module SimplEnv (
- InId, InBind, InExpr, InAlt, InArg, InType, InBinder,
- OutId, OutTyVar, OutBind, OutExpr, OutAlt, OutArg, OutType, OutBinder,
+ InId, InBind, InExpr, InAlt, InArg, InType, InBndr,
+ OutId, OutTyVar, OutBind, OutExpr, OutAlt, OutArg, OutType, OutBndr,
InCoercion, OutCoercion,
+ isStrictBndr,
-- The simplifier mode
setMode, getMode,
setEnclosingCC, getEnclosingCC,
-- Environments
- SimplEnv, mkSimplEnv, extendIdSubst, extendTvSubst,
+ SimplEnv(..), -- Temp not abstract
+ mkSimplEnv, extendIdSubst, SimplEnv.extendTvSubst,
zapSubstEnv, setSubstEnv,
getInScope, setInScope, setInScopeSet, modifyInScope, addNewInScopeIds,
- SimplSR(..), mkContEx, substId,
+ SimplSR(..), mkContEx, substId, lookupRecBndr,
simplNonRecBndr, simplRecBndrs, simplLamBndr, simplLamBndrs,
simplBinder, simplBinders, addLetIdInfo,
- substExpr, substTy,
+ substExpr, substTy,
-- Floats
- FloatsWith, FloatsWithExpr,
- Floats, emptyFloats, isEmptyFloats, unitFloat, addFloats, flattenFloats,
- allLifted, wrapFloats, floatBinds,
- addAuxiliaryBind,
+ Floats, emptyFloats, isEmptyFloats, addNonRec, addFloats,
+ wrapFloats, floatBinds, setFloats, canFloat, zapFloats, addRecFloats,
+ getFloats
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import SimplMonad
-import Id ( Id, idType, idOccInfo, idUnfolding, setIdUnfolding )
-import IdInfo ( IdInfo, vanillaIdInfo, occInfo, setOccInfo, specInfo, setSpecInfo,
- arityInfo, workerInfo, setWorkerInfo,
- unfoldingInfo, setUnfoldingInfo, isEmptySpecInfo,
- workerExists
- )
+import IdInfo
import CoreSyn
-import Rules ( RuleBase )
-import CoreUtils ( needsCaseBinding )
-import CostCentre ( CostCentreStack, subsumedCCS )
-import Var
+import Rules
+import CoreUtils
+import CoreFVs
+import CostCentre
+import Var
import VarEnv
-import VarSet ( isEmptyVarSet )
+import VarSet
import OrdList
+import Id
+import NewDemand
import qualified CoreSubst ( Subst, mkSubst, substExpr, substSpec, substWorker )
import qualified Type ( substTy, substTyVarBndr )
-import Type ( Type, TvSubst(..), TvSubstEnv,
- isUnLiftedType, seqType, tyVarsOfType )
-import Coercion ( Coercion )
-import BasicTypes ( OccInfo(..), isFragileOcc )
-import DynFlags ( SimplifierMode(..) )
-import Util ( mapAccumL )
+import Type hiding ( substTy, substTyVarBndr )
+import Coercion
+import BasicTypes
+import DynFlags
+import Util
+import UniqFM
import Outputable
-type InBinder = CoreBndr
+type InBndr = CoreBndr
type InId = Id -- Not yet cloned
type InType = Type -- Ditto
type InBind = CoreBind
type InArg = CoreArg
type InCoercion = Coercion
-type OutBinder = CoreBndr
+type OutBndr = CoreBndr
type OutId = Id -- Cloned
type OutTyVar = TyVar -- Cloned
type OutType = Type -- Cloned
type OutArg = CoreArg
+isStrictBndr :: Id -> Bool
+isStrictBndr bndr
+ = ASSERT2( isId bndr, ppr bndr )
+ isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo bndr) || isStrictType (idType bndr)
%* *
\subsubsection{The @SimplEnv@ type}
-- The current set of in-scope variables
-- They are all OutVars, and all bound in this module
seInScope :: InScopeSet, -- OutVars only
+ -- Includes all variables bound by seFloats
+ seFloats :: Floats,
+ -- See Note [Simplifier floats]
-- The current substitution
seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv, -- InTyVar |--> OutType
seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst -- InId |--> OutExpr
type SimplIdSubst = IdEnv SimplSR -- IdId |--> OutExpr
| ContEx TvSubstEnv -- A suspended substitution
+instance Outputable SimplSR where
+ ppr (DoneEx e) = ptext SLIT("DoneEx") <+> ppr e
+ ppr (DoneId v) = ptext SLIT("DoneId") <+> ppr v
+ ppr (ContEx tv id e) = vcat [ptext SLIT("ContEx") <+> ppr e {-,
+ ppr (filter_env tv), ppr (filter_env id) -}]
+ where
+ fvs = exprFreeVars e
+ filter_env env = filterVarEnv_Directly keep env
+ keep uniq _ = uniq `elemUFM_Directly` fvs
mkSimplEnv mode switches rules
= SimplEnv { seChkr = switches, seCC = subsumedCCS,
seMode = mode, seInScope = emptyInScopeSet,
- seExtRules = rules,
+ seExtRules = rules, seFloats = emptyFloats,
seTvSubst = emptyVarEnv, seIdSubst = emptyVarEnv }
-- The top level "enclosing CC" is "SUBSUMED".
setInScopeSet env in_scope = env {seInScope = in_scope}
setInScope :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
-setInScope env env_with_in_scope = setInScopeSet env (getInScope env_with_in_scope)
+-- Set the in-scope set, and *zap* the floats
+setInScope env env_with_scope
+ = env { seInScope = seInScope env_with_scope,
+ seFloats = emptyFloats }
+setFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+-- Set the in-scope set *and* the floats
+setFloats env env_with_floats
+ = env { seInScope = seInScope env_with_floats,
+ seFloats = seFloats env_with_floats }
addNewInScopeIds :: SimplEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> SimplEnv
-- The new Ids are guaranteed to be freshly allocated
+%* *
+%* *
+Note [Simplifier floats]
+The Floats is a bunch of bindings, classified by a FloatFlag.
+ NonRec x (y:ys) FltLifted
+ Rec [(x,rhs)] FltLifted
+ NonRec x# (y +# 3) FltOkSpec
+ NonRec x# (a /# b) FltCareful
+ NonRec x* (f y) FltCareful -- Might fail or diverge
+ NonRec x# (f y) FltCareful -- Might fail or diverge
+ (where f :: Int -> Int#)
+data Floats = Floats (OrdList OutBind) FloatFlag
+ -- See Note [Simplifier floats]
+data FloatFlag
+ = FltLifted -- All bindings are lifted and lazy
+ -- Hence ok to float to top level, or recursive
+ | FltOkSpec -- All bindings are FltLifted *or*
+ -- strict (perhaps because unlifted,
+ -- perhaps because of a strict binder),
+ -- *and* ok-for-speculation
+ -- Hence ok to float out of the RHS
+ -- of a lazy non-recursive let binding
+ -- (but not to top level, or into a rec group)
+ | FltCareful -- At least one binding is strict (or unlifted)
+ -- and not guaranteed cheap
+ -- Do not float these bindings out of a lazy let
+instance Outputable Floats where
+ ppr (Floats binds ff) = ppr ff $$ ppr (fromOL binds)
+instance Outputable FloatFlag where
+ ppr FltLifted = ptext SLIT("FltLifted")
+ ppr FltOkSpec = ptext SLIT("FltOkSpec")
+ ppr FltCareful = ptext SLIT("FltCareful")
+andFF :: FloatFlag -> FloatFlag -> FloatFlag
+andFF FltCareful _ = FltCareful
+andFF FltOkSpec FltCareful = FltCareful
+andFF FltOkSpec flt = FltOkSpec
+andFF FltLifted flt = flt
+classifyFF :: CoreBind -> FloatFlag
+classifyFF (Rec _) = FltLifted
+classifyFF (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ | not (isStrictBndr bndr) = FltLifted
+ | exprOkForSpeculation rhs = FltOkSpec
+ | otherwise = FltCareful
+canFloat :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool -> SimplEnv -> Bool
+canFloat lvl rec str (SimplEnv {seFloats = Floats _ ff})
+ = canFloatFlt lvl rec str ff
+canFloatFlt :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool -> FloatFlag -> Bool
+canFloatFlt lvl rec str FltLifted = True
+canFloatFlt lvl rec str FltOkSpec = isNotTopLevel lvl && isNonRec rec
+canFloatFlt lvl rec str FltCareful = str && isNotTopLevel lvl && isNonRec rec
+emptyFloats :: Floats
+emptyFloats = Floats nilOL FltLifted
+unitFloat :: OutBind -> Floats
+-- A single-binding float
+unitFloat bind = Floats (unitOL bind) (classifyFF bind)
+addNonRec :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> SimplEnv
+-- Add a non-recursive binding and extend the in-scope set
+-- The latter is important; the binder may already be in the
+-- in-scope set (although it might also have been created with newId)
+-- but it may now have more IdInfo
+addNonRec env id rhs
+ = env { seFloats = seFloats env `addFlts` unitFloat (NonRec id rhs),
+ seInScope = extendInScopeSet (seInScope env) id }
+addFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+-- Add the floats for env2 to env1;
+-- *plus* the in-scope set for env2, which is bigger
+-- than that for env1
+addFloats env1 env2
+ = env1 {seFloats = seFloats env1 `addFlts` seFloats env2,
+ seInScope = seInScope env2 }
+addFlts :: Floats -> Floats -> Floats
+addFlts (Floats bs1 l1) (Floats bs2 l2)
+ = Floats (bs1 `appOL` bs2) (l1 `andFF` l2)
+zapFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+zapFloats env = env { seFloats = emptyFloats }
+addRecFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
+-- Flattens the floats from env2 into a single Rec group,
+-- prepends the floats from env1, and puts the result back in env2
+-- This is all very specific to the way recursive bindings are
+-- handled; see Simplify.simplRecBind
+addRecFloats env1 env2@(SimplEnv {seFloats = Floats bs ff})
+ = ASSERT2( case ff of { FltLifted -> True; other -> False }, ppr (fromOL bs) )
+ env2 {seFloats = seFloats env1 `addFlts` unitFloat (Rec (flattenBinds (fromOL bs)))}
+wrapFloats :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
+wrapFloats env expr = wrapFlts (seFloats env) expr
+wrapFlts :: Floats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
+-- Wrap the floats around the expression, using case-binding where necessary
+wrapFlts (Floats bs _) body = foldrOL wrap body bs
+ where
+ wrap (Rec prs) body = Let (Rec prs) body
+ wrap (NonRec b r) body = bindNonRec b r body
+getFloats :: SimplEnv -> [CoreBind]
+getFloats (SimplEnv {seFloats = Floats bs _}) = fromOL bs
+isEmptyFloats :: SimplEnv -> Bool
+isEmptyFloats env = isEmptyFlts (seFloats env)
+isEmptyFlts :: Floats -> Bool
+isEmptyFlts (Floats bs _) = isNilOL bs
+floatBinds :: Floats -> [OutBind]
+floatBinds (Floats bs _) = fromOL bs
%* *
Substitution of Vars
= DoneId v
| otherwise -- A local Id
= case lookupVarEnv ids v of
- Just (DoneId v) -> DoneId (refine v)
+ Just (DoneId v) -> DoneId (refine in_scope v)
Just res -> res
- Nothing -> DoneId (refine v)
+ Nothing -> DoneId (refine in_scope v)
-- Get the most up-to-date thing from the in-scope set
-- Even though it isn't in the substitution, it may be in
-- the in-scope set with better IdInfo
- refine v = case lookupInScope in_scope v of
- Just v' -> v'
- Nothing -> WARN( True, ppr v ) v -- This is an error!
+refine in_scope v = case lookupInScope in_scope v of
+ Just v' -> v'
+ Nothing -> WARN( True, ppr v ) v -- This is an error!
+lookupRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> Id -> Id
+-- Look up an Id which has been put into the envt by simplRecBndrs,
+-- but where we have not yet done its RHS
+lookupRecBndr (SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seIdSubst = ids }) v
+ = case lookupVarEnv ids v of
+ Just (DoneId v) -> v
+ Just res -> pprPanic "lookupRecBndr" (ppr v)
+ Nothing -> refine in_scope v
simplBinders, simplLamBndrs
- :: SimplEnv -> [InBinder] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBinder])
+ :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBndr])
simplBinders env bndrs = mapAccumLSmpl simplBinder env bndrs
simplLamBndrs env bndrs = mapAccumLSmpl simplLamBndr env bndrs
-simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> InBinder -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBinder)
+simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
-- Used for lambda and case-bound variables
-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute type
-- Return with IdInfo already substituted, but (fragile) occurrence info zapped
= delVarEnv id_subst old_id
seqTyVar :: TyVar -> ()
seqTyVar b = b `seq` ()
seqIds (id:ids) = seqId id `seq` seqIds ids
%* *
Let bindings
Rename the binders if necessary,
-simplNonRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBinder -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBinder)
+simplNonRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
simplNonRecBndr env id
= do { let (env1, id1) = substLetIdBndr env id
; seqId id1 `seq` return (env1, id1) }
-simplRecBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBinder] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBinder])
+simplRecBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM SimplEnv
simplRecBndrs env@(SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seIdSubst = id_subst }) ids
= do { let (env1, ids1) = mapAccumL substLetIdBndr env ids
- ; seqIds ids1 `seq` return (env1, ids1) }
+ ; seqIds ids1 `seq` return env1 }
-substLetIdBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBinder -- Env and binder to transform
- -> (SimplEnv, OutBinder)
--- C.f. CoreSubst.substIdBndr
+substLetIdBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -- Env and binder to transform
+ -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
+-- C.f. substIdBndr above
-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute its type
-- Return an Id with completely zapped IdInfo
-- [addLetIdInfo, below, will restore its IdInfo]
-- Extend the substitution if the unique has changed,
-- or there's some useful occurrence information
-- See the notes with substTyVarBndr for the delSubstEnv
- occ_info = occInfo (idInfo old_id)
new_subst | new_id /= old_id
= extendVarEnv id_subst old_id (DoneId new_id)
| otherwise
when substituting in h's RULE.
