.PHONY: boot
boot: $(BOOTSTRAPPING_STAMPS) ifBuildable/ifBuildable \
- $(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),$(SUBDIR)/setup/Setup)
+ $(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),$(SUBDIR)/setup/Setup) \
+ installPackage/installPackage
# We build the Setup program in a setup subdirectory to stop it trying
# to use bits of base and Cabal when we build those packages.
-i../../bootstrapping.filepath \
-Wall -cpp --make Setup.*hs -o Setup
+installPackage/installPackage: installPackage.hs $(BOOTSTRAPPING_STAMPS)
+ -$(RM) -rf installPackage
+ mkdir installPackage
+ $(CP) installPackage.hs installPackage/
+ cd installPackage && $(GHC) -Wall --make installPackage -o installPackage \
+ -i../bootstrapping.Cabal \
+ -i../bootstrapping.filepath
ifBuildable/ifBuildable: ifBuildable.hs
-$(RM) -rf ifBuildable
mkdir ifBuildable
build: $(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),build.library.$(SUBDIR))
+build: installPackage/installPackage
configure: $(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS), \
# Ideally this would depend on a stamp/build.library.%, but if it does
# then we can't change the libraries and then just rerun make.
# Thus if you install without building then it will just break.
-$(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),stamp/configure.library.install.$(SUBDIR)): \
-stamp/configure.library.install.%: %/setup/Setup ifBuildable/ifBuildable
- -$(RM) -f stamp/configure.library.*.$*
- ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* setup/Setup configure \
- --prefix=$(prefix) \
- --with-compiler=$(bindir)/ghc \
- --datasubdir=ghc
- touch $@
-# We need to reconfigure as we now need to register with the normal ghc-pkg
$(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),install.library.$(SUBDIR)): \
-install.library.%: stamp/configure.library.install.% \
- %/setup/Setup ifBuildable/ifBuildable
- ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* setup/Setup install
+install.library.%: installPackage/installPackage ifBuildable/ifBuildable
+ ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* ../installPackage/installPackage
.PHONY: binary-dist binary-dist.library.%
binary-dist: $(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),binary-dist.library.$(SUBDIR))
- cp Makefile $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
- cp gen_contents_index $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
- cp index.html $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
- cp doc-index.html $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
- cp -a stamp $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
+ mkdir $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/installPackage
+ cp installPackage/installPackage $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/installPackage
+ cp Makefile $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
+ cp gen_contents_index $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
+ cp index.html $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
+ cp doc-index.html $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
+ cp -a stamp $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)
$(foreach SUBDIR,$(SUBDIRS),binary-dist.library.$(SUBDIR)): \
- ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* cp setup/Setup $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/$*/setup
ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* cp $*.cabal $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/$*
ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* cp -a dist $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/$*
ifBuildable/ifBuildable $* $(FIND) $(BIN_DIST_LIBDIR)/$*/dist \
--- /dev/null
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+import Distribution.Setup
+import Distribution.Simple
+import Distribution.Simple.Configure
+import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils
+import Distribution.Verbosity
+import System.Environment
+main :: IO ()
+main = do args <- getArgs
+ let verbosity = case args of
+ [] -> normal
+ ['-':'v':v] ->
+ let m = case v of
+ "" -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just v
+ in flagToVerbosity m
+ _ -> error ("Bad arguments: " ++ show args)
+ userHooks = simpleUserHooks
+ installFlags = InstallFlags {
+ installUserFlags = MaybeUserGlobal,
+ installVerbose = verbosity
+ }
+ pdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
+ pd <- readPackageDescription verbosity pdFile
+ lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig
+ let -- XXX This is an almighty hack, shadowing the base Setup.hs hack
+ lib' = case library pd of
+ Just lib ->
+ lib {
+ exposedModules = filter (("GHC.Prim" /=))
+ $ exposedModules lib
+ }
+ Nothing ->
+ error "Expected a library, but none found"
+ pd' = pd { library = Just lib' }
+ -- When installing we need to use the non-inplace ghc-pkg.
+ -- We also set the compiler to be non-inplace, but that
+ -- probably doesn't matter.
+ c = compiler lbi
+ c' = c { compilerPath = dropInPlace (compilerPath c),
+ compilerPkgTool = dropInPlace (compilerPkgTool c)
+ }
+ lbi' = lbi { compiler = c' }
+ (instHook simpleUserHooks) pd' lbi' userHooks installFlags
+dropInPlace :: FilePath -> FilePath
+dropInPlace "" = ""
+dropInPlace xs@(x:xs') = case dropPrefix "-inplace" xs of
+ Nothing -> x : dropInPlace xs'
+ Just xs'' -> dropInPlace xs''
+dropPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
+dropPrefix [] ys = Just ys
+dropPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys)
+ | x == y = dropPrefix xs ys
+dropPrefix _ _ = Nothing