-- remember is here:
last_command :: Maybe Command,
cmdqueue :: [String],
- remembered_ctx :: [Either (CtxtCmd, [String], [String]) String],
+ remembered_ctx :: [CtxtCmd],
-- we remember the :module commands between :loads, so that
-- on a :reload we can replay them. See bugs #2049,
-- \#1873, #1360. Previously we tried to remember modules that
data CtxtCmd
- = SetContext
- | AddModules
- | RemModules
+ = SetContext [String] [String]
+ | AddModules [String] [String]
+ | RemModules [String] [String]
+ | Import String
type TickArray = Array Int [(BreakIndex,SrcSpan)]
return GHC.RunFailed) $ do
GHC.runStmt expr step
-parseImportDecl :: GhcMonad m => String -> m (Maybe (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.RdrName))
-parseImportDecl expr
- = GHC.handleSourceError (\e -> GHC.printExceptionAndWarnings e >> return Nothing) (Monad.liftM Just (GHC.parseImportDecl expr))
resume :: (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> GHC.SingleStep -> GHCi GHC.RunResult
resume canLogSpan step = do
st <- getGHCiState
runStmt :: String -> SingleStep -> GHCi Bool
runStmt stmt step
- | null (filter (not.isSpace) stmt) = return False
- | x@('i':'m':'p':'o':'r':'t':' ':_) <- stmt = keepGoing' (importContext True) x
+ | null (filter (not.isSpace) stmt)
+ = return False
+ | "import " `isPrefixOf` stmt
+ = do newContextCmd (Import stmt); return False
| otherwise
= do
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
if keep_ctxt
then do
st <- getGHCiState
- let mem = remembered_ctx st
- playCmd (Left x) = playCtxtCmd False x
- playCmd (Right x) = importContext False x
- mapM_ playCmd mem
+ mapM_ (playCtxtCmd False) (remembered_ctx st)
else do
st <- getGHCiState
setGHCiState st{ remembered_ctx = [] }
-- Setting the module context
-importContext :: Bool -> String -> GHCi ()
-importContext fail str
- = do
- (as,bs) <- GHC.getContext
- x <- do_checks fail
- case Monad.join x of
- Nothing -> return ()
- (Just a) -> do
- m <- loadModuleName a
- GHC.setContext as (bs++[(m,Just a)])
- st <- getGHCiState
- let cmds = remembered_ctx st
- setGHCiState st{ remembered_ctx = cmds++[Right str] }
- where
- do_checks True = liftM Just (GhciMonad.parseImportDecl str)
- do_checks False = trymaybe (GhciMonad.parseImportDecl str)
+newContextCmd :: CtxtCmd -> GHCi ()
+newContextCmd cmd = do
+ playCtxtCmd True cmd
+ st <- getGHCiState
+ let cmds = remembered_ctx st
+ setGHCiState st{ remembered_ctx = cmds ++ [cmd] }
setContext :: String -> GHCi ()
setContext str
- | all sensible strs = do
- playCtxtCmd True (cmd, as, bs)
- st <- getGHCiState
- let cmds = remembered_ctx st
- setGHCiState st{ remembered_ctx = cmds ++ [Left (cmd,as,bs)] }
+ | all sensible strs = newContextCmd cmd
| otherwise = ghcError (CmdLineError "syntax: :module [+/-] [*]M1 ... [*]Mn")
- (cmd, strs, as, bs) =
+ (cmd, strs) =
case str of
'+':stuff -> rest AddModules stuff
'-':stuff -> rest RemModules stuff
stuff -> rest SetContext stuff
- rest cmd stuff = (cmd, strs, as, bs)
+ rest cmd stuff = (cmd as bs, strs)
where strs = words stuff
(as,bs) = partitionWith starred strs
starred ('*':m) = Left m
starred m = Right m
-playCtxtCmd :: Bool -> (CtxtCmd, [String], [String]) -> GHCi ()
-playCtxtCmd fail (cmd, as, bs)
- = do
- (as',bs') <- do_checks fail
+playCtxtCmd:: Bool -> CtxtCmd -> GHCi ()
+playCtxtCmd fail cmd = do
(prev_as,prev_bs) <- GHC.getContext
- (new_as, new_bs) <-
- case cmd of
- SetContext -> do
+ case cmd of
+ SetContext as bs -> do
+ (as',bs') <- do_checks as bs
prel_mod <- getPrelude
- let bs'' = if null as && prel_mod `notElem` (map fst bs') then (prel_mod,Nothing):bs'
- else bs'
- return (as', bs'')
- AddModules -> do
+ let bs'' = if null as && prel_mod `notElem` (map fst bs')
+ then (prel_mod,Nothing):bs'
+ else bs'
+ GHC.setContext as' bs''
+ AddModules as bs -> do
+ (as',bs') <- do_checks as bs
-- it should replace the old stuff, not the other way around
-- need deleteAllBy, not deleteFirstsBy for sameFst
let remaining_as = prev_as \\ (as' ++ map fst bs')
remaining_bs = deleteAllBy sameFst prev_bs (bs' ++ map contextualize as')
- return (remaining_as ++ as', remaining_bs ++ bs')
- RemModules -> do
+ GHC.setContext (remaining_as ++ as') (remaining_bs ++ bs')
+ RemModules as bs -> do
+ (as',bs') <- do_checks as bs
let new_as = prev_as \\ (as' ++ map fst bs')
new_bs = deleteAllBy sameFst prev_bs (map contextualize as' ++ bs')
- return (new_as, new_bs)
- GHC.setContext new_as new_bs
+ GHC.setContext new_as new_bs
+ Import str -> do
+ m_idecl <- maybe_fail $ GHC.parseImportDecl str
+ case m_idecl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just idecl -> do
+ m_mdl <- maybe_fail $ loadModuleName idecl
+ case m_mdl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just m -> GHC.setContext prev_as (prev_bs ++ [(m, Just idecl)])
- do_checks True = do
- as' <- mapM wantInterpretedModule as
- bs' <- mapM lookupModule bs
- return (as', map contextualize bs')
- do_checks False = do
- as' <- mapM (trymaybe . wantInterpretedModule) as
- bs' <- mapM (trymaybe . lookupModule) bs
- return (catMaybes as', map contextualize (catMaybes bs'))
+ maybe_fail | fail = liftM Just
+ | otherwise = trymaybe
+ do_checks as bs = do
+ as' <- mapM (maybe_fail . wantInterpretedModule) as
+ bs' <- mapM (maybe_fail . lookupModule) bs
+ return (catMaybes as', map contextualize (catMaybes bs'))
contextualize x = (x,Nothing)
deleteAllBy f a b = filter (\x->(not (any (f x) b))) a