import CoreSyn
import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
import PprCore ( pprCoreExpr )
-import Var ( Var, TyVar, CoVar, isCoVar, tyVarKind, mkCoVar, mkTyVar )
+import Var ( Var, TyVar, CoVar, tyVarKind, mkCoVar, mkTyVar )
import OccName ( mkVarOccFS )
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import VarSet ( unionVarSet )
splitFunTy, tcEqTypeX,
applyTys, isUnLiftedType, seqType, mkTyVarTy,
splitForAllTy_maybe, isForAllTy,
- splitTyConApp_maybe, coreEqType, funResultTy, applyTy,
- substTyWith, mkPredTy, zipOpenTvSubst, substTy
+ splitTyConApp_maybe, splitTyConApp, coreEqType, funResultTy, applyTy,
+ substTyWith, mkPredTy, zipOpenTvSubst, substTy, substTyVar
import Coercion ( Coercion, mkTransCoercion, coercionKind,
splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe, mkSymCoercion,
- decomposeCo, coercionKindPredTy,
- splitCoercionKind )
+ decomposeCo, coercionKindPredTy )
import TyCon ( tyConArity )
import TysWiredIn ( boolTy, trueDataCon, falseDataCon )
import CostCentre ( CostCentre )
--- deep applies a TyConApp coercion as a substitution to a reflexive coercion
--- deepCast t [a1,...,an] co corresponds to deep(t, [a1,...,an], co) from
--- FC paper
-deepCast :: Type -> [TyVar] -> Coercion -> Coercion
-deepCast ty tyVars co
- = ASSERT( let {(lty, rty) = coercionKind co;
- Just (tc1, lArgs) = splitTyConApp_maybe lty;
- Just (tc2, rArgs) = splitTyConApp_maybe rty}
- in
- tc1 == tc2 && length lArgs == length rArgs &&
- length lArgs == length tyVars )
- substTyWith tyVars coArgs ty
- where
- -- coArgs = [right (left (left co)), right (left co), right co]
- coArgs = decomposeCo (length tyVars) co
-- These InstPat functions go here to avoid circularity between DataCon and Id
dataConRepInstPat = dataConInstPat dataConRepArgTys (repeat (FSLIT("ipv")))
dataConRepFSInstPat = dataConInstPat dataConRepArgTys
-- Returns (Just (dc, [x1..xn])) if the argument expression is
-- a constructor application of the form (dc x1 .. xn)
exprIsConApp_maybe (Cast expr co)
- = -- Maybe this is over the top, but here we try to turn
- -- coerce (S,T) ( x, y )
- -- effectively into
- -- ( coerce S x, coerce T y )
- -- This happens in anger in PrelArrExts which has a coerce
- -- case coerce memcpy a b of
- -- (# r, s #) -> ...
- -- where the memcpy is in the IO monad, but the call is in
- -- the (ST s) monad
+ = -- Here we do the PushC reduction rule as described in the FC paper
case exprIsConApp_maybe expr of {
- Nothing -> Nothing ;
- Just (dc, args) ->
+ Nothing -> Nothing ;
+ Just (dc, dc_args) ->
+ -- The transformation applies iff we have
+ -- (C e1 ... en) `cast` co
+ -- where co :: (T t1 .. tn) :=: (T s1
+ -- That is, with a T at the top of both sides
+ -- The left-hand one must be a T, because exprIsConApp returned True
+ -- but the right-hand one might not be. (Though it usually will.)
