hIsOpen, hIsClosed, hIsReadable, hIsWritable, hGetBuffering, hIsSeekable,
hSetEcho, hGetEcho, hIsTerminalDevice,
+ hShow,
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Creating a new handle
-newFileHandle :: (MVar Handle__ -> IO ()) -> Handle__ -> IO Handle
-newFileHandle finalizer hc = do
+newFileHandle :: FilePath -> (MVar Handle__ -> IO ()) -> Handle__ -> IO Handle
+newFileHandle filepath finalizer hc = do
m <- newMVar hc
addMVarFinalizer m (finalizer m)
- return (FileHandle m)
+ return (FileHandle filepath m)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Working with Handles
{-# INLINE withHandle #-}
withHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO (Handle__,a)) -> IO a
-withHandle fun h@(FileHandle m) act = withHandle' fun h m act
-withHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle m _) act = withHandle' fun h m act
+withHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle' fun h m act
+withHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act = withHandle' fun h m act
withHandle' :: String -> Handle -> MVar Handle__
-> (Handle__ -> IO (Handle__,a)) -> IO a
(h',v) <- catchException (act h_)
(\ err -> putMVar m h_ >>
case err of
- IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h h_)
- _ -> throw err)
+ IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h)
+ _ -> throw err)
checkBufferInvariants h'
putMVar m h'
return v
{-# INLINE withHandle_ #-}
withHandle_ :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
-withHandle_ fun h@(FileHandle m) act = withHandle_' fun h m act
-withHandle_ fun h@(DuplexHandle m _) act = withHandle_' fun h m act
+withHandle_ fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle_' fun h m act
+withHandle_ fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act = withHandle_' fun h m act
withHandle_' fun h m act =
block $ do
v <- catchException (act h_)
(\ err -> putMVar m h_ >>
case err of
- IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h h_)
- _ -> throw err)
+ IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h)
+ _ -> throw err)
checkBufferInvariants h_
putMVar m h_
return v
withAllHandles__ :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO Handle__) -> IO ()
-withAllHandles__ fun h@(FileHandle m) act = withHandle__' fun h m act
-withAllHandles__ fun h@(DuplexHandle r w) act = do
+withAllHandles__ fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act = withHandle__' fun h m act
+withAllHandles__ fun h@(DuplexHandle _ r w) act = do
withHandle__' fun h r act
withHandle__' fun h w act
h' <- catchException (act h_)
(\ err -> putMVar m h_ >>
case err of
- IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h h_)
- _ -> throw err)
+ IOException ex -> ioError (augmentIOError ex fun h)
+ _ -> throw err)
checkBufferInvariants h'
putMVar m h'
return ()
-augmentIOError (IOError _ iot _ str fp) fun h h_
+augmentIOError (IOError _ iot _ str fp) fun h
= IOError (Just h) iot fun str filepath
- where filepath | Just _ <- fp = fp
- | otherwise = Just (haFilePath h_)
+ where filepath
+ | Just _ <- fp = fp
+ | otherwise = case h of
+ FileHandle fp _ -> Just fp
+ DuplexHandle fp _ _ -> Just fp
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Wrapper for write operations.
wantWritableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
-wantWritableHandle fun h@(FileHandle m) act
+wantWritableHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act
= wantWritableHandle' fun h m act
-wantWritableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m) act
+wantWritableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ _ m) act
= wantWritableHandle' fun h m act
-- ToDo: in the Duplex case, we don't need to checkWritableHandle
-- Wrapper for read operations.
wantReadableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
-wantReadableHandle fun h@(FileHandle m) act
+wantReadableHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act
= wantReadableHandle' fun h m act
-wantReadableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle m _) act
+wantReadableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ m _) act
= wantReadableHandle' fun h m act
-- ToDo: in the Duplex case, we don't need to checkReadableHandle
-- Wrapper for seek operations.
wantSeekableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
-wantSeekableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ _) _act =
+wantSeekableHandle fun h@(DuplexHandle _ _ _) _act =
ioException (IOError (Just h) IllegalOperation fun
"handle is not seekable" Nothing)
-wantSeekableHandle fun h@(FileHandle m) act =
+wantSeekableHandle fun h@(FileHandle _ m) act =
withHandle_' fun h m (checkSeekableHandle act)
checkSeekableHandle act handle_ =
-> IO Handle
mkStdHandle fd filepath ha_type buf bmode = do
spares <- newIORef BufferListNil
- newFileHandle stdHandleFinalizer
+ newFileHandle filepath stdHandleFinalizer
(Handle__ { haFD = fd,
haType = ha_type,
haIsStream = False,
haBufferMode = bmode,
- haFilePath = filepath,
haBuffer = buf,
haBuffers = spares,
haOtherSide = Nothing
mkFileHandle fd is_stream filepath ha_type binary = do
(buf, bmode) <- getBuffer fd (initBufferState ha_type)
spares <- newIORef BufferListNil
- newFileHandle handleFinalizer
+ newFileHandle filepath handleFinalizer
(Handle__ { haFD = fd,
haType = ha_type,
haIsBin = binary,
haIsStream = is_stream,
haBufferMode = bmode,
- haFilePath = filepath,
haBuffer = buf,
haBuffers = spares,
haOtherSide = Nothing
haIsBin = binary,
haIsStream = is_stream,
haBufferMode = w_bmode,
- haFilePath = filepath,
haBuffer = w_buf,
haBuffers = w_spares,
haOtherSide = Nothing
haIsBin = binary,
haIsStream = is_stream,
haBufferMode = r_bmode,
- haFilePath = filepath,
haBuffer = r_buf,
haBuffers = r_spares,
haOtherSide = Just write_side
read_side <- newMVar r_handle_
addMVarFinalizer write_side (handleFinalizer write_side)
- return (DuplexHandle read_side write_side)
+ return (DuplexHandle filepath read_side write_side)
initBufferState ReadHandle = ReadBuffer
-- the read side.
hClose :: Handle -> IO ()
-hClose h@(FileHandle m) = hClose' h m
-hClose h@(DuplexHandle r w) = hClose' h w >> hClose' h r
+hClose h@(FileHandle _ m) = hClose' h m
+hClose h@(DuplexHandle _ r w) = hClose' h w >> hClose' h r
hClose' h m = withHandle__' "hClose" h m $ hClose_help
hIsReadable :: Handle -> IO Bool
-hIsReadable (DuplexHandle _ _) = return True
+hIsReadable (DuplexHandle _ _ _) = return True
hIsReadable handle =
withHandle_ "hIsReadable" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
case haType handle_ of
htype -> return (isReadableHandleType htype)
hIsWritable :: Handle -> IO Bool
-hIsWritable (DuplexHandle _ _) = return True
+hIsWritable (DuplexHandle _ _ _) = return True
hIsWritable handle =
withHandle_ "hIsWritable" handle $ \ handle_ -> do
case haType handle_ of
-- discarding any input data, before the handle is duplicated.
hDuplicate :: Handle -> IO Handle
-hDuplicate h@(FileHandle m) = do
+hDuplicate h@(FileHandle path m) = do
new_h_ <- withHandle' "hDuplicate" h m (dupHandle_ Nothing)
new_m <- newMVar new_h_
- return (FileHandle new_m)
-hDuplicate h@(DuplexHandle r w) = do
+ return (FileHandle path new_m)
+hDuplicate h@(DuplexHandle path r w) = do
new_w_ <- withHandle' "hDuplicate" h w (dupHandle_ Nothing)
new_w <- newMVar new_w_
new_r_ <- withHandle' "hDuplicate" h r (dupHandle_ (Just new_w))
new_r <- newMVar new_r_
- return (DuplexHandle new_r new_w)
+ return (DuplexHandle path new_r new_w)
dupHandle_ other_side h_ = do
-- flush the buffer first, so we don't have to copy its contents
hDuplicateTo :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
-hDuplicateTo h1@(FileHandle m1) h2@(FileHandle m2) = do
+hDuplicateTo h1@(FileHandle _ m1) h2@(FileHandle _ m2) = do
withHandle__' "hDuplicateTo" h2 m2 $ \h2_ -> do
_ <- hClose_help h2_
withHandle' "hDuplicateTo" h1 m1 (dupHandle_ Nothing)
-hDuplicateTo h1@(DuplexHandle r1 w1) h2@(DuplexHandle r2 w2) = do
+hDuplicateTo h1@(DuplexHandle _ r1 w1) h2@(DuplexHandle _ r2 w2) = do
withHandle__' "hDuplicateTo" h2 w2 $ \w2_ -> do
_ <- hClose_help w2_
withHandle' "hDuplicateTo" h1 r1 (dupHandle_ Nothing)
"handles are incompatible" Nothing)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- showing Handles.
+-- hShow is in the IO monad, and gives more comprehensive output
+-- than the (pure) instance of Show for Handle.
+hShow :: Handle -> IO String
+hShow h@(FileHandle path _) = showHandle' path False h
+hShow h@(DuplexHandle path _ _) = showHandle' path True h
+showHandle' filepath is_duplex h =
+ withHandle_ "showHandle" h $ \hdl_ ->
+ let
+ showType | is_duplex = showString "duplex (read-write)"
+ | otherwise = shows (haType hdl_)
+ in
+ return
+ (( showChar '{' .
+ showHdl (haType hdl_)
+ (showString "loc=" . showString filepath . showChar ',' .
+ showString "type=" . showType . showChar ',' .
+ showString "binary=" . shows (haIsBin hdl_) . showChar ',' .
