--- /dev/null
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GADTs, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : GArrowPortShape
+-- Copyright : none
+-- License : public domain
+-- Maintainer : Adam Megacz <megacz@acm.org>
+-- Stability : experimental
+-- | We cannot, at run time, query to find out the input and output
+-- port types of a GArrowSkeleton since Haskell erases types during
+-- compilation. Using Data.Typeable is problematic here because
+-- GAS_comp and GAS_loop{l,r} have an existential type.
+-- In spite of this, we can determine the "shape" of the ports --
+-- which ports are of unit type, and which ports must be tensors. A
+-- GArrowPortShape is a GArrowSkeleton along with this
+-- information for certain nodes (the inference mechanism below adds
+-- it on every node).
+module GArrowPortShape (GArrowPortShape(..), PortShape(..))
+import Prelude hiding ( id, (.), lookup )
+import Control.Category
+import GHC.HetMet.GArrow
+import Unify
+import GArrowSkeleton
+import Control.Monad.State
+-- | Please keep in mind that the "shapes" computed below are simply the
+-- least-complicated shapes that could possibly work. Just because a
+-- GArrowPortShape has an input port of shape (x,y)
+-- doesn't mean it couldn't later be used in a context where its input
+-- port had shape ((a,b),y)! However, you can be assured that it
+-- won't be used in a context where the input port has shape ().
+data PortShape a = PortUnit
+ | PortTensor (PortShape a) (PortShape a)
+ | PortFree a
+data GArrowPortShape m s a b =
+ GASPortPassthrough
+ (PortShape s)
+ (PortShape s)
+ (m a b)
+ | GASPortShapeWrapper
+ (PortShape s)
+ (PortShape s)
+ (GArrowSkeleton (GArrowPortShape m s) a b)
+-- implementation below; none of this is exported
+type UPort = PortShape UVar
+instance Unifiable UPort where
+ unify' (PortTensor x1 y1) (PortTensor x2 y2) = mergeU (unify x1 x2) (unify y1 y2)
+ unify' _ _ = error "impossible"
+ inject = PortFree
+ project (PortFree v) = Just v
+ project _ = Nothing
+ occurrences (PortFree v) = [v]
+ occurrences (PortTensor x y) = occurrences x ++ occurrences y
+ occurrences PortUnit = []
+-- detection monad
+type DetectM a = State ((Unifier UPort),[UVar]) a
+shapes :: GArrowPortShape m UVar a b -> (UPort,UPort)
+shapes (GASPortPassthrough x y _) = (x,y)
+shapes (GASPortShapeWrapper x y _) = (x,y)
+unifyM :: UPort -> UPort -> DetectM ()
+unifyM p1 p2 = do { (u,vars) <- get
+ ; put (mergeU u $ unify p1 p2 , vars)
+ }
+freshM :: DetectM UVar
+freshM = do { (u,(v:vars)) <- get
+ ; put (u,vars)
+ ; return v
+ }
+-- recursive version of getU
+getU' :: Unifier UPort -> UPort -> PortShape ()
+getU' u (PortTensor x y) = PortTensor (getU' u x) (getU' u y)
+getU' _ PortUnit = PortUnit
+getU' u x@(PortFree v) = case Unify.getU u v of
+ Nothing -> PortFree () -- or x
+ Just x' -> getU' u x'
+resolveG :: Unifier UPort -> (GArrowPortShape m UVar a b) -> GArrowPortShape m () a b
+resolveG u (GASPortPassthrough x y m) = GASPortPassthrough (getU' u x) (getU' u y) m
+resolveG u (GASPortShapeWrapper x y g) = GASPortShapeWrapper (getU' u x) (getU' u y) (resolveG' g)
+ where
+ resolveG' :: GArrowSkeleton (GArrowPortShape m UVar) a b ->
+ GArrowSkeleton (GArrowPortShape m ()) a b
+ resolveG' (GAS_id ) = GAS_id
+ resolveG' (GAS_comp f g) = GAS_comp (resolveG' f) (resolveG' g)
+ resolveG' (GAS_first f) = GAS_first (resolveG' f)
+ resolveG' (GAS_second f) = GAS_second (resolveG' f)
+ resolveG' GAS_cancell = GAS_cancell
+ resolveG' GAS_cancelr = GAS_cancelr
+ resolveG' GAS_uncancell = GAS_uncancell
