import Data.Dynamic
import Control.Monad
import Foreign
+import Foreign.C
import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.Conc ( ThreadId(..) )
import Data.Array
import Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Concurrent
= RunOk [Name] -- ^ names bound by this evaluation
| RunFailed -- ^ statement failed compilation
| RunException Exception -- ^ statement raised an exception
- | RunBreak ThreadId [Name] BreakInfo
+ | RunBreak ThreadId [Name] (Maybe BreakInfo)
data Status
- = Break HValue BreakInfo ThreadId
- -- ^ the computation hit a breakpoint
+ = Break Bool HValue BreakInfo ThreadId
+ -- ^ the computation hit a breakpoint (Bool <=> was an exception)
| Complete (Either Exception [HValue])
-- ^ the computation completed with either an exception or a value
resumeFinalIds :: [Id], -- [Id] to bind on completion
resumeApStack :: HValue, -- The object from which we can get
-- value of the free variables.
- resumeBreakInfo :: BreakInfo, -- the breakpoint we stopped at.
+ resumeBreakInfo :: Maybe BreakInfo,
+ -- the breakpoint we stopped at
+ -- (Nothing <=> exception)
resumeSpan :: SrcSpan, -- just a cache, otherwise it's a pain
-- to fetch the ModDetails & ModBreaks
-- to get this.
Just hmi -> return (modBreaks_locs (md_modBreaks (hm_details hmi)) ! num)
_ -> panic "getHistorySpan"
- [Main.hs:42:(1,0)-(3,52)] *Main> :history 2
- Foo.hs:1:3-5
- Bar.hs:5:23-48
- [Main.hs:42:(1,0)-(3,52)] *Main> :back
- Logged breakpoint at Foo.hs:1:3-5
- x :: Int
- y :: a
- _result :: [Char]
- [-1: Foo.hs:1:3-5] *Main> :back
- Logged breakpoint at Bar.hs:5:23-48
- z :: a
- _result :: Float
- [-2: Bar.hs:5:23-48] *Main> :forward
- Logged breakpoint at Foo.hs:1:3-5
- x :: Int
- y :: a
- _result :: [Char]
- [-1: Foo.hs:1:3-5] *Main> :cont
- .. continues
-- | Run a statement in the current interactive context. Statement
-- may bind multple values.
runStmt :: Session -> String -> SingleStep -> IO RunResult
Nothing -> return RunFailed
Just (ids, hval) -> do
- when (isStep step) $ setStepFlag
- -- set the onBreakAction to be performed when we hit a
- -- breakpoint this is visible in the Byte Code
- -- Interpreter, thus it is a global variable,
- -- implemented with stable pointers
- withBreakAction breakMVar statusMVar $ do
+ withBreakAction (isStep step) dflags' breakMVar statusMVar $ do
let thing_to_run = unsafeCoerce# hval :: IO [HValue]
status <- sandboxIO statusMVar thing_to_run
history =
case status of
-- did we hit a breakpoint or did we complete?
- (Break apStack info tid) -> do
+ (Break is_exception apStack info tid) -> do
hsc_env <- readIORef ref
- (hsc_env1, names, span) <- bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack info
+ let mb_info | is_exception = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just info
+ (hsc_env1, names, span) <- bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env
+ apStack mb_info
resume = Resume expr tid breakMVar statusMVar
- bindings final_ids apStack info span
+ bindings final_ids apStack mb_info span
(toListBL history) 0
hsc_env2 = pushResume hsc_env1 resume
writeIORef ref hsc_env2
- return (RunBreak tid names info)
+ return (RunBreak tid names mb_info)
(Complete either_hvals) ->
case either_hvals of
Left e -> return (RunException e)
case status of
-- when tracing, if we hit a breakpoint that is not explicitly
-- enabled, then we just log the event in the history and continue.