-addLetIdInfo :: SimplEnv -> InBinder -> OutBinder -> (SimplEnv, OutBinder)
+addLetIdInfo :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> OutBndr -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
addLetIdInfo env in_id out_id
= (modifyInScope env out_id final_id, final_id)
substIdType :: SimplEnv -> Id -> Id
substIdType env@(SimplEnv { seInScope = in_scope, seTvSubst = tv_env}) id
| isEmptyVarEnv tv_env || isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfType old_ty) = id
- | otherwise = setIdType id (Type.substTy (TvSubst in_scope tv_env) old_ty)
+ | otherwise = Id.setIdType id (Type.substTy (TvSubst in_scope tv_env) old_ty)
-- The tyVarsOfType is cheaper than it looks
-- because we cache the free tyvars of the type
-- in a Note in the id's type itself
| otherwise = CoreSubst.substExpr (mkCoreSubst env) expr
-%* *
-%* *
-type FloatsWithExpr = FloatsWith OutExpr
-type FloatsWith a = (Floats, a)
- -- We return something equivalent to (let b in e), but
- -- in pieces to avoid the quadratic blowup when floating
- -- incrementally. Comments just before simplExprB in Simplify.lhs
-data Floats = Floats (OrdList OutBind)
- InScopeSet -- Environment "inside" all the floats
- Bool -- True <=> All bindings are lifted
-allLifted :: Floats -> Bool
-allLifted (Floats _ _ is_lifted) = is_lifted
-wrapFloats :: Floats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
-wrapFloats (Floats bs _ _) body = foldrOL Let body bs
-isEmptyFloats :: Floats -> Bool
-isEmptyFloats (Floats bs _ _) = isNilOL bs
-floatBinds :: Floats -> [OutBind]
-floatBinds (Floats bs _ _) = fromOL bs
-flattenFloats :: Floats -> Floats
--- Flattens into a single Rec group
-flattenFloats (Floats bs is is_lifted)
- = ASSERT2( is_lifted, ppr (fromOL bs) )
- Floats (unitOL (Rec (flattenBinds (fromOL bs)))) is is_lifted
-emptyFloats :: SimplEnv -> Floats
-emptyFloats env = Floats nilOL (getInScope env) True
-unitFloat :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutExpr -> Floats
--- A single non-rec float; extend the in-scope set
-unitFloat env var rhs = Floats (unitOL (NonRec var rhs))
- (extendInScopeSet (getInScope env) var)
- (not (isUnLiftedType (idType var)))
-addFloats :: SimplEnv -> Floats
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM (FloatsWith a))
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith a)
-addFloats env (Floats b1 is1 l1) thing_inside
- | isNilOL b1
- = thing_inside env
- | otherwise
- = thing_inside (setInScopeSet env is1) `thenSmpl` \ (Floats b2 is2 l2, res) ->
- returnSmpl (Floats (b1 `appOL` b2) is2 (l1 && l2), res)
-addLetBind :: OutBind -> Floats -> Floats
-addLetBind bind (Floats binds in_scope lifted)
- = Floats (bind `consOL` binds) in_scope (lifted && is_lifted_bind bind)
-is_lifted_bind (Rec _) = True
-is_lifted_bind (NonRec b r) = not (isUnLiftedType (idType b))
--- addAuxiliaryBind * takes already-simplified things (bndr and rhs)
--- * extends the in-scope env
--- * assumes it's a let-bindable thing
-addAuxiliaryBind :: SimplEnv -> OutBind
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM (FloatsWith a))
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith a)
- -- Extends the in-scope environment as well as wrapping the bindings
-addAuxiliaryBind env bind thing_inside
- = ASSERT( case bind of { NonRec b r -> not (needsCaseBinding (idType b) r) ; Rec _ -> True } )
- thing_inside (addNewInScopeIds env (bindersOf bind)) `thenSmpl` \ (floats, x) ->
- returnSmpl (addLetBind bind floats, x)
module SimplUtils (
+ -- Rebuilding
mkLam, mkCase,
-- Inlining,
- preInlineUnconditionally, postInlineUnconditionally, activeInline, activeRule,
- inlineMode,
+ preInlineUnconditionally, postInlineUnconditionally,
+ activeInline, activeRule, inlineMode,
-- The continuation type
SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), LetRhsFlag(..),
- contIsDupable, contResultType,
- countValArgs, countArgs, pushContArgs,
- mkBoringStop, mkLazyArgStop, mkRhsStop, contIsRhs, contIsRhsOrArg,
- getContArgs, interestingCallContext, interestingArgContext,
- interestingArg, isStrictType
+ contIsDupable, contResultType, contIsTrivial, contArgs, dropArgs,
+ countValArgs, countArgs,
+ mkBoringStop, mkLazyArgStop, mkRhsStop, contIsRhsOrArg,
+ interestingCallContext, interestingArgContext,
+ interestingArg, isStrictBndr, mkArgInfo
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import SimplEnv
-import DynFlags ( SimplifierSwitch(..), SimplifierMode(..),
- DynFlags, DynFlag(..), dopt )
-import StaticFlags ( opt_UF_UpdateInPlace, opt_SimplNoPreInlining,
- opt_RulesOff )
+import DynFlags
+import StaticFlags
import CoreSyn
-import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars )
-import CoreUtils ( cheapEqExpr, exprType, exprIsTrivial,
- etaExpand, exprEtaExpandArity, bindNonRec, mkCoerce,
- findDefault, exprOkForSpeculation, exprIsHNF, mergeAlts,
- applyTypeToArgs
- )
-import Literal ( mkStringLit )
-import CoreUnfold ( smallEnoughToInline )
-import MkId ( eRROR_ID, wrapNewTypeBody )
-import Id ( Id, idType, isDataConWorkId, idOccInfo, isDictId,
- isDeadBinder, idNewDemandInfo, isExportedId, mkSysLocal,
- idUnfolding, idNewStrictness, idInlinePragma, idHasRules
- )
-import NewDemand ( isStrictDmd, isBotRes, splitStrictSig )
+import CoreFVs
+import CoreUtils
+import Literal
+import CoreUnfold
+import MkId
+import Id
+import NewDemand
import SimplMonad
-import Name ( mkSysTvName )
-import Type ( Type, splitFunTys, dropForAlls, isStrictType,
- splitTyConApp_maybe, tyConAppArgs, mkTyVarTys )
-import Coercion ( isEqPredTy
- )
-import Coercion ( Coercion, mkUnsafeCoercion, coercionKind )
-import TyCon ( tyConDataCons_maybe, isClosedNewTyCon )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArity, dataConInstArgTys, dataConTyCon )
+import Type
+import TyCon
+import DataCon
import VarSet
-import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isNotTopLevel, OccInfo(..), isLoopBreaker, isOneOcc,
- Activation, isAlwaysActive, isActive )
-import Util ( lengthExceeds )
+import BasicTypes
+import Util
import Outputable
%* *
-\subsection{The continuation data type}
+ The SimplCont type
%* *
+A SimplCont allows the simplifier to traverse the expression in a
+zipper-like fashion. The SimplCont represents the rest of the expression,
+"above" the point of interest.
+You can also think of a SimplCont as an "evaluation context", using
+that term in the way it is used for operational semantics. This is the
+way I usually think of it, For example you'll often see a syntax for
+evaluation context looking like
+ C ::= [] | C e | case C of alts | C `cast` co
+That's the kind of thing we are doing here, and I use that syntax in
+the comments.
+Key points:
+ * A SimplCont describes a *strict* context (just like
+ evaluation contexts do). E.g. Just [] is not a SimplCont
+ * A SimplCont describes a context that *does not* bind
+ any variables. E.g. \x. [] is not a SimplCont
-data SimplCont -- Strict contexts
- = Stop OutType -- Type of the result
- LetRhsFlag
- Bool -- True <=> There is something interesting about
+data SimplCont
+ = Stop -- An empty context, or hole, []
+ OutType -- Type of the result
+ LetRhsFlag
+ Bool -- True <=> There is something interesting about
-- the context, and hence the inliner
-- should be a bit keener (see interestingCallContext)
-- Two cases:
-- (b) This is an argument of a function that has RULES
-- Inlining the call might allow the rule to fire
- | CoerceIt OutCoercion -- The coercion simplified
- SimplCont
+ | CoerceIt -- C `cast` co
+ OutCoercion -- The coercion simplified
+ SimplCont
- | ApplyTo DupFlag
- CoreExpr -- The argument
- (Maybe SimplEnv) -- (Just se) => the arg is un-simplified and this is its subst-env
- -- Nothing => the arg is already simplified; don't repeatedly simplify it!
- SimplCont -- and its environment
+ | ApplyTo -- C arg
+ DupFlag
+ InExpr SimplEnv -- The argument and its static env
+ SimplCont
- | Select DupFlag
- InId [InAlt] SimplEnv -- The case binder, alts, and subst-env
- SimplCont
+ | Select -- case C of alts
+ DupFlag
+ InId [InAlt] SimplEnv -- The case binder, alts, and subst-env
+ SimplCont
- | ArgOf LetRhsFlag -- An arbitrary strict context: the argument
- -- of a strict function, or a primitive-arg fn
- -- or a PrimOp
- -- No DupFlag, because we never duplicate it
- OutType -- arg_ty: type of the argument itself
- OutType -- cont_ty: the type of the expression being sought by the context
- -- f (error "foo") ==> coerce t (error "foo")
- -- when f is strict
- -- We need to know the type t, to which to coerce.
+ -- The two strict forms have no DupFlag, because we never duplicate them
+ | StrictBind -- (\x* \xs. e) C
+ InId [InBndr] -- let x* = [] in e
+ InExpr SimplEnv -- is a special case
+ SimplCont
- (SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr) -- What to do with the result
- -- The result expression in the OutExprStuff has type cont_ty
+ | StrictArg -- e C
+ OutExpr OutType -- e and its type
+ (Bool,[Bool]) -- Whether the function at the head of e has rules,
+ SimplCont -- plus strictness flags for further args
data LetRhsFlag = AnArg -- It's just an argument not a let RHS
| AnRhs -- It's the RHS of a let (so please float lets out of big lambdas)
instance Outputable SimplCont where
ppr (Stop ty is_rhs _) = ptext SLIT("Stop") <> brackets (ppr is_rhs) <+> ppr ty
ppr (ApplyTo dup arg se cont) = (ptext SLIT("ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr arg) $$ ppr cont
- ppr (ArgOf _ _ _ _) = ptext SLIT("ArgOf...")
+ ppr (StrictBind b _ _ _ cont) = (ptext SLIT("StrictBind") <+> ppr b) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (StrictArg f _ _ cont) = (ptext SLIT("StrictArg") <+> ppr f) $$ ppr cont
ppr (Select dup bndr alts se cont) = (ptext SLIT("Select") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
- (nest 4 (ppr alts)) $$ ppr cont
+ (nest 4 (ppr alts $$ ppr (seIdSubst se))) $$ ppr cont
ppr (CoerceIt co cont) = (ptext SLIT("CoerceIt") <+> ppr co) $$ ppr cont
data DupFlag = OkToDup | NoDup
mkRhsStop :: OutType -> SimplCont
mkRhsStop ty = Stop ty AnRhs (canUpdateInPlace ty)
-contIsRhs :: SimplCont -> Bool
-contIsRhs (Stop _ AnRhs _) = True
-contIsRhs (ArgOf AnRhs _ _ _) = True
-contIsRhs other = False
contIsRhsOrArg (Stop _ _ _) = True
-contIsRhsOrArg (ArgOf _ _ _ _) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg (StrictBind {}) = True
+contIsRhsOrArg (StrictArg {}) = True
contIsRhsOrArg other = False
contIsDupable other = False
-discardableCont :: SimplCont -> Bool
-discardableCont (Stop _ _ _) = False
-discardableCont (CoerceIt _ cont) = discardableCont cont
-discardableCont other = True
-discardCont :: Type -- The type expected
- -> SimplCont -- A continuation, expecting the previous type
- -> SimplCont -- Replace the continuation with a suitable coerce
-discardCont from_ty cont = case cont of
- Stop to_ty is_rhs _ -> cont
- other -> CoerceIt co (mkBoringStop to_ty)
- where
- co = mkUnsafeCoercion from_ty to_ty
- to_ty = contResultType cont
+contIsTrivial :: SimplCont -> Bool
+contIsTrivial (Stop _ _ _) = True
+contIsTrivial (ApplyTo _ (Type _) _ cont) = contIsTrivial cont
+contIsTrivial (CoerceIt _ cont) = contIsTrivial cont
+contIsTrivial other = False
contResultType :: SimplCont -> OutType
-contResultType (Stop to_ty _ _) = to_ty
-contResultType (ArgOf _ _ to_ty _) = to_ty
-contResultType (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
-contResultType (CoerceIt _ cont) = contResultType cont
-contResultType (Select _ _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (Stop to_ty _ _) = to_ty
+contResultType (StrictArg _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (StrictBind _ _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (CoerceIt _ cont) = contResultType cont
+contResultType (Select _ _ _ _ cont) = contResultType cont
countValArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
countArgs (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) = 1 + countArgs cont
countArgs other = 0
-pushContArgs ::[OutArg] -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
--- Pushes args with the specified environment
-pushContArgs [] cont = cont
-pushContArgs (arg : args) cont = ApplyTo NoDup arg Nothing (pushContArgs args cont)
+contArgs :: SimplCont -> ([OutExpr], SimplCont)
+-- Uses substitution to turn each arg into an OutExpr
+contArgs cont = go [] cont
+ where
+ go args (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) = go (substExpr se arg : args) cont
+ go args cont = (reverse args, cont)
+dropArgs :: Int -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+dropArgs 0 cont = cont
+dropArgs n (ApplyTo _ _ _ cont) = dropArgs (n-1) cont
+dropArgs n other = pprPanic "dropArgs" (ppr n <+> ppr other)
-getContArgs :: SwitchChecker
- -> OutId -> SimplCont
- -> ([(InExpr, Maybe SimplEnv, Bool)], -- Arguments; the Bool is true for strict args
- SimplCont) -- Remaining continuation
--- getContArgs id k = (args, k', inl)
--- args are the leading ApplyTo items in k
--- (i.e. outermost comes first)
--- augmented with demand info from the functionn
-getContArgs chkr fun orig_cont
- = let
- -- Ignore strictness info if the no-case-of-case
- -- flag is on. Strictness changes evaluation order
- -- and that can change full laziness
- stricts | switchIsOn chkr NoCaseOfCase = vanilla_stricts
- | otherwise = computed_stricts
- in
- go [] stricts orig_cont
- where
- ----------------------------
- -- Type argument
- go acc ss (ApplyTo _ arg@(Type _) se cont)
- = go ((arg,se,False) : acc) ss cont
- -- NB: don't bother to instantiate the function type
- -- Value argument
- go acc (s:ss) (ApplyTo _ arg se cont)
- = go ((arg,se,s) : acc) ss cont
- -- We're run out of arguments, or else we've run out of demands
- -- The latter only happens if the result is guaranteed bottom
- -- This is the case for
- -- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
- -- * (error "Hello") arg
- -- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
- -- etc
- -- Then, especially in the first of these cases, we'd like to discard
- -- the continuation, leaving just the bottoming expression. But the
- -- type might not be right, so we may have to add a coerce.
- go acc ss cont
- | null ss && discardableCont cont = (args, discardCont hole_ty cont)
- | otherwise = (args, cont)
- where
- args = reverse acc
- hole_ty = applyTypeToArgs (Var fun) (idType fun)
- [substExpr_mb se arg | (arg,se,_) <- args]
- substExpr_mb Nothing arg = arg
- substExpr_mb (Just se) arg = substExpr se arg
- ----------------------------
- vanilla_stricts, computed_stricts :: [Bool]
- vanilla_stricts = repeat False
- computed_stricts = zipWith (||) fun_stricts arg_stricts
- ----------------------------
- (val_arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (dropForAlls (idType fun))
- arg_stricts = map isStrictType val_arg_tys ++ repeat False
- -- These argument types are used as a cheap and cheerful way to find
- -- unboxed arguments, which must be strict. But it's an InType
- -- and so there might be a type variable where we expect a function
- -- type (the substitution hasn't happened yet). And we don't bother
- -- doing the type applications for a polymorphic function.
- -- Hence the splitFunTys*IgnoringForAlls*
- ----------------------------
- -- If fun_stricts is finite, it means the function returns bottom
- -- after that number of value args have been consumed
- -- Otherwise it's infinite, extended with False
- fun_stricts
- = case splitStrictSig (idNewStrictness fun) of
- (demands, result_info)
- | not (demands `lengthExceeds` countValArgs orig_cont)
- -> -- Enough args, use the strictness given.
