build/CoqPass.hs: $(allfiles)
make build/Makefile.coq
- cd build; make -f Makefile.coq OPT="-opt -dont-load-proofs" \
- ExtractionMain.vo \
- ProgrammingLanguageGeneralizedArrow.vo \
- ProgrammingLanguageArrow.vo \
- ProgrammingLanguageFlattening.vo
+ cd build; make -f Makefile.coq OPT="-opt -dont-load-proofs" All.vo
cd build; make -f Makefile.coq Extraction.vo
cat src/Extraction-prefix.hs > build/CoqPass.hs
cat build/Extraction.hs | grep -v '^module' | grep -v '^import' >> build/CoqPass.hs
-Require Import Preamble.
-Require Import General.
-Require Import HaskKinds.
-Require Import HaskLiteralsAndTyCons.
-Require Import HaskCoreVars.
-Require Import HaskCoreTypes.
-Require Import HaskCore.
-Require Import HaskWeakTypes.
-Require Import HaskWeakVars.
-Require Import HaskWeak.
-Require Import HaskCoreToWeak.
-Require Import HaskStrongTypes.
-Require Import HaskStrong.
-Require Import NaturalDeduction.
-Require Import NaturalDeductionToLatex.
-Require Import HaskProof.
-Require Import HaskProofToStrong.
-Require Import HaskStrongToWeak.
-Require Import HaskWeakToCore.
-(*Require Import HaskWeakToStrong.*)
-Require Import HaskStrongToProof.
-(*Require Import HaskProofToLatex.*)
-(*Require Import HaskStrongCategory.*)
-(*Require Import Extraction.*)
-Require Import Categories_ch1_3.
-Require Import Functors_ch1_4.
-Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5.
-Require Import ProductCategories_ch1_6_1.
-Require Import OppositeCategories_ch1_6_2.
-Require Import SliceCategories_ch1_6_4.
-Require Import EpicMonic_ch2_1.
-Require Import InitialTerminal_ch2_2.
-Require Import SectionRetract_ch2_4.
-Require Import Equalizers_ch3_3.
-Require Import CoEqualizers_ch3_4.
-Require Import Algebras_ch4.
-Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4.
-Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5.
-Require Import FunctorCategories_ch7_7.
-Require Import Subcategories_ch7_1.
-Require Import Coherence_ch7_8.
-Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8.
-Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8.
-Require Import RepresentableStructure_ch7_2.
-Require Import Yoneda_ch8.
-(*Require Import Exponentials_ch6.*)
-(*Require Import CategoryOfCategories_ch7_1.*)
-(*Require Import Adjoints_ch9.*)
-Require Import NaturalDeductionCategory.
-Require Import Reification.
-Require Import GeneralizedArrow.
-Require Import GeneralizedArrowFromReification.
-Require Import ReificationFromGeneralizedArrow.
-Require Import WeakFunctorCategory.
-Require Import SmallSMMEs.
-Require Import ReificationCategory.
-Require Import GeneralizedArrowCategory.
-Require Import ReificationsAndGeneralizedArrows.
+Require Import ExtractionMain.
+Require Import ProgrammingLanguageGeneralizedArrow.
+Require Import ProgrammingLanguageFlattening.
+Require Import ProgrammingLanguageArrow.
+Require Import ProgrammingLanguageReification.
Require Import ReificationsIsomorphicToGeneralizedArrows.
-Require Import HaskProofCategory.
-Require Import ProgrammingLanguage.
-(* very slow! *)
-Require Import FreydCategories.
-Require Import Arrows.
Coercion enr_c : Enrichment >-> ECategory.
+(* Coq grinds down into a performance bog when I try to use this *)
+Definition WeaklySurjectiveEnrichment (ec:Enrichment) :=
+ @treeDecomposition (enr_v ec) (option (ec*ec))
+ (fun t => match t with
+ | None => enr_v_i ec
+ | Some x => match x with pair y z => enr_c_hom ec y z end
+ end)
+ (enr_v_bobj ec).
