-- |
-- Module : GHC.Stable
--- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2002
+-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2004
-- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer : ffi@haskell.org
-- Stable Pointers
+{- |
+A /stable pointer/ is a reference to a Haskell expression that is
+guaranteed not to be affected by garbage collection, i.e., it will neither be
+deallocated nor will the value of the stable pointer itself change during
+garbage collection (ordinary references may be relocated during garbage
+collection). Consequently, stable pointers can be passed to foreign code,
+which can treat it as an opaque reference to a Haskell value.
+A value of type @StablePtr a@ is a stable pointer to a Haskell
+expression of type @a@.
data StablePtr a = StablePtr (StablePtr# a)
+-- |
+-- Create a stable pointer referring to the given Haskell value.
newStablePtr :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)
newStablePtr a = IO $ \ s ->
case makeStablePtr# a s of (# s', sp #) -> (# s', StablePtr sp #)
+-- |
+-- Obtain the Haskell value referenced by a stable pointer, i.e., the
+-- same value that was passed to the corresponding call to
+-- 'makeStablePtr'. If the argument to 'deRefStablePtr' has
+-- already been freed using 'freeStablePtr', the behaviour of
+-- 'deRefStablePtr' is undefined.
deRefStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO a
deRefStablePtr (StablePtr sp) = IO $ \s -> deRefStablePtr# sp s
+-- |
+-- Dissolve the association between the stable pointer and the Haskell
+-- value. Afterwards, if the stable pointer is passed to
+-- 'deRefStablePtr' or 'freeStablePtr', the behaviour is
+-- undefined. However, the stable pointer may still be passed to
+-- 'castStablePtrToPtr', but the @Ptr ()@ value returned by
+-- 'castStablePtrToPtr', in this case, is undefined (in
+-- particular, it may be 'Ptr.nullPtr'). Nevertheless, the call
+-- to 'castStablePtrToPtr' is guaranteed not to diverge.
foreign import ccall unsafe freeStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
+-- |
+-- Coerce a stable pointer to an address. No guarantees are made about
+-- the resulting value, except that the original stable pointer can be
+-- recovered by 'castPtrToStablePtr'. In particular, the address may not
+-- refer to an accessible memory location and any attempt to pass it to
+-- the member functions of the class 'Foreign.Storable.Storable' leads to
+-- undefined behaviour.
castStablePtrToPtr :: StablePtr a -> Ptr ()
castStablePtrToPtr (StablePtr s) = Ptr (unsafeCoerce# s)
+-- |
+-- The inverse of 'castStablePtrToPtr', i.e., we have the identity
+-- > sp == castPtrToStablePtr (castStablePtrToPtr sp)
+-- for any stable pointer @sp@ on which 'freeStablePtr' has
+-- not been executed yet. Moreover, 'castPtrToStablePtr' may
+-- only be applied to pointers that have been produced by
+-- 'castStablePtrToPtr'.
castPtrToStablePtr :: Ptr () -> StablePtr a
castPtrToStablePtr (Ptr a) = StablePtr (unsafeCoerce# a)