-- | /O(log n)/. Lookup the value at a key in the map.
-lookup :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
-lookup k t
+lookup :: (Monad m,Ord k) => k -> Map k a -> m a
+lookup k t = case lookup' k t of
+ Just x -> return x
+ Nothing -> fail "Data.Map.lookup: Key not found"
+lookup' :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
+lookup' k t
= case t of
Tip -> Nothing
Bin sz kx x l r
-> case compare k kx of
- LT -> lookup k l
- GT -> lookup k r
+ LT -> lookup' k l
+ GT -> lookup' k r
EQ -> Just x
-- | /O(log n)/. Is the key a member of the map?
-- | /O(log n)/. Lookup the /index/ of a key. The index is a number from
-- /0/ up to, but not including, the 'size' of the map.
-lookupIndex :: Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe Int
-lookupIndex k t
- = lookup 0 t
+lookupIndex :: (Monad m,Ord k) => k -> Map k a -> m Int
+lookupIndex k t = case lookup 0 t of
+ Nothing -> fail "Data.Map.lookupIndex: Key not found."
+ Just x -> return x
lookup idx Tip = Nothing
lookup idx (Bin _ kx x l r)