-- | Arit and eta expansion
module CoreArity (
manifestArity, exprArity, exprBotStrictness_maybe,
- exprEtaExpandArity, etaExpand
+ exprEtaExpandArity, CheapFun, etaExpand
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Id
import Type
import TyCon ( isRecursiveTyCon, isClassTyCon )
-import TcType ( isDictLikeTy )
import Coercion
import BasicTypes
import Unique
import Outputable
-import DynFlags
import FastString
-- and gives them a suitable strictness signatures. It's used during
-- float-out
exprBotStrictness_maybe e
- = case getBotArity (arityType False e) of
+ = case getBotArity (arityType is_cheap e) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ar -> Just (ar, mkStrictSig (mkTopDmdType (replicate ar topDmd) BotRes))
+ where
+ is_cheap _ _ = False -- Irrelevant for this purpose
Note [exprArity invariant]
-- ^ The Arity returned is the number of value args the [_$_]
-- expression can be applied to without doing much work
-exprEtaExpandArity :: DynFlags -> CoreExpr -> Arity
+exprEtaExpandArity :: CheapFun -> CoreExpr -> Arity
-- exprEtaExpandArity is used when eta expanding
-- e ==> \xy -> e x y
-exprEtaExpandArity dflags e
- = case (arityType dicts_cheap e) of
+exprEtaExpandArity cheap_fun e
+ = case (arityType cheap_fun e) of
ATop (os:oss)
| os || has_lam e -> 1 + length oss -- Note [Eta expanding thunks]
| otherwise -> 0
ATop [] -> 0
ABot n -> n
- dicts_cheap = dopt Opt_DictsCheap dflags
has_lam (Note _ e) = has_lam e
has_lam (Lam b e) = isId b || has_lam e
has_lam _ = False
floatIn False (ATop as) = ATop (takeWhile id as)
-- If E is not cheap, keep arity only for one-shots
-arityApp :: ArityType -> CoreExpr -> ArityType
+arityApp :: ArityType -> Bool -> ArityType
-- Processing (fun arg) where at is the ArityType of fun,
-- Knock off an argument and behave like 'let'
-arityApp (ABot 0) _ = ABot 0
-arityApp (ABot n) _ = ABot (n-1)
-arityApp (ATop []) _ = ATop []
-arityApp (ATop (_:as)) arg = floatIn (exprIsCheap arg) (ATop as)
+arityApp (ABot 0) _ = ABot 0
+arityApp (ABot n) _ = ABot (n-1)
+arityApp (ATop []) _ = ATop []
+arityApp (ATop (_:as)) cheap = floatIn cheap (ATop as)
andArityType :: ArityType -> ArityType -> ArityType -- Used for branches of a 'case'
andArityType (ABot n1) (ABot n2)
-arityType :: Bool -> CoreExpr -> ArityType
+type CheapFun = CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
+ -- How to decide if an expression is cheap
+ -- If the Maybe is Just, the type is the type
+ -- of the expression; Nothing means "don't know"
+arityType :: CheapFun -> CoreExpr -> ArityType
arityType _ (Var v)
| Just strict_sig <- idStrictness_maybe v
, (ds, res) <- splitStrictSig strict_sig
one_shots = typeArity (idType v)
-- Lambdas; increase arity
-arityType dicts_cheap (Lam x e)
- | isId x = arityLam x (arityType dicts_cheap e)
- | otherwise = arityType dicts_cheap e
+arityType cheap_fn (Lam x e)
+ | isId x = arityLam x (arityType cheap_fn e)
+ | otherwise = arityType cheap_fn e
-- Applications; decrease arity
-arityType dicts_cheap (App fun (Type _))
- = arityType dicts_cheap fun
-arityType dicts_cheap (App fun arg )
- = arityApp (arityType dicts_cheap fun) arg
+arityType cheap_fn (App fun (Type _))
+ = arityType cheap_fn fun
+arityType cheap_fn (App fun arg )
+ = arityApp (arityType cheap_fn fun) (cheap_fn arg Nothing)
-- Case/Let; keep arity if either the expression is cheap
-- or it's a 1-shot lambda
-- ===>
-- f x y = case x of { (a,b) -> e }
-- The difference is observable using 'seq'
-arityType dicts_cheap (Case scrut _ _ alts)
- = floatIn (exprIsCheap scrut)
- (foldr1 andArityType [arityType dicts_cheap rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts])
+arityType cheap_fn (Case scrut bndr _ alts)
+ = floatIn (cheap_fn scrut (Just (idType bndr)))
+ (foldr1 andArityType [arityType cheap_fn rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts])
-arityType dicts_cheap (Let b e)
- = floatIn (cheap_bind b) (arityType dicts_cheap e)
+arityType cheap_fn (Let b e)
+ = floatIn (cheap_bind b) (arityType cheap_fn e)
cheap_bind (NonRec b e) = is_cheap (b,e)
cheap_bind (Rec prs) = all is_cheap prs
- is_cheap (b,e) = (dicts_cheap && isDictLikeTy (idType b))
- || exprIsCheap e
- -- If the experimental -fdicts-cheap flag is on, we eta-expand through
- -- dictionary bindings. This improves arities. Thereby, it also
- -- means that full laziness is less prone to floating out the
- -- application of a function to its dictionary arguments, which
- -- can thereby lose opportunities for fusion. Example:
- -- foo :: Ord a => a -> ...
