module LlvmMangler ( llvmFixupAsm ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char
infoSec = B.pack "\t.section\t__STRIP,__me"
newInfoSec = B.pack "\n\t.text"
newLine = B.pack "\n"
-spInst = B.pack ", %esp\n"
jmpInst = B.pack "\n\tjmp"
-infoLen, spFix, labelStart :: Int
-infoLen = B.length infoSec
-spFix = 4
+infoLen, labelStart, spFix :: Int
+infoLen = B.length infoSec
labelStart = B.length jmpInst
+#if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
+spInst = B.pack ", %rsp\n"
+spFix = 8
+spInst = B.pack ", %esp\n"
+spFix = 4
-- Search Predicates
eolPred, dollarPred, commaPred :: Char -> Bool
eolPred = ((==) '\n')
when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError $ errorsToGhcException errs
let (pic_warns, dflags2)
- | not (cTargetArch == X86_64 && cTargetOS == Linux) &&
+ | not (cTargetArch == X86_64 && (cTargetOS == Linux || cTargetOS == OSX)) &&
(not opt_Static || opt_PIC) &&
hscTarget dflags1 == HscLlvm
- = ([L noSrcSpan $ "Warning: -fllvm is incompatible with -fPIC and -"
- ++ "dynamic on this platform;\n"
- ++ " using " ++ showHscTargetFlag defaultObjectTarget ++ " instead"],
+ = ([L noSrcSpan $ "Warning: -fllvm is incompatible with -fPIC and "
+ ++ "-dynamic on this platform;\n"
+ ++ " using "
+ ++ showHscTargetFlag defaultObjectTarget ++ " instead"],
dflags1{ hscTarget = defaultObjectTarget })
| otherwise = ([], dflags1)