data BuildInfo = BuildInfo {
biThingVersionMap :: ThingVersionMap,
biThingHashMap :: ThingHashMap,
- biWays :: Ways
+ biMaybeWays :: Maybe Ways
deriving Show
-- ["v", "p", "dyn"] => we have ".depend-v-p-dyn.haskell" files
type Ways = [String]
-emptyBuildInfo :: Ways -> BuildInfo
-emptyBuildInfo ways = BuildInfo {
- biThingVersionMap = [],
- biThingHashMap = [],
- biWays = ways
- }
+emptyBuildInfo :: Maybe Ways -> BuildInfo
+emptyBuildInfo mWays = BuildInfo {
+ biThingVersionMap = [],
+ biThingHashMap = [],
+ biMaybeWays = mWays
+ }
addThingMap :: ThingMap -> String -> String -> Maybe ThingMap
addThingMap mapping thing str
Nothing ->
Just ((thing, str) : mapping)
-getWays :: BIMonad Ways
-getWays = do st <- get
- return $ biWays st
+getMaybeWays :: BIMonad (Maybe Ways)
+getMaybeWays = do st <- get
+ return $ biMaybeWays st
haveThingVersion :: String -> String -> BIMonad ()
haveThingVersion thing thingVersion
Nothing -> fail "Inconsistent hash"
Just thm -> put $ st { biThingHashMap = thm }
-putWays :: Ways -> BIMonad ()
-putWays ws = do st <- get
- put $ st { biWays = ws }
doit :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
doit ignoreSizeChanges bd1 bd2
- = do let windows = any ("mingw" `isPrefixOf`) (tails bd1)
- tls1 <- readTarLines bd1
+ = do tls1 <- readTarLines bd1
tls2 <- readTarLines bd2
- -- If it looks like we have a Windows "bindist" then just
- -- set ways to [] for now.
- ways1 <- if windows then return []
- else dieOnErrors $ findWays tls1
- ways2 <- if windows then return []
- else dieOnErrors $ findWays tls2
- (content1, tvm1) <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents ways1 tls1
- (content2, tvm2) <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents ways2 tls2
+ let mWays1 = findWays tls1
+ mWays2 = findWays tls2
+ wayDifferences <- case (mWays1, mWays2) of
+ (Nothing, Nothing) ->
+ return []
+ (Just ways1, Just ways2) ->
+ return $ diffWays ways1 ways2
+ _ ->
+ die ["One input has ways, but the other doesn't"]
+ (content1, tvm1) <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents mWays1 tls1
+ (content2, tvm2) <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents mWays2 tls2
let sortedContent1 = sortByFst content1
sortedContent2 = sortByFst content2
(nubProbs1, nubbedContent1) = nubContents sortedContent1
(nubProbs2, nubbedContent2) = nubContents sortedContent2
- differences = compareContent ways1 nubbedContent1
- ways2 nubbedContent2
+ differences = compareContent mWays1 nubbedContent1
+ mWays2 nubbedContent2
allProbs = map First nubProbs1 ++ map Second nubProbs2
++ diffThingVersionMap tvm1 tvm2
- ++ diffWays ways1 ways2
+ ++ wayDifferences
++ differences
wantedProbs = if ignoreSizeChanges
then filter (not . isSizeChange) allProbs
else allProbs
mapM_ (putStrLn . pprFileChange) wantedProbs
-findWays :: [TarLine] -> Either Errors Ways
-findWays = foldr f (Left ["Couldn't find ways"])
- where f tl res = case re regex (tlFileName tl) of
- Just [dashedWays] ->
- Right (unSepList '-' dashedWays)
- _ ->
- res
+-- *nix bindists have ways.
+-- Windows "bindists", install trees, and testsuites don't.