- -- foo = /\a \(d:Ord a). let d' = ...d... in \(x:a). ....
- -- -- So foo has arity 1
- --
- -- f = \x. foo dInt $ bar x
- --
- -- The (foo DInt) is floated out, and makes ineffective a RULE
- -- foo (bar x) = ...
- --
- -- One could go further and make exprIsCheap reply True to any
- -- dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
- --
- -- See Note [Dictionary-like types] in TcType.lhs for why we use
- -- isDictLikeTy here rather than isDictTy
-arityType dicts_cheap (Note n e)
- | notSccNote n = arityType dicts_cheap e
-arityType dicts_cheap (Cast e _) = arityType dicts_cheap e
-arityType _ _ = vanillaArityType
+ is_cheap (b,e) = cheap_fn e (Just (idType b))
+arityType cheap_fn (Note n e)
+ | notSccNote n = arityType cheap_fn e
+arityType cheap_fn (Cast e _) = arityType cheap_fn e
+arityType _ _ = vanillaArityType
-- * Properties of expressions
exprType, coreAltType, coreAltsType,
- exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, exprIsCheap, exprIsExpandable,
+ exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial,
+ exprIsCheap, exprIsExpandable, exprIsCheap', CheapAppFun,
exprIsHNF, exprOkForSpeculation, exprIsBig, exprIsConLike,
rhsIsStatic, isCheapApp, isExpandableApp,
exprIsExpandable :: CoreExpr -> Bool
exprIsExpandable = exprIsCheap' isExpandableApp -- See Note [CONLIKE pragma] in BasicTypes
-exprIsCheap' :: (Id -> Int -> Bool) -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+type CheapAppFun = Id -> Int -> Bool
+exprIsCheap' :: CheapAppFun -> CoreExpr -> Bool
exprIsCheap' _ (Lit _) = True
exprIsCheap' _ (Type _) = True
exprIsCheap' _ (Var _) = True
-- BUT: Take care with (sel d x)! The (sel d) might be cheap, but
-- there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too. Hence (n_val_args == 1)
-isCheapApp :: Id -> Int -> Bool
+isCheapApp :: CheapAppFun
isCheapApp fn n_val_args
= isDataConWorkId fn
|| n_val_args < idArity fn
-isExpandableApp :: Id -> Int -> Bool
+isExpandableApp :: CheapAppFun
isExpandableApp fn n_val_args
= isConLikeId fn
|| n_val_args < idArity fn
import Var
import Demand
import SimplMonad
+import TcType ( isDictLikeTy )
import Type hiding( substTy )
import Coercion ( coercionKind )
import TyCon
%* *
+When we meet a let-binding we try eta-expansion. To find the
+arity of the RHS we use a little fixpoint analysis; see Note [Arity analysis]
tryEtaExpand :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> SimplM (Arity, OutExpr)
-- See Note [Eta-expanding at let bindings]
try_expand dflags
| sm_eta_expand (getMode env) -- Provided eta-expansion is on
, not (exprIsTrivial rhs)
- , let new_arity = exprEtaExpandArity dflags rhs
+ , let dicts_cheap = dopt Opt_DictsCheap dflags
+ new_arity = findArity dicts_cheap bndr rhs old_arity
, new_arity > rhs_arity
= do { tick (EtaExpansion bndr)
; return (new_arity, etaExpand new_arity rhs) }
rhs_arity = exprArity rhs
old_arity = idArity bndr
_dmd_arity = length $ fst $ splitStrictSig $ idStrictness bndr
+findArity :: Bool -> Id -> CoreExpr -> Arity -> Arity
+-- This implements the fixpoint loop for arity analysis
+-- See Note [Arity analysis]
+findArity dicts_cheap bndr rhs old_arity
