import CmmLint
import PprCmm
-import Dataflow -- (fixedpoint, cmmLivenessComment, cmmLiveness, CmmLive)
+import Dataflow (fixedpoint)
+import CmmLive
import MachOp
import ForeignCall
import Monad
import IO
--- Monad for the CPSer
--- Contains:
--- * State for the uniqSupply
-data CPSState = CPSState { cps_uniqs :: UniqSupply }
-data CPS a = CPS { runCPS :: CPSState -> (CPSState, a) }
-instance Monad CPS where
- return a = CPS $ \s -> (s, a)
- (CPS m) >>= f = CPS $ \s ->
- let (s', m') = m s
- in runCPS (f m') s'
--- Utility functions
-getState = CPS $ \s -> (s, s)
-putState s = CPS $ \_ -> (s, ())
-newLabelCPS = do
- state <- getState
- let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (cps_uniqs state)
- putState $ state { cps_uniqs = us1 }
- return $ BlockId (uniqFromSupply us2)
-mapMCmmTop :: (Monad m) => (CmmTop -> m [CmmTop]) -> Cmm -> m Cmm
-mapMCmmTop f (Cmm xs) = liftM Cmm $ liftM concat $ mapM f xs
+import Data.List
-- be worth exploring the design space).
data BrokenBlock
- = BrokenBlock
- BlockId -- Like a CmmBasicBlock
- BlockEntryInfo -- How this block can be entered
- [CmmStmt] -- Like a CmmBasicBlock (but without
- -- the last statement)
- BlockExitInfo -- How the block can be left
+ = BrokenBlock {
+ brokenBlockId :: BlockId, -- Like a CmmBasicBlock
+ brokenBlockEntry :: BlockEntryInfo,
+ -- How this block can be entered
+ brokenBlockStmts :: [CmmStmt],
+ -- Like a CmmBasicBlock
+ -- (but without the last statement)
+ brokenBlockTargets :: [BlockId],
+ -- Blocks that this block could
+ -- branch to one either by conditional
+ -- branches or via the last statement
+ brokenBlockExit :: BlockExitInfo
+ -- How the block can be left
+ }
data BlockEntryInfo
= FunctionEntry -- Beginning of function
| ContinuationEntry -- Return point of a call
- CmmFormals {- return values -}
- -- TODO | ProcPointEntry {- no return values, but some live might end up as params -}
+ CmmFormals -- return values
+ -- TODO:
+ -- | ProcPointEntry -- no return values, but some live might end up as params or possibly in the frame
| ControlEntry -- A label in the input
data BlockExitInfo
- = ControlExit [BlockId] -- blocks branched to conditionally
+ = ControlExit
BlockId -- next block (must be a ControlEntry)
- | ReturnExit [BlockId] -- blocks branched to conditionally
+ | ReturnExit
CmmActuals -- return values
- | TailCallExit [BlockId] -- blocks branched to conditionally
+ | TailCallExit
CmmExpr -- the function to call
CmmActuals -- arguments to call
- | CallExit [BlockId] -- blocks branched to conditionally
+ | CallExit
BlockId -- next block after call (must be a ContinuationEntry)
CmmCallTarget -- the function to call
CmmFormals -- results from call (redundant with ContinuationEntry)
(Maybe [GlobalReg]) -- registers that must be saved (TODO)
-- TODO: | ProcPointExit (needed?)
