exprIsCheap :: CoreExpr -> Bool
-exprIsCheap (Lit lit) = True
-exprIsCheap (Type _) = True
-exprIsCheap (Var _) = True
-exprIsCheap (Note InlineMe e) = True
-exprIsCheap (Note _ e) = exprIsCheap e
-exprIsCheap (Lam x e) = isRuntimeVar x || exprIsCheap e
-exprIsCheap (Case e _ _ alts) = exprIsCheap e &&
- and [exprIsCheap rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
+exprIsCheap (Lit lit) = True
+exprIsCheap (Type _) = True
+exprIsCheap (Var _) = True
+exprIsCheap (Note InlineMe e) = True
+exprIsCheap (Note _ e) = exprIsCheap e
+exprIsCheap (Lam x e) = isRuntimeVar x || exprIsCheap e
+exprIsCheap (Case e _ _ alts) = exprIsCheap e &&
+ and [exprIsCheap rhs | (_,_,rhs) <- alts]
-- Experimentally, treat (case x of ...) as cheap
-- (and case __coerce x etc.)
-- This improves arities of overloaded functions where
-- strict lets always have cheap right hand sides,
-- and do no allocation.
-exprIsCheap other_expr
- = go other_expr 0 True
+exprIsCheap other_expr -- Applications and variables
+ = go other_expr []
- go (Var f) n_args args_cheap
- = (idAppIsCheap f n_args && args_cheap)
- -- A constructor, cheap primop, or partial application
- || idAppIsBottom f n_args
+ -- Accumulate value arguments, then decide
+ go (App f a) val_args | isRuntimeArg a = go f (a:val_args)
+ | otherwise = go f val_args
+ go (Var f) [] = True -- Just a type application of a variable
+ -- (f t1 t2 t3) counts as WHNF
+ go (Var f) args
+ = case globalIdDetails f of
+ RecordSelId {} -> go_sel args
+ ClassOpId _ -> go_sel args
+ PrimOpId op -> go_primop op args
+ DataConWorkId _ -> go_pap args
+ other | length args < idArity f -> go_pap args
+ other -> isBottomingId f
-- Application of a function which
-- always gives bottom; we treat this as cheap
-- because it certainly doesn't need to be shared!
- go (App f a) n_args args_cheap
- | not (isRuntimeArg a) = go f n_args args_cheap
- | otherwise = go f (n_args + 1) (exprIsCheap a && args_cheap)
- go other n_args args_cheap = False
-idAppIsCheap :: Id -> Int -> Bool
-idAppIsCheap id n_val_args
- | n_val_args == 0 = True -- Just a type application of
- -- a variable (f t1 t2 t3)
- -- counts as WHNF
- | otherwise
- = case globalIdDetails id of
- DataConWorkId _ -> True
- RecordSelId {} -> n_val_args == 1 -- I'm experimenting with making record selection
- ClassOpId _ -> n_val_args == 1 -- look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a
- -- lambda. Particularly for dictionary field selection.
- -- BUT: Take care with (sel d x)! The (sel d) might be cheap, but
- -- there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too. Hence (n_val_args == 1)
- PrimOpId op -> primOpIsCheap op -- In principle we should worry about primops
- -- that return a type variable, since the result
- -- might be applied to something, but I'm not going
- -- to bother to check the number of args
- other -> n_val_args < idArity id
+ go other args = False
+ --------------
+ go_pap args = all exprIsTrivial args
+ -- For constructor applications and primops, check that all
+ -- the args are trivial. We don't want to treat as cheap, say,
+ -- (1:2:3:4:5:[])
+ -- We'll put up with one constructor application, but not dozens
+ --------------
+ go_primop op args = primOpIsCheap op && all exprIsCheap args
+ -- In principle we should worry about primops
+ -- that return a type variable, since the result
+ -- might be applied to something, but I'm not going
+ -- to bother to check the number of args
+ --------------
+ go_sel [arg] = exprIsTrivial arg -- I'm experimenting with making record selection
+ go_sel other = False -- look cheap, so we will substitute it inside a
+ -- lambda. Particularly for dictionary field selection.
+ -- BUT: Take care with (sel d x)! The (sel d) might be cheap, but
+ -- there's no guarantee that (sel d x) will be too. Hence (n_val_args == 1)
exprOkForSpeculation returns True of an expression that it is