-- * Properties of expressions
exprType, coreAltType, coreAltsType,
- exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial,
+ exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, exprIsBottom,
exprIsCheap, exprIsExpandable, exprIsCheap', CheapAppFun,
exprIsHNF, exprOkForSpeculation, exprIsBig, exprIsConLike,
rhsIsStatic, isCheapApp, isExpandableApp,
exprIsTrivial _ = False
+exprIsBottom is a very cheap and cheerful function; it may return
+False for bottoming expressions, but it never costs much to ask.
+See also CoreArity.exprBotStrictness_maybe, but that's a bit more
+exprIsBottom :: CoreExpr -> Bool
+exprIsBottom e
+ = go 0 e
+ where
+ go n (Var v) = isBottomingId v && n >= idArity v
+ go n (App e a) | isTypeArg a = go n e
+ | otherwise = go (n+1) e
+ go n (Note _ e) = go n e
+ go n (Cast e _) = go n e
+ go n (Let _ e) = go n e
+ go _ _ = False
%* *
prepareCaseCont :: SimplEnv
-> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM (SimplEnv, SimplCont,SimplCont)
- -- Return a duplicatable continuation, a non-duplicable part
- -- plus some extra bindings (that scope over the entire
- -- continunation)
- -- No need to make it duplicatable if there's only one alternative
-prepareCaseCont env [_] cont = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop)
-prepareCaseCont env _ cont = mkDupableCont env cont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, SimplCont, SimplCont)
+-- We are considering
+-- K[case _ of { p1 -> r1; ...; pn -> rn }]
+-- where K is some enclosing continuation for the case
+-- Goal: split K into two pieces Kdup,Knodup so that
+-- a) Kdup can be duplicated
+-- b) Knodup[Kdup[e]] = K[e]
+-- The idea is that we'll transform thus:
+-- Knodup[ (case _ of { p1 -> Kdup[r1]; ...; pn -> Kdup[rn] }
+-- We also return some extra bindings in SimplEnv (that scope over
+-- the entire continuation)
+prepareCaseCont env alts cont
+ | many_alts alts = mkDupableCont env cont
+ | otherwise = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop)
+ where
+ many_alts :: [InAlt] -> Bool -- True iff strictly > 1 non-bottom alternative
+ many_alts [] = False -- See Note [Bottom alternatives]
+ many_alts [_] = False
+ many_alts (alt:alts)
+ | is_bot_alt alt = many_alts alts
+ | otherwise = not (all is_bot_alt alts)
+ is_bot_alt (_,_,rhs) = exprIsBottom rhs
+Note [Bottom alternatives]
+When we have
+ case (case x of { A -> error .. ; B -> e; C -> error ..)
+ of alts
+then we can just duplicate those alts because the A and C cases
+will disappear immediately. This is more direct than creating
+join points and inlining them away; and in some cases we would
+not even create the join points (see Note [Single-alternative case])
+and we would keep the case-of-case which is silly. See Trac #4930.
mkDupableCont :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont
-> SimplM (SimplEnv, SimplCont, SimplCont)