -- i.e. not bound by any of the branches *) + rename Σ into body_freevars_types. + rename vars into all_freevars. + rename X0 into body_expr. + rename X into alts_exprs. + + destruct all_freevars; try destruct o; inversion H. + rename all_freevars2 into body_freevars. + rename all_freevars1 into alts_freevars. + + set (gather_branch_variables _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H1 alts_exprs) as q. + set (itmap (fun pcb alt_expr => case_helper tc Γ Δ lev tbranches avars ξ pcb alt_expr) q) as alts_exprs'. + apply fix_indexing in alts_exprs'. + simpl in alts_exprs'. + apply unindex_tree in alts_exprs'. + simpl in alts_exprs'. + apply fix2 in alts_exprs'. + apply treeM in alts_exprs'. + + refine ( alts_exprs' >>>= fun Y => + body_expr ξ _ _ + >>>= fun X => return ILeaf _ (@ECase _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ileaf X) Y)); auto. + apply FreshMon. + apply FreshMon. + apply H2. + Defined. - Definition proof2expr Γ Δ τ Σ : ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > Σ |- [τ]] -> { ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★ & Expr Γ Δ ξ τ }. + Fixpoint closed2expr h j (pn:@SIND _ Rule h j) {struct pn} : ITree _ judg2exprType h -> ITree _ judg2exprType j := + match pn in @SIND _ _ H J return ITree _ judg2exprType H -> ITree _ judg2exprType J with + | scnd_weak _ => let case_nil := tt in fun _ => INone _ _ + | scnd_comp x h c cnd' r => let case_rule := tt in fun q => rule2expr _ _ r (closed2expr _ _ cnd' q) + | scnd_branch _ _ _ c1 c2 => let case_branch := tt in fun q => IBranch _ _ (closed2expr _ _ c1 q) (closed2expr _ _ c2 q) + end. + + Lemma manyFresh : forall Γ Σ (ξ0:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★), + FreshM { vars : _ & { ξ : VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★ & Σ = mapOptionTree ξ vars } }. + intros Γ Σ. + induction Σ; intro ξ. + destruct a. + destruct l as [τ l]. + set (fresh_lemma' Γ [τ] [] [] ξ l (refl_equal _)) as q. + refine (q >>>= fun q' => return _). + apply FreshMon. + clear q. + destruct q' as [varstypes [pf1 [pf2 distpf]]]. + exists (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes). + exists (update_ξ ξ l (leaves varstypes)). + symmetry; auto. + refine (return _). + exists []. + exists ξ; auto. + refine (bind f1 = IHΣ1 ξ ; _). + apply FreshMon. + destruct f1 as [vars1 [ξ1 pf1]]. + refine (bind f2 = IHΣ2 ξ1 ; _). + apply FreshMon. + destruct f2 as [vars2 [ξ2 pf22]]. + refine (return _). + exists (vars1,,vars2). + exists ξ2. + simpl. + rewrite pf22. + rewrite pf1. + admit. + Defined. + + Definition proof2expr Γ Δ τ Σ (ξ0: VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★) + {zz:ToString VV} : ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > Σ |- [τ]] -> + FreshM (???{ ξ : _ & Expr Γ Δ ξ τ}). intro pf. - set (closedFromSCND _ _ (mkSCND systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion _ _ _ pf (scnd_weak [])) cnd_weak) as cnd. + set (mkSIND systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion _ _ _ pf (scnd_weak [])) as cnd. apply closed2expr in cnd. - inversion cnd; subst. - simpl in X. - clear cnd pf. - destruct X. - exists x. - inversion e. - subst. - apply X. + apply ileaf in cnd. + simpl in *. + clear pf. + refine (bind ξvars = manyFresh _ Σ ξ0; _). + apply FreshMon. + destruct ξvars as [vars ξpf]. + destruct ξpf as [ξ pf]. + refine (cnd ξ vars _ >>>= fun it => _). + apply FreshMon. + auto. + refine (return OK _). + exists ξ. + apply (ileaf it). + apply INone. Defined. End HaskProofToStrong.