-data CPSBlockInfo
- = ControlBlock -- Consider whether a proc-point might want arguments on stack
- | ContinuationBlock [(CmmReg,MachHint)] {- params -}
- | EntryBlock
---type StackFormat = [Maybe LocalReg] -- TODO: consider params as part of format
data StackFormat
= StackFormat
- BlockId {- block that is the start of the continuation. may or may not be the current block -}
- WordOff {- total frame size -}
- [(CmmReg, WordOff)] {- local reg offsets from stack top -}
+ BlockId {- block that is the start of the continuation. may or may not be the current block -}
+ WordOff {- total frame size -}
+ [(CmmReg, WordOff)] {- local reg offsets from stack top -}
-- A block can be a continuation of a call
-- A block can be a continuation of another block (w/ or w/o joins)
-- For now just select the continuation orders in the order they are in the set with no gaps
--- TODO: select a format that keeps blocks that can jump to each other the same
--- Assumed that jumps, calls
-selectStackFormat :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmFormals -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} [(CPSBlockInfo, CmmBasicBlock)] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat
-selectStackFormat = undefined
-selectStackFormat param live blocks = fixedpoint
-listToUFM $ map live_to_format $ ufmToList live
- where
- live_to_format (unique, live) = (unique, format) where
- format = foldl extend_format
- (StackFormat (BlockId unique) retAddrSizeW [])
- (uniqSetToList live)
- extend_format :: StackFormat -> LocalReg -> StackFormat
- extend_format (StackFormat block size offsets) reg =
- StackFormat block (slot_size reg + size) ((CmmLocal reg, size) : offsets)
-selectStackFormat2 :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive -> [BrokenBlock] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat
+selectStackFormat2 :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> [BrokenBlock] -> BlockEnv StackFormat
selectStackFormat2 live blocks = fixedpoint dependants update (map brokenBlockId blocks) emptyUFM where
blocks_ufm = listToUFM $ map (\b -> (brokenBlockId b, b)) blocks
dependants ident =
- case lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks_ufm (panic "TODO") ident of
- (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (ControlExit exits next)) -> next:exits
- (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (ReturnExit exits _)) -> exits
- (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (TailCallExit exits _ _)) -> exits
- (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (CallExit exits _ _ _ _ _)) -> exits
+ brokenBlockTargets $ lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks_ufm (panic "TODO") ident
update ident cause formats =
- let BrokenBlock _ entry _ _ = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks_ufm (panic "unknown BlockId in selectStackFormat:live") ident in
+ let BrokenBlock _ entry _ _ _ = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks_ufm (panic "unknown BlockId in selectStackFormat:live") ident in
case cause of
-- Propagate only to blocks entered by branches (not function entry blocks or continuation entry blocks)
Just cause_name ->
slot_size reg = ((machRepByteWidth (localRegRep reg) - 1) `div` wORD_SIZE) + 1
-transformReturn :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CPSBlockInfo -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-transformReturn block_infos formats (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- -- NOTE: assumes that return/jump can *only* appear at end of block
- case last stmts of
- CmmReturn arguments ->
- BasicBlock ident $
- (init stmts) ++
- exit_function curr_format (CmmLoad (CmmReg spReg) wordRep) arguments
- CmmJump target arguments ->
- BasicBlock ident $
- (init stmts) ++
- exit_function curr_format target arguments
- _ -> BasicBlock ident stmts
- where
- curr_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique ident)) ident
-destructContinuation :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CPSBlockInfo -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-destructContinuation block_infos formats (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- case info of
- ControlBlock -> BasicBlock ident stmts
- ContinuationBlock _ -> BasicBlock ident (unpack_continuation curr_format ++ stmts)
- where
- info = lookupWithDefaultUFM block_infos (panic $ "info: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique ident)) ident
- curr_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique ident)) ident
-constructContinuation2 :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat -> BrokenBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-constructContinuation2 formats (BrokenBlock ident entry stmts exit) =