+(* technically this ought to be a "strictly surjective enrichment" *)
Structure SurjectiveEnrichment :=
{ senr_c_obj : Type
; senr_v_ob := Tree ??(senr_c_obj * senr_c_obj)
; senr_c_hom := fun (c1 c2:senr_c_obj) => [(c1, c2)]
-; senr_v_hom : senr_v_ob -> senr_v_ob -> Type
-; senr_v : Category senr_v_ob senr_v_hom
+; senr_v_hom : senr_v_ob -> senr_v_ob -> Type
+; senr_v : Category senr_v_ob senr_v_hom
; senr_v_i := []
-; senr_v_bobj := @T_Branch (option (senr_c_obj * senr_c_obj))
-; senr_v_bin : BinoidalCat senr_v senr_v_bobj
-; senr_v_pmon : PreMonoidalCat senr_v_bin senr_v_i
-; senr_v_mon : MonoidalCat senr_v_pmon
-; senr_c : ECategory senr_v_mon senr_c_obj senr_c_hom
-; senr_c_bin : EBinoidalCat senr_c
-; senr_c_i : senr_c
-; senr_c_pm : PreMonoidalCat senr_c_bin senr_c_i
+; senr_v_bobj := @T_Branch ??(senr_c_obj * senr_c_obj)
+; senr_v_bin : BinoidalCat senr_v senr_v_bobj
+; senr_v_pmon : PreMonoidalCat senr_v_bin senr_v_i
+; senr_v_mon : MonoidalCat senr_v_pmon
+; senr_c : ECategory senr_v_mon senr_c_obj senr_c_hom
+; senr_c_bin : EBinoidalCat senr_c
+; senr_c_i : senr_c
+; senr_c_pm : PreMonoidalCat senr_c_bin senr_c_i
Definition SurjectiveEnrichmentToEnrichment (se:SurjectiveEnrichment) : Enrichment.
Coercion SurjectiveEnrichmentToEnrichment : SurjectiveEnrichment >-> Enrichment.
-Definition MonoidalEnrichment (e:Enrichment) :=
- PreMonoidalFunctor
- (enr_c_center_mon e)
- (enr_v_pmon e)
- (RestrictDomain (HomFunctor e (pmon_I (enr_c_pm e))) (Center (enr_c_pm e))).
Definition MonoidalEnrichment (e:Enrichment) :=
(enr_c_pm e)
(enr_v_pmon e)
(HomFunctor e (pmon_I (enr_c_pm e))).
-(* an enrichment for which every object of the enriching category is the tensor of finitely many hom-objects *)
-Definition SurjectiveEnrichment (ec:Enrichment) :=
- @treeDecomposition (enr_v ec) (option (ec*ec))
- (fun t => match t with
- | None => enr_v_i ec
- | Some x => match x with pair y z => enr_c_hom ec y z end
- end)
- (enr_v_bobj ec).
Class MonicEnrichment {e:Enrichment} :=
{ me_enr := e
; me_homfunctor := HomFunctor e (enr_c_i e)
-(*; me_homfunctor_c := RestrictDomain me_homfunctor (enr_c_center e)*)
; me_full : FullFunctor me_homfunctor
; me_faithful : FaithfulFunctor me_homfunctor
; me_conservative : ConservativeFunctor me_homfunctor
+(*; me_homfunctor_c := RestrictDomain me_homfunctor (enr_c_center e)*)
Implicit Arguments MonicEnrichment [ ].
Coercion me_enr : MonicEnrichment >-> Enrichment.
(* like SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment, but the Enrichment is a field, not a parameter *)
Structure SMME :=
{ smme_e : SurjectiveEnrichment
-(*; smme_see : SurjectiveEnrichment smme_e*)
; smme_mon : MonoidalEnrichment smme_e
; smme_mee : MonicEnrichment smme_e
Require Import HaskWeakToCore.
Require Import HaskProofToStrong.
-Require Import ProgrammingLanguage.
