module Foreign.C.Types
( -- Integral types, instances of: Eq, Ord, Num, Read, Show, Enum,
-- Typeable, Storable, Bounded, Real, Integral, Bits
- CChar(..), CSChar(..), CUChar(..)
- , CShort(..), CUShort(..), CInt(..), CUInt(..)
- , CLong(..), CULong(..)
- , CPtrdiff(..), CSize(..), CWchar(..), CSigAtomic(..)
- , CLLong(..), CULLong(..)
+ CChar, CSChar, CUChar
+ , CShort, CUShort, CInt, CUInt
+ , CLong, CULong
+ , CPtrdiff, CSize, CWchar, CSigAtomic
+ , CLLong, CULLong
-- Numeric types, instances of: Eq, Ord, Num, Read, Show, Enum,
-- Typeable, Storable
- , CClock(..), CTime(..)
+ , CClock, CTime
-- Floating types, instances of: Eq, Ord, Num, Read, Show, Enum,
-- Typeable, Storable, Real, Fractional, Floating, RealFrac,
-- RealFloat
- , CFloat(..), CDouble(..), CLDouble(..)
+ , CFloat, CDouble, CLDouble
-- Instances of: Eq and Storable
, CFile, CFpos, CJmpBuf
#ifdef __NHC__
import NHC.FFI
- ( CChar(..), CSChar(..), CUChar(..)
- , CShort(..), CUShort(..), CInt(..), CUInt(..)
- , CLong(..), CULong(..), CLLong(..), CULLong(..)
- , CPtrdiff(..), CSize(..), CWchar(..), CSigAtomic(..)
- , CClock(..), CTime(..)
- , CFloat(..), CDouble(..), CLDouble(..)
+ ( CChar, CSChar, CUChar
+ , CShort, CUShort, CInt, CUInt
+ , CLong, CULong, CLLong, CULLong
+ , CPtrdiff, CSize, CWchar, CSigAtomic
+ , CClock, CTime
+ , CFloat, CDouble, CLDouble
, CFile, CFpos, CJmpBuf
, Storable(..)
module Foreign.C.TypesISO
( -- Integral types, instances of: Eq, Ord, Num, Read, Show, Enum,
-- Typeable, Storable, Bounded, Real, Integral, Bits
- CPtrdiff(..), CSize(..), CWchar(..), CSigAtomic(..)
+ CPtrdiff, CSize, CWchar, CSigAtomic
-- Numeric types, instances of: Eq, Ord, Num, Read, Show, Enum,
-- Typeable, Storable
- , CClock(..), CTime(..)
+ , CClock, CTime
-- Instances of: Eq and Storable
, CFile, CFpos, CJmpBuf
#ifdef __NHC__
import NHC.FFI
- ( CPtrdiff(..)
- , CSize(..)
- , CWchar(..)
- , CSigAtomic(..)
- , CClock(..)
- , CTime(..)
+ ( CPtrdiff
+ , CSize
+ , CWchar
+ , CSigAtomic
+ , CClock
+ , CTime
, CFile
, CFpos
, CJmpBuf
module System.Posix.Types (
-- * POSIX data types
- CDev(..), CIno(..), CMode(..), COff(..), CPid(..), CSsize(..),
+ CDev, CIno, CMode, COff, CPid, CSsize,
#ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS
- CGid(..), CNlink(..), CUid(..), CCc(..), CSpeed(..),
- CTcflag(..), CRLim(..),
+ CGid, CNlink, CUid, CCc, CSpeed,
+ CTcflag, CRLim,