- -- For bottoming functions we used to pretend that the arg
- -- is lazy, so that we don't treat the arg as an
- -- interesting context. This avoids substituting
- -- top-level bindings for (say) strings into
- -- calls to error. But now we are more careful about
- -- inlining lone variables, so its ok (see SimplUtils.analyseCont)
- if isBotRes result_info then
- map isStrictDmd demands -- Finite => result is bottom
- else
- map isStrictDmd demands ++ vanilla_stricts
- other -> vanilla_stricts -- Not enough args, or no strictness
interestingArg :: OutExpr -> Bool
-- An argument is interesting if it has *some* structure
-- We are here trying to avoid unfolding a function that
-- that x is not interesting (assuming y has no unfolding)
Comment about interestingCallContext
We want to avoid inlining an expression where there can't possibly be
-- Perhaps True is a bit over-keen, but I've
-- seen (coerce f) x, where f has an INLINE prag,
-- So we have to give some motivaiton for inlining it
- interesting (ArgOf {}) = some_val_args
+ interesting (StrictArg {}) = some_val_args
+ interesting (StrictBind {}) = some_val_args -- ??
interesting (Stop ty _ interesting) = some_val_args && interesting
interesting (CoerceIt _ cont) = interesting cont
-- If this call is the arg of a strict function, the context
+mkArgInfo :: Id
+ -> Int -- Number of value args
+ -> SimplCont -- Context of the cal
+ -> (Bool, [Bool]) -- Arg info
+-- The arg info consists of
+-- * A Bool indicating if the function has rules (recursively)
+-- * A [Bool] indicating strictness for each arg
+-- The [Bool] is usually infinite, but if it is finite it
+-- guarantees that the function diverges after being given
+-- that number of args
+mkArgInfo fun n_val_args call_cont
+ = (interestingArgContext fun call_cont, fun_stricts)
+ where
+ vanilla_stricts, fun_stricts :: [Bool]
+ vanilla_stricts = repeat False
+ fun_stricts
+ = case splitStrictSig (idNewStrictness fun) of
+ (demands, result_info)
+ | not (demands `lengthExceeds` n_val_args)
+ -> -- Enough args, use the strictness given.
+ -- For bottoming functions we used to pretend that the arg
+ -- is lazy, so that we don't treat the arg as an
+ -- interesting context. This avoids substituting
+ -- top-level bindings for (say) strings into
+ -- calls to error. But now we are more careful about
+ -- inlining lone variables, so its ok (see SimplUtils.analyseCont)
+ if isBotRes result_info then
+ map isStrictDmd demands -- Finite => result is bottom
+ else
+ map isStrictDmd demands ++ vanilla_stricts
+ other -> vanilla_stricts -- Not enough args, or no strictness
interestingArgContext :: Id -> SimplCont -> Bool
-- If the argument has form (f x y), where x,y are boring,
-- and f is marked INLINE, then we don't want to inline f.
go (Select {}) = False
go (ApplyTo {}) = False
- go (ArgOf {}) = True
+ go (StrictArg {}) = True
+ go (StrictBind {}) = False -- ??
go (CoerceIt _ c) = go c
go (Stop _ _ interesting) = interesting
-- True -> case x of ...
-- False -> case x of ...
-- I'm not sure how important this is in practice
- OneOcc in_lam one_br int_cxt -- OneOcc => no work-duplication issue
+ OneOcc in_lam one_br int_cxt -- OneOcc => no code-duplication issue
-> smallEnoughToInline unfolding -- Small enough to dup
-- ToDo: consider discount on smallEnoughToInline if int_cxt is true
%* *
-\subsection{Rebuilding a lambda}
+ Rebuilding a lambda
%* *
-mkLam :: SimplEnv -> [OutBinder] -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+mkLam :: [OutBndr] -> OutExpr -> SimplM OutExpr
+-- mkLam tries three things
+-- a) eta reduction, if that gives a trivial expression
+-- b) eta expansion [only if there are some value lambdas]
+mkLam bndrs body
+ = do { dflags <- getDOptsSmpl
+ ; mkLam' dflags bndrs body }
+ where
+ mkLam' dflags bndrs body
+ | dopt Opt_DoEtaReduction dflags,
+ Just etad_lam <- tryEtaReduce bndrs body
+ = do { tick (EtaReduction (head bndrs))
+ ; return etad_lam }
+ | dopt Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion dflags,
+ any isRuntimeVar bndrs
+ = do { body' <- tryEtaExpansion dflags body
+ ; return (mkLams bndrs body') }
+ | otherwise
+ = returnSmpl (mkLams bndrs body)
-Try three things
- a) eta reduction, if that gives a trivial expression
- b) eta expansion [only if there are some value lambdas]
- c) floating lets out through big lambdas
- [only if all tyvar lambdas, and only if this lambda
- is the RHS of a let]
-mkLam env bndrs body cont
- = getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \dflags ->
- mkLam' dflags env bndrs body cont
- where
- mkLam' dflags env bndrs body cont
- | dopt Opt_DoEtaReduction dflags,
- Just etad_lam <- tryEtaReduce bndrs body
- = tick (EtaReduction (head bndrs)) `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, etad_lam)
- | dopt Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion dflags,
- any isRuntimeVar bndrs
- = tryEtaExpansion dflags body `thenSmpl` \ body' ->
- returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, mkLams bndrs body')
+-- c) floating lets out through big lambdas
+-- [only if all tyvar lambdas, and only if this lambda
+-- is the RHS of a let]
{- Sept 01: I'm experimenting with getting the
full laziness pass to float out past big lambdsa
returnSmpl (floats, mkLams bndrs body')
- | otherwise
- = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, mkLams bndrs body)
%* *
to avoid allocating this thing altogether
-tryEtaReduce :: [OutBinder] -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
+tryEtaReduce :: [OutBndr] -> OutExpr -> Maybe OutExpr
tryEtaReduce bndrs body
-- We don't use CoreUtils.etaReduce, because we can be more
-- efficient here:
import SimplMonad
+import Type hiding ( substTy, extendTvSubst )
import SimplEnv
-import SimplUtils ( mkCase, mkLam,
- SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), LetRhsFlag(..),
- mkRhsStop, mkBoringStop, mkLazyArgStop, pushContArgs,
- contResultType, countArgs, contIsDupable, contIsRhsOrArg,
- getContArgs, interestingCallContext, interestingArg, isStrictType,
- preInlineUnconditionally, postInlineUnconditionally,
- interestingArgContext, inlineMode, activeInline, activeRule
- )
-import Id ( Id, idType, idInfo, idArity, isDataConWorkId,
- idUnfolding, setIdUnfolding, isDeadBinder,
- idNewDemandInfo, setIdInfo,
- setIdOccInfo, zapLamIdInfo, setOneShotLambda
- )
-import IdInfo ( OccInfo(..), setArityInfo, zapDemandInfo,
- setUnfoldingInfo, occInfo
- )
-import NewDemand ( isStrictDmd )
+import SimplUtils
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import Coercion
import TcGadt ( dataConCanMatch )
import DataCon ( dataConTyCon, dataConRepStrictness )
import TyCon ( tyConArity, isAlgTyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons_maybe )
import CoreSyn
import PprCore ( pprParendExpr, pprCoreExpr )
import CoreUnfold ( mkUnfolding, callSiteInline )
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsDupable, exprIsTrivial, needsCaseBinding,
- exprIsConApp_maybe, mkPiTypes, findAlt,
- exprType, exprIsHNF, findDefault, mergeAlts,
- exprOkForSpeculation, exprArity,
- mkCoerce, mkSCC, mkInlineMe, applyTypeToArg,
- dataConRepInstPat
- )
+import CoreUtils
import Rules ( lookupRule )
import BasicTypes ( isMarkedStrict )
import CostCentre ( currentCCS )
-import Type ( TvSubstEnv, isUnLiftedType, seqType, tyConAppArgs, funArgTy,
- coreEqType, splitTyConApp_maybe,
- isTyVarTy, isFunTy, tcEqType
- )
-import Coercion ( Coercion, coercionKind,
- mkTransCoercion, mkSymCoercion, splitCoercionKind_maybe, decomposeCo )
-import VarEnv ( elemVarEnv, emptyVarEnv )
import TysPrim ( realWorldStatePrimTy )
import PrelInfo ( realWorldPrimId )
import BasicTypes ( TopLevelFlag(..), isTopLevel,
- RecFlag(..), isNonRec, isNonRuleLoopBreaker
- )
-import OrdList
+ RecFlag(..), isNonRuleLoopBreaker )
import List ( nub )
import Maybes ( orElse )
import Outputable
-import Util ( notNull, filterOut )
+import Util
- simplify rhs
- mkAtomicArgs
- float if exposes constructor or PAP
- - completeLazyBind
+ - completeBind
completeNonRecX: [binder and rhs both simplified]
- if the the thing needs case binding (unlifted and not ok-for-spec)
build a Case
- completeLazyBind
+ completeBind
-completeLazyBind: [given a simplified RHS]
+completeBind: [given a simplified RHS]
[used for both rec and non-rec bindings, top level and not]
- try PostInlineUnconditionally
- add unfolding [this is the only place we add an unfolding]
simplTopBinds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM [OutBind]
simplTopBinds env binds
- = -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
- -- so that if a transformation rule has unexpectedly brought
- -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
- -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
- simplRecBndrs env (bindersOfBinds binds) `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
- simpl_binds env binds bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, _) ->
- freeTick SimplifierDone `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (floatBinds floats)
+ = do { -- Put all the top-level binders into scope at the start
+ -- so that if a transformation rule has unexpectedly brought
+ -- anything into scope, then we don't get a complaint about that.
+ -- It's rather as if the top-level binders were imported.
+ ; env <- simplRecBndrs env (bindersOfBinds binds)
+ ; dflags <- getDOptsSmpl
+ ; let dump_flag = dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags
+ ; env' <- simpl_binds dump_flag env binds
+ ; freeTick SimplifierDone
+ ; return (getFloats env') }
-- We need to track the zapped top-level binders, because
-- they should have their fragile IdInfo zapped (notably occurrence info)
-- That's why we run down binds and bndrs' simultaneously.
- simpl_binds :: SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> [OutId] -> SimplM (FloatsWith ())
- simpl_binds env [] bs = ASSERT( null bs ) returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, ())
- simpl_binds env (bind:binds) bs = simpl_bind env bind bs `thenSmpl` \ (floats,env) ->
- addFloats env floats $ \env ->
- simpl_binds env binds (drop_bs bind bs)
- drop_bs (NonRec _ _) (_ : bs) = bs
- drop_bs (Rec prs) bs = drop (length prs) bs
- simpl_bind env bind bs
- = getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \ dflags ->
- if dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags then
- pprTrace "SimplBind" (ppr (bindersOf bind)) $ simpl_bind1 env bind bs
- else
- simpl_bind1 env bind bs
- simpl_bind1 env (NonRec b r) (b':_) = simplRecOrTopPair env TopLevel b b' r
- simpl_bind1 env (Rec pairs) bs' = simplRecBind env TopLevel pairs bs'
-%* *
-%* *
-simplNonRecBind is used for
- * non-top-level non-recursive lets in expressions
- * beta reduction
-It takes
- * An unsimplified (binder, rhs) pair
- * The env for the RHS. It may not be the same as the
- current env because the bind might occur via (\x.E) arg
-It uses the CPS form because the binding might be strict, in which
-case we might discard the continuation:
- let x* = error "foo" in (...x...)
-It needs to turn unlifted bindings into a @case@. They can arise
-from, say: (\x -> e) (4# + 3#)
-simplNonRecBind :: SimplEnv
- -> InId -- Binder
- -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- Arg, with its subst-env
- -> OutType -- Type of thing computed by the context
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr) -- The body
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
-#ifdef DEBUG
-simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
- | isTyVar bndr
- = pprPanic "simplNonRecBind" (ppr bndr <+> ppr rhs)
-simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
- = simplNonRecBind' env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
-simplNonRecBind' env bndr rhs rhs_se cont_ty thing_inside
- | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr rhs
- = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
- thing_inside (extendIdSubst env bndr (mkContEx rhs_se rhs))
- | isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo bndr) || isStrictType bndr_ty -- A strict let
- = -- Don't use simplBinder because that doesn't keep
- -- fragile occurrence info in the substitution
- simplNonRecBndr env bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndr1) ->
- simplStrictArg AnRhs env rhs rhs_se (idType bndr1) cont_ty $ \ env1 rhs1 ->
- -- Now complete the binding and simplify the body
- let
- (env2,bndr2) = addLetIdInfo env1 bndr bndr1
- in
- completeNonRecX env2 True {- strict -} bndr bndr2 rhs1 thing_inside
- | otherwise -- Normal, lazy case
- = -- Don't use simplBinder because that doesn't keep
- -- fragile occurrence info in the substitution
- simplNonRecBndr env bndr `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndr') ->
- simplLazyBind env NotTopLevel NonRecursive
- bndr bndr' rhs rhs_se `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
- addFloats env floats thing_inside
- where
- bndr_ty = idType bndr
-A specialised variant of simplNonRec used when the RHS is already simplified, notably
-in knownCon. It uses case-binding where necessary.
+ simpl_binds :: Bool -> SimplEnv -> [InBind] -> SimplM SimplEnv
+ simpl_binds dump env [] = return env
+ simpl_binds dump env (bind:binds) = do { env' <- trace dump bind $
+ simpl_bind env bind
+ ; simpl_binds dump env' binds }
-simplNonRecX :: SimplEnv
- -> InId -- Old binder
- -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
-simplNonRecX env bndr new_rhs thing_inside
- = do { (env, bndr') <- simplBinder env bndr
- ; completeNonRecX env False {- Non-strict; pessimistic -}
- bndr bndr' new_rhs thing_inside }
-completeNonRecX :: SimplEnv
- -> Bool -- Strict binding
- -> InId -- Old binder
- -> OutId -- New binder
- -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
-completeNonRecX env is_strict old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs thing_inside
- | needsCaseBinding (idType new_bndr) new_rhs
- -- Make this test *before* the preInlineUnconditionally
- -- Consider case I# (quotInt# x y) of
- -- I# v -> let w = J# v in ...
- -- If we gaily inline (quotInt# x y) for v, we end up building an
- -- extra thunk:
- -- let w = J# (quotInt# x y) in ...
- -- because quotInt# can fail.
- = do { (floats, body) <- thing_inside env
- ; let body' = wrapFloats floats body
- ; return (emptyFloats env, Case new_rhs new_bndr (exprType body)
- [(DEFAULT, [], body')]) }
- | otherwise
- = -- Make the arguments atomic if necessary,
- -- adding suitable bindings
- mkAtomicArgsE env is_strict new_rhs $ \ env new_rhs ->
- completeLazyBind env NotTopLevel
- old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
- addFloats env floats thing_inside
-{- No, no, no! Do not try preInlineUnconditionally in completeNonRecX
- Doing so risks exponential behaviour, because new_rhs has been simplified once already
- In the cases described by the folowing commment, postInlineUnconditionally will
- catch many of the relevant cases.
- -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
- -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
- -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
- -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
- --
- -- Similarly, single occurrences can be inlined vigourously
- -- e.g. case (f x, g y) of (a,b) -> ....
- -- If a,b occur once we can avoid constructing the let binding for them.
- | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr new_rhs
- = thing_inside (extendIdSubst env bndr (DoneEx new_rhs))
+ trace True bind = pprTrace "SimplBind" (ppr (bindersOf bind))
+ trace False bind = \x -> x
- -- NB: completeLazyBind uses postInlineUnconditionally; no need to do that here
+ simpl_bind env (NonRec b r) = simplRecOrTopPair env TopLevel b r
+ simpl_bind env (Rec pairs) = simplRecBind env TopLevel pairs
simplRecBind :: SimplEnv -> TopLevelFlag
- -> [(InId, InExpr)] -> [OutId]
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
-simplRecBind env top_lvl pairs bndrs'
- = go env pairs bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
- returnSmpl (flattenFloats floats, env)
+ -> [(InId, InExpr)]
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv
+simplRecBind env top_lvl pairs
+ = do { env' <- go (zapFloats env) pairs
+ ; return (env `addRecFloats` env') }
+ -- addFloats adds the floats from env',
+ -- *and* updates env with the in-scope set from env'
- go env [] _ = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, env)
+ go env [] = return env
- go env ((bndr, rhs) : pairs) (bndr' : bndrs')
- = simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
- addFloats env floats (\env -> go env pairs bndrs')
+ go env ((bndr, rhs) : pairs)
+ = do { env <- simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr rhs
+ ; go env pairs }
-simplRecOrTopPair is used for
+simplOrTopPair is used for
* recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
* top-level non-recursive bindings
simplRecOrTopPair :: SimplEnv
-> TopLevelFlag
- -> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
- -> InExpr -- The RHS and its environment
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
+ -> InId -> InExpr -- Binder and rhs
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv -- Returns an env that includes the binding
-simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr bndr' rhs
+simplRecOrTopPair env top_lvl bndr rhs
| preInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl bndr rhs -- Check for unconditional inline
- = tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr) `thenSmpl_`
- returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, extendIdSubst env bndr (mkContEx env rhs))
+ = do { tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr)
+ ; return (extendIdSubst env bndr (mkContEx env rhs)) }
| otherwise
- = simplLazyBind env top_lvl Recursive bndr bndr' rhs env
+ = do { let bndr' = lookupRecBndr env bndr
+ (env', bndr'') = addLetIdInfo env bndr bndr'
+ ; simplLazyBind env' top_lvl Recursive bndr bndr'' rhs env' }
-- May not actually be recursive, but it doesn't matter
simplLazyBind is used for
- * recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
- * top-level non-recursive bindings
- * non-top-level *lazy* non-recursive bindings
-[Thus it deals with the lazy cases from simplNonRecBind, and all cases
-from SimplRecOrTopBind]
+ * [simplRecOrTopPair] recursive bindings (whether top level or not)
+ * [simplRecOrTopPair] top-level non-recursive bindings
+ * [simplNonRecE] non-top-level *lazy* non-recursive bindings
Nota bene:
1. It assumes that the binder is *already* simplified,
- and is in scope, but not its IdInfo
+ and is in scope, and its IdInfo too, except unfolding
2. It assumes that the binder type is lifted.
simplLazyBind :: SimplEnv
-> TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag
-> InId -> OutId -- Binder, both pre-and post simpl
+ -- The OutId has IdInfo, except arity, unfolding
-> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The RHS and its environment
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv
simplLazyBind env top_lvl is_rec bndr bndr1 rhs rhs_se
- = let
- (env1,bndr2) = addLetIdInfo env bndr bndr1
- rhs_env = setInScope rhs_se env1
- is_top_level = isTopLevel top_lvl
- ok_float_unlifted = not is_top_level && isNonRec is_rec
- rhs_cont = mkRhsStop (idType bndr2)
- in
+ = do { let rhs_env = rhs_se `setInScope` env
+ rhs_cont = mkRhsStop (idType bndr1)
-- Simplify the RHS; note the mkRhsStop, which tells
-- the simplifier that this is the RHS of a let.
- simplExprF rhs_env rhs rhs_cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, rhs1) ->
+ ; (rhs_env1, rhs1) <- simplExprF rhs_env rhs rhs_cont
-- If any of the floats can't be floated, give up now
- -- (The allLifted predicate says True for empty floats.)
- if (not ok_float_unlifted && not (allLifted floats)) then
- completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr2
- (wrapFloats floats rhs1)
- else
+ -- (The canFloat predicate says True for empty floats.)
+ ; if (not (canFloat top_lvl is_rec False rhs_env1))
+ then completeBind env top_lvl bndr bndr1
+ (wrapFloats rhs_env1 rhs1)
+ else do
-- ANF-ise a constructor or PAP rhs
- mkAtomicArgs ok_float_unlifted rhs1 `thenSmpl` \ (aux_binds, rhs2) ->
- -- If the result is a PAP, float the floats out, else wrap them
- -- By this time it's already been ANF-ised (if necessary)
- if isEmptyFloats floats && isNilOL aux_binds then -- Shortcut a common case
- completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr2 rhs2
- else if is_top_level || exprIsTrivial rhs2 || exprIsHNF rhs2 then
- -- WARNING: long dodgy argument coming up
- -- WANTED: a better way to do this
- --
- -- We can't use "exprIsCheap" instead of exprIsHNF,
- -- because that causes a strictness bug.
- -- x = let y* = E in case (scc y) of { T -> F; F -> T}
- -- The case expression is 'cheap', but it's wrong to transform to
- -- y* = E; x = case (scc y) of {...}
- -- Either we must be careful not to float demanded non-values, or
- -- we must use exprIsHNF for the test, which ensures that the
- -- thing is non-strict. So exprIsHNF => bindings are non-strict
- -- I think. The WARN below tests for this.
- --
- -- We use exprIsTrivial here because we want to reveal lone variables.
- -- E.g. let { x = letrec { y = E } in y } in ...
- -- Here we definitely want to float the y=E defn.
- -- exprIsHNF definitely isn't right for that.
- --
- -- Again, the floated binding can't be strict; if it's recursive it'll
- -- be non-strict; if it's non-recursive it'd be inlined.
+ { (rhs_env2, rhs2) <- prepareRhs rhs_env1 rhs1
+ ; (env', rhs3) <- chooseRhsFloats top_lvl is_rec False env rhs_env2 rhs2
+ ; completeBind env' top_lvl bndr bndr1 rhs3 } }
+chooseRhsFloats :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool
+ -> SimplEnv -- Env for the let
+ -> SimplEnv -- Env for the RHS, with RHS floats in it
+ -> OutExpr -- ..and the RHS itself
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr) -- New env for let, and RHS
+chooseRhsFloats top_lvl is_rec is_strict env rhs_env rhs
+ | not (isEmptyFloats rhs_env) -- Something to float
+ , canFloat top_lvl is_rec is_strict rhs_env -- ...that can float
+ , (isTopLevel top_lvl || exprIsCheap rhs) -- ...and we want to float
+ = do { tick LetFloatFromLet -- Float
+ ; return (addFloats env rhs_env, rhs) } -- Add the floats to the main env
+ | otherwise -- Don't float
+ = return (env, wrapFloats rhs_env rhs) -- Wrap the floats around the RHS
+%* *
+%* *
+A specialised variant of simplNonRec used when the RHS is already simplified,
+notably in knownCon. It uses case-binding where necessary.
+simplNonRecX :: SimplEnv
+ -> InId -- Old binder
+ -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv
+simplNonRecX env bndr new_rhs
+ = do { (env, bndr') <- simplBinder env bndr
+ ; completeNonRecX env NotTopLevel NonRecursive
+ (isStrictBndr bndr) bndr bndr' new_rhs }
+completeNonRecX :: SimplEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool
+ -> InId -- Old binder
+ -> OutId -- New binder
+ -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv
+completeNonRecX env top_lvl is_rec is_strict old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
+ = do { (env1, rhs1) <- prepareRhs (zapFloats env) new_rhs
+ ; (env2, rhs2) <- chooseRhsFloats top_lvl is_rec is_strict env env1 rhs1
+ ; completeBind env2 NotTopLevel old_bndr new_bndr rhs2 }
+{- No, no, no! Do not try preInlineUnconditionally in completeNonRecX
+ Doing so risks exponential behaviour, because new_rhs has been simplified once already
+ In the cases described by the folowing commment, postInlineUnconditionally will
+ catch many of the relevant cases.
+ -- This happens; for example, the case_bndr during case of
+ -- known constructor: case (a,b) of x { (p,q) -> ... }
+ -- Here x isn't mentioned in the RHS, so we don't want to
+ -- create the (dead) let-binding let x = (a,b) in ...
- -- Note [SCC-and-exprIsTrivial]
- -- If we have
- -- y = let { x* = E } in scc "foo" x
- -- then we do *not* want to float out the x binding, because
- -- it's strict! Fortunately, exprIsTrivial replies False to
- -- (scc "foo" x).
- -- There's a subtlety here. There may be a binding (x* = e) in the
- -- floats, where the '*' means 'will be demanded'. So is it safe
- -- to float it out? Answer no, but it won't matter because
- -- we only float if (a) arg' is a WHNF, or (b) it's going to top level
- -- and so there can't be any 'will be demanded' bindings in the floats.
- -- Hence the warning
- WARN( not (is_top_level || not (any demanded_float (floatBinds floats))),
- ppr (filter demanded_float (floatBinds floats)) )
- tick LetFloatFromLet `thenSmpl_` (
- addFloats env1 floats $ \ env2 ->
- addAtomicBinds env2 (fromOL aux_binds) $ \ env3 ->
- completeLazyBind env3 top_lvl bndr bndr2 rhs2)
+ -- Similarly, single occurrences can be inlined vigourously
+ -- e.g. case (f x, g y) of (a,b) -> ....
+ -- If a,b occur once we can avoid constructing the let binding for them.
- else
- completeLazyBind env1 top_lvl bndr bndr2 (wrapFloats floats rhs1)
+ Furthermore in the case-binding case preInlineUnconditionally risks extra thunks
+ -- Consider case I# (quotInt# x y) of
+ -- I# v -> let w = J# v in ...
+ -- If we gaily inline (quotInt# x y) for v, we end up building an
+ -- extra thunk:
+ -- let w = J# (quotInt# x y) in ...
+ -- because quotInt# can fail.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-demanded_float (NonRec b r) = isStrictDmd (idNewDemandInfo b) && not (isUnLiftedType (idType b))
- -- Unlifted-type (cheap-eagerness) lets may well have a demanded flag on them
-demanded_float (Rec _) = False
+ | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr new_rhs
+ = thing_inside (extendIdSubst env bndr (DoneEx new_rhs))
+prepareRhs takes a putative RHS, checks whether it's a PAP or
+constructor application and, if so, converts it to ANF, so that the
+resulting thing can be inlined more easily. Thus
+ x = (f a, g b)
+ t1 = f a
+ t2 = g b
+ x = (t1,t2)
+prepareRhs :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+-- Adds new floats to the env iff that allows us to return a good RHS
+prepareRhs env (Cast rhs co) -- Note [Float coersions]
+ = do { (env', rhs') <- makeTrivial env rhs
+ ; return (env', Cast rhs' co) }
+prepareRhs env rhs
+ | (Var fun, args) <- collectArgs rhs -- It's an application
+ , let n_args = valArgCount args
+ , n_args > 0 -- ...but not a trivial one
+ , isDataConWorkId fun || n_args < idArity fun -- ...and it's a constructor or PAP
+ = go env (Var fun) args
+ where
+ go env fun [] = return (env, fun)
+ go env fun (arg : args) = do { (env', arg') <- makeTrivial env arg
+ ; go env' (App fun arg') args }
+prepareRhs env rhs -- The default case
+ = return (env, rhs)
+Note [Float coercions]
+When we find the binding
+ x = e `cast` co
+we'd like to transform it to
+ x' = e
+ x = x `cast` co -- A trivial binding
+There's a chance that e will be a constructor application or function, or something
+like that, so moving the coerion to the usage site may well cancel the coersions
+and lead to further optimisation. Example:
+ data family T a :: *
+ data instance T Int = T Int
+ foo :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ foo m n = ...
+ where
+ x = T m
+ go 0 = 0
+ go n = case x of { T m -> go (n-m) }
+ -- This case should optimise
+makeTrivial :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+-- Binds the expression to a variable, if it's not trivial, returning the variable
+makeTrivial env expr
+ | exprIsTrivial expr
+ = return (env, expr)
+ | otherwise -- See Note [Take care] below
+ = do { var <- newId FSLIT("a") (exprType expr)
+ ; env <- completeNonRecX env NotTopLevel NonRecursive
+ False var var expr
+ ; return (env, substExpr env (Var var)) }
%* *
- * deals only with Ids, not TyVars
- * takes an already-simplified binder and RHS
- * is used for both recursive and non-recursive bindings
- * is used for both top-level and non-top-level bindings
+ * deals only with Ids, not TyVars
+ * takes an already-simplified binder and RHS
+ * is used for both recursive and non-recursive bindings
+ * is used for both top-level and non-top-level bindings
It does the following:
- tries discarding a dead binding
- add arity
It does *not* attempt to do let-to-case. Why? Because it is used for
- - top-level bindings (when let-to-case is impossible)
- - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
+ - top-level bindings (when let-to-case is impossible)
+ - many situations where the "rhs" is known to be a WHNF
(so let-to-case is inappropriate).
+Nor does it do the atomic-argument thing
-completeLazyBind :: SimplEnv
- -> TopLevelFlag -- Flag stuck into unfolding
- -> InId -- Old binder
- -> OutId -- New binder
- -> OutExpr -- Simplified RHS
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith SimplEnv)
--- We return a new SimplEnv, because completeLazyBind may choose to do its work
--- by extending the substitution (e.g. let x = y in ...)
--- The new binding (if any) is returned as part of the floats.
--- NB: the returned SimplEnv has the right SubstEnv, but you should
--- (as usual) use the in-scope-env from the floats
-completeLazyBind env top_lvl old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
+completeBind :: SimplEnv
+ -> TopLevelFlag -- Flag stuck into unfolding
+ -> InId -- Old binder
+ -> OutId -> OutExpr -- New binder and RHS
+ -> SimplM SimplEnv
+-- completeBind may choose to do its work
+-- * by extending the substitution (e.g. let x = y in ...)
+-- * or by adding to the floats in the envt
+completeBind env top_lvl old_bndr new_bndr new_rhs
| postInlineUnconditionally env top_lvl new_bndr occ_info new_rhs unfolding
- = -- Drop the binding
- tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr) `thenSmpl_`
- -- pprTrace "Inline unconditionally" (ppr old_bndr <+> ppr new_bndr <+> ppr new_rhs) $
- returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, extendIdSubst env old_bndr (DoneEx new_rhs))
- -- Use the substitution to make quite, quite sure that the substitution
- -- will happen, since we are going to discard the binding
+ -- Inline and discard the binding
+ = do { tick (PostInlineUnconditionally old_bndr)
+ ; -- pprTrace "postInlineUnconditionally" (ppr old_bndr <+> ppr new_bndr <+> ppr new_rhs) $
+ return (extendIdSubst env old_bndr (DoneEx new_rhs)) }
+ -- Use the substitution to make quite, quite sure that the
+ -- substitution will happen, since we are going to discard the binding
| otherwise
= let
-- and hence any inner substitutions
final_id `seq`
-- pprTrace "Binding" (ppr final_id <+> ppr unfolding) $
- returnSmpl (unitFloat env final_id new_rhs, env)
+ return (addNonRec env final_id new_rhs)
unfolding = mkUnfolding (isTopLevel top_lvl) new_rhs
loop_breaker = isNonRuleLoopBreaker occ_info
simplExprC :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM CoreExpr
-- Simplify an expression, given a continuation
simplExprC env expr cont
- = simplExprF env expr cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, expr) ->
- returnSmpl (wrapFloats floats expr)
-simplExprF :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
- -- Simplify an expression, returning floated binds
-simplExprF env (Var v) cont = simplVar env v cont
-simplExprF env (Lit lit) cont = rebuild env (Lit lit) cont
-simplExprF env expr@(Lam _ _) cont = simplLam env expr cont
-simplExprF env (Note note expr) cont = simplNote env note expr cont
-simplExprF env (Cast body co) cont = simplCast env body co cont
-simplExprF env (App fun arg) cont = simplExprF env fun
- (ApplyTo NoDup arg (Just env) cont)
+ = -- pprTrace "simplExprC" (ppr expr $$ ppr cont {- $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) -} $$ ppr (seFloats env) ) $
+ do { (env', expr') <- simplExprF (zapFloats env) expr cont
+ ; -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret" (ppr expr $$ ppr expr') $
+ -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret3" (ppr (seInScope env')) $
+ -- pprTrace "simplExprC ret4" (ppr (seFloats env')) $
+ return (wrapFloats env' expr') }
+simplExprF :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+simplExprF env e cont = -- pprTrace "simplExprF" (ppr e $$ ppr cont {- $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) -} $$ ppr (seFloats env) ) $
+ simplExprF' env e cont
+simplExprF' env (Var v) cont = simplVar env v cont
+simplExprF' env (Lit lit) cont = rebuild env (Lit lit) cont
+simplExprF' env (Note n expr) cont = simplNote env n expr cont
+simplExprF' env (Cast body co) cont = simplCast env body co cont
+simplExprF' env (App fun arg) cont = simplExprF env fun $
+ ApplyTo NoDup arg env cont
+simplExprF' env expr@(Lam _ _) cont
+ = simplLam env (map zap bndrs) body cont
+ -- The main issue here is under-saturated lambdas
+ -- (\x1. \x2. e) arg1
+ -- Here x1 might have "occurs-once" occ-info, because occ-info
+ -- is computed assuming that a group of lambdas is applied
+ -- all at once. If there are too few args, we must zap the
+ -- occ-info.
