-Lemma strip_twice_lemma x y t : stripOutVars x (stripOutVars y t) = stripOutVars (app y x) t.
- induction x.
- simpl.
+Lemma strip_nil_lemma t : stripOutVars nil t = t.
+ induction t; simpl.
+ unfold stripOutVars.
+ destruct a; reflexivity.
+ rewrite <- IHt1 at 2.
+ rewrite <- IHt2 at 2.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma strip_swap0_lemma : forall a a0 y t,
+ stripOutVars (a :: a0 :: y) t = stripOutVars (a0 :: a :: y) t.
+ intros.
unfold stripOutVars.
- simpl.
- rewrite mapOptionTree'_compose.
induction t.
- destruct a; try reflexivity.
- simpl.
- destruct (dropVar y v); reflexivity.
- simpl.
- rewrite IHt1.
- rewrite IHt2.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite strip_lemma.
- rewrite IHx.
- rewrite <- strip_lemma.
- rewrite app_comm_cons.
- reflexivity.
- admit.
+ destruct a1; simpl; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ destruct (eqd_dec v a); subst.
+ destruct (eqd_dec a a0); subst.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ destruct (eqd_dec v a0); subst.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl in *.
+ rewrite IHt1.
+ rewrite IHt2.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma strip_swap1_lemma : forall a y t,
+ stripOutVars (a :: nil) (stripOutVars y t) =
+ stripOutVars y (stripOutVars (a :: nil) t).
+ intros.
+ induction y.
+ rewrite strip_nil_lemma.
+ rewrite strip_nil_lemma.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite (strip_lemma a0 y (stripOutVars (a::nil) t)).
+ rewrite <- IHy.
+ clear IHy.
+ rewrite <- (strip_lemma a y t).
+ rewrite <- strip_lemma.
+ rewrite <- strip_lemma.
+ apply strip_swap0_lemma.
+ Qed.
+Lemma strip_swap_lemma : forall x y t, stripOutVars x (stripOutVars y t) = stripOutVars y (stripOutVars x t).
+ intros; induction t.
+ destruct a; simpl.
+ induction x.
+ rewrite strip_nil_lemma.
+ rewrite strip_nil_lemma.
+ reflexivity.
+ rewrite strip_lemma.
+ rewrite (strip_lemma a x [v]).
+ rewrite IHx.
+ clear IHx.
+ apply strip_swap1_lemma.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold stripOutVars in *.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite IHt1.
+ rewrite IHt2.
+ reflexivity.
-Lemma strip_distinct a y : (not (In a (leaves y))) -> stripOutVars (a :: nil) y = y.
+Lemma strip_twice_lemma x y t : stripOutVars x (stripOutVars y t) = stripOutVars (app x y) t.
+ induction x; simpl.
+ apply strip_nil_lemma.
+ rewrite strip_lemma.
+ rewrite IHx.
+ clear IHx.
+ rewrite <- strip_lemma.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma notin_strip_inert a y : (not (In a (leaves y))) -> stripOutVars (a :: nil) y = y.
induction y.
destruct a0; try reflexivity.
-Lemma strip_distinct' y : forall x, distinct (app x (leaves y)) -> stripOutVars x y = y.
+Lemma notin_strip_inert' y : forall x, distinct (app x (leaves y)) -> stripOutVars x y = y.
induction x; intros.
simpl in H.
unfold stripOutVars.
set (IHx H3) as qq.
rewrite strip_lemma.
rewrite IHx.
- apply strip_distinct.
+ apply notin_strip_inert.
unfold not; intros.
apply H2.
apply In_both'.
+Lemma dropvar_lemma v v' y : dropVar y v = Some v' -> v=v'.
+ intros.
+ induction y; auto.
+ simpl in H.
+ inversion H.
+ auto.
+ apply IHy.
+ simpl in H.
+ destruct (eqd_dec v a).
+ inversion H.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma updating_stripped_tree_is_inert'
{Γ} lev
(ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ ★)
lv tree2 :
mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev lv) (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) lv) tree2)
= mapOptionTree ξ (stripOutVars (map (@fst _ _) lv) tree2).
induction tree2.
- destruct a.
- simpl.
- induction lv.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
- destruct a.
- simpl.
- set (eqd_dec v v0) as q.
- destruct q.
- auto.
- set (dropVar (map (@fst _ _) lv) v) as b in *.
- destruct b.
- inversion IHlv.
- admit.
- auto.
- reflexivity.
+ destruct a; [ idtac | reflexivity ]; simpl.
+ induction lv; [ reflexivity | idtac ]; simpl.
+ destruct a; simpl.
+ set (eqd_dec v v0) as q; destruct q; auto.
+ set (dropVar (map (@fst _ _) lv) v) as b in *.
+ assert (dropVar (map (@fst _ _) lv) v=b). reflexivity.
+ destruct b; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ apply dropvar_lemma in H.