Require Import HaskProofFlattener.
Require Import HaskProofStratified.
-Require Import ReificationsIsomorphicToGeneralizedArrows.
Open Scope string_scope.
Extraction Language Haskell.
{ ga_functor_obj : enr_v K -> ce
; ga_functor : Functor (enr_v_mon K) (enr_c_pm ce) ga_functor_obj
; ga_functor_monoidal : PreMonoidalFunctor (enr_v_mon K) (enr_c_pm ce) ga_functor
+(* We require that the host language (but NOT the guest language) be pure, i.e. all morphisms central, to simplify
+ * things. If this doesn't suit you, just consider the "host language" here to be the pure sublanguage of the
+ * host language, and toss on the inclusion functor to the full language *)
+; ga_host_lang_pure : CommutativeCat (enr_c_pm ce)
; ga_functor : Functor (enr_v_mon K) (Center_is_Monoidal (enr_c_pm ce)) ga_functor_obj
; ga_functor_monoidal : MonoidalFunctor (enr_v_mon K) (Center_is_Monoidal (enr_c_pm ce)) ga_functor
Instance compose_generalizedArrows (s0 s1 s2:SMMEs)
(g01:GeneralizedArrow s0 s1)(g12:GeneralizedArrow s1 s2) : GeneralizedArrow s0 s2 :=
{ ga_functor_monoidal := g01 >>⊗>> smme_mon s1 >>⊗>> g12 }.
+ apply ga_host_lang_pure.
+ Defined.
Definition generalizedArrowOrIdentityComp
: forall s1 s2 s3, GeneralizedArrowOrIdentity s1 s2 -> GeneralizedArrowOrIdentity s2 s3 -> GeneralizedArrowOrIdentity s1 s3.
(garrow_functor >>>> bin_second(BinoidalCat:=enr_c_bin C) (R' a))
<~~~> (bin_second(BinoidalCat:=enr_v_pmon K) a >>>> garrow_functor) :=
{ ni_iso := fun a => iso_id _ }.
- admit.
+ intros.
+ etransitivity. apply iso_id_lemma1. symmetry.
+ etransitivity. apply iso_id_lemma2. symmetry.
+ Opaque Underlying.
+ unfold garrow_functor.
+ unfold functor_comp at 1.
+ unfold functor_comp at 1.
+ Opaque functor_comp. simpl. Transparent functor_comp.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply (functor_comp_assoc (RestrictToImage reification) (R' >>>> step2_functor) (ebc_second (R' a)) f).
+ unfold functor_comp at 1.
+ unfold functor_comp at 1.
+ Opaque functor_comp. simpl. Transparent functor_comp.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ set (ni_commutes (mf_second(PreMonoidalFunctor:=reification_rstar reification) a) f) as qq.
+ unfold functor_comp in qq.
+ simpl in qq.
+ apply iso_shift_right' in qq.
+ apply (fmor_respects(R' >>>> step2_functor) _ _ qq).
+ apply (me_faithful(MonicEnrichment:=CMon)).
+ symmetry.
+ unfold fmor at 1.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ set (ni_commutes (mf_second(PreMonoidalFunctor:=CM) (R' a))) as zz.
+ unfold functor_comp in zz; unfold functor_fobj in zz; simpl in zz.
+ set (zz _ _ ((R' >>>> step2_functor) \ (reification \ f))) as zz'.
+ apply iso_shift_right' in zz'.
+ apply zz'.
+ unfold functor_comp; simpl.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ set full_roundtrip as full_roundtrip'.
+ unfold fmor in full_roundtrip'.
+ simpl in full_roundtrip'.
+ apply full_roundtrip'.
+ set (@iso_shift_right') as q. simpl in q. apply q. clear q.
+ set (@iso_shift_left) as q. simpl in q. apply q. clear q.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ set full_roundtrip as full_roundtrip'.
+ unfold fmor in full_roundtrip'.
+ simpl in full_roundtrip'.