+ where
+ n_args = countArgs cont
+ n_params = length bndrs
+ (bndrs, body) = collectBinders expr
+ zap | n_args >= n_params = \b -> b
+ | otherwise = \b -> if isTyVar b then b
+ else zapLamIdInfo b
+ -- NB: we count all the args incl type args
+ -- so we must count all the binders (incl type lambdas)
-simplExprF env (Type ty) cont
+simplExprF' env (Type ty) cont
= ASSERT( contIsRhsOrArg cont )
- simplType env ty `thenSmpl` \ ty' ->
- rebuild env (Type ty') cont
+ do { ty' <- simplType env ty
+ ; rebuild env (Type ty') cont }
-simplExprF env (Case scrut bndr case_ty alts) cont
+simplExprF' env (Case scrut bndr case_ty alts) cont
| not (switchIsOn (getSwitchChecker env) NoCaseOfCase)
= -- Simplify the scrutinee with a Select continuation
simplExprF env scrut (Select NoDup bndr alts env cont)
| otherwise
= -- If case-of-case is off, simply simplify the case expression
-- in a vanilla Stop context, and rebuild the result around it
- simplExprC env scrut case_cont `thenSmpl` \ case_expr' ->
- rebuild env case_expr' cont
+ do { case_expr' <- simplExprC env scrut case_cont
+ ; rebuild env case_expr' cont }
case_cont = Select NoDup bndr alts env (mkBoringStop case_ty')
case_ty' = substTy env case_ty -- c.f. defn of simplExpr
-simplExprF env (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
- = simplRecBndrs env (map fst pairs) `thenSmpl` \ (env, bndrs') ->
- -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or rules
- -- We add them as we go down
+simplExprF' env (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
+ = do { env <- simplRecBndrs env (map fst pairs)
+ -- NB: bndrs' don't have unfoldings or rules
+ -- We add them as we go down
- simplRecBind env NotTopLevel pairs bndrs' `thenSmpl` \ (floats, env) ->
- addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
- simplExprF env body cont
--- A non-recursive let is dealt with by simplNonRecBind
-simplExprF env (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
- = simplNonRecBind env bndr rhs env (contResultType cont) $ \ env ->
- simplExprF env body cont
+ ; env <- simplRecBind env NotTopLevel pairs
+ ; simplExprF env body cont }
+simplExprF' env (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body) cont
+ = simplNonRecE env bndr (rhs, env) ([], body) cont
simplType :: SimplEnv -> InType -> SimplM OutType
-- Kept monadic just so we can do the seqType
simplType env ty
- = seqType new_ty `seq` returnSmpl new_ty
+ = -- pprTrace "simplType" (ppr ty $$ ppr (seTvSubst env)) $
+ seqType new_ty `seq` returnSmpl new_ty
new_ty = substTy env ty
%* *
+\subsection{The main rebuilder}
+%* *
+rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+-- At this point the substitution in the SimplEnv should be irrelevant
+-- only the in-scope set and floats should matter
+rebuild env expr cont
+ = -- pprTrace "rebuild" (ppr expr $$ ppr cont $$ ppr (seFloats env)) $
+ case cont of
+ Stop {} -> return (env, expr)
+ CoerceIt co cont -> rebuild env (mkCoerce co expr) cont
+ Select _ bndr alts se cont -> rebuildCase (se `setFloats` env) expr bndr alts cont
+ StrictArg fun ty info cont -> rebuildCall env (fun `App` expr) (funResultTy ty) info cont
+ StrictBind b bs body se cont -> do { env' <- simplNonRecX (se `setFloats` env) b expr
+ ; simplLam env' bs body cont }
+ ApplyTo _ arg se cont -> do { arg' <- simplExpr (se `setInScope` env) arg
+ ; rebuild env (App expr arg') cont }
+%* *
%* *
-simplCast :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> Coercion -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+simplCast :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> Coercion -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
simplCast env body co cont
- = let
+ = do { co' <- simplType env co
+ ; simplExprF env body (addCoerce co' cont) }
+ where
addCoerce co cont
| (s1, k1) <- coercionKind co
- , s1 `tcEqType` k1 = cont
+ , s1 `coreEqType` k1 = cont
addCoerce co1 (CoerceIt co2 cont)
| (s1, k1) <- coercionKind co1
, (l1, t1) <- coercionKind co2
-- with the InExpr in the argument, so we simply substitute
-- to make it all consistent. It's a bit messy.
-- But it isn't a common case.
- = result
+ = ApplyTo dup new_arg (zapSubstEnv env) (addCoerce co2 cont)
-- we split coercion t1->t2 :=: s1->s2 into t1 :=: s1 and
-- t2 :=: s2 with left and right on the curried form:
-- (->) t1 t2 :=: (->) s1 s2
[co1, co2] = decomposeCo 2 co
new_arg = mkCoerce (mkSymCoercion co1) arg'
- arg' = case arg_se of
- Nothing -> arg
- Just arg_se -> substExpr (setInScope arg_se env) arg
- result = ApplyTo dup new_arg (Just $ zapSubstEnv env)
- (addCoerce co2 cont)
+ arg' = substExpr arg_se arg
addCoerce co cont = CoerceIt co cont
- in
- simplType env co `thenSmpl` \ co' ->
- simplExprF env body (addCoerce co' cont)
%* *
-simplLam env fun cont
- = go env fun cont
- where
- zap_it = mkLamBndrZapper fun (countArgs cont)
- cont_ty = contResultType cont
+simplLam :: SimplEnv -> [InId] -> InExpr -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+simplLam env [] body cont = simplExprF env body cont
-- Type-beta reduction
- go env (Lam bndr body) (ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) mb_arg_se body_cont)
- = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
- do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
- ; ty_arg' <- case mb_arg_se of
- Just arg_se -> simplType (setInScope arg_se env) ty_arg
- Nothing -> return ty_arg
- ; go (extendTvSubst env bndr ty_arg') body body_cont }
+simplLam env (bndr:bndrs) body (ApplyTo _ (Type ty_arg) arg_se cont)
+ = ASSERT( isTyVar bndr )
+ do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
+ ; ty_arg' <- simplType (arg_se `setInScope` env) ty_arg
+ ; simplLam (extendTvSubst env bndr ty_arg') bndrs body cont }
-- Ordinary beta reduction
- go env (Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ arg (Just arg_se) body_cont)
- = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
- ; simplNonRecBind env (zap_it bndr) arg arg_se cont_ty $ \ env ->
- go env body body_cont }
- go env (Lam bndr body) cont@(ApplyTo _ arg Nothing body_cont)
- = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
- ; simplNonRecX env (zap_it bndr) arg $ \ env ->
- go env body body_cont }
+simplLam env (bndr:bndrs) body (ApplyTo _ arg arg_se cont)
+ = do { tick (BetaReduction bndr)
+ ; simplNonRecE env bndr (arg, arg_se) (bndrs, body) cont }
-- Not enough args, so there are real lambdas left to put in the result
- go env lam@(Lam _ _) cont
- = do { (env, bndrs') <- simplLamBndrs env bndrs
- ; body' <- simplExpr env body
- ; (floats, new_lam) <- mkLam env bndrs' body' cont
- ; addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
- rebuild env new_lam cont }
- where
- (bndrs,body) = collectBinders lam
- -- Exactly enough args
- go env expr cont = simplExprF env expr cont
-mkLamBndrZapper :: CoreExpr -- Function
- -> Int -- Number of args supplied, *including* type args
- -> Id -> Id -- Use this to zap the binders
-mkLamBndrZapper fun n_args
- | n_args >= n_params fun = \b -> b -- Enough args
- | otherwise = \b -> zapLamIdInfo b
- where
- -- NB: we count all the args incl type args
- -- so we must count all the binders (incl type lambdas)
- n_params (Note _ e) = n_params e
- n_params (Lam b e) = 1 + n_params e
- n_params other = 0::Int
+simplLam env bndrs body cont
+ = do { (env, bndrs') <- simplLamBndrs env bndrs
+ ; body' <- simplExpr env body
+ ; new_lam <- mkLam bndrs' body'
+ ; rebuild env new_lam cont }
+simplNonRecE :: SimplEnv
+ -> InId -- The binder
+ -> (InExpr, SimplEnv) -- Rhs of binding (or arg of lambda)
+ -> ([InId], InExpr) -- Body of the let/lambda
+ -- \xs.e
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+-- simplNonRecE is used for
+-- * non-top-level non-recursive lets in expressions
+-- * beta reduction
+-- It deals with strict bindings, via the StrictBind continuation,
+-- which may abort the whole process
+-- The "body" of the binding comes as a pair of ([InId],InExpr)
+-- representing a lambda; so we recurse back to simplLam
+-- Why? Because of the binder-occ-info-zapping done before
+-- the call to simplLam in simplExprF (Lam ...)
+simplNonRecE env bndr (rhs, rhs_se) (bndrs, body) cont
+ | preInlineUnconditionally env NotTopLevel bndr rhs
+ = do { tick (PreInlineUnconditionally bndr)
+ ; simplLam (extendIdSubst env bndr (mkContEx rhs_se rhs)) bndrs body cont }
+ | isStrictBndr bndr
+ = do { simplExprF (rhs_se `setFloats` env) rhs
+ (StrictBind bndr bndrs body env cont) }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { (env, bndr') <- simplBinder env bndr
+ ; env <- simplLazyBind env NotTopLevel NonRecursive bndr bndr' rhs rhs_se
+ ; simplLam env bndrs body cont }
--- Hack: we only distinguish subsumed cost centre stacks for the purposes of
--- inlining. All other CCCSs are mapped to currentCCS.
+-- Hack alert: we only distinguish subsumed cost centre stacks for the
+-- purposes of inlining. All other CCCSs are mapped to currentCCS.
simplNote env (SCC cc) e cont
- = simplExpr (setEnclosingCC env currentCCS) e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild env (mkSCC cc e') cont
+ = do { e' <- simplExpr (setEnclosingCC env currentCCS) e
+ ; rebuild env (mkSCC cc e') cont }
-- See notes with SimplMonad.inlineMode
simplNote env InlineMe e cont
| contIsRhsOrArg cont -- Totally boring continuation; see notes above
- = -- Don't inline inside an INLINE expression
- simplExpr (setMode inlineMode env ) e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild env (mkInlineMe e') cont
+ = do { -- Don't inline inside an INLINE expression
+ e' <- simplExpr (setMode inlineMode env) e
+ ; rebuild env (mkInlineMe e') cont }
| otherwise -- Dissolve the InlineMe note if there's
-- an interesting context of any kind to combine with
= simplExprF env e cont
simplNote env (CoreNote s) e cont
- = simplExpr env e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild env (Note (CoreNote s) e') cont
+ = do { e' <- simplExpr env e
+ ; rebuild env (Note (CoreNote s) e') cont }
simplNote env note@(TickBox {}) e cont
- = simplExpr env e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild env (Note note e') cont
+ = do { e' <- simplExpr env e
+ ; rebuild env (Note note e') cont }
simplNote env note@(BinaryTickBox {}) e cont
- = simplExpr env e `thenSmpl` \ e' ->
- rebuild env (Note note e') cont
+ = do { e' <- simplExpr env e
+ ; rebuild env (Note note e') cont }
-- Dealing with a call site
completeCall env var cont
- = -- Simplify the arguments
- getDOptsSmpl `thenSmpl` \ dflags ->
- let
- chkr = getSwitchChecker env
- (args, call_cont) = getContArgs chkr var cont
- fn_ty = idType var
- in
- simplifyArgs env fn_ty (interestingArgContext var call_cont) args
- (contResultType call_cont) $ \ env args ->
- -- Next, look for rules or specialisations that match
- --
- -- It's important to simplify the args first, because the rule-matcher
- -- doesn't do substitution as it goes. We don't want to use subst_args
- -- (defined in the 'where') because that throws away useful occurrence info,
- -- and perhaps-very-important specialisations.
- --
- -- Some functions have specialisations *and* are strict; in this case,
- -- we don't want to inline the wrapper of the non-specialised thing; better
+ = do { dflags <- getDOptsSmpl
+ ; let (args,call_cont) = contArgs cont
+ -- The args are OutExprs, obtained by *lazily* substituting
+ -- in the args found in cont. These args are only examined
+ -- to limited depth (unless a rule fires). But we must do
+ -- the substitution; rule matching on un-simplified args would
+ -- be bogus
+ ------------- First try rules ----------------
+ -- Do this before trying inlining. Some functions have
+ -- rules *and* are strict; in this case, we don't want to
+ -- inline the wrapper of the non-specialised thing; better
-- to call the specialised thing instead.
+ --
-- We used to use the black-listing mechanism to ensure that inlining of
-- the wrapper didn't occur for things that have specialisations till a
-- later phase, so but now we just try RULES first
-- is recursive, and hence a loop breaker:
-- foldr k z (build g) = g k z
-- So it's up to the programmer: rules can cause divergence
- let
- in_scope = getInScope env
- rules = getRules env
- maybe_rule = case activeRule env of
- Nothing -> Nothing -- No rules apply
- Just act_fn -> lookupRule act_fn in_scope rules var args
- in
- case maybe_rule of {
- Just (rule_name, rule_rhs) ->
- tick (RuleFired rule_name) `thenSmpl_`
+ ; let in_scope = getInScope env
+ rules = getRules env
+ maybe_rule = case activeRule env of
+ Nothing -> Nothing -- No rules apply
+ Just act_fn -> lookupRule act_fn in_scope
+ rules var args
+ ; case maybe_rule of {
+ Just (rule, rule_rhs) ->
+ tick (RuleFired (ru_name rule)) `thenSmpl_`
(if dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags then
pprTrace "Rule fired" (vcat [
- text "Rule:" <+> ftext rule_name,
+ text "Rule:" <+> ftext (ru_name rule),
text "Before:" <+> ppr var <+> sep (map pprParendExpr args),
text "After: " <+> pprCoreExpr rule_rhs,
text "Cont: " <+> ppr call_cont])
id) $
- simplExprF env rule_rhs call_cont ;
+ simplExprF env rule_rhs (dropArgs (ruleArity rule) cont)
+ -- The ruleArity says how many args the rule consumed
- Nothing -> -- No rules
- -- Next, look for an inlining
- let
- arg_infos = [ interestingArg arg | arg <- args, isValArg arg]
- interesting_cont = interestingCallContext (notNull args)
- (notNull arg_infos)
- call_cont
- active_inline = activeInline env var
- maybe_inline = callSiteInline dflags active_inline
+ ; Nothing -> do -- No rules
+ ------------- Next try inlining ----------------
+ { let arg_infos = [interestingArg arg | arg <- args, isValArg arg]
+ n_val_args = length arg_infos
+ interesting_cont = interestingCallContext (notNull args)
+ (notNull arg_infos)
+ call_cont
+ active_inline = activeInline env var
+ maybe_inline = callSiteInline dflags active_inline
var arg_infos interesting_cont
- in
- case maybe_inline of {
- Just unfolding -- There is an inlining!
- -> tick (UnfoldingDone var) `thenSmpl_`
- (if dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags then
- pprTrace "Inlining done" (vcat [
- text "Before:" <+> ppr var <+> sep (map pprParendExpr args),
- text "Inlined fn: " $$ nest 2 (ppr unfolding),
- text "Cont: " <+> ppr call_cont])
- else
- id) $
- simplExprF env unfolding (pushContArgs args call_cont)
- ;
- Nothing -> -- No inlining!
- -- Done
- rebuild env (mkApps (Var var) args) call_cont
- }}
-%* *
-%* *
--- Simplifying the arguments of a call
-simplifyArgs :: SimplEnv
- -> OutType -- Type of the function
- -> Bool -- True if the fn has RULES
- -> [(InExpr, Maybe SimplEnv, Bool)] -- Details of the arguments
- -> OutType -- Type of the continuation
- -> (SimplEnv -> [OutExpr] -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
--- [CPS-like because of strict arguments]
--- Simplify the arguments to a call.
