= return () -- Short cut for case when there are no existentials
tcCheckExistentialPat pats ex_tvs pat_tys body_ty
- = addErrCtxtM (sigPatCtxt (collectPatsBinders pats) ex_tvs pat_tys body_ty) $
+ = addErrCtxtM (sigPatCtxt pats ex_tvs pat_tys body_ty) $
checkSigTyVarsWrt (tcTyVarsOfTypes (body_ty:pat_tys)) ex_tvs
data PatState = PS {
text "In the binding group for"])
4 (ppr pat)
-sigPatCtxt bound_ids bound_tvs pat_tys body_ty tidy_env
+sigPatCtxt pats bound_tvs pat_tys body_ty tidy_env
= do { pat_tys' <- mapM zonkTcType pat_tys
; body_ty' <- zonkTcType body_ty
; let (env1, tidy_tys) = tidyOpenTypes tidy_env (map idType show_ids)
sep [ptext SLIT("When checking an existential match that binds"),
nest 4 (vcat (zipWith ppr_id show_ids tidy_tys)),
ptext SLIT("The pattern(s) have type(s):") <+> vcat (map ppr tidy_pat_tys),
- ptext SLIT("The body has type:") <+> ppr tidy_body_ty
+ ptext SLIT("The body has type:") <+> ppr tidy_body_ty,
+ ppr pats
]) }
+ bound_ids = collectPatsBinders pats
show_ids = filter is_interesting bound_ids
is_interesting id = any (`elemVarSet` idFreeTyVars id) bound_tvs