+ apply (fun a' b' f z => fmor_respects (bin_second(BinoidalCat:=enr_v_bin C) z) _ _ (full_roundtrip' a' b' f)).
+ symmetry.
+ intros.
+ unfold bin_obj.
+ unfold senr_v_bobj.
+ setoid_rewrite <- associativity.
+ setoid_rewrite <- associativity.
+ setoid_rewrite <- associativity.
+ setoid_rewrite <- associativity.
+ simpl.
+ setoid_rewrite <- associativity.
+ etransitivity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply right_identity ].
+ apply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ etransitivity.
+ apply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ apply (mf_consistent(PreMonoidalFunctor:=CM)).
+ apply iso_comp1.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply symmetry.
+ eapply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply left_identity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply symmetry.
+ apply (mf_consistent(PreMonoidalFunctor:=CM)).
+ apply iso_comp1.
+ eapply symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ setoid_rewrite <- fmor_preserves_comp.
+ setoid_rewrite <- fmor_preserves_comp.
+ eapply reflexivity.
+ eapply symmetry.
+ apply comp_respects; try reflexivity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ apply comp_respects; try reflexivity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ apply mf_consistent.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ apply associativity.
+ apply iso_comp1_right.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply symmetry.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply left_identity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply symmetry.
+ eapply (mf_consistent(PreMonoidalFunctor:=reification)).
+ apply iso_comp1.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ reflexivity | idtac ].
+ eapply symmetry.
+ apply (centralmor_first(CentralMorphism:=commutative_central(CommutativeCat:=enr_v_mon C) _)).
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply right_identity ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply symmetry.
+ apply associativity.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ unfold functor_fobj.
+ apply (fmor_preserves_comp (bin_first(BinoidalCat:=enr_v_bin C) (reification_rstar_obj reification A))).
+ apply symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ apply right_identity.
+ apply symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply left_identity ].
+ apply comp_respects; [ idtac | reflexivity ].
+ eapply transitivity.
+ Focus 2.
+ eapply (fmor_preserves_id (bin_first(BinoidalCat:=enr_v_bin C) (reification_rstar_obj reification A))).
+ idtac.
+ apply (fmor_respects (bin_first(BinoidalCat:=enr_v_bin C) (reification_rstar_obj reification A))).
+ apply iso_comp2.
Implicit Arguments mf_first [[Ob] [Hom] [C1] [bin_obj'] [bc] [I1] [PM1] [Ob0] [Hom0] [C2] [bin_obj'0] [bc0] [I2] [PM2] [fobj] [F]].
Implicit Arguments mf_second [[Ob] [Hom] [C1] [bin_obj'] [bc] [I1] [PM1] [Ob0] [Hom0] [C2] [bin_obj'0] [bc0] [I2] [PM2] [fobj] [F]].
Implicit Arguments mf_i [[Ob] [Hom] [C1] [bin_obj'] [bc] [I1] [PM1] [Ob0] [Hom0] [C2] [bin_obj'0] [bc0] [I2] [PM2] [fobj] [F]].
+ Lemma assoc_coherent (a b c : enr_v K) :
+ (#((pmon_assoc(PreMonoidalCat:=enr_c_pm C)
+ (garrow_functor a) (garrow_functor c)) (garrow_fobj b)) >>> garrow_functor a ⋊ #((garrow_first c) b)) >>>
+ #((garrow_second a) (b ⊗ c)) ~~
+ (#((garrow_second a) b) ⋉ garrow_functor c >>>
+ #((garrow_first c) (a ⊗ b))) >>> garrow_functor \ #((pmon_assoc(PreMonoidalCat:=enr_v_mon K) a c) b).
+ Opaque Underlying.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply right_identity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ eapply reflexivity | idtac ].
+ reflexivity.
+ apply symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply left_identity ].
+ eapply comp_respects; [ idtac | eapply reflexivity ].
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply right_identity ].
+ apply comp_respects.