+ subst.
+ inversion IHlv.
+ rewrite H0.
+ clear H0 IHlv.
+ destruct (eqd_dec v0 v1).
+ subst.
+ assert False. apply n. intros; auto. inversion H.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold stripOutVars in *.
+ simpl.
+ rewrite <- IHtree2_1.
+ rewrite <- IHtree2_2.
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+Lemma distinct_bogus : forall {T}a0 (a:list T), distinct (a0::(app a (a0::nil))) -> False.
+ intros; induction a; auto.
+ simpl in H.
+ inversion H; subst.
+ apply H2; auto.
+ unfold In; simpl.
+ left; auto.
+ apply IHa.
+ clear IHa.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H; subst.
+ inversion H3; subst.
+ apply distinct_cons; auto.
+ intros.
+ apply H2.
- unfold stripOutVars in *.
- rewrite <- IHtree2_1.
- rewrite <- IHtree2_2.
- reflexivity.
+ right; auto.
-Lemma update_ξ_lemma `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV} : forall Γ ξ (lev:HaskLevel Γ)(varstypes:Tree ??(VV*_)),
- distinct (map (@fst _ _) (leaves varstypes)) ->
- mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) =
- mapOptionTree (fun t => t@@ lev) (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) varstypes).
- admit.
+Lemma distinct_swap' : forall {T}a (b:list T), distinct (app b (a::nil)) -> distinct (a::b).
+ intros.
+ apply distinct_cons.
+ induction b; intros; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H; subst.
+ set (IHb H4) as H4'.
+ apply H4'.
+ inversion H0; subst; auto.
+ apply distinct_bogus in H; inversion H.
+ induction b; intros; simpl; auto.
+ apply distinct_nil.
+ apply distinct_app in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+Lemma in_both : forall {T}(a b:list T) x, In x (app a b) -> In x a \/ In x b.
+ induction a; intros; simpl; auto.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H.
+ subst.
+ left; left; auto.
+ set (IHa _ _ H0) as H'.
+ destruct H'.
+ left; right; auto.
+ right; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma distinct_lemma : forall {T} (a b:list T) a0, distinct (app a (a0 :: b)) -> distinct (app a b).
+ intros.
+ induction a; simpl; auto.
+ simpl in H.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ assert (distinct (app a1 b)) as Q.
+ intros.
+ apply IHa.
+ clear IHa.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ apply distinct_cons; [ idtac | apply Q ].
+ intros.
+ apply in_both in H0.
+ destruct H0.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ apply H3.
+ apply In_both; auto.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons in H.
+ inversion H; subst; auto.
+ apply H3.
+ apply In_both'; auto.
+ simpl.
+ right; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma nil_app : forall {T}(a:list T) x, x::a = (app (x::nil) a).
+ induction a; intros; simpl; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma distinct_swap : forall {T}(a b:list T), distinct (app a b) -> distinct (app b a).
+ intros.
+ induction b.
+ rewrite <- app_nil_end in H; auto.
+ rewrite <- app_comm_cons.
+ set (distinct_lemma _ _ _ H) as H'.
+ set (IHb H') as H''.
+ apply distinct_cons; [ idtac | apply H'' ].
+ intros.
+ apply in_both in H0.
+ clear H'' H'.
+ destruct H0.
+ apply distinct_app in H.
+ destruct H.
+ inversion H1; auto.
+ clear IHb.
+ rewrite nil_app in H.
+ rewrite ass_app in H.
+ apply distinct_app in H.
+ destruct H; auto.
+ apply distinct_swap' in H.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma update_ξ_lemma' `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV} Γ ξ (lev:HaskLevel Γ)(varstypes:Tree ??(VV*_)) :
+ forall v1 v2,
+ distinct (map (@fst _ _) (leaves (v1,,(varstypes,,v2)))) ->
+ mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves (v1,,(varstypes,,v2)))) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) =
+ mapOptionTree (fun t => t@@ lev) (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) varstypes).
+ induction varstypes; intros.
+ destruct a; simpl; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ destruct p.
+ simpl.
+ simpl in H.
+ induction (leaves v1).
+ simpl; auto.
+ destruct (eqd_dec v v); auto.
+ assert False. apply n. auto. inversion H0.
+ simpl.
+ destruct a.
+ destruct (eqd_dec v0 v); subst; auto.
+ simpl in H.
+ rewrite map_app in H.
+ simpl in H.
+ rewrite nil_app in H.
+ apply distinct_swap in H.
+ rewrite app_ass in H.
+ apply distinct_app in H.
+ destruct H.
+ apply distinct_swap in H0.
+ simpl in H0.
+ inversion H0; subst.
+ assert False.
+ apply H3.
+ simpl; left; auto.
+ inversion H1.
+ apply IHl.
+ simpl in H.
+ inversion H; auto.
+ set (IHvarstypes1 v1 (varstypes2,,v2)) as i1.