+constructContinuation2 :: BlockEnv StackFormat -> BrokenBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
+constructContinuation2 formats (BrokenBlock ident entry stmts _ exit) =
BasicBlock ident (prefix++stmts++postfix)
curr_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique ident)) ident
FunctionEntry -> []
ContinuationEntry formals -> unpack_continuation curr_format
postfix = case exit of
- ControlExit _ next -> [CmmBranch next]
- ReturnExit _ arguments -> exit_function curr_format (CmmLoad (CmmReg spReg) wordRep) arguments
- TailCallExit _ target arguments -> exit_function curr_format target arguments
+ ControlExit next -> [CmmBranch next]
+ ReturnExit arguments -> exit_function curr_format (CmmLoad (CmmReg spReg) wordRep) arguments
+ TailCallExit target arguments -> exit_function curr_format target arguments
-- TODO: do something about global saves
- CallExit _ next (CmmForeignCall target CmmCallConv) results arguments saves ->
+ CallExit next (CmmForeignCall target CmmCallConv) results arguments saves ->
let cont_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique next)) next
in pack_continuation curr_format cont_format ++
[CmmJump target arguments]
- CallExit _ next _ results arguments saves -> panic "unimplemented CmmCall"
-constructContinuation :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CPSBlockInfo -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} StackFormat -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-constructContinuation block_infos formats (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- case last $ init stmts of
- -- TODO: global_saves
- --CmmCall (CmmForeignCall target CmmCallConv) results arguments (Just []) -> --TODO: handle globals
- CmmCall (CmmForeignCall target CmmCallConv) results arguments _ ->
- BasicBlock ident $
- init (init stmts) ++
- pack_continuation curr_format cont_format ++
- [CmmJump target arguments]
- CmmCall target results arguments _ -> panic "unimplemented CmmCall"
- -- TODO: branches for proc-points
- -- _ -> BasicBlock ident $ (init stmts) ++ build_block_branch
- _ -> BasicBlock ident stmts
- where
- info = lookupWithDefaultUFM block_infos (panic $ "info: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique next_block)) next_block
- cont_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique next_block)) next_block
- curr_format = lookupWithDefaultUFM formats (panic $ "format: unknown block " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ getUnique next_block)) ident
- next_block = case last stmts of
- CmmBranch next -> next
- -- TODO: blocks with jump at end
- -- TODO: blocks with return at end
- _ -> panic $ "basic block without a branch at the end (unimplemented) " ++ (showSDoc $ ppr $ stmts)
- next_block_as_proc_expr = CmmLit $ CmmLabel $ mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next_block
- block_needs_call = True -- TODO: use a table (i.e. proc-point)
- build_block_branch =
- if block_needs_call
- then [CmmJump next_block_as_proc_expr [] {- TODO: pass live -}] {- NOTE: a block can never be both a continuation and a controll block -}
- else [CmmBranch next_block]
+ CallExit next _ results arguments saves -> panic "unimplemented CmmCall"
-- Functions that generate CmmStmt sequences
(CmmLoad (CmmRegOff spReg (wORD_SIZE*offset)) (cmmRegRep reg))
| (reg, offset) <- curr_offsets]
--- TODO: TBD when to adjust the stack
-cpsProc :: CmmTop -> CPS [CmmTop]
-cpsProc x@(CmmData _ _) = return [x]
-cpsProc x@(CmmProc info_table ident params blocks) = do
- broken_blocks <- liftM concat $ mapM breakBlock blocks
- broken_blocks2 <- liftM concat (zipWithM breakBlock2 blocks (FunctionEntry:repeat ControlEntry))
- -- broken_blocks :: [BrokenBlock]
- let live = cmmLiveness (map snd broken_blocks)
- let live2 :: BlockEntryLiveness
- live2 = cmmLiveness2 broken_blocks2
- let blocks_with_live = map (cmmLivenessComment live . snd) broken_blocks
- let formats = selectStackFormat (panic "params to selectStackFormat" {-TODO-}) live (undefined)
- let formats2 :: BlockEnv StackFormat -- Stack format on entry
- formats2 = selectStackFormat2 live2 broken_blocks2
- let block_infos = listToUFM $ map (\(info, block) -> (blockId block, info)) broken_blocks
- --let blocks_with_live' = map (constructContinuation block_infos formats) blocks_with_live
- --let blocks_with_live'' = map (destructContinuation block_infos formats) blocks_with_live'
- --let blocks_with_live''' = map (transformReturn block_infos formats) blocks_with_live''
+-- Breaking basic blocks on function calls
- return $ [CmmProc info_table ident params $ map (constructContinuation2 formats2) broken_blocks2]
- return $ [CmmProc info_table ident params $
- map (constructContinuation block_infos formats .
- destructContinuation block_infos formats .