+ simpl.
+ apply (fmor_preserves_id (ebc_first (garrow_functor c))).
+ reflexivity.
+ symmetry.
+ eapply transitivity.
+ eapply transitivity; [ idtac | apply right_identity ].
+ apply comp_respects.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl.
+ apply (fmor_preserves_id (ebc_second (garrow_functor a))).
+ symmetry.
+ unfold functor_fobj.
+ unfold garrow_functor.
+ unfold step2_functor.
+ Opaque R'.
+ Opaque ff_functor_section_functor.
+ unfold functor_comp.
+ simpl.
+ Transparent R'.
+ Transparent ff_functor_section_functor.
+ idtac.
+ apply (me_faithful(MonicEnrichment:=CMon)).
+ eapply transitivity; [ eapply full_roundtrip | idtac ].
+ unfold fmor at 1.
+ unfold R'.
+ unfold me_homfunctor.
+ set (mf_assoc(PreMonoidalFunctor:=reification) a b c) as q.
+ set (mf_assoc(PreMonoidalFunctor:=CM) (garrow_fobj a) (garrow_fobj b) (garrow_fobj c)) as q'.
+ unfold mf_F in q'.
+ unfold pmon_I in q'.
+ admit.
+ Qed.
Lemma cancell_lemma `(F:PreMonoidalFunctor) b :
iso_backward (mf_i F) ⋉ (F b) >>> #(pmon_cancell (F b)) ~~
#((mf_first F b) _) >>> F \ #(pmon_cancell b).
#(pmon_cancelr(PreMonoidalCat:=enr_c_pm C) (garrow_functor b)) ~~
(garrow_functor b ⋊ #(iso_id (enr_c_i C)) >>>
#((garrow_second b) (enr_v_i K))) >>> garrow_functor \ #(pmon_cancelr(PreMonoidalCat:=enr_v_mon K) b).
Opaque Underlying.
Opaque fmor.
intros; simpl.
; mf_second := garrow_second
; mf_i := iso_id _ }.
intros; reflexivity.
- intros.
- unfold garrow_functor.
- unfold fmor.
- Opaque fmor. simpl.
- unfold step2_functor.
- admit.
- Transparent fmor.
+ intros; apply (reification_host_lang_pure _ _ _ reification).
apply cancell_coherent.
apply cancelr_coherent.
- admit.
+ apply assoc_coherent.
Definition garrow_from_reification : GeneralizedArrow K CM :=
- {| ga_functor_monoidal := garrow_monoidal |}.
+ {| ga_functor_monoidal := garrow_monoidal
+ ; ga_host_lang_pure := reification_host_lang_pure _ _ _ reification
+ |}.
End GArrowFromReification.
* it might help to have the definition for "Inductive ND" (see
* NaturalDeduction.v) handy as a cross-reference.
Definition FlatteningFunctor_fmor {Γ}{Δ}{ec}
: forall h c,
(h~~{JudgmentsL _ _ (PCF _ Γ Δ ec)}~~>c) ->
(* for every n we have a functor from the category of (n+1)-bounded proofs to the category of n-bounded proofs *)
End HaskProofFlattener.
Instance OrgPCF_ContextND_Relation Γ Δ lev : ContextND_Relation (PCF_sequent_join Γ Δ lev).
(* 5.1.3 *)
- Instance PCF Γ Δ lev : @ProgrammingLanguage _ _ pcfjudg (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) :=
+ Instance PCF Γ Δ lev : @ProgrammingLanguage _ pcfjudg (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) :=
{ pl_eqv := OrgPCF_ContextND_Relation Γ Δ lev
; pl_snd := PCF_sequents Γ Δ lev
End HaskProofStratified.
setoid_rewrite <- ndr_prod_preserves_comp.
apply (ndr_builtfrom_structural (f;;g)); auto.
- Instance Judgments_Category_binoidal : BinoidalCat Judgments_Category (fun x y => x,,y) :=
+ Instance Judgments_Category_binoidal : BinoidalCat Judgments_Category (@T_Branch (??Judgment)) :=
{ bin_first := jud_first
; bin_second := jud_second }.