- (Break apStack info tid) -> do
+ (Break is_exception apStack info tid) | not is_exception -> do
b <- isBreakEnabled hsc_env info
if b
then handle_normally
-- probably better make history strict here, otherwise
-- our BoundedList will be pointless.
evaluate history'
- setStepFlag
- status <- withBreakAction breakMVar statusMVar $ do
+ status <- withBreakAction True (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ breakMVar statusMVar $ do
(do putMVar breakMVar () -- awaken the stopped thread
return tid)
return False
-foreign import ccall "rts_setStepFlag" setStepFlag :: IO ()
+foreign import ccall "&rts_stop_next_breakpoint" stepFlag :: Ptr CInt
+foreign import ccall "&rts_stop_on_exception" exceptionFlag :: Ptr CInt
+setStepFlag = poke stepFlag 1
+resetStepFlag = poke stepFlag 0
-- this points to the IO action that is executed when a breakpoint is hit
-foreign import ccall "&breakPointIOAction"
- breakPointIOAction :: Ptr (StablePtr (BreakInfo -> HValue -> IO ()))
+foreign import ccall "&rts_breakpoint_io_action"
+ breakPointIOAction :: Ptr (StablePtr (Bool -> BreakInfo -> HValue -> IO ()))
-- When running a computation, we redirect ^C exceptions to the running
-- thread. ToDo: we might want a way to continue even if the target
putMVar interruptTargetThread (child:ts)
get_result `finally` modifyMVar_ interruptTargetThread (return.tail)
-withBreakAction breakMVar statusMVar io
+-- This function sets up the interpreter for catching breakpoints, and
+-- resets everything when the computation has stopped running. This
+-- is a not-very-good way to ensure that only the interactive
+-- evaluation should generate breakpoints.
+withBreakAction step dflags breakMVar statusMVar io
= bracket setBreakAction resetBreakAction (\_ -> io)
setBreakAction = do
stablePtr <- newStablePtr onBreak
poke breakPointIOAction stablePtr
+ when (dopt Opt_BreakOnException dflags) $ poke exceptionFlag 1
+ when step $ setStepFlag
return stablePtr
+ -- Breaking on exceptions is not enabled by default, since it
+ -- might be a bit surprising. The exception flag is turned off
+ -- as soon as it is hit, or in resetBreakAction below.
- onBreak info apStack = do
+ onBreak is_exception info apStack = do
tid <- myThreadId
- putMVar statusMVar (Break apStack info tid)
+ putMVar statusMVar (Break is_exception apStack info tid)
takeMVar breakMVar
resetBreakAction stablePtr = do
poke breakPointIOAction noBreakStablePtr
+ poke exceptionFlag 0
+ resetStepFlag
freeStablePtr stablePtr
noBreakStablePtr = unsafePerformIO $ newStablePtr noBreakAction
-noBreakAction info apStack = putStrLn "*** Ignoring breakpoint"
+noBreakAction False info apStack = putStrLn "*** Ignoring breakpoint"
+noBreakAction True info apStack = return () -- exception: just continue
resume :: Session -> SingleStep -> IO RunResult
resume (Session ref) step
case r of
Resume expr tid breakMVar statusMVar bindings
final_ids apStack info _ _ _ -> do
- withBreakAction breakMVar statusMVar $ do
+ withBreakAction (isStep step) (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
+ breakMVar statusMVar $ do
status <- withInterruptsSentTo
(do putMVar breakMVar ()
-- this awakens the stopped thread...
history = resumeHistory r
new_ix = fn ix
- when (new_ix >= length history) $
+ when (new_ix > length history) $
throwDyn (ProgramError "no more logged breakpoints")
when (new_ix < 0) $
throwDyn (ProgramError "already at the beginning of the history")
- update_ic apStack info = do
+ update_ic apStack mb_info = do
(hsc_env1, names, span) <- bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env
- apStack info
+ apStack mb_info
let ic = hsc_IC hsc_env1
r' = r { resumeHistoryIx = new_ix }
ic' = ic { ic_resume = r':rs }
if new_ix == 0
then case r of
Resume { resumeApStack = apStack,
- resumeBreakInfo = info } ->
- update_ic apStack info
+ resumeBreakInfo = mb_info } ->
+ update_ic apStack mb_info
else case history !! (new_ix - 1) of
History apStack info ->
- update_ic apStack info
+ update_ic apStack (Just info)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- After stopping at a breakpoint, add free variables to the environment
:: HscEnv
-> HValue
- -> BreakInfo
+ -> Maybe BreakInfo
-> IO (HscEnv, [Name], SrcSpan)
-bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack info = do
+-- Nothing case: we stopped when an exception was raised, not at a
+-- breakpoint. We have no location information or local variables to
+-- bind, all we can do is bind a local variable to the exception
+-- value.
+bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack Nothing = do
+ let exn_fs = FSLIT("_exception")
+ exn_name = mkInternalName (getUnique exn_fs) (mkVarOccFS exn_fs) span
+ e_fs = FSLIT("e")
+ e_name = mkInternalName (getUnique e_fs) (mkTyVarOcc e_fs) span
+ e_tyvar = mkTcTyVar e_name liftedTypeKind (SkolemTv RuntimeUnkSkol)
+ exn_id = Id.mkGlobalId VanillaGlobal exn_name (mkTyVarTy e_tyvar)
+ vanillaIdInfo
+ new_tyvars = unitVarSet e_tyvar
+ ictxt0 = hsc_IC hsc_env
+ ictxt1 = extendInteractiveContext ictxt0 [exn_id] new_tyvars
+ span = mkGeneralSrcSpan FSLIT("<exception thrown>")
+ --
+ Linker.extendLinkEnv [(exn_name, unsafeCoerce# apStack)]
+ return (hsc_env{ hsc_IC = ictxt1 }, [exn_name], span)
+-- Just case: we stopped at a breakpoint, we have information about the location
+-- of the breakpoint and the free variables of the expression.
+bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack (Just info) = do
mod_name = moduleName (breakInfo_module info)
jump raisezh_fast;
+section "data" {
+ no_break_on_exception: W_[1];
+INFO_TABLE_RET(stg_raise_ret, 1, 0, RET_SMALL)
+ R1 = Sp(1);
+ Sp = Sp + WDS(2);
+ W_[no_break_on_exception] = 1;
+ jump raisezh_fast;
W_ handler;
- W_ raise_closure;
W_ frame_type;
+ W_ exception;
/* args : R1 :: Exception */
+ exception = R1;
#if defined(PROFILING)
/* Debugging tool: on raising an exception, show where we are. */
* the info was only displayed for an *uncaught* exception.
if (RtsFlags_ProfFlags_showCCSOnException(RtsFlags) != 0::I32) {
- foreign "C" fprintCCS_stderr(W_[CCCS] "ptr");
+ foreign "C" fprintCCS_stderr(W_[CCCS] "ptr") [];
+ if (W_[no_break_on_exception] != 0) {
+ W_[no_break_on_exception] = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (TO_W_(CInt[rts_stop_on_exception]) != 0) {
+ W_ ioAction;
+ // we don't want any further exceptions to be caught,
+ // until GHCi is ready to handle them. This prevents
+ // deadlock if an exception is raised in InteractiveUI,
+ // for exmplae. Perhaps the stop_on_exception flag should
+ // be per-thread.
+ W_[rts_stop_on_exception] = 0;
+ "ptr" ioAction = foreign "C" deRefStablePtr (W_[rts_breakpoint_io_action] "ptr") [];
+ Sp = Sp - WDS(6);
+ Sp(5) = exception;
+ Sp(4) = stg_raise_ret_info;
+ Sp(3) = exception; // the AP_STACK
+ Sp(2) = base_GHCziBase_True_closure; // dummy breakpoint info
+ Sp(1) = base_GHCziBase_True_closure; // True <=> a breakpoint
+ R1 = ioAction;
+ jump stg_ap_pppv_info;
+ }
+ }
/* Inform the Hpc that an exception has been thrown */
- foreign "C" hs_hpc_raise_event(CurrentTSO "ptr");
+ foreign "C" hs_hpc_raise_event(CurrentTSO "ptr") [];
StgTSO_sp(CurrentTSO) = Sp;
- frame_type = foreign "C" raiseExceptionHelper(BaseReg "ptr", CurrentTSO "ptr", R1 "ptr");
+ frame_type = foreign "C" raiseExceptionHelper(BaseReg "ptr", CurrentTSO "ptr", exception "ptr") [];
Sp = StgTSO_sp(CurrentTSO);
if (frame_type == ATOMICALLY_FRAME) {
/* The exception has reached the edge of a memory transaction. Check that
W_ trec, outer;
W_ r;
trec = StgTSO_trec(CurrentTSO);
- r = foreign "C" stmValidateNestOfTransactions(trec "ptr");
+ r = foreign "C" stmValidateNestOfTransactions(trec "ptr") [];
"ptr" outer = foreign "C" stmGetEnclosingTRec(trec "ptr") [];
- foreign "C" stmAbortTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", trec "ptr");
- foreign "C" stmFreeAbortedTRec(MyCapability() "ptr", trec "ptr");
+ foreign "C" stmAbortTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", trec "ptr") [];
+ foreign "C" stmFreeAbortedTRec(MyCapability() "ptr", trec "ptr") [];
if (outer != NO_TREC) {
- foreign "C" stmAbortTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", outer "ptr");
- foreign "C" stmFreeAbortedTRec(MyCapability() "ptr", outer "ptr");
+ foreign "C" stmAbortTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", outer "ptr") [];
+ foreign "C" stmFreeAbortedTRec(MyCapability() "ptr", outer "ptr") [];
StgTSO_trec(CurrentTSO) = NO_TREC;
} else {
// Transaction was not valid: we retry the exception (otherwise continue
// with a further call to raiseExceptionHelper)
- "ptr" trec = foreign "C" stmStartTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", NO_TREC "ptr");
+ "ptr" trec = foreign "C" stmStartTransaction(MyCapability() "ptr", NO_TREC "ptr") [];
StgTSO_trec(CurrentTSO) = trec;
R1 = StgAtomicallyFrame_code(Sp);
jump stg_ap_v_fast;
Sp = CurrentTSO + TSO_OFFSET_StgTSO_stack
+ WDS(TO_W_(StgTSO_stack_size(CurrentTSO))) - WDS(2);
- Sp(1) = R1; /* save the exception */
+ Sp(1) = exception; /* save the exception */
Sp(0) = stg_enter_info; /* so that GC can traverse this stack */
StgTSO_what_next(CurrentTSO) = ThreadKilled::I16;
SAVE_THREAD_STATE(); /* inline! */
* token as arguments.
