skipSpaces, -- :: ReadP ()
choice, -- :: [ReadP a] -> ReadP a
- -- * Conversions
+ -- * Running a parser
readP_to_S, -- :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
readS_to_P, -- :: ReadS a -> ReadP a
+ -- * Properties
+ -- $properties
-- Operations over ReadP
get :: ReadP Char
+-- ^ Consumes and returns the next character.
+-- Fails if there is no input left.
get = R Get
look :: ReadP String
+-- ^ Look-ahead: returns the part of the input that is left, without
+-- consuming it.
look = R Look
pfail :: ReadP a
+-- ^ Always fails.
pfail = R (\_ -> Fail)
(+++) :: ReadP a -> ReadP a -> ReadP a
probe (Get f) (c:s) n = probe (f c) s (n+#1#)
probe (Look f) s n = probe (f s) s n
- probe p@(Result _ _) s n = discard n >> R (p >>=)
+ probe p@(Result _ _) _ n = discard n >> R (p >>=)
probe (Final r) _ _ = R (Final r >>=)
probe _ _ _ = q
-- Derived operations
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP Char
+-- ^ Consumes and returns the next character, if it satisfies the
+-- specified predicate.
satisfy p = do c <- get; if p c then return c else pfail
char :: Char -> ReadP Char
+-- ^ Parses and returns the specified character.
char c = satisfy (c ==)
string :: String -> ReadP String
-string s = scan s
+-- ^ Parses and returns the specified string.
+string this = do s <- look; scan this s
- scan [] = do return s
- scan (c:cs) = do char c; scan cs
+ scan [] _ = do return this
+ scan (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = do get; scan xs ys
+ scan _ _ = do pfail
munch :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP String
--- (munch p) parses the first zero or more characters satisfying p
+-- ^ Parses the first zero or more characters satisfying the predicate.
munch p =
do s <- look
scan s
scan _ = do return ""
munch1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> ReadP String
--- (munch p) parses the first one or more characters satisfying p
+-- ^ Parses the first one or more characters satisfying the predicate.
munch1 p =
do c <- get
if p c then do s <- munch p; return (c:s) else pfail
choice :: [ReadP a] -> ReadP a
+-- ^ Combines all parsers in the specified list.
choice [] = pfail
choice [p] = p
choice (p:ps) = p +++ choice ps
skipSpaces :: ReadP ()
+-- ^ Skips all whitespace.
skipSpaces =
do s <- look
skip s
-- Converting between ReadP and Read
readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> ReadS a
+-- ^ Converts a parser into a Haskell ReadS-style function.
+-- This is the main way in which you can \"run\" a 'ReadP' parser:
+-- the expanded type is
+-- @ readP_to_S :: ReadP a -> String -> [(String,String)] @
readP_to_S (R f) = run (f return)
readS_to_P :: ReadS a -> ReadP a
+-- ^ Converts a Haskell ReadS-style function into a parser.
+-- Warning: This introduces local backtracking in the resulting
+-- parser, and therefore a possible inefficiency.
readS_to_P r =
R (\k -> Look (\s -> final [bs'' | (a,s') <- r s, bs'' <- run (k a) s']))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- QuickCheck properties that are supposed to hold
-type Bag a = [a]
-(=~) :: Ord a => Bag a -> Bag a -> Bool
-xs =~ ys = sort xs == sort ys
-prop_Get_Nil =
- readP_to_S get [] =~ []
-prop_Get_Cons c s =
- readP_to_S get (c:s) =~ [(c,s)]
-prop_Look s =
- readP_to_S look s =~ [(s,s)]
-prop_Fail s =
- readP_to_S pfail s =~ ([] :: Bag (Int,String))
-prop_Return x s =
- readP_to_S (return x) s =~ ([(x,s)] :: Bag (Int,String))
-prop_ReadS r s =
- readP_to_S (readS_to_P r) s =~ (r s :: Bag (Int,String))
-prop_Bind p k s =
- readP_to_S ((p :: ReadP Int) >>= k) s =~
- ([ ys'' | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s, ys'' <- readP_to_S (k x) s' ]
- :: Bag (Int,String)
- )
-prop_Plus p q s =
- readP_to_S ((p :: ReadP Int) +++ q) s =~
- (readP_to_S p s ++ readP_to_S q s)
-prop_LeftPlus p q s =
- readP_to_S ((p :: ReadP Int) <++ q) s =~
- (readP_to_S p s +<+ readP_to_S q s)
- where
- [] +<+ ys = ys
- xs +<+ _ = xs
+-- QuickCheck properties that hold for the combinators
+{- $properties
+The following are QuickCheck specifications of what the combinators do.
+These can be seen as formal specifications of the behavior of the
+We use bags to give semantics to the combinators.
+ type Bag a = [a]
+Equality on bags does not care about the order of elements.
+ (=~) :: Ord a => Bag a -> Bag a -> Bool
+ xs =~ ys = sort xs == sort ys
+A special equality operator to avoid unresolved overloading
+when testing the properties.
+ (=~.) :: Bag (Int,String) -> Bag (Int,String) -> Bool
+ (=~.) = (=~)
+Here follow the properties:
+ prop_Get_Nil =
+ readP_to_S get [] =~ []
+ prop_Get_Cons c s =
+ readP_to_S get (c:s) =~ [(c,s)]
+ prop_Look s =
+ readP_to_S look s =~ [(s,s)]
+ prop_Fail s =
+ readP_to_S pfail s =~. []
+ prop_Return x s =
+ readP_to_S (return x) s =~. [(x,s)]
+ prop_Bind p k s =
+ readP_to_S (p >>= k) s =~.
+ [ ys''
+ | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s
+ , ys'' <- readP_to_S (k (x::Int)) s'
+ ]
+ prop_Plus p q s =
+ readP_to_S (p +++ q) s =~.
+ (readP_to_S p s ++ readP_to_S q s)
+ prop_LeftPlus p q s =
+ readP_to_S (p <++ q) s =~.
+ (readP_to_S p s +<+ readP_to_S q s)
+ where
+ [] +<+ ys = ys
+ xs +<+ _ = xs
+ prop_Gather s =
+ forAll readPWithoutReadS $ \p ->
+ readP_to_S (gather p) s =~
+ [ ((pre,x::Int),s')
+ | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s
+ , let pre = take (length s - length s') s
+ ]
+ prop_String_Yes this s =
+ readP_to_S (string this) (this ++ s) =~
+ [(this,s)]
+ prop_String_Maybe this s =
+ readP_to_S (string this) s =~
+ [(this, drop (length this) s) | this `isPrefixOf` s]
+ prop_Munch p s =
+ readP_to_S (munch p) s =~
+ [(takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s)]
+ prop_Munch1 p s =
+ readP_to_S (munch1 p) s =~
+ [(res,s') | let (res,s') = (takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s), not (null res)]
+ prop_Choice ps s =
+ readP_to_S (choice ps) s =~.
+ readP_to_S (foldr (+++) pfail ps) s
+ prop_ReadS r s =
+ readP_to_S (readS_to_P r) s =~. r s