Context {T : Type}. (* types of the language *)
- Context (Judg : Type).
- Context (sequent : Tree ??T -> Tree ??T -> Judg).
+ Definition PLJudg := (Tree ??T) * (Tree ??T).
+ Definition sequent := @pair (Tree ??T) (Tree ??T).
Notation "cs |= ss" := (sequent cs ss) : pl_scope.
- Context {Rule : Tree ??Judg -> Tree ??Judg -> Type}.
+ Context {Rule : Tree ??PLJudg -> Tree ??PLJudg -> Type}.
Notation "H /⋯⋯/ C" := (ND Rule H C) : pl_scope.
Open Scope pl_scope.
Class ProgrammingLanguage :=
- { pl_eqv0 : @ND_Relation Judg Rule
- ; pl_snd :> @SequentND Judg Rule _ sequent
- ; pl_cnd :> @ContextND Judg Rule T sequent pl_snd
- ; pl_eqv1 :> @SequentND_Relation Judg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_eqv0
- ; pl_eqv :> @ContextND_Relation Judg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_cnd pl_eqv0 pl_eqv1
+ { pl_eqv0 : @ND_Relation PLJudg Rule
+ ; pl_snd :> @SequentND PLJudg Rule _ sequent
+ ; pl_cnd :> @ContextND PLJudg Rule T sequent pl_snd
+ ; pl_eqv1 :> @SequentND_Relation PLJudg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_eqv0
+ ; pl_eqv :> @ContextND_Relation PLJudg Rule _ sequent pl_snd pl_cnd pl_eqv0 pl_eqv1
Notation "pf1 === pf2" := (@ndr_eqv _ _ pl_eqv _ _ pf1 pf2) : temporary_scope3.
Instance Types_assoc a b : Types_second a >>>> Types_first b <~~~> Types_first b >>>> Types_second a :=
{ ni_iso := fun c => Types_assoc_iso a c b }.
- intros; unfold eqv; simpl.
- admit.
+ intros. unfold functor_comp. unfold fmor.
+ Opaque Types_assoc_iso.
+ simpl.
+ eapply cndr_inert.
+ apply pl_eqv.
+ apply ndpc_comp; auto.
+ apply ndpc_comp; auto.
+ apply ndpc_comp; auto.
+ apply ndpc_prod; auto.
+ apply ndpc_comp; auto.
+ apply ndpc_comp; auto.
Instance Types_cancelr : Types_first [] <~~~> functor_id _ :=
- Instance Types_PreMonoidal : PreMonoidalCat Types_binoidal [] :=
+ Instance TypesL_PreMonoidal : PreMonoidalCat Types_binoidal [] :=
{ pmon_assoc := Types_assoc
; pmon_cancell := Types_cancell
; pmon_cancelr := Types_cancelr
admit. (* cancell central *)
- Definition TypesEnrichedInJudgments : Enrichment.
+ Definition TypesEnrichedInJudgments : SurjectiveEnrichment.
- {| enr_v_mon := Judgments_Category_monoidal _
- ; enr_c_pm := Types_PreMonoidal
- ; enr_c_bin := Types_binoidal
+ {| senr_c_pm := TypesL_PreMonoidal
+ ; senr_v := JudgmentsL
+ ; senr_v_bin := Judgments_Category_binoidal _
+ ; senr_v_pmon := Judgments_Category_premonoidal _
+ ; senr_v_mon := Judgments_Category_monoidal _
+ ; senr_c_bin := Types_binoidal
+ ; senr_c := TypesL
- Structure HasProductTypes :=
- {
- }.
- (*
- Lemma CartesianEnrMonoidal (e:PreMonoidalEnrichment)
- `(C:CartesianCat(Ob:= _)(Hom:= _)(C:=Underlying (enr_c e))) : MonoidalEnrichment e.