+findWays :: [TarLine] -> Maybe Ways
+findWays tls = msum $ map f tls
+ where f tl = case re regex (tlFileName tl) of
+ Just [dashedWays] -> Just (unSepList '-' dashedWays)
+ _ -> Nothing
regex = "/libraries/base/dist-install/build/\\.depend-(.*)\\.haskell"
diffWays :: Ways -> Ways -> [FileChange]
else [Change (ThingVersionChanged xt xv yv)]
in this ++ f xs' ys'
-mkContents :: Ways -> [TarLine]
+mkContents :: Maybe Ways -> [TarLine]
-> Either Errors ([(FilenameDescr, TarLine)], ThingVersionMap)
-mkContents ways tls
- = case runStateT (mapM f tls) (emptyBuildInfo ways) of
+mkContents mWays tls
+ = case runStateT (mapM f tls) (emptyBuildInfo mWays) of
Nothing -> Left ["Can't happen: mkContents: Nothing"]
Just (xs, finalBuildInfo) ->
case concat $ map (checkContent finalBuildInfo) xs of
| Just [dashedWays, depType]
<- re "^\\.depend-(.*)\\.(haskell|c_asm)"
- = do ways <- getWays
- if unSepList '-' dashedWays == ways
+ = do mWays <- getMaybeWays
+ if Just (unSepList '-' dashedWays) == mWays
then return [FP ".depend-", Ways, FP ".", FP depType]
else unchanged
| otherwise = unchanged
where unchanged = return [FP filename]
-compareContent :: Ways -> [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
- -> Ways -> [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
+compareContent :: Maybe Ways -> [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
+ -> Maybe Ways -> [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
-> [FileChange]
-compareContent _ [] _ [] = []
-compareContent _ xs _ [] = map (First . ExtraFile . tlFileName . snd) xs
-compareContent _ [] _ ys = map (Second . ExtraFile . tlFileName . snd) ys
-compareContent ways1 xs1 ways2 xs2
- = case (xs1, xs2) of
- ([], []) -> []
- (xs, []) -> concatMap (mkExtraFile ways1 First . tlFileName . snd) xs
- ([], ys) -> concatMap (mkExtraFile ways2 Second . tlFileName . snd) ys
- ((fd1, tl1) : xs1', (fd2, tl2) : xs2') ->
- case fd1 `compare` fd2 of
- EQ -> map Change (compareTarLine tl1 tl2)
- ++ compareContent ways1 xs1' ways2 xs2'
- LT -> mkExtraFile ways1 First (tlFileName tl1)
- ++ compareContent ways1 xs1' ways2 xs2
- GT -> mkExtraFile ways2 Second (tlFileName tl2)
- ++ compareContent ways1 xs1 ways2 xs2'
- where mkExtraFile ways mkFileChange filename
- = case findFileWay filename of
- Just way
- | way `elem` ways -> []
+compareContent mWays1 xs1all mWays2 xs2all
+ = f xs1all xs2all
+ where f [] [] = []
+ f xs [] = concatMap (mkExtraFile mWays1 mWays2 First . tlFileName . snd) xs
+ f [] ys = concatMap (mkExtraFile mWays2 mWays1 Second . tlFileName . snd) ys
+ f xs1@((fd1, tl1) : xs1') xs2@((fd2, tl2) : xs2')
+ = case fd1 `compare` fd2 of
+ EQ -> map Change (compareTarLine tl1 tl2)
+ ++ f xs1' xs2'
+ LT -> mkExtraFile mWays1 mWays2 First (tlFileName tl1)
+ ++ f xs1' xs2
+ GT -> mkExtraFile mWays2 mWays1 Second (tlFileName tl2)
+ ++ f xs1 xs2'
+ mkExtraFile mWaysMe mWaysThem mkFileChange filename
+ = case (findFileWay filename, mWaysMe, mWaysThem) of
+ (Just way, Just waysMe, Just waysThem)
+ | (way `elem` waysMe) && not (way `elem` waysThem) -> []
_ -> [mkFileChange (ExtraFile filename)]
findFileWay :: FilePath -> Maybe String