import Hugs.Prelude (IOException(..), IOErrorType(..))
{-# CFILES cbits/PrelIOUtils.c cbits/dirUtils.c cbits/consUtils.c #-}
-ioException = ioError
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
setCooked fd cooked = do
x <- set_console_buffering (fromIntegral fd) (if cooked then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
- then ioException (ioe_unk_error "setCooked" "failed to set buffering")
+ then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setCooked" "failed to set buffering")
else return ()
ioe_unk_error loc msg
setEcho fd on = do
x <- set_console_echo (fromIntegral fd) (if on then 1 else 0)
if (x /= 0)
- then ioException (ioe_unk_error "setEcho" "failed to set echoing")
+ then ioError (ioe_unk_error "setEcho" "failed to set echoing")
else return ()
getEcho :: Int -> IO Bool
getEcho fd = do
r <- get_console_echo (fromIntegral fd)
if (r == (-1))
- then ioException (ioe_unk_error "getEcho" "failed to get echoing")
+ then ioError (ioe_unk_error "getEcho" "failed to get echoing")
else return (r == 1)
foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h set_console_buffering__"