- admit.
- Defined.
- *)
- (* need to prove that if we have cartesian tuples we have cartesian contexts *)
- (*
- Definition LanguagesWithProductsAreSMME : HasProductTypes -> SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment TypesEnrichedInJudgments.
- admit.
- Defined.
- *)
End LanguageCategory.
End Programming_Language.
-Structure ProgrammingLanguageSMME :=
-{ plsmme_t : Type
-; plsmme_judg : Type
-; plsmme_sequent : Tree ??plsmme_t -> Tree ??plsmme_t -> plsmme_judg
-; plsmme_rule : Tree ??plsmme_judg -> Tree ??plsmme_judg -> Type
-; plsmme_pl : @ProgrammingLanguage plsmme_t plsmme_judg plsmme_sequent plsmme_rule
-; plsmme_smme : SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments _ _ plsmme_pl)
-Coercion plsmme_pl : ProgrammingLanguageSMME >-> ProgrammingLanguage.
-Coercion plsmme_smme : ProgrammingLanguageSMME >-> SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment.
Implicit Arguments ND [ Judgment ].
Require Import Subcategories_ch7_1.
Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4.
Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5.
+Require Import BinoidalCategories.
+Require Import PreMonoidalCategories.
+Require Import PreMonoidalCenter.
Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8.
Require Import Coherence_ch7_8.
Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8.
Context `(Host:ProgrammingLanguage).
(* ... for which Types(L) is cartesian: *)
- Context {MF}(center_of_TypesL:MonoidalCat (TypesL _ _ Host) (fun x => (fst_obj _ _ x),,(snd_obj _ _ x)) MF []).
+ Context (center_of_TypesL:MonoidalCat (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)).
- (* along with a monoidal subcategory of Z(Types(L)) *)
- Context (VK:MonoidalSubCat center_of_TypesL).
+ (* along with a full subcategory of Z(Types(L)) *)
+ Context {P}(VK:FullSubcategory (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) P).
- (* a premonoidal category enriched in aforementioned full subcategory *)
- Context (Kehom:center_of_TypesL -> center_of_TypesL -> @ob _ _ VK).
- Context (KE:@ECategory (@ob _ _ VK) (@hom _ _ VK) VK _ VK
- (mon_i (full_subcat_is_monoidal VK)) (full_subcat_is_monoidal VK) center_of_TypesL Kehom).
- Context {kbo:center_of_TypesL -> center_of_TypesL -> center_of_TypesL}.
+ Context (Pobj_unit : P []).
+ Context (Pobj_closed : forall a b, P a → P b → P (bin_obj(BinoidalCat:=Center_is_PreMonoidal (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) a b)).
+ Definition VKM :=
+ PreMonoidalFullSubcategory_PreMonoidal (Center_is_PreMonoidal (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) VK Pobj_unit Pobj_closed.
- Context (kbc:@BinoidalCat center_of_TypesL _ (Underlying KE) kbo).
+ (* a premonoidal category enriched in aforementioned full subcategory *)
+ Context (Kehom:(Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) -> (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) -> @ob _ _ VK).
+ Context (KE :@ECategory (@ob _ _ VK) (@hom _ _ VK) VK _ VKM (pmon_I VKM) VKM (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) Kehom).
+ Context {kbo :(Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) -> (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) -> (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host))}.
+ Context (kbc :@BinoidalCat (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) _ (Underlying KE) kbo).
- Check (@PreMonoidalCat)
Definition one' := @one _ _ _ (car_terminal(CartesianCat:=CC))
- Context (K:@PreMonoidalCat _ _ KE kbo kbc ).
- Context (CC:CartesianCat center_of_TypesL).
- (*
- Definition K_enrichment : Enrichment.
- refine {| enr_c := KE |}.
- Defined.
- Context (K_surjective:SurjectiveEnrichment K_enrichment).
- *)
+ Context (K :@PreMonoidalCat _ _ KE kbo kbc ).
+ Context (CC:CartesianCat (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host))).
