= do { -- (a) Default methods from class decls
let class_decls = filter (isClassDecl . unLoc) tycl_decls
; dm_binds_s <- mapM tcClassDecl2 class_decls
+ ; let dm_binds = unionManyBags dm_binds_s
-- (b) instance declarations
- ; inst_binds_s <- mapM tcInstDecl2 inst_decls
+ ; let dm_ids = collectHsBindsBinders dm_binds
+ -- Add the default method Ids (again)
+ -- See Note [Default methods and instances]
+ ; inst_binds_s <- tcExtendIdEnv dm_ids $
+ mapM tcInstDecl2 inst_decls
-- Done
- ; return (unionManyBags dm_binds_s `unionBags`
- unionManyBags inst_binds_s) }
+ ; return (dm_binds `unionBags` unionManyBags inst_binds_s) }
tcInstDecl2 :: InstInfo Name -> TcM (LHsBinds Id)
tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo { iSpec = ispec, iBinds = ibinds })
loc = getSrcSpan dfun_id
+See Note [Default methods and instances]
+The default method Ids are already in the type environment (see Note
+[Default method Ids and Template Haskell] in TcTyClsDcls), BUT they
+don't have their InlinePragmas yet. Usually that would not matter,
+because the simplifier propagates information from binding site to
+use. But, unusually, when compiling instance decls we *copy* the
+INLINE pragma from the default method to the method for that
+particular operation (see Note [INLINE and default methods] below).
+So right here in tcInstDecl2 we must re-extend the type envt with
+the default method Ids replete with their INLINE pragmas. Urk.
tc_inst_decl2 :: Id -> InstBindings Name -> TcM (LHsBinds Id)