+ showString "buffering=" . showBufMode (unsafePerformIO (readIORef (haBuffer hdl_))) (haBufferMode hdl_) . showString "}" )
+ ) "")
+ where
+ showHdl :: HandleType -> ShowS -> ShowS
+ showHdl ht cont =
+ case ht of
+ ClosedHandle -> shows ht . showString "}"
+ _ -> cont
+ showBufMode :: Buffer -> BufferMode -> ShowS
+ showBufMode buf bmo =
+ case bmo of
+ NoBuffering -> showString "none"
+ LineBuffering -> showString "line"
+ BlockBuffering (Just n) -> showString "block " . showParen True (shows n)
+ BlockBuffering Nothing -> showString "block " . showParen True (shows def)
+ where
+ def :: Int
+ def = bufSize buf
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- debugging
data Handle
= FileHandle -- A normal handle to a file
+ FilePath -- the file (invariant)
!(MVar Handle__)
| DuplexHandle -- A handle to a read/write stream
+ FilePath -- file for a FIFO, otherwise some
+ -- descriptive string.
!(MVar Handle__) -- The read side
!(MVar Handle__) -- The write side
-- seekable.
instance Eq Handle where
- (FileHandle h1) == (FileHandle h2) = h1 == h2
- (DuplexHandle h1 _) == (DuplexHandle h2 _) = h1 == h2
+ (FileHandle _ h1) == (FileHandle _ h2) = h1 == h2
+ (DuplexHandle _ h1 _) == (DuplexHandle _ h2 _) = h1 == h2
_ == _ = False
type FD = Int -- XXX ToDo: should be CInt
haIsBin :: Bool, -- binary mode?
haIsStream :: Bool, -- is this a stream handle?
haBufferMode :: BufferMode, -- buffer contains read/write data?
- haFilePath :: FilePath, -- file name, possibly
haBuffer :: !(IORef Buffer), -- the current buffer
haBuffers :: !(IORef BufferList), -- spare buffers
haOtherSide :: Maybe (MVar Handle__) -- ptr to the write side of a
ReadWriteHandle -> showString "read-writable"
instance Show Handle where
- showsPrec p (FileHandle h) = showHandle p h False
- showsPrec p (DuplexHandle _ h) = showHandle p h True
-showHandle p h duplex =
- let
- -- (Big) SIGH: unfolded defn of takeMVar to avoid
- -- an (oh-so) unfortunate module loop with GHC.Conc.
- hdl_ = unsafePerformIO (IO $ \ s# ->
- case h of { MVar h# ->
- case takeMVar# h# s# of { (# s2# , r #) ->
- case putMVar# h# r s2# of { s3# ->
- (# s3#, r #) }}})
- showType | duplex = showString "duplex (read-write)"
- | otherwise = showsPrec p (haType hdl_)
- in
- showChar '{' .
- showHdl (haType hdl_)
- (showString "loc=" . showString (haFilePath hdl_) . showChar ',' .
- showString "type=" . showType . showChar ',' .
- showString "binary=" . showsPrec p (haIsBin hdl_) . showChar ',' .
- showString "buffering=" . showBufMode (unsafePerformIO (readIORef (haBuffer hdl_))) (haBufferMode hdl_) . showString "}" )
- where
- showHdl :: HandleType -> ShowS -> ShowS
- showHdl ht cont =
- case ht of
- ClosedHandle -> showsPrec p ht . showString "}"
- _ -> cont
- showBufMode :: Buffer -> BufferMode -> ShowS
- showBufMode buf bmo =
- case bmo of
- NoBuffering -> showString "none"
- LineBuffering -> showString "line"
- BlockBuffering (Just n) -> showString "block " . showParen True (showsPrec p n)
- BlockBuffering Nothing -> showString "block " . showParen True (showsPrec p def)
- where
- def :: Int
- def = bufSize buf
+ showsPrec p (FileHandle file _) = showHandle file
+ showsPrec p (DuplexHandle file _ _) = showHandle file
+showHandle file = showString "{handle: " . showString file . showString "}"
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Exception datatype and operations
instance Show IOException where
showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s fn) =
- showsPrec p iot .
+ (case fn of
+ Nothing -> case hdl of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just h -> showsPrec p h . showString ": "
+ Just name -> showString name . showString ": ") .
(case loc of
"" -> id
- _ -> showString "\nAction: " . showString loc) .
- (case hdl of
- Nothing -> id
- Just h -> showString "\nHandle: " . showsPrec p h) .
+ _ -> showString loc . showString ": ") .
+ showsPrec p iot .
(case s of
"" -> id
- _ -> showString "\nReason: " . showString s) .
- (case fn of
- Nothing -> id
- Just name -> showString "\nFile: " . showString name)
+ _ -> showString " (" . showString s . showString ")")
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- IOMode type