- transformReturn block_infos formats)
- blocks_with_live]
-- Takes a basic block and returns a list of basic blocks that
-- each have at most 1 CmmCall in them which must occur at the end.
-- Also returns with each basic block, the variables that will
--- be arguments to the continuation of the block once the call (if any) returns.
-cmmBlockifyCalls :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> CPS [(CPSBlockInfo, CmmBasicBlock)]
-cmmBlockifyCalls blocks = liftM concat $ mapM breakBlock blocks
--- [(CmmReg,MachHint)] is the results from the previous block that are expected as parameters
---breakBlock :: CmmBasicBlock -> CPS [(Maybe BlockId, CmmBasicBlock)]
-breakBlock :: CmmBasicBlock -> CPS [(CPSBlockInfo, CmmBasicBlock)]
-breakBlock (BasicBlock ident stmts) = breakBlock' ident ControlBlock [] stmts
-breakBlock' current_id block_info accum_stmts [] =
- return [(block_info, BasicBlock current_id accum_stmts)]
--- TODO: notice a call just before a branch, jump, call, etc.
-breakBlock' current_id block_info accum_stmts (stmt@(CmmCall _ results _ _):stmts) = do
- new_id <- newLabelCPS
- let new_block = (block_info, BasicBlock current_id (accum_stmts ++ [stmt, CmmBranch new_id]))
- rest <- breakBlock' new_id (ContinuationBlock results) [] stmts
- return $ (new_block:rest)
-breakBlock' current_id arguments accum_stmts (stmt:stmts) =
- breakBlock' current_id arguments (accum_stmts ++ [stmt]) stmts
-breakBlock2 (BasicBlock ident stmts) entry = breakBlock2' ident entry [] [] stmts
-breakBlock2' current_id block_info exits accum_stmts [] =
- panic "block doesn't end in jump, goto or return"
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts [CmmJump target arguments] =
- return [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (TailCallExit exits target arguments)]
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts [CmmReturn arguments] =
- return [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (ReturnExit exits arguments)]
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts [CmmBranch target] =
- return [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (ControlExit exits target)]
-breakBlock2' _ _ _ _ (CmmJump _ _:_) = panic "jump in middle of block"
-breakBlock2' _ _ _ _ (CmmReturn _:_) = panic "return in middle of block"
-breakBlock2' _ _ _ _ (CmmBranch _:_) = panic "branch in middle of block"
-breakBlock2' _ _ _ _ (CmmSwitch _ _:_) = panic "switch in block not implemented"
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts (CmmCall target results arguments saves:stmts) = do
- new_id <- newLabelCPS
- rest <- breakBlock2' new_id (ContinuationEntry results) [] [] stmts
- return $ BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (CallExit exits new_id target results arguments saves) : rest
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts (s@(CmmCondBranch test target):stmts) =
- breakBlock2' current_id entry (target:exits) (accum_stmts++[s]) stmts
-breakBlock2' current_id entry exits accum_stmts (s:stmts) =
- breakBlock2' current_id entry exits (accum_stmts++[s]) stmts
-brokenBlockTargets (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (TailCallExit exits _ _)) = exits
-brokenBlockTargets (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (ReturnExit exits _)) = exits
-brokenBlockTargets (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (ControlExit exits target)) = target:exits
-brokenBlockTargets (BrokenBlock _ _ _ (CallExit exits next _ _ _ _)) = next:exits
-brokenBlockId (BrokenBlock ident _ _ _) = ident
-cmmBrokenBlockSources ::
- [BrokenBlock] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} (UniqSet BlockId)
-cmmBrokenBlockSources blocks = foldr aux emptyUFM blocks where
- aux block sourcesUFM =
- foldr add_source_edges sourcesUFM targets where
- add_source_edges t ufm =
- addToUFM_Acc (flip addOneToUniqSet) unitUniqSet ufm t ident
- targets = brokenBlockTargets block
- ident = brokenBlockId block
-cmmBrokenBlockNames :: [BrokenBlock] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} BrokenBlock
-cmmBrokenBlockNames blocks = listToUFM $ map block_name blocks where
- block_name b = (brokenBlockId b, b)
-cmmBrokenBlockDependants :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} (UniqSet BlockId) -> BlockId -> [BlockId]
-cmmBrokenBlockDependants sources ident =
- uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM sources emptyUniqSet ident
-cmmBrokenBlockLive :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive -> BrokenBlock -> CmmLive
-cmmBrokenBlockLive other_live (BrokenBlock _ _ stmts exit) =
- foldr ((.) . (cmmStmtLive other_live)) id stmts live_at_end
+-- be arguments to the continuation of the block once the call (if any)
+-- returns.