Definition ArrowInProgrammingLanguage :=
- @FreydCategory _ _ _ _ _ _ center_of_TypesL _ _ _ _ K.
+ @FreydCategory _ _ _ _ _ _ (Center (TypesL_PreMonoidal Host)) _ _ _ _ K.
Definition ArrowsAreGeneralizedArrows (arrow:ArrowInProgrammingLanguage) : GeneralizedArrow K_enrichment Host.
refine {| ga_functor_monoidal := inclusion_functor_monoidal VK |}.
Require Import NaturalDeduction.
Require Import NaturalDeductionCategory.
-Require Import FreydCategories.
+Require Import Enrichments.
Require Import Reification.
Require Import GeneralizedArrow.
-Require Import GeneralizedArrowFromReification.
Require Import ProgrammingLanguage.
-Require Import ReificationsAndGeneralizedArrows.
-Require Import ReificationFromGeneralizedArrow.
Section ProgrammingLanguageGeneralizedArrow.
- Context (Guest:ProgrammingLanguageSMME) (Host :ProgrammingLanguageSMME).
+ Context
+ `(Guest : ProgrammingLanguage)
+ `(Host : ProgrammingLanguage)
+ (HostMonoidal : MonoidalEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments Host))
+ (HostMonic : MonicEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments Host)).
Definition GeneralizedArrowInLanguage
- := GeneralizedArrow Guest Host.
+ := GeneralizedArrow (TypesEnrichedInJudgments Guest) HostMonoidal.
End ProgrammingLanguageGeneralizedArrow.
Require Import NaturalDeductionCategory.
Require Import ProgrammingLanguage.
+ Structure ProgrammingLanguageSMME :=
+ { plsmme_t : Type
+ ; plsmme_judg : Type
+ ; plsmme_sequent : Tree ??plsmme_t -> Tree ??plsmme_t -> plsmme_judg
+ ; plsmme_rule : Tree ??plsmme_judg -> Tree ??plsmme_judg -> Type
+ ; plsmme_pl : @ProgrammingLanguage plsmme_t plsmme_judg plsmme_sequent plsmme_rule
+ ; plsmme_smme : SurjectiveEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments _ _ plsmme_pl)
+ }.
+ Coercion plsmme_pl : ProgrammingLanguageSMME >-> ProgrammingLanguage.
+ Coercion plsmme_smme : ProgrammingLanguageSMME >-> SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment.
+ Context
+ `(Guest : ProgrammingLanguage)
+ `(Host : ProgrammingLanguage)
+ (HostMonoidal : MonoidalEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments Host))
+ (HostMonic : MonicEnrichment (TypesEnrichedInJudgments Host)).
Definition TwoLevelLanguage (Guest Host:ProgrammingLanguageSMME)
:= Reification Guest Host (me_i Host).
; reification_rstar_f : Functor (enr_v K) (enr_v C) reification_rstar_obj
; reification_rstar : PreMonoidalFunctor (enr_v_mon K) (enr_v_mon C) reification_rstar_f
; reification_commutes : ∀ k, reification_r k >>>> HomFunctor C CI <~~~> HomFunctor K k >>>> reification_rstar_f
+(* We require that the host language (but NOT the guest language) be pure, i.e. all morphisms central, to simplify
+ * things. If this doesn't suit you, just consider the "host language" here to be the pure sublanguage of the
+ * host language, and toss on the inclusion functor to the full language *)
+; reification_host_lang_pure : CommutativeCat (enr_c_pm C)
Transparent HomFunctor.
Transparent functor_comp.
apply (ni_respects2 (a >>>> a') (b >>>> b') x).
apply ni_inv.
apply comm1.
+ apply (reification_host_lang_pure _ _ _ X0).
Definition reificationOrIdentityComp
; reification_rstar := PreMonoidalFunctorsCompose garrow C
abstract (intros; set (@ni_associativity) as q; apply q).
+ intros; apply ga_host_lang_pure.