module IfaceType (
IfaceType(..), IfaceKind, IfacePredType(..), IfaceTyCon(..),
- IfaceContext, IfaceBndr(..), IfaceTvBndr, IfaceIdBndr,
+ IfaceContext, IfaceBndr(..), IfaceTvBndr, IfaceIdBndr, IfaceCoercion,
IfaceExtName(..), mkIfaceExtName, isLocalIfaceExtName,
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Kind ( Kind(..) )
-import TypeRep ( TyThing(..), Type(..), PredType(..), ThetaType )
+import Type ( Kind )
+import Coercion ( Coercion )
+import TypeRep ( TyThing(..), Type(..), PredType(..), ThetaType,
+ unliftedTypeKindTyConName, openTypeKindTyConName,
+ ubxTupleKindTyConName, argTypeKindTyConName,
+ liftedTypeKindTyConName, isLiftedTypeKind )
import TyCon ( TyCon, isTupleTyCon, tyConArity, tupleTyConBoxity, tyConName )
import Var ( isId, tyVarKind, idType )
import TysWiredIn ( listTyConName, parrTyConName, tupleTyCon, intTyConName, charTyConName, boolTyConName )
type IfaceTvBndr = (FastString, IfaceKind)
-type IfaceKind = Kind -- Re-use the Kind type, but no KindVars in it
+type IfaceKind = IfaceType -- Re-use the Kind type, but no KindVars in it
+type IfaceCoercion = IfaceType
data IfaceType
= IfaceTyVar FastString -- Type variable only, not tycon
data IfacePredType -- NewTypes are handled as ordinary TyConApps
= IfaceClassP IfaceExtName [IfaceType]
| IfaceIParam (IPName OccName) IfaceType
+ | IfaceEqPred IfaceType IfaceType
type IfaceContext = [IfacePredType]
| IfaceIntTc | IfaceBoolTc | IfaceCharTc
| IfaceListTc | IfacePArrTc
| IfaceTupTc Boxity Arity
+ | IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc | IfaceOpenTypeKindTc | IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc
+ | IfaceUbxTupleKindTc | IfaceArgTypeKindTc
ifaceTyConName :: IfaceTyCon -> Name -- Works for all except IfaceTc
ifaceTyConName IfaceIntTc = intTyConName
ifaceTyConName IfaceListTc = listTyConName
ifaceTyConName IfacePArrTc = parrTyConName
ifaceTyConName (IfaceTupTc bx ar) = getName (tupleTyCon bx ar)
+ifaceTyConName IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc = liftedTypeKindTyConName
+ifaceTyConName IfaceOpenTypeKindTc = openTypeKindTyConName
+ifaceTyConName IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc = unliftedTypeKindTyConName
+ifaceTyConName IfaceUbxTupleKindTc = ubxTupleKindTyConName
+ifaceTyConName IfaceArgTypeKindTc = argTypeKindTyConName
ifaceTyConName (IfaceTc ext) = pprPanic "ifaceTyConName" (ppr ext)
pprIfaceIdBndr (name, ty) = hsep [ppr name, dcolon, ppr ty]
pprIfaceTvBndr :: IfaceTvBndr -> SDoc
-pprIfaceTvBndr (tv, LiftedTypeKind) = ppr tv
-pprIfaceTvBndr (tv, kind) = parens (ppr tv <> dcolon <> ppr kind)
+pprIfaceTvBndr (tv, IfaceTyConApp IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc [])
+ = ppr tv
+pprIfaceTvBndr (tv, kind) = parens (ppr tv <> dcolon <> ppr kind)
pprIfaceTvBndrs :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> SDoc
pprIfaceTvBndrs tyvars = hsep (map pprIfaceTvBndr tyvars)
instance Outputable IfacePredType where
-- Print without parens
+ ppr (IfaceEqPred ty1 ty2)= hsep [ppr ty1, ptext SLIT(":=:"), ppr ty2]
ppr (IfaceIParam ip ty) = hsep [ppr ip, dcolon, ppr ty]
ppr (IfaceClassP cls ts) = parenSymOcc (ifaceExtOcc cls) (ppr cls)
<+> sep (map pprParendIfaceType ts)
-toIfaceTvBndr tyvar = (occNameFS (getOccName tyvar), tyVarKind tyvar)
+toIfaceTvBndr tyvar = (occNameFS (getOccName tyvar), toIfaceKind (tyVarKind tyvar))
toIfaceIdBndr ext id = (occNameFS (getOccName id), toIfaceType ext (idType id))
toIfaceTvBndrs tyvars = map toIfaceTvBndr tyvars
| isId var = IfaceIdBndr (toIfaceIdBndr ext var)
| otherwise = IfaceTvBndr (toIfaceTvBndr var)
+-- we had better not have to use ext for kinds
+toIfaceKind = toIfaceType (\name -> pprPanic "toIfaceKind ext used on:" (ppr name))
toIfaceType :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> Type -> IfaceType
-- Synonyms are retained in the interface type
toIfaceWiredInTyCon :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> TyCon -> Name -> IfaceTyCon
toIfaceWiredInTyCon ext tc nm
- | isTupleTyCon tc = IfaceTupTc (tupleTyConBoxity tc) (tyConArity tc)
- | nm == intTyConName = IfaceIntTc
- | nm == boolTyConName = IfaceBoolTc
- | nm == charTyConName = IfaceCharTc
- | nm == listTyConName = IfaceListTc
- | nm == parrTyConName = IfacePArrTc
- | otherwise = IfaceTc (ext nm)
+ | isTupleTyCon tc = IfaceTupTc (tupleTyConBoxity tc) (tyConArity tc)
+ | nm == intTyConName = IfaceIntTc
+ | nm == boolTyConName = IfaceBoolTc
+ | nm == charTyConName = IfaceCharTc
+ | nm == listTyConName = IfaceListTc
+ | nm == parrTyConName = IfacePArrTc
+ | nm == liftedTypeKindTyConName = IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc
+ | nm == unliftedTypeKindTyConName = IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc
+ | nm == openTypeKindTyConName = IfaceOpenTypeKindTc
+ | nm == argTypeKindTyConName = IfaceArgTypeKindTc
+ | nm == ubxTupleKindTyConName = IfaceUbxTupleKindTc
+ | otherwise = IfaceTc (ext nm)
toIfaceTypes ext ts = map (toIfaceType ext) ts
-toIfacePred ext (ClassP cls ts) = IfaceClassP (ext (getName cls)) (toIfaceTypes ext ts)
-toIfacePred ext (IParam ip t) = IfaceIParam (mapIPName getOccName ip) (toIfaceType ext t)
+toIfacePred ext (ClassP cls ts) = IfaceClassP (ext (getName cls)) (toIfaceTypes ext ts)
+toIfacePred ext (IParam ip t) = IfaceIParam (mapIPName getOccName ip) (toIfaceType ext t)
+toIfacePred ext (EqPred ty1 ty2) = IfaceEqPred (toIfaceType ext ty1) (toIfaceType ext ty2)
toIfaceContext :: (Name -> IfaceExtName) -> ThetaType -> IfaceContext