- Sp(0) = R1;
+ Sp(0) = exception;
R1 = handler;
#include "Updates.h"
#include "Sanity.h"
#include "Liveness.h"
+#include "Prelude.h"
#include "Bytecodes.h"
#include "Printer.h"
return allocate(stg_max(sizeofW(StgHeader)+MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE, n_words));
-rtsBool stop_next_breakpoint = rtsFalse;
+int rts_stop_next_breakpoint = 0;
+int rts_stop_on_exception = 0;
-HsStablePtr breakPointIOAction; // points to the IO action which is executed on a breakpoint
+HsStablePtr rts_breakpoint_io_action; // points to the IO action which is executed on a breakpoint
// it is set in main/GHC.hs:runStmt
Capability *
breakPoints = (StgArrWords *) BCO_PTR(arg1_brk_array);
// stop the current thread if either the
- // "stop_next_breakpoint" flag is true OR if the
+ // "rts_stop_next_breakpoint" flag is true OR if the
// breakpoint flag for this particular expression is
// true
- if (stop_next_breakpoint == rtsTrue ||
+ if (rts_stop_next_breakpoint == rtsTrue ||
breakPoints->payload[arg2_array_index] == rtsTrue)
// make sure we don't automatically stop at the
// next breakpoint
- stop_next_breakpoint = rtsFalse;
+ rts_stop_next_breakpoint = rtsFalse;
// allocate memory for a new AP_STACK, enough to
// store the top stack frame plus an
// prepare the stack so that we can call the
- // breakPointIOAction and ensure that the stack is
+ // rts_breakpoint_io_action and ensure that the stack is
// in a reasonable state for the GC and so that
// execution of this BCO can continue when we resume
- ioAction = (StgClosure *) deRefStablePtr (breakPointIOAction);
- Sp -= 7;
- Sp[6] = (W_)obj;
- Sp[5] = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
- Sp[4] = (W_)new_aps; // the AP_STACK
- Sp[3] = (W_)BCO_PTR(arg3_freeVars); // the info about local vars of the breakpoint
- Sp[2] = (W_)&stg_ap_ppv_info;
+ ioAction = (StgClosure *) deRefStablePtr (rts_breakpoint_io_action);
+ Sp -= 8;
+ Sp[7] = (W_)obj;
+ Sp[6] = (W_)&stg_apply_interp_info;
+ Sp[5] = (W_)new_aps; // the AP_STACK
+ Sp[4] = (W_)BCO_PTR(arg3_freeVars); // the info about local vars of the breakpoint
+ Sp[3] = (W_)False_closure; // True <=> a breakpoint
+ Sp[2] = (W_)&stg_ap_pppv_info;
Sp[1] = (W_)ioAction; // apply the IO action to its two arguments above
Sp[0] = (W_)&stg_enter_info; // get ready to run the IO action
barf("interpretBCO: fell off end of the interpreter");
-/* set the single step flag for the debugger to True -
- it gets set back to false in the interpreter everytime
- we hit a breakpoint
-void rts_setStepFlag (void);
-void rts_setStepFlag (void)
- stop_next_breakpoint = rtsTrue;