--- This part of the simplifier may break the no-shadowing invariant
--- Consider
--- f (...(\a -> e)...) (case y of (a,b) -> e')
--- where f is strict in its second arg
--- If we simplify the innermost one first we get (...(\a -> e)...)
--- Simplifying the second arg makes us float the case out, so we end up with
--- case y of (a,b) -> f (...(\a -> e)...) e'
--- So the output does not have the no-shadowing invariant. However, there is
--- no danger of getting name-capture, because when the first arg was simplified
--- we used an in-scope set that at least mentioned all the variables free in its
--- static environment, and that is enough.
--- We can't just do innermost first, or we'd end up with a dual problem:
--- case x of (a,b) -> f e (...(\a -> e')...)
--- I spent hours trying to recover the no-shadowing invariant, but I just could
--- not think of an elegant way to do it. The simplifier is already knee-deep in
--- continuations. We have to keep the right in-scope set around; AND we have
--- to get the effect that finding (error "foo") in a strict arg position will
--- discard the entire application and replace it with (error "foo"). Getting
--- all this at once is TOO HARD!
-simplifyArgs env fn_ty has_rules args cont_ty thing_inside
- = go env fn_ty args thing_inside
- where
- go env fn_ty [] thing_inside = thing_inside env []
- go env fn_ty (arg:args) thing_inside = simplifyArg env fn_ty has_rules arg cont_ty $ \ env arg' ->
- go env (applyTypeToArg fn_ty arg') args $ \ env args' ->
- thing_inside env (arg':args')
-simplifyArg env fn_ty has_rules (arg, Nothing, _) cont_ty thing_inside
- = thing_inside env arg -- Already simplified
-simplifyArg env fn_ty has_rules (Type ty_arg, Just se, _) cont_ty thing_inside
- = simplType (setInScope se env) ty_arg `thenSmpl` \ new_ty_arg ->
- thing_inside env (Type new_ty_arg)
-simplifyArg env fn_ty has_rules (val_arg, Just arg_se, is_strict) cont_ty thing_inside
- | is_strict
- = simplStrictArg AnArg env val_arg arg_se arg_ty cont_ty thing_inside
- | otherwise -- Lazy argument
- -- DO NOT float anything outside, hence simplExprC
- -- There is no benefit (unlike in a let-binding), and we'd
- -- have to be very careful about bogus strictness through
- -- floating a demanded let.
- = simplExprC (setInScope arg_se env) val_arg
- (mkLazyArgStop arg_ty has_rules) `thenSmpl` \ arg1 ->
- thing_inside env arg1
- where
- arg_ty = funArgTy fn_ty
-simplStrictArg :: LetRhsFlag
- -> SimplEnv -- The env of the call
- -> InExpr -> SimplEnv -- The arg plus its env
- -> OutType -- arg_ty: type of the argument
- -> OutType -- cont_ty: Type of thing computed by the context
- -> (SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
- -- Takes an expression of type rhs_ty,
- -- returns an expression of type cont_ty
- -- The env passed to this continuation is the
- -- env of the call, plus any new in-scope variables
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr -- An expression of type cont_ty
-simplStrictArg is_rhs call_env arg arg_env arg_ty cont_ty thing_inside
- = simplExprF (setInScope arg_env call_env) arg
- (ArgOf is_rhs arg_ty cont_ty (\ new_env -> thing_inside (setInScope call_env new_env)))
- -- Notice the way we use arg_env (augmented with in-scope vars from call_env)
- -- to simplify the argument
- -- and call-env (augmented with in-scope vars from the arg) to pass to the continuation
-%* *
-%* *
-mkAtomicArgs takes a putative RHS, checks whether it's a PAP or
-constructor application and, if so, converts it to ANF, so that the
-resulting thing can be inlined more easily. Thus
- x = (f a, g b)
- t1 = f a
- t2 = g b
- x = (t1,t2)
-There are three sorts of binding context, specified by the two
-boolean arguments
- OK-unlifted
-N N Top-level or recursive Only bind args of lifted type
-N Y Non-top-level and non-recursive, Bind args of lifted type, or
- but lazy unlifted-and-ok-for-speculation
-Y Y Non-top-level, non-recursive, Bind all args
- and strict (demanded)
-For example, given
- x = MkC (y div# z)
-there is no point in transforming to
- x = case (y div# z) of r -> MkC r
-because the (y div# z) can't float out of the let. But if it was
-a *strict* let, then it would be a good thing to do. Hence the
-context information.
-Note [Float coercions]
-When we find the binding
- x = e `cast` co
-we'd like to transform it to
- x' = e
- x = x `cast` co -- A trivial binding
-There's a chance that e will be a constructor application or function, or something
-like that, so moving the coerion to the usage site may well cancel the coersions
-and lead to further optimisation. Example:
- data family T a :: *
- data instance T Int = T Int
- foo :: Int -> Int -> Int
- foo m n = ...
- where
- x = T m
- go 0 = 0
- go n = case x of { T m -> go (n-m) }
- -- This case should optimise
-mkAtomicArgsE :: SimplEnv
- -> Bool -- A strict binding
- -> OutExpr -- The rhs
- -> (SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr)
- -- Consumer for the simpler rhs
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
-mkAtomicArgsE env is_strict (Cast rhs co) thing_inside
- | not (exprIsTrivial rhs)
- -- Note [Float coersions]
- -- See also Note [Take care] below
- = do { id <- newId FSLIT("a") (exprType rhs)
- ; completeNonRecX env False id id rhs $ \ env ->
- thing_inside env (Cast (substExpr env (Var id)) co) }
-mkAtomicArgsE env is_strict rhs thing_inside
- | (Var fun, args) <- collectArgs rhs, -- It's an application
- isDataConWorkId fun || valArgCount args < idArity fun -- And it's a constructor or PAP
- = go env (Var fun) args
- | otherwise = thing_inside env rhs
- where
- go env fun [] = thing_inside env fun
- go env fun (arg : args)
- | exprIsTrivial arg -- Easy case
- || no_float_arg -- Can't make it atomic
- = go env (App fun arg) args
- | otherwise
- = do { arg_id <- newId FSLIT("a") arg_ty
- ; completeNonRecX env False {- pessimistic -} arg_id arg_id arg $ \env ->
- go env (App fun (substExpr env (Var arg_id))) args }
- -- Note [Take care]:
- -- If completeNonRecX was to do a postInlineUnconditionally
- -- (undoing the effect of introducing the let-binding), we'd find arg_id had
- -- no binding; hence the substExpr. This happens if we see
- -- C (D x `cast` g)
- -- Then we start by making a variable a1, thus
- -- let a1 = D x `cast` g in C a1
- -- But then we deal with the rhs of a1, getting
- -- let a2 = D x, a1 = a1 `cast` g in C a1
- -- And now the preInlineUnconditionally kicks in, and we substitute for a1
- where
- arg_ty = exprType arg
- no_float_arg = not is_strict && (isUnLiftedType arg_ty) && not (exprOkForSpeculation arg)
--- Old code: consider rewriting to be more like mkAtomicArgsE
-mkAtomicArgs :: Bool -- OK to float unlifted args
- -> OutExpr
- -> SimplM (OrdList (OutId,OutExpr), -- The floats (unusually) may include
- OutExpr) -- things that need case-binding,
- -- if the strict-binding flag is on
-mkAtomicArgs ok_float_unlifted (Cast rhs co)
- | not (exprIsTrivial rhs)
- -- Note [Float coersions]
- = do { id <- newId FSLIT("a") (exprType rhs)
- ; (binds, rhs') <- mkAtomicArgs ok_float_unlifted rhs
- ; return (binds `snocOL` (id, rhs'), Cast (Var id) co) }
-mkAtomicArgs ok_float_unlifted rhs
- | (Var fun, args) <- collectArgs rhs, -- It's an application
- isDataConWorkId fun || valArgCount args < idArity fun -- And it's a constructor or PAP
- = go fun nilOL [] args -- Have a go
- | otherwise = bale_out -- Give up
+ ; case maybe_inline of {
+ Just unfolding -- There is an inlining!
+ -> do { tick (UnfoldingDone var)
+ ; (if dopt Opt_D_dump_inlinings dflags then
+ pprTrace "Inlining done" (vcat [
+ text "Before:" <+> ppr var <+> sep (map pprParendExpr args),
+ text "Inlined fn: " <+> nest 2 (ppr unfolding),
+ text "Cont: " <+> ppr call_cont])
+ else
+ id)
+ simplExprF env unfolding cont }
+ ; Nothing -> -- No inlining!
+ ------------- No inlining! ----------------
+ -- Next, look for rules or specialisations that match
+ --
+ rebuildCall env (Var var) (idType var)
+ (mkArgInfo var n_val_args call_cont) cont
+ }}}}
+rebuildCall :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutExpr -> OutType -- Function and its type
+ -> (Bool, [Bool]) -- See SimplUtils.mkArgInfo
+ -> SimplCont
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+rebuildCall env fun fun_ty (has_rules, []) cont
+ -- When we run out of strictness args, it means
+ -- that the call is definitely bottom; see SimplUtils.mkArgInfo
+ -- Then we want to discard the entire strict continuation. E.g.
+ -- * case (error "hello") of { ... }
+ -- * (error "Hello") arg
+ -- * f (error "Hello") where f is strict
+ -- etc
+ -- Then, especially in the first of these cases, we'd like to discard
+ -- the continuation, leaving just the bottoming expression. But the
+ -- type might not be right, so we may have to add a coerce.
+ | not (contIsTrivial cont) -- Only do thia if there is a non-trivial
+ = return (env, mk_coerce fun) -- contination to discard, else we do it
+ where -- again and again!
+ cont_ty = contResultType cont
+ co = mkUnsafeCoercion fun_ty cont_ty
+ mk_coerce expr | cont_ty `coreEqType` fun_ty = fun
+ | otherwise = mkCoerce co fun
+rebuildCall env fun fun_ty info (ApplyTo _ (Type arg_ty) se cont)
+ = do { ty' <- simplType (se `setInScope` env) arg_ty
+ ; rebuildCall env (fun `App` Type ty') (applyTy fun_ty ty') info cont }
+rebuildCall env fun fun_ty (has_rules, str:strs) (ApplyTo _ arg arg_se cont)
+ | str || isStrictType arg_ty -- Strict argument
+ = -- pprTrace "Strict Arg" (ppr arg $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) $$ ppr (seInScope env)) $
+ simplExprF (arg_se `setFloats` env) arg
+ (StrictArg fun fun_ty (has_rules, strs) cont)
+ -- Note [Shadowing]
+ | otherwise -- Lazy argument
+ -- DO NOT float anything outside, hence simplExprC
+ -- There is no benefit (unlike in a let-binding), and we'd
+ -- have to be very careful about bogus strictness through
+ -- floating a demanded let.
+ = do { arg' <- simplExprC (arg_se `setInScope` env) arg
+ (mkLazyArgStop arg_ty has_rules)
+ ; rebuildCall env (fun `App` arg') res_ty (has_rules, strs) cont }
- bale_out = returnSmpl (nilOL, rhs)
- go fun binds rev_args []
- = returnSmpl (binds, mkApps (Var fun) (reverse rev_args))
- go fun binds rev_args (arg : args)
- | exprIsTrivial arg -- Easy case
- = go fun binds (arg:rev_args) args
- | not can_float_arg -- Can't make this arg atomic
- = bale_out -- ... so give up
- | otherwise -- Don't forget to do it recursively
- -- E.g. x = a:b:c:[]
- = mkAtomicArgs ok_float_unlifted arg `thenSmpl` \ (arg_binds, arg') ->
- newId FSLIT("a") arg_ty `thenSmpl` \ arg_id ->
- go fun ((arg_binds `snocOL` (arg_id,arg')) `appOL` binds)
- (Var arg_id : rev_args) args
- where
- arg_ty = exprType arg
- can_float_arg = not (isUnLiftedType arg_ty)
- || (ok_float_unlifted && exprOkForSpeculation arg)
-addAtomicBinds :: SimplEnv -> [(OutId,OutExpr)]
- -> (SimplEnv -> SimplM (FloatsWith a))
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith a)
-addAtomicBinds env [] thing_inside = thing_inside env
-addAtomicBinds env ((v,r):bs) thing_inside = addAuxiliaryBind env (NonRec v r) $ \ env ->
- addAtomicBinds env bs thing_inside
-%* *
-\subsection{The main rebuilder}
-%* *
-rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
-rebuild env expr (Stop _ _ _) = rebuildDone env expr
-rebuild env expr (ArgOf _ _ _ cont_fn) = cont_fn env expr
-rebuild env expr (CoerceIt co cont) = rebuild env (mkCoerce co expr) cont
-rebuild env expr (Select _ bndr alts se cont) = rebuildCase (setInScope se env) expr bndr alts cont
-rebuild env expr (ApplyTo _ arg mb_se cont) = rebuildApp env expr arg mb_se cont
-rebuildApp env fun arg mb_se cont
- = do { arg' <- simplArg env arg mb_se
- ; rebuild env (App fun arg') cont }
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
-simplArg :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> Maybe SimplEnv -> SimplM CoreExpr
-simplArg env arg Nothing = return arg -- The arg is already simplified
-simplArg env arg (Just arg_env) = simplExpr (setInScope arg_env env) arg
-rebuildDone env expr = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, expr)
+rebuildCall env fun fun_ty info cont
+ = rebuild env fun cont
+Note [Shadowing]
+This part of the simplifier may break the no-shadowing invariant
+ f (...(\a -> e)...) (case y of (a,b) -> e')
+where f is strict in its second arg
+If we simplify the innermost one first we get (...(\a -> e)...)
+Simplifying the second arg makes us float the case out, so we end up with
+ case y of (a,b) -> f (...(\a -> e)...) e'
+So the output does not have the no-shadowing invariant. However, there is
+no danger of getting name-capture, because when the first arg was simplified
+we used an in-scope set that at least mentioned all the variables free in its
+static environment, and that is enough.
+We can't just do innermost first, or we'd end up with a dual problem:
+ case x of (a,b) -> f e (...(\a -> e')...)
+I spent hours trying to recover the no-shadowing invariant, but I just could
+not think of an elegant way to do it. The simplifier is already knee-deep in
+continuations. We have to keep the right in-scope set around; AND we have
+to get the effect that finding (error "foo") in a strict arg position will
+discard the entire application and replace it with (error "foo"). Getting
+all this at once is TOO HARD!
%* *
-\subsection{Functions dealing with a case}
+ Rebuilding a cse expression
%* *
-> InId -- Case binder
-> [InAlt] -- Alternatives (inceasing order)
-> SimplCont
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
rebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
| Just (con,args) <- exprIsConApp_maybe scrut
= knownCon env scrut (LitAlt lit) [] case_bndr alts cont
| otherwise
- = -- Prepare the continuation;
- -- The new subst_env is in place
- prepareCaseCont env alts cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (dup_cont, nondup_cont)) ->
- addFloats env floats $ \ env ->
- let
- -- The case expression is annotated with the result type of the continuation
- -- This may differ from the type originally on the case. For example
- -- case(T) (case(Int#) a of { True -> 1#; False -> 0# }) of
- -- a# -> <blob>
- -- ===>
- -- let j a# = <blob>
- -- in case(T) a of { True -> j 1#; False -> j 0# }
- -- Note that the case that scrutinises a now returns a T not an Int#
- res_ty' = contResultType dup_cont
- in
+ = do { -- Prepare the continuation;
+ -- The new subst_env is in place
+ (env, dup_cont, nodup_cont) <- prepareCaseCont env alts cont
- -- Deal with case binder
- simplCaseBinder env scrut case_bndr `thenSmpl` \ (alt_env, case_bndr') ->
- -- Deal with the case alternatives
- simplAlts alt_env scrut case_bndr' alts dup_cont `thenSmpl` \ alts' ->
- -- Put the case back together
- mkCase scrut case_bndr' res_ty' alts' `thenSmpl` \ case_expr ->
+ -- Simplify the alternatives
+ ; (case_bndr', alts') <- simplAlts env scrut case_bndr alts dup_cont
+ ; let res_ty' = contResultType dup_cont
+ ; case_expr <- mkCase scrut case_bndr' res_ty' alts'
-- Notice that rebuildDone returns the in-scope set from env, not alt_env
-- The case binder *not* scope over the whole returned case-expression
- rebuild env case_expr nondup_cont
+ ; rebuild env case_expr nodup_cont }
simplCaseBinder checks whether the scrutinee is a variable, v. If so,
the case binder is guaranteed dead.
