import VarSet
import VarEnv
import Var ( setVarUnique, isId )
-import Id ( idType, setIdType, maybeModifyIdInfo, isLocalId )
+import Id ( idType, idInfo, setIdType, maybeModifyIdInfo, isLocalId )
import IdInfo ( IdInfo, SpecInfo(..), specInfo, setSpecInfo, isEmptySpecInfo,
unfoldingInfo, setUnfoldingInfo, seqSpecInfo,
WorkerInfo(..), workerExists, workerInfo, setWorkerInfo
import Unique ( Unique )
import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, uniqFromSupply, uniqsFromSupply )
import Var ( Var, Id, TyVar, isTyVar )
-import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Maybes ( orElse, isNothing )
import Outputable
import PprCore () -- Instances
import Util ( mapAccumL )
lookupIdSubst :: Subst -> Id -> CoreExpr
lookupIdSubst (Subst in_scope ids tvs) v
| not (isLocalId v) = Var v
- | otherwise
- = case lookupVarEnv ids v of {
- Just e -> e ;
- Nothing ->
+ | otherwise = case lookupVarEnv ids v of
+ Just e -> e
+ Nothing -> Var v
+{- We used to have to look up in the in-scope set,
+ because GADTs were implicit in the intermediate language
+ But with FC, the type of an Id does not change in its scope
+ The worst that can happen if we don't look up in the in-scope set
+ is that we don't propagate IdInfo as vigorously as we might.
+ But that'll happen (when it's useful) in SimplEnv.substId
+ If you put this back in, you should worry about the
+ Just e -> e
+ case above too!
case lookupInScope in_scope v of {
-- Watch out! Must get the Id from the in-scope set,
-- because its type there may differ
Just v -> Var v ;
Nothing -> WARN( True, ptext SLIT("CoreSubst.lookupIdSubst") <+> ppr v )
Var v
- }}
lookupTvSubst :: Subst -> TyVar -> Type
lookupTvSubst (Subst _ ids tvs) v = lookupVarEnv tvs v `orElse` mkTyVarTy v
go (Lit lit) = Lit lit
go (App fun arg) = App (go fun) (go arg)
go (Note note e) = Note (go_note note) (go e)
+ go (Cast e co) = Cast (go e) (substTy subst co)
go (Lam bndr body) = Lam bndr' (substExpr subst' body)
(subst', bndr') = substBndr subst bndr
(subst', bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
- go_note (Coerce ty1 ty2) = Coerce (substTy subst ty1) (substTy subst ty2)
go_note note = note
substBind :: Subst -> CoreBind -> (Subst, CoreBind)
= (Subst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_id) new_env tvs, new_id)
id1 = uniqAway in_scope old_id -- id1 is cloned if necessary
- id2 = substIdType subst id1 -- id2 has its type zapped
+ id2 | no_type_change = id1
+ | otherwise = setIdType id1 (substTy subst old_ty)
+ old_ty = idType old_id
+ no_type_change = isEmptyVarEnv tvs || isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfType old_ty)
-- new_id has the right IdInfo
-- The lazy-set is because we're in a loop here, with
-- rec_subst, when dealing with a mutually-recursive group
- new_id = maybeModifyIdInfo (substIdInfo rec_subst) id2
+ new_id = maybeModifyIdInfo mb_new_info id2
+ mb_new_info = substIdInfo rec_subst (idInfo id2)
-- Extend the substitution if the unique has changed
-- See the notes with substTyVarBndr for the delVarEnv
- new_env | new_id /= old_id = extendVarEnv env old_id (Var new_id)
- | otherwise = delVarEnv env old_id
+ new_env | no_change = delVarEnv env old_id
+ | otherwise = extendVarEnv env old_id (Var new_id)
+ no_change = False -- id1 == old_id && isNothing mb_new_info && no_type_change
Now a variant that unconditionally allocates a new unique.
id1 = setVarUnique old_id uniq
id2 = substIdType subst id1
- new_id = maybeModifyIdInfo (substIdInfo rec_subst) id2
+ new_id = maybeModifyIdInfo (substIdInfo rec_subst (idInfo old_id)) id2
new_env = extendVarEnv env old_id (Var new_id)