+breakBlock uniques (BasicBlock ident stmts) entry =
+ breakBlock' uniques ident entry [] [] stmts where
+ breakBlock' uniques current_id entry exits accum_stmts stmts =
+ case stmts of
+ [] -> panic "block doesn't end in jump, goto or return"
+ [CmmJump target arguments] ->
+ [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts exits
+ (TailCallExit target arguments)]
+ [CmmReturn arguments] ->
+ [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts exits
+ (ReturnExit arguments)]
+ [CmmBranch target] ->
+ [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (target:exits)
+ (ControlExit target)]
+ (CmmJump _ _:_) ->
+ panic "jump in middle of block"
+ (CmmReturn _:_) ->
+ panic "return in middle of block"
+ (CmmBranch _:_) ->
+ panic "branch in middle of block"
+ (CmmSwitch _ _:_) ->
+ panic "switch in block not implemented"
+ (CmmCall target results arguments saves:stmts) ->
+ let new_id = BlockId $ head uniques
+ rest = breakBlock' (tail uniques) new_id (ContinuationEntry results) [] [] stmts
+ in BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (new_id:exits)
+ (CallExit new_id target results arguments saves) : rest
+ (s@(CmmCondBranch test target):stmts) ->
+ breakBlock' uniques current_id entry (target:exits) (accum_stmts++[s]) stmts
+ (s:stmts) ->
+ breakBlock' uniques current_id entry exits (accum_stmts++[s]) stmts
+cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock :: BrokenBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
+cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock (BrokenBlock ident _ stmts _ exit) = BasicBlock ident (stmts++exit_stmt)
- live_at_end =
+ exit_stmt =
case exit of
- ControlExit _ _ -> emptyUniqSet
- ReturnExit _ actuals -> foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst actuals) emptyUniqSet
- TailCallExit _ target actuals ->
- cmmExprLive target $ foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst actuals) $ emptyUniqSet
- CallExit _ _ target _ actuals live ->
- target_liveness $
- foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst actuals) $
- emptyUniqSet
- where
- only_local_regs [] = []
- only_local_regs ((CmmGlobal _,_):args) = only_local_regs args
- only_local_regs ((CmmLocal r,_):args) = r:only_local_regs args
- target_liveness =
- case target of
- (CmmForeignCall target _) -> cmmExprLive target
- (CmmPrim _) -> id
-cmmBrokenBlockUpdate ::
- UniqFM {-BlockId-} BrokenBlock
- -> BlockId
- -> Maybe BlockId
- -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive
- -> Maybe (UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive)
-cmmBrokenBlockUpdate blocks node _ state =
- let old_live = lookupWithDefaultUFM state (panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis") node
- block = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis") node
- new_live = cmmBrokenBlockLive state block
- in if (sizeUniqSet old_live) == (sizeUniqSet new_live)
- then Nothing
- else Just $ addToUFM state node new_live
-cmmLiveness2 :: [BrokenBlock] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive
-cmmLiveness2 blocks =
- fixedpoint (cmmBrokenBlockDependants sources) (cmmBrokenBlockUpdate blocks')
- (map brokenBlockId blocks) (listToUFM [(brokenBlockId b, emptyUniqSet) | b <- blocks]) where
- sources = cmmBrokenBlockSources blocks
- blocks' = cmmBrokenBlockNames blocks
+ ControlExit target -> [CmmBranch target]
+ ReturnExit arguments -> [CmmReturn arguments]
+ TailCallExit target arguments -> [CmmJump target arguments]
+ CallExit branch_target call_target results arguments saves -> [CmmCall call_target results arguments saves, CmmBranch branch_target]
+-- CPS a single CmmTop (proceedure)
+cpsProc :: UniqSupply -> CmmTop -> [CmmTop]