+simplCaseBinder :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> InId -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplCaseBinder env scrut case_bndr
| switchIsOn (getSwitchChecker env) NoCaseOfCase
-- See Note [no-case-of-case]
simplAlts :: SimplEnv
-> OutExpr
- -> OutId -- Case binder
+ -> InId -- Case binder
-> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM [OutAlt] -- Includes the continuation
-simplAlts env scrut case_bndr' alts cont'
- = do { mb_alts <- mapSmpl (simplAlt env imposs_cons case_bndr' cont') alts_wo_default
- ; default_alts <- simplDefault env case_bndr' imposs_deflt_cons cont' maybe_deflt
- ; return (mergeAlts default_alts [alt' | Just (_, alt') <- mb_alts]) }
- -- We need the mergeAlts in case the new default_alt
- -- has turned into a constructor alternative.
+ -> SimplM (OutId, [OutAlt]) -- Includes the continuation
+-- Like simplExpr, this just returns the simplified alternatives;
+-- it not return an environment
+simplAlts env scrut case_bndr alts cont'
+ = -- pprTrace "simplAlts" (ppr alts $$ ppr (seIdSubst env)) $
+ do { let alt_env = zapFloats env
+ ; (alt_env, case_bndr') <- simplCaseBinder alt_env scrut case_bndr
+ ; default_alts <- prepareDefault alt_env case_bndr' imposs_deflt_cons cont' maybe_deflt
+ ; let inst_tys = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr')
+ trimmed_alts = filter (is_possible inst_tys) alts_wo_default
+ in_alts = mergeAlts default_alts trimmed_alts
+ -- We need the mergeAlts in case the new default_alt
+ -- has turned into a constructor alternative.
+ ; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env imposs_cons case_bndr' cont') in_alts
+ ; return (case_bndr', alts') }
(alts_wo_default, maybe_deflt) = findDefault alts
imposs_cons = case scrut of
-- OR by a branch in this case expression. (Don't include DEFAULT!!)
imposs_deflt_cons = nub (imposs_cons ++ [con | (con,_,_) <- alts_wo_default])
-simplDefault :: SimplEnv
- -> OutId -- Case binder; need just for its type. Note that as an
+ is_possible :: [Type] -> CoreAlt -> Bool
+ is_possible tys (con, _, _) | con `elem` imposs_cons = False
+ is_possible tys (DataAlt con, _, _) = dataConCanMatch tys con
+ is_possible tys alt = True
+prepareDefault :: SimplEnv
+ -> OutId -- Case binder; need just for its type. Note that as an
-- OutId, it has maximum information; this is important.
-- Test simpl013 is an example
-> [AltCon] -- These cons can't happen when matching the default
-> SimplCont
-> Maybe InExpr
- -> SimplM [OutAlt] -- One branch or none; we use a list because it's what
- -- mergeAlts expects
+ -> SimplM [InAlt] -- One branch or none; still unsimplified
+ -- We use a list because it's what mergeAlts expects
-simplDefault env case_bndr' imposs_cons cont Nothing
+prepareDefault env case_bndr' imposs_cons cont Nothing
= return [] -- No default branch
-simplDefault env case_bndr' imposs_cons cont (Just rhs)
+prepareDefault env case_bndr' imposs_cons cont (Just rhs)
| -- This branch handles the case where we are
-- scrutinisng an algebraic data type
Just (tycon, inst_tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (idType case_bndr'),
-- not worth wasting code on.
let imposs_data_cons = [con | DataAlt con <- imposs_cons] -- We now know it's a data type
- poss_data_cons = filterOut (`elem` imposs_data_cons) all_cons
- gadt_imposs | all isTyVarTy inst_tys = []
- | otherwise = filter (cant_match inst_tys) poss_data_cons
- final_poss = filterOut (`elem` gadt_imposs) poss_data_cons
- = case final_poss of
- [] -> returnSmpl [] -- Eliminate the default alternative
+ is_possible con = not (con `elem` imposs_data_cons)
+ && dataConCanMatch inst_tys con
+ = case filter is_possible all_cons of
+ [] -> return [] -- Eliminate the default alternative
-- altogether if it can't match
[con] -> -- It matches exactly one constructor, so fill it in
; us <- getUniquesSmpl
; let (ex_tvs, co_tvs, arg_ids) =
dataConRepInstPat us con inst_tys
- ; let con_alt = (DataAlt con, ex_tvs ++ co_tvs ++ arg_ids, rhs)
- ; Just (_, alt') <- simplAlt env [] case_bndr' cont con_alt
- -- The simplAlt must succeed with Just because we have
- -- already filtered out construtors that can't match
- ; return [alt'] }
+ ; return [(DataAlt con, ex_tvs ++ co_tvs ++ arg_ids, rhs)] }
- two_or_more -> simplify_default (map DataAlt gadt_imposs ++ imposs_cons)
+ two_or_more -> return [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)]
| otherwise
- = simplify_default imposs_cons
- where
- cant_match tys data_con = not (dataConCanMatch data_con tys)
- simplify_default imposs_cons
- = do { let env' = addBinderOtherCon env case_bndr' imposs_cons
- -- Record the constructors that the case-binder *can't* be.
- ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont
- ; return [(DEFAULT, [], rhs')] }
+ = return [(DEFAULT, [], rhs)]
simplAlt :: SimplEnv
-> [AltCon] -- These constructors can't be present when
-- matching this alternative
-> OutId -- The case binder
-> SimplCont
-> InAlt
- -> SimplM (Maybe (TvSubstEnv, OutAlt))
+ -> SimplM (OutAlt)
-- Simplify an alternative, returning the type refinement for the
-- alternative, if the alternative does any refinement at all
--- Nothing => the alternative is inaccessible
-simplAlt env imposs_cons case_bndr' cont' (con, bndrs, rhs)
- | con `elem` imposs_cons -- This case can't match
- = return Nothing
simplAlt env handled_cons case_bndr' cont' (DEFAULT, bndrs, rhs)
- -- TURGID DUPLICATION, needed only for the simplAlt call
- -- in mkDupableAlt. Clean this up when moving to FC
= ASSERT( null bndrs )
- simplExprC env' rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
- returnSmpl (Just (emptyVarEnv, (DEFAULT, [], rhs')))
- where
- env' = addBinderOtherCon env case_bndr' handled_cons
- -- Record the constructors that the case-binder *can't* be.
+ do { let env' = addBinderOtherCon env case_bndr' handled_cons
+ -- Record the constructors that the case-binder *can't* be.
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont'
+ ; return (DEFAULT, [], rhs') }
simplAlt env handled_cons case_bndr' cont' (LitAlt lit, bndrs, rhs)
= ASSERT( null bndrs )
- simplExprC env' rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
- returnSmpl (Just (emptyVarEnv, (LitAlt lit, [], rhs')))
- where
- env' = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr' (Lit lit)
+ do { let env' = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr' (Lit lit)
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont'
+ ; return (LitAlt lit, [], rhs') }
simplAlt env handled_cons case_bndr' cont' (DataAlt con, vs, rhs)
- = -- Deal with the pattern-bound variables
- -- Mark the ones that are in ! positions in the data constructor
- -- as certainly-evaluated.
- -- NB: it happens that simplBinders does *not* erase the OtherCon
- -- form of unfolding, so it's ok to add this info before
- -- doing simplBinders
- simplBinders env (add_evals con vs) `thenSmpl` \ (env, vs') ->
+ = do { -- Deal with the pattern-bound variables
+ -- Mark the ones that are in ! positions in the data constructor
+ -- as certainly-evaluated.
+ -- NB: it happens that simplBinders does *not* erase the OtherCon
+ -- form of unfolding, so it's ok to add this info before
+ -- doing simplBinders
+ (env, vs') <- simplBinders env (add_evals con vs)
-- Bind the case-binder to (con args)
- let inst_tys' = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr')
- con_args = map Type inst_tys' ++ varsToCoreExprs vs'
- env' = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr' (mkConApp con con_args)
- in
- simplExprC env' rhs cont' `thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
- returnSmpl (Just (emptyVarEnv, (DataAlt con, vs', rhs')))
+ ; let inst_tys' = tyConAppArgs (idType case_bndr')
+ con_args = map Type inst_tys' ++ varsToCoreExprs vs'
+ env' = addBinderUnfolding env case_bndr' (mkConApp con con_args)
+ ; rhs' <- simplExprC env' rhs cont'
+ ; return (DataAlt con, vs', rhs') }
-- add_evals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of
-- a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider
-- We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
-- go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
+ -- See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.lhs
add_evals dc vs = cat_evals dc vs (dataConRepStrictness dc)
cat_evals dc vs strs
knownCon :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> AltCon -> [OutExpr]
-> InId -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM FloatsWithExpr
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
knownCon env scrut con args bndr alts cont
- = tick (KnownBranch bndr) `thenSmpl_`
- case findAlt con alts of
- (DEFAULT, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
- simplNonRecX env bndr scrut $ \ env ->
- -- This might give rise to a binding with non-atomic args
- -- like x = Node (f x) (g x)
- -- but simplNonRecX will atomic-ify it
- simplExprF env rhs cont
- (LitAlt lit, bs, rhs) -> ASSERT( null bs )
- simplNonRecX env bndr scrut $ \ env ->
- simplExprF env rhs cont
- (DataAlt dc, bs, rhs)
- -> -- ASSERT( n_drop_tys + length bs == length args )
- bind_args env dead_bndr bs (drop n_drop_tys args) $ \ env ->
- let
- -- It's useful to bind bndr to scrut, rather than to a fresh
- -- binding x = Con arg1 .. argn
- -- because very often the scrut is a variable, so we avoid
- -- creating, and then subsequently eliminating, a let-binding
- -- BUT, if scrut is a not a variable, we must be careful
- -- about duplicating the arg redexes; in that case, make
- -- a new con-app from the args
- bndr_rhs = case scrut of
- Var v -> scrut
- other -> con_app
- con_app = mkConApp dc (take n_drop_tys args ++ con_args)
- con_args = [substExpr env (varToCoreExpr b) | b <- bs]
- -- args are aready OutExprs, but bs are InIds
- in
- simplNonRecX env bndr bndr_rhs $ \ env ->
- simplExprF env rhs cont
- where
- dead_bndr = isDeadBinder bndr
- n_drop_tys = tyConArity (dataConTyCon dc)
+ = do { tick (KnownBranch bndr)
+ ; knownAlt env scrut args bndr (findAlt con alts) cont }
+knownAlt env scrut args bndr (DEFAULT, bs, rhs) cont
+ = ASSERT( null bs )
+ do { env <- simplNonRecX env bndr scrut
+ -- This might give rise to a binding with non-atomic args
+ -- like x = Node (f x) (g x)
+ -- but simplNonRecX will atomic-ify it
+ ; simplExprF env rhs cont }
+knownAlt env scrut args bndr (LitAlt lit, bs, rhs) cont
+ = ASSERT( null bs )
+ do { env <- simplNonRecX env bndr scrut
+ ; simplExprF env rhs cont }
+knownAlt env scrut args bndr (DataAlt dc, bs, rhs) cont
+ = do { let dead_bndr = isDeadBinder bndr
+ n_drop_tys = tyConArity (dataConTyCon dc)
+ ; env <- bind_args env dead_bndr bs (drop n_drop_tys args)
+ ; let
+ -- It's useful to bind bndr to scrut, rather than to a fresh
+ -- binding x = Con arg1 .. argn
+ -- because very often the scrut is a variable, so we avoid
+ -- creating, and then subsequently eliminating, a let-binding
+ -- BUT, if scrut is a not a variable, we must be careful
+ -- about duplicating the arg redexes; in that case, make
+ -- a new con-app from the args
+ bndr_rhs = case scrut of
+ Var v -> scrut
+ other -> con_app
+ con_app = mkConApp dc (take n_drop_tys args ++ con_args)
+ con_args = [substExpr env (varToCoreExpr b) | b <- bs]
+ -- args are aready OutExprs, but bs are InIds
+ ; env <- simplNonRecX env bndr bndr_rhs
+ ; -- pprTrace "knownCon2" (ppr bs $$ ppr rhs $$ ppr (seIdSubst env)) $
+ simplExprF env rhs cont }
-- Ugh!
-bind_args env dead_bndr [] _ thing_inside = thing_inside env
+bind_args env dead_bndr [] _ = return env
-bind_args env dead_bndr (b:bs) (Type ty : args) thing_inside
+bind_args env dead_bndr (b:bs) (Type ty : args)
= ASSERT( isTyVar b )
- bind_args (extendTvSubst env b ty) dead_bndr bs args thing_inside
+ bind_args (extendTvSubst env b ty) dead_bndr bs args
-bind_args env dead_bndr (b:bs) (arg : args) thing_inside
+bind_args env dead_bndr (b:bs) (arg : args)
= ASSERT( isId b )
- let
- b' = if dead_bndr then b else zapOccInfo b
+ do { let b' = if dead_bndr then b else zapOccInfo b
-- Note that the binder might be "dead", because it doesn't occur
-- in the RHS; and simplNonRecX may therefore discard it via postInlineUnconditionally
-- Nevertheless we must keep it if the case-binder is alive, because it may
-- be used in the con_app. See Note [zapOccInfo]
- in
- simplNonRecX env b' arg $ \ env ->
- bind_args env dead_bndr bs args thing_inside
+ ; env <- simplNonRecX env b' arg
+ ; bind_args env dead_bndr bs args }
+bind_args _ _ _ _ = panic "bind_args"
prepareCaseCont :: SimplEnv
-> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith (SimplCont,SimplCont))
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, SimplCont,SimplCont)
-- Return a duplicatable continuation, a non-duplicable part
-- plus some extra bindings (that scope over the entire
-- continunation)
-- No need to make it duplicatable if there's only one alternative
-prepareCaseCont env [alt] cont = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, (cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont)))
+prepareCaseCont env [alt] cont = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont))
prepareCaseCont env alts cont = mkDupableCont env cont
mkDupableCont :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith (SimplCont, SimplCont))
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, SimplCont, SimplCont)
mkDupableCont env cont
| contIsDupable cont
- = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, (cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont)))
+ = returnSmpl (env, cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont))
+mkDupableCont env (Stop {}) = panic "mkDupableCont" -- Handled by previous eqn
mkDupableCont env (CoerceIt ty cont)
- = mkDupableCont env cont `thenSmpl` \ (floats, (dup_cont, nondup_cont)) ->
- returnSmpl (floats, (CoerceIt ty dup_cont, nondup_cont))
-mkDupableCont env cont@(ArgOf _ arg_ty _ _)
- = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, (mkBoringStop arg_ty, cont))
- -- Do *not* duplicate an ArgOf continuation
- -- Because ArgOf continuations are opaque, we gain nothing by
- -- propagating them into the expressions, and we do lose a lot.
- -- Here's an example:
- -- && (case x of { T -> F; F -> T }) E
- -- Now, && is strict so we end up simplifying the case with
- -- an ArgOf continuation. If we let-bind it, we get
- --
- -- let $j = \v -> && v E
- -- in simplExpr (case x of { T -> F; F -> T })
- -- (ArgOf (\r -> $j r)
- -- And after simplifying more we get
- --
- -- let $j = \v -> && v E
- -- in case of { T -> $j F; F -> $j T }
- -- Which is a Very Bad Thing
- --
- -- The desire not to duplicate is the entire reason that
- -- mkDupableCont returns a pair of continuations.