+ = go (exprEtaExpandArity (mk_cheap_fn dicts_cheap init_cheap_app) rhs)
+ -- We always call exprEtaExpandArity once, but usually
+ -- that produces a result equal to old_arity, and then
+ -- we stop right away (since arities should not decrease)
+ -- Result: the common case is that there is just one iteration
+ where
+ go :: Arity -> Arity
+ go cur_arity
+ | cur_arity <= old_arity = cur_arity
+ | new_arity == cur_arity = cur_arity
+ | otherwise = ASSERT( new_arity < cur_arity )
+ pprTrace "Exciting arity"
+ (vcat [ ppr bndr <+> ppr cur_arity <+> ppr new_arity
+ , ppr rhs])
+ go new_arity
+ where
+ new_arity = exprEtaExpandArity (mk_cheap_fn dicts_cheap cheap_app) rhs
+ cheap_app :: CheapAppFun
+ cheap_app fn n_val_args
+ | fn == bndr = n_val_args < cur_arity
+ | otherwise = isCheapApp fn n_val_args
+ init_cheap_app :: CheapAppFun
+ init_cheap_app fn n_val_args
+ | fn == bndr = True
+ | otherwise = isCheapApp fn n_val_args
+mk_cheap_fn :: Bool -> CheapAppFun -> CheapFun
+mk_cheap_fn dicts_cheap cheap_app
+ | not dicts_cheap
+ = \e _ -> exprIsCheap' cheap_app e
+ | otherwise
+ = \e mb_ty -> exprIsCheap' cheap_app e
+ || case mb_ty of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just ty -> isDictLikeTy ty
+ -- If the experimental -fdicts-cheap flag is on, we eta-expand through
+ -- dictionary bindings. This improves arities. Thereby, it also
+ -- means that full laziness is less prone to floating out the
+ -- application of a function to its dictionary arguments, which
+ -- can thereby lose opportunities for fusion. Example:
+ -- foo :: Ord a => a -> ...
+ -- foo = /\a \(d:Ord a). let d' = ...d... in \(x:a). ....
+ -- -- So foo has arity 1
+ --
+ -- f = \x. foo dInt $ bar x
+ --
+ -- The (foo DInt) is floated out, and makes ineffective a RULE
+ -- foo (bar x) = ...
+ --
+ -- One could go further and make exprIsCheap reply True to any
+ -- dictionary-typed expression, but that's more work.
+ --
+ -- See Note [Dictionary-like types] in TcType.lhs for why we use
+ -- isDictLikeTy here rather than isDictTy
Note [Eta-expanding at let bindings]
as far as the programmer is concerned, it's not applied to two
+Note [Arity analysis]
+The motivating example for arity analysis is this:
+ f = \x. let g = f (x+1)
+ in \y. ...g...
+What arity does f have? Really it should have arity 2, but a naive
+look at the RHS won't see that. You need a fixpoint analysis which
+says it has arity "infinity" the first time round.
+This example happens a lot; it first showed up in Andy Gill's thesis,
+fifteen years ago! It also shows up in the code for 'rnf' on lists
+in Trac #4138.
+The analysis is easy to achieve because exprEtaExpandArity takes an
+ type CheapFun = CoreExpr -> Maybe Type -> Bool
+used to decide if an expression is cheap enough to push inside a
+lambda. And exprIsCheap' in turn takes an argument
+ type CheapAppFun = Id -> Int -> Bool
+which tells when an application is cheap. This makes it easy to
+write the analysis loop.
+The analysis is cheap-and-cheerful because it doesn't deal with
+mutual recursion. But the self-recursive case is the important one.
%* *