+ let (from_ty, to_ty) = coercionKind co
+ (from_tc, _from_tc_arg_tys) = splitTyConApp from_ty
+ -- The inner one must be a TyConApp
+ in
+ ASSERT( from_tc == dataConTyCon dc )
- let (from_ty, to_ty) = coercionKind co in
case splitTyConApp_maybe to_ty of {
Nothing -> Nothing ;
- Just (tc, tc_arg_tys) | tc /= dataConTyCon dc -> Nothing
- -- | not (isVanillaDataCon dc) -> Nothing
- | otherwise ->
- -- Type constructor must match datacon
- case splitTyConApp_maybe from_ty of {
- Nothing -> Nothing ;
- Just (tc', tc_arg_tys') | tc /= tc' -> Nothing
- -- Both sides of coercion must have the same type constructor
- | otherwise ->
+ Just (to_tc, _to_tc_arg_tys) | from_tc /= to_tc -> Nothing
+ | otherwise ->
- -- here we do the PushC reduction rule as described in the FC paper
- arity = tyConArity tc
- n_ex_tvs = length dc_ex_tyvars
+ tc_arity = tyConArity from_tc
- (_univ_args, rest) = splitAt arity args
- (ex_args, val_args) = splitAt n_ex_tvs rest
+ (univ_args, rest1) = splitAt tc_arity dc_args
+ (ex_args, rest2) = splitAt n_ex_tvs rest1
+ (co_args, val_args) = splitAt n_cos rest2
arg_tys = dataConRepArgTys dc
- dc_tyvars = dataConUnivTyVars dc
+ dc_univ_tyvars = dataConUnivTyVars dc
dc_ex_tyvars = dataConExTyVars dc
- deep arg_ty = deepCast arg_ty dc_tyvars co
- -- first we appropriately cast the value arguments
- new_val_args = zipWith mkCoerce (map deep arg_tys) val_args
- -- then we cast the existential coercion arguments
- orig_tvs = dc_tyvars ++ dc_ex_tyvars
- gammas = decomposeCo arity co
- new_tys = gammas ++ (map (\ (Type t) -> t) ex_args)
- theta = substTyWith orig_tvs new_tys
- cast_ty tv (Type ty)
- | isCoVar tv
- , (ty1, ty2) <- splitCoercionKind (tyVarKind tv)
- = Type $ mkTransCoercion (mkSymCoercion (theta ty1))
- (mkTransCoercion ty (theta ty2))
- | otherwise
- = Type ty
- new_ex_args = zipWith cast_ty dc_ex_tyvars ex_args
+ dc_eq_spec = dataConEqSpec dc
+ dc_tyvars = dc_univ_tyvars ++ dc_ex_tyvars
+ n_ex_tvs = length dc_ex_tyvars
+ n_cos = length dc_eq_spec
+ -- Make the "theta" from Fig 3 of the paper
+ gammas = decomposeCo tc_arity co
+ new_tys = gammas ++ map (\ (Type t) -> t) ex_args
+ theta = zipOpenTvSubst dc_tyvars new_tys
+ -- First we cast the existential coercion arguments
+ cast_co (tv,ty) (Type co) = Type $ mkSymCoercion (substTyVar theta tv)
+ `mkTransCoercion` co
+ `mkTransCoercion` (substTy theta ty)
+ new_co_args = zipWith cast_co dc_eq_spec co_args
+ -- ...and now value arguments
+ new_val_args = zipWith cast_arg arg_tys val_args
+ cast_arg arg_ty arg = mkCoerce (substTy theta arg_ty) arg
- ASSERT( all isTypeArg (take arity args) )
- ASSERT( equalLength val_args arg_tys )
- Just (dc, map Type tc_arg_tys ++ new_ex_args ++ new_val_args)
- }}}
+ ASSERT( length univ_args == tc_arity )
+ ASSERT( all isTypeArg (univ_args ++ ex_args) )
+ ASSERT2( equalLength val_args arg_tys, ppr dc $$ ppr dc_tyvars $$ ppr dc_ex_tyvars $$ ppr arg_tys $$ ppr dc_args $$ ppr univ_args $$ ppr ex_args $$ ppr val_args $$ ppr arg_tys )
+ Just (dc, univ_args ++ ex_args ++ new_co_args ++ new_val_args)
+ }}
exprIsConApp_maybe (Note _ expr)
= exprIsConApp_maybe expr