+cpsProc uniqSupply x@(CmmData _ _) = [x]
+cpsProc uniqSupply x@(CmmProc info_table ident params blocks) =
+ [CmmProc info_table ident params $ map (constructContinuation2 formats) broken_blocks]
+ where
+ uniqes :: [[Unique]]
+ uniqes = map uniqsFromSupply $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply
+ broken_blocks :: [BrokenBlock]
+ broken_blocks = concat $ zipWith3 breakBlock uniqes blocks (FunctionEntry:repeat ControlEntry)
+ live :: BlockEntryLiveness
+ live = cmmLiveness $ map cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock broken_blocks
+ -- TODO: branches for proc points
+ -- TODO: let blocks_with_live = map (cmmLivenessComment live . snd) broken_blocks
+ formats :: BlockEnv StackFormat -- Stack format on entry
+ formats = selectStackFormat2 live broken_blocks
cmmCPS :: DynFlags
-- continuationC <- return abstractC
-- TODO: find out if it is valid to create a new unique source like this
uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'p'
- let (_, continuationC) = runCPS (mapM (mapMCmmTop cpsProc) abstractC) (CPSState uniqSupply)
+ let supplies = listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply
+ let continuationC = zipWith (\s (Cmm c) -> Cmm $ concat $ zipWith (cpsProc) (listSplitUniqSupply s) c) supplies abstractC
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "CPS Cmm" (pprCmms continuationC)
-- TODO: add option to dump Cmm to file
-module Dataflow {-(fixedpoint, cmmLivenessComment, cmmLiveness, CmmLive)-} where
-import Cmm
-import PprCmm ()
-import UniqSet
-import UniqFM
-import FastString
-import Outputable
-import Maybes
-import Data.List
-import Data.Maybe
-cmmBranchSources :: [(BlockId, [BlockId])] -> [(BlockId, [BlockId])]
-cmmBranchSources input =
- [(target, [s | (s, ts) <- input, target `elem` ts])
- | target <- targets] where
- targets = nub [t | (s, ts) <- input, t <- ts]
-cmmBranchTargets :: CmmBasicBlock -> UniqSet BlockId
-cmmBranchTargets (BasicBlock _ stmts) =
- mkUniqSet $ concatMap target stmts where
- target (CmmBranch ident) = [ident]
- target (CmmCondBranch _ ident) = [ident]
- target (CmmSwitch _ blocks) = mapMaybe id blocks
- target _ = []
--- This should really be a state monad, but that is not in the core libraries
--- so we'll hack around it here.
--- The monad we're using is: type State a = s -> s
--- The variables that were made live and killed respectively
-type CmmLive = UniqSet LocalReg
-type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive -- The variables live on entry to each block
-addLive new_live live = live `unionUniqSets` new_live
-addKilled new_killed live = live `minusUniqSet` new_killed
--- Calculate the live and killed registers for a local block
-cmmBlockLive :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmLive
-cmmBlockLive other_live (BasicBlock _ stmts) =
- foldr ((.) . (cmmStmtLive other_live)) id stmts emptyUniqSet
--- Helper for cmmLocalLiveness
-cmmStmtLive :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive -> CmmStmt -> (CmmLive -> CmmLive)
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmNop) = id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmComment _) = id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmAssign reg expr) =
- cmmExprLive expr . reg_liveness where
- reg_liveness =
- case reg of
- (CmmLocal reg') -> addKilled $ unitUniqSet reg'
- (CmmGlobal _) -> id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmStore expr1 expr2) =
- cmmExprLive expr2 . cmmExprLive expr1
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmCall target results arguments _) =
- target_liveness .
- foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst arguments) .