+ set (IHvarstypes2 (v1,,varstypes1) v2) as i2.
+ simpl in *.
+ rewrite <- i1.
+ rewrite <- i2.
+ rewrite ass_app.
+ rewrite ass_app.
+ rewrite ass_app.
+ rewrite ass_app.
+ reflexivity.
+ clear i1 i2 IHvarstypes1 IHvarstypes2.
+ repeat rewrite ass_app in *; auto.
+ clear i1 i2 IHvarstypes1 IHvarstypes2.
+ repeat rewrite ass_app in *; auto.
+ Qed.
+Lemma update_ξ_lemma `{EQD_VV:EqDecidable VV} Γ ξ (lev:HaskLevel Γ)(varstypes:Tree ??(VV*_)) :
+ distinct (map (@fst _ _) (leaves varstypes)) ->
+ mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves varstypes)) (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) varstypes) =
+ mapOptionTree (fun t => t@@ lev) (mapOptionTree (@snd _ _) varstypes).
+ set (update_ξ_lemma' Γ ξ lev varstypes [] []) as q.
+ simpl in q.
+ rewrite <- app_nil_end in q.
+ apply q.
+ Qed.
Fixpoint expr2antecedent {Γ'}{Δ'}{ξ'}{τ'}(exp:Expr Γ' Δ' ξ' τ') : Tree ??VV :=
match exp as E in Expr Γ Δ ξ τ with
| ECoLam Γ Δ κ σ σ₁ σ₂ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e
| ECoApp Γ Δ κ γ σ₁ σ₂ σ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e
| ETyApp Γ Δ κ σ τ ξ l e => expr2antecedent e
- | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ l τ vars branches body =>
+ | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ l τ vars _ branches body =>
let branch_context := eLetRecContext branches
in let all_contexts := (expr2antecedent body),,branch_context
in stripOutVars (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _ ) vars)) all_contexts
refine (RLeft _ (RWeak _)).
-Lemma cheat : forall {T}(a b:list T), distinct (app a b) -> distinct (app b a).
- admit.
- Qed.
Definition arrangeContextAndWeaken''
(Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ)
v (* variable to be pivoted, if found *)
eapply RComp.
apply qq.
clear qq IHv2' IHv2 IHv1.
+ rewrite strip_swap_lemma.
rewrite strip_twice_lemma.
- rewrite (strip_distinct' v1 (leaves v2)).
+ rewrite (notin_strip_inert' v1 (leaves v2)).
apply RCossa.
- apply cheat.
+ apply distinct_swap.
Lemma letRecSubproofsToND' Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree :
- forall branches body,
- distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree)) ->
+ forall branches body (dist:distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree))),
ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves tree)) (expr2antecedent body) |- [τ @@ lev]] ->
LetRecSubproofs Γ Δ (update_ξ ξ lev (leaves tree)) lev tree branches ->
- ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent (@ELetRec VV _ Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree branches body)) |- [τ @@ lev]].
+ ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > mapOptionTree ξ (expr2antecedent (@ELetRec VV _ Γ Δ ξ lev τ tree dist branches body)) |- [τ @@ lev]].
(* NOTE: how we interpret stuff here affects the order-of-side-effects *)
intro branches.
intro pf.
intro lrsp.
- rewrite mapleaves in disti.
- set (@update_ξ_lemma _ Γ ξ lev tree disti) as ξlemma.
+ assert (distinct (leaves (mapOptionTree (@fst _ _) tree))) as disti'.
+ apply disti.
+ rewrite mapleaves in disti'.
+ set (@update_ξ_lemma _ Γ ξ lev tree disti') as ξlemma.
rewrite <- mapOptionTree_compose in ξlemma.
set ((update_ξ ξ lev (leaves tree))) as ξ' in *.
set (@arrangeContextAndWeaken'' Γ Δ pctx ξ' (expr2antecedent body,,eLetRecContext branches)) as q'.
unfold passback in *; clear passback.
unfold pctx in *; clear pctx.
- rewrite <- mapleaves in disti.
set (q' disti) as q''.
unfold ξ' in *.
| ELam Γ Δ ξ t1 t2 lev v e => let case_ELam := tt in (fun e' => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ e)
| ELet Γ Δ ξ tv t v lev ev ebody => let case_ELet := tt in
(fun pf_let pf_body => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ev) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody)
- | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ lev t tree branches ebody =>
+ | ELetRec Γ Δ ξ lev t tree disti branches ebody =>
let ξ' := update_ξ ξ lev (leaves tree) in
let case_ELetRec := tt in (fun e' subproofs => _) (expr2proof _ _ _ _ ebody)
((fix subproofs Γ'' Δ'' ξ'' lev'' (tree':Tree ??(VV * HaskType Γ'' ★))
unfold ξ'1 in *.
clear ξ'1.
apply letRecSubproofsToND'.
- admit.
apply e'.
apply subproofs.