+ resolveG' GAS_uncancelr = GAS_uncancelr
+ resolveG' GAS_drop = GAS_drop
+ resolveG' (GAS_const i) = GAS_const i
+ resolveG' GAS_copy = GAS_copy
+ resolveG' GAS_merge = GAS_merge
+ resolveG' GAS_swap = GAS_swap
+ resolveG' GAS_assoc = GAS_assoc
+ resolveG' GAS_unassoc = GAS_unassoc
+ resolveG' (GAS_loopl f) = GAS_loopl (resolveG' f)
+ resolveG' (GAS_loopr f) = GAS_loopr (resolveG' f)
+ resolveG' (GAS_misc g ) = GAS_misc $ resolveG u g
+runM :: DetectM (GArrowPortShape m UVar a b) -> GArrowPortShape m () a b
+runM f = let s = (emptyUnifier,uvarSupply)
+ g = evalState f s
+ (u,_) = execState f s
+ in resolveG u g
+detect :: GArrowSkeleton m a b -> DetectM (GArrowPortShape m UVar a b)
+detect (GAS_id ) = do { x <- freshM ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper (PortFree x) (PortFree x) GAS_id }
+detect (GAS_comp g f) = do { f' <- detect f
+ ; g' <- detect g
+ ; unifyM (snd $ shapes f') (fst $ shapes g')
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper (fst $ shapes f') (snd $ shapes g') (GAS_comp (GAS_misc g') (GAS_misc f'))
+ }
+detect (GAS_first f) = do { x <- freshM
+ ; f' <- detect f
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper
+ (PortTensor (fst $ shapes f') (PortFree x))
+ (PortTensor (snd $ shapes f') (PortFree x))
+ (GAS_first (GAS_misc f'))
+ }
+detect (GAS_second f) = do { x <- freshM
+ ; f' <- detect f
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper
+ (PortTensor (PortFree x) (fst $ shapes f'))
+ (PortTensor (PortFree x) (snd $ shapes f'))
+ (GAS_second (GAS_misc f'))
+ }
+detect GAS_cancell = do { x <- freshM; return$GASPortShapeWrapper (PortTensor PortUnit (PortFree x)) (PortFree x) GAS_cancell }
+detect GAS_cancelr = do { x <- freshM; return$GASPortShapeWrapper (PortTensor (PortFree x) PortUnit) (PortFree x) GAS_cancelr }
+detect GAS_uncancell = do { x <- freshM; return$GASPortShapeWrapper (PortFree x) (PortTensor PortUnit (PortFree x)) GAS_uncancell }
+detect GAS_uncancelr = do { x <- freshM; return$GASPortShapeWrapper (PortFree x) (PortTensor (PortFree x) PortUnit) GAS_uncancelr }
+detect GAS_drop = do { x <- freshM; return$GASPortShapeWrapper (PortFree x) PortUnit GAS_drop }
+detect GAS_copy = do { x <- freshM
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper (PortFree x) (PortTensor (PortFree x) (PortFree x)) GAS_copy }
+detect GAS_swap = do { x <- freshM
+ ; y <- freshM
+ ; let x' = PortFree x
+ ; let y' = PortFree y
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper (PortTensor x' y') (PortTensor y' x') GAS_swap
+ }
+detect GAS_assoc = do { x <- freshM; y <- freshM; z <- freshM
+ ; let x' = PortFree x
+ ; let y' = PortFree y
+ ; let z' = PortFree z
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper
+ (PortTensor (PortTensor x' y') z')
+ (PortTensor x' (PortTensor y' z'))
+ GAS_assoc
+ }
+detect GAS_unassoc = do { x <- freshM; y <- freshM; z <- freshM
+ ; let x' = PortFree x
+ ; let y' = PortFree y
+ ; let z' = PortFree z
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper
+ (PortTensor x' (PortTensor y' z'))
+ (PortTensor (PortTensor x' y') z')
+ GAS_unassoc
+ }
+detect (GAS_const i) = do { x <- freshM; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper PortUnit (PortFree x) (GAS_const i) }
+detect GAS_merge = do { x <- freshM
+ ; return $ GASPortShapeWrapper (PortTensor (PortFree x) (PortFree x)) (PortFree x) GAS_merge }
+detect (GAS_loopl f) = error "not implemented"
+detect (GAS_loopr f) = error "not implemented"
+detect (GAS_misc f) = error "not implemented"