- addKilled (mkUniqSet $ only_local_regs results) where
- only_local_regs [] = []
- only_local_regs ((CmmGlobal _,_):args) = only_local_regs args
- only_local_regs ((CmmLocal r,_):args) = r:only_local_regs args
- target_liveness =
- case target of
- (CmmForeignCall target _) -> cmmExprLive target
- (CmmPrim _) -> id
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmBranch target) = addLive (lookupWithDefaultUFM other_live emptyUniqSet target)
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmCondBranch expr target) = cmmExprLive expr . addLive (lookupWithDefaultUFM other_live emptyUniqSet target)
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmSwitch expr targets) =
- cmmExprLive expr .
- (foldr ((.) . (addLive . lookupWithDefaultUFM other_live emptyUniqSet)) id (mapCatMaybes id targets))
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmJump expr params) =
- const (cmmExprLive expr $ foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst params) $ emptyUniqSet)
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmReturn params) =
- const (foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map fst params) $ emptyUniqSet)
--- Helper for cmmLocalLiveness
-cmmExprLive :: CmmExpr -> (CmmLive -> CmmLive)
-cmmExprLive expr = addLive (mkUniqSet $ expr_liveness expr) where
- expr_liveness (CmmLit _) = []
- expr_liveness (CmmLoad expr _) = expr_liveness expr
- expr_liveness (CmmReg reg) = reg_liveness reg
- expr_liveness (CmmMachOp _ exprs) = concatMap expr_liveness exprs
- expr_liveness (CmmRegOff reg _) = reg_liveness reg
- reg_liveness (CmmLocal reg) = [reg]
- reg_liveness (CmmGlobal _) = []
-cmmBlockUpdate ::
- UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmBasicBlock
- -> BlockId
- -> Maybe BlockId
- -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive
- -> Maybe (UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmLive)
-cmmBlockUpdate blocks node _ state =
- let old_live = lookupWithDefaultUFM state (panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis") node
- block = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis") node
- new_live = cmmBlockLive state block
- in if (sizeUniqSet old_live) == (sizeUniqSet new_live)
- then Nothing
- else Just $ addToUFM state node new_live
-cmmBlockDependants :: UniqFM {-BlockId-} (UniqSet BlockId) -> BlockId -> [BlockId]
-cmmBlockDependants sources ident =
- uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM sources emptyUniqSet ident
-cmmBlockSourcesAndTargets ::
- [CmmBasicBlock]
- -> (UniqFM {-BlockId-} (UniqSet BlockId), UniqFM (UniqSet BlockId))
-cmmBlockSourcesAndTargets blocks = foldr aux (emptyUFM, emptyUFM) blocks where
- aux block (sourcesUFM, targetsUFM) =
- (foldUniqSet add_source_edges sourcesUFM targets,
- addToUFM_Acc unionUniqSets id targetsUFM ident targets) where
- add_source_edges t ufm =
- addToUFM_Acc (flip addOneToUniqSet) unitUniqSet ufm t ident
- targets = cmmBranchTargets block
- ident = blockId block
-cmmBlockNames :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> UniqFM {-BlockId-} CmmBasicBlock
-cmmBlockNames blocks = listToUFM $ map block_name blocks where
- block_name b = (blockId b, b)
-cmmLiveness :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> BlockEnv CmmLive
-cmmLiveness blocks =
- fixedpoint (cmmBlockDependants sources) (cmmBlockUpdate blocks')
- (map blockId blocks) (listToUFM [(blockId b, emptyUniqSet) | b <- blocks]) where
- (sources, targets) = cmmBlockSourcesAndTargets blocks
- blocks' = cmmBlockNames blocks
-cmmLivenessComment ::
- UniqFM {-BlockId-} (UniqSet LocalReg)
- -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-cmmLivenessComment live (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- BasicBlock ident stmts' where
- stmts' = (CmmComment $ mkFastString $ showSDoc $ ppr $ live'):stmts
- live' = map CmmLocal $ uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM live emptyUniqSet ident
+module Dataflow (
+ fixedpoint
+ ) where