- --
- -- The original plan had:
- -- e.g. (...strict-fn...) [...hole...]
- -- ==>
- -- let $j = \a -> ...strict-fn...
- -- in $j [...hole...]
+ = do { (env, dup, nodup) <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; return (env, CoerceIt ty dup, nodup) }
+mkDupableCont env cont@(StrictBind bndr _ _ se _)
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop (substTy se (idType bndr)), cont)
+ -- See Note [Duplicating strict continuations]
-mkDupableCont env (ApplyTo _ arg mb_se cont)
+mkDupableCont env cont@(StrictArg _ fun_ty _ _)
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop (funArgTy fun_ty), cont)
+ -- See Note [Duplicating strict continuations]
+mkDupableCont env (ApplyTo _ arg se cont)
= -- e.g. [...hole...] (...arg...)
-- ==>
-- let a = ...arg...
-- in [...hole...] a
- do { (floats, (dup_cont, nondup_cont)) <- mkDupableCont env cont
- ; addFloats env floats $ \ env -> do
- { arg1 <- simplArg env arg mb_se
- ; (floats2, arg2) <- mkDupableArg env arg1
- ; return (floats2, (ApplyTo OkToDup arg2 Nothing dup_cont, nondup_cont)) }}
+ do { (env, dup_cont, nodup_cont) <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ ; arg <- simplExpr (se `setInScope` env) arg
+ ; (env, arg) <- makeTrivial env arg
+ ; let app_cont = ApplyTo OkToDup arg (zapSubstEnv env) dup_cont
+ ; return (env, app_cont, nodup_cont) }
mkDupableCont env cont@(Select _ case_bndr [(_,bs,rhs)] se case_cont)
--- | not (exprIsDupable rhs && contIsDupable case_cont) -- See notes below
+-- See Note [Single-alternative case]
+-- | not (exprIsDupable rhs && contIsDupable case_cont)
-- | not (isDeadBinder case_bndr)
| all isDeadBinder bs
- = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, (mkBoringStop scrut_ty, cont))
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop scrut_ty, cont)
scrut_ty = substTy se (idType case_bndr)
-{- Note [Single-alternative cases]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+mkDupableCont env (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
+ = -- e.g. (case [...hole...] of { pi -> ei })
+ -- ===>
+ -- let ji = \xij -> ei
+ -- in case [...hole...] of { pi -> ji xij }
+ do { tick (CaseOfCase case_bndr)
+ ; (env, dup_cont, nodup_cont) <- mkDupableCont env cont
+ -- NB: call mkDupableCont here, *not* prepareCaseCont
+ -- We must make a duplicable continuation, whereas prepareCaseCont
+ -- doesn't when there is a single case branch
+ ; let alt_env = se `setInScope` env
+ ; (alt_env, case_bndr') <- simplBinder alt_env case_bndr
+ ; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env [] case_bndr' dup_cont) alts
+ -- Safe to say that there are no handled-cons for the DEFAULT case
+ -- NB: simplBinder does not zap deadness occ-info, so
+ -- a dead case_bndr' will still advertise its deadness
+ -- This is really important because in
+ -- case e of b { (# a,b #) -> ... }
+ -- b is always dead, and indeed we are not allowed to bind b to (# a,b #),
+ -- which might happen if e was an explicit unboxed pair and b wasn't marked dead.
+ -- In the new alts we build, we have the new case binder, so it must retain
+ -- its deadness.
+ -- NB: we don't use alt_env further; it has the substEnv for
+ -- the alternatives, and we don't want that
+ ; (env, alts') <- mkDupableAlts env case_bndr' alts'
+ ; return (env, -- Note [Duplicated env]
+ Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts' (zapSubstEnv env)
+ (mkBoringStop (contResultType dup_cont)),
+ nodup_cont) }
+mkDupableAlts :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> [InAlt]
+ -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [InAlt])
+-- Absorbs the continuation into the new alternatives
+mkDupableAlts env case_bndr' alts
+ = go env alts
+ where
+ go env [] = return (env, [])
+ go env (alt:alts)
+ = do { (env, alt') <- mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' alt
+ ; (env, alts') <- go env alts
+ ; return (env, alt' : alts' ) }
+mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' (con, bndrs', rhs')
+ | exprIsDupable rhs' -- Note [Small alternative rhs]
+ = return (env, (con, bndrs', rhs'))
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let rhs_ty' = exprType rhs'
+ used_bndrs' = filter abstract_over (case_bndr' : bndrs')
+ abstract_over bndr
+ | isTyVar bndr = True -- Abstract over all type variables just in case
+ | otherwise = not (isDeadBinder bndr)
+ -- The deadness info on the new Ids is preserved by simplBinders
+ ; (final_bndrs', final_args) -- Note [Join point abstraction]
+ <- if (any isId used_bndrs')
+ then return (used_bndrs', varsToCoreExprs used_bndrs')
+ else do { rw_id <- newId FSLIT("w") realWorldStatePrimTy
+ ; return ([rw_id], [Var realWorldPrimId]) }
+ ; join_bndr <- newId FSLIT("$j") (mkPiTypes final_bndrs' rhs_ty')
+ -- Note [Funky mkPiTypes]
+ ; let -- We make the lambdas into one-shot-lambdas. The
+ -- join point is sure to be applied at most once, and doing so
+ -- prevents the body of the join point being floated out by
+ -- the full laziness pass
+ really_final_bndrs = map one_shot final_bndrs'
+ one_shot v | isId v = setOneShotLambda v
+ | otherwise = v
+ join_rhs = mkLams really_final_bndrs rhs'
+ join_call = mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args
+ ; return (addNonRec env join_bndr join_rhs, (con, bndrs', join_call)) }
+ -- See Note [Duplicated env]
+Note [Duplicated env]
+Some of the alternatives are simplified, but have not been turned into a join point
+So they *must* have an zapped subst-env. So we can't use completeNonRecX to
+bind the join point, because it might to do PostInlineUnconditionally, and
+we'd lose that when zapping the subst-env. We could have a per-alt subst-env,
+but zapping it (as we do in mkDupableCont, the Select case) is safe, and
+at worst delays the join-point inlining.
+Note [Small alterantive rhs]
+It is worth checking for a small RHS because otherwise we
+get extra let bindings that may cause an extra iteration of the simplifier to
+inline back in place. Quite often the rhs is just a variable or constructor.
+The Ord instance of Maybe in PrelMaybe.lhs, for example, took several extra
+iterations because the version with the let bindings looked big, and so wasn't
+inlined, but after the join points had been inlined it looked smaller, and so
+was inlined.
+NB: we have to check the size of rhs', not rhs.
+Duplicating a small InAlt might invalidate occurrence information
+However, if it *is* dupable, we return the *un* simplified alternative,
+because otherwise we'd need to pair it up with an empty subst-env....
+but we only have one env shared between all the alts.
+(Remember we must zap the subst-env before re-simplifying something).
+Rather than do this we simply agree to re-simplify the original (small) thing later.
+Note [Funky mkPiTypes]
+Notice the funky mkPiTypes. If the contructor has existentials
+it's possible that the join point will be abstracted over
+type varaibles as well as term variables.
+ Example: Suppose we have
+ data T = forall t. C [t]
+ Then faced with
+ case (case e of ...) of
+ C t xs::[t] -> rhs
+ We get the join point
+ let j :: forall t. [t] -> ...
+ j = /\t \xs::[t] -> rhs
+ in
+ case (case e of ...) of
+ C t xs::[t] -> j t xs
+Note [Join point abstaction]
+If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out
+for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
+with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So
+instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e
+where v::State# RealWorld#. The value passed to this function
+is realworld#, which generates (almost) no code.
+There's a slight infelicity here: we pass the overall
+case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS,
+because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately
+We used to say "&& isUnLiftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now
+we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs'
+is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly.
+Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4
+ in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... }
+Now CPR doesn't w/w j because it's a thunk, so
+that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either,
+which is a lose. Here's the example that happened in practice:
+ kgmod :: Int -> Int -> Int
+ kgmod x y = if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0
+ then 78
+ else 5
+I have seen a case alternative like this:
+ True -> \v -> ...
+It's a bit silly to add the realWorld dummy arg in this case, making
+ $j = \s v -> ...
+ True -> $j s
+(the \v alone is enough to make CPR happy) but I think it's rare
+Note [Duplicating strict continuations]
+Do *not* duplicate StrictBind and StritArg continuations. We gain
+nothing by propagating them into the expressions, and we do lose a
+lot. Here's an example:
+ && (case x of { T -> F; F -> T }) E
+Now, && is strict so we end up simplifying the case with
+an ArgOf continuation. If we let-bind it, we get
+ let $j = \v -> && v E
+ in simplExpr (case x of { T -> F; F -> T })
+ (ArgOf (\r -> $j r)
+And after simplifying more we get
+ let $j = \v -> && v E
+ in case x of { T -> $j F; F -> $j T }
+Which is a Very Bad Thing
+The desire not to duplicate is the entire reason that
+mkDupableCont returns a pair of continuations.
+The original plan had:
+e.g. (...strict-fn...) [...hole...]
+ ==>
+ let $j = \a -> ...strict-fn...
+ in $j [...hole...]
+Note [Single-alternative cases]
This case is just like the ArgOf case. Here's an example:
data T a = MkT !a
...(MkT (abs x))...
we can get let x = case (...) of { small } in ...case x...
When x is inlined into its full context, we find that it was a bad
idea to have pushed the outer case inside the (...) case.
-mkDupableCont env (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
- = -- e.g. (case [...hole...] of { pi -> ei })
- -- ===>
- -- let ji = \xij -> ei
- -- in case [...hole...] of { pi -> ji xij }
- do { tick (CaseOfCase case_bndr)
- ; let alt_env = setInScope se env
- ; (floats1, (dup_cont, nondup_cont)) <- mkDupableCont alt_env cont
- -- NB: call mkDupableCont here, *not* prepareCaseCont
- -- We must make a duplicable continuation, whereas prepareCaseCont
- -- doesn't when there is a single case branch
- ; addFloats alt_env floats1 $ \ alt_env -> do
- { (alt_env, case_bndr') <- simplBinder alt_env case_bndr
- -- NB: simplBinder does not zap deadness occ-info, so
- -- a dead case_bndr' will still advertise its deadness
- -- This is really important because in
- -- case e of b { (# a,b #) -> ... }
- -- b is always dead, and indeed we are not allowed to bind b to (# a,b #),
- -- which might happen if e was an explicit unboxed pair and b wasn't marked dead.
- -- In the new alts we build, we have the new case binder, so it must retain
- -- its deadness.
- ; (floats2, alts') <- mkDupableAlts alt_env case_bndr' alts dup_cont
- ; return (floats2, (Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts' (zapSubstEnv se)
- (mkBoringStop (contResultType dup_cont)),
- nondup_cont))
- }}
-mkDupableArg :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplM (FloatsWith OutExpr)
--- Let-bind the thing if necessary
-mkDupableArg env arg
- | exprIsDupable arg
- = return (emptyFloats env, arg)
- | otherwise
- = do { arg_id <- newId FSLIT("a") (exprType arg)
- ; tick (CaseOfCase arg_id)
- -- Want to tick here so that we go round again,
- -- and maybe copy or inline the code.
- -- Not strictly CaseOfCase, but never mind
- ; return (unitFloat env arg_id arg, Var arg_id) }
- -- What if the arg should be case-bound?
- -- This has been this way for a long time, so I'll leave it,
- -- but I can't convince myself that it's right.
-mkDupableAlts :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont
- -> SimplM (FloatsWith [InAlt])
--- Absorbs the continuation into the new alternatives
-mkDupableAlts env case_bndr' alts dupable_cont
- = go env alts
- where
- go env [] = returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, [])
- go env (alt:alts)
- = do { (floats1, mb_alt') <- mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' dupable_cont alt
- ; addFloats env floats1 $ \ env -> do
- { (floats2, alts') <- go env alts
- ; returnSmpl (floats2, case mb_alt' of
- Just alt' -> alt' : alts'
- Nothing -> alts'
- )}}
-mkDupableAlt env case_bndr' cont alt
- = simplAlt env [] case_bndr' cont alt `thenSmpl` \ mb_stuff ->
- case mb_stuff of {
- Nothing -> returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, Nothing) ;
- Just (reft, (con, bndrs', rhs')) ->
- -- Safe to say that there are no handled-cons for the DEFAULT case
- if exprIsDupable rhs' then
- returnSmpl (emptyFloats env, Just (con, bndrs', rhs'))
- -- It is worth checking for a small RHS because otherwise we
- -- get extra let bindings that may cause an extra iteration of the simplifier to
- -- inline back in place. Quite often the rhs is just a variable or constructor.
- -- The Ord instance of Maybe in PrelMaybe.lhs, for example, took several extra
- -- iterations because the version with the let bindings looked big, and so wasn't
- -- inlined, but after the join points had been inlined it looked smaller, and so
- -- was inlined.
- --
- -- NB: we have to check the size of rhs', not rhs.
- -- Duplicating a small InAlt might invalidate occurrence information
- -- However, if it *is* dupable, we return the *un* simplified alternative,
- -- because otherwise we'd need to pair it up with an empty subst-env....
- -- but we only have one env shared between all the alts.
- -- (Remember we must zap the subst-env before re-simplifying something).
- -- Rather than do this we simply agree to re-simplify the original (small) thing later.
- else
- let
- rhs_ty' = exprType rhs'
- used_bndrs' = filter abstract_over (case_bndr' : bndrs')
- abstract_over bndr
- | isTyVar bndr = not (bndr `elemVarEnv` reft)
- -- Don't abstract over tyvar binders which are refined away
- -- See Note [Refinement] below
- | otherwise = not (isDeadBinder bndr)
- -- The deadness info on the new Ids is preserved by simplBinders
- in
- -- If we try to lift a primitive-typed something out
- -- for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
- -- with potentially-disastrous strictness results. So
- -- instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e
- -- where v::State# RealWorld#. The value passed to this function
- -- is realworld#, which generates (almost) no code.
- -- There's a slight infelicity here: we pass the overall
- -- case_bndr to all the join points if it's used in *any* RHS,
- -- because we don't know its usage in each RHS separately
- -- We used to say "&& isUnLiftedType rhs_ty'" here, but now
- -- we make the join point into a function whenever used_bndrs'
- -- is empty. This makes the join-point more CPR friendly.
- -- Consider: let j = if .. then I# 3 else I# 4
- -- in case .. of { A -> j; B -> j; C -> ... }
- --
- -- Now CPR doesn't w/w j because it's a thunk, so
- -- that means that the enclosing function can't w/w either,
- -- which is a lose. Here's the example that happened in practice:
- -- kgmod :: Int -> Int -> Int
- -- kgmod x y = if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0
- -- then 78
- -- else 5
- --
- -- I have seen a case alternative like this:
- -- True -> \v -> ...
- -- It's a bit silly to add the realWorld dummy arg in this case, making
- -- $j = \s v -> ...
- -- True -> $j s
- -- (the \v alone is enough to make CPR happy) but I think it's rare
- ( if not (any isId used_bndrs')
- then newId FSLIT("w") realWorldStatePrimTy `thenSmpl` \ rw_id ->
- returnSmpl ([rw_id], [Var realWorldPrimId])
- else
- returnSmpl (used_bndrs', varsToCoreExprs used_bndrs')
- ) `thenSmpl` \ (final_bndrs', final_args) ->
- -- See comment about "$j" name above
- newId FSLIT("$j") (mkPiTypes final_bndrs' rhs_ty') `thenSmpl` \ join_bndr ->
- -- Notice the funky mkPiTypes. If the contructor has existentials
- -- it's possible that the join point will be abstracted over
- -- type varaibles as well as term variables.
- -- Example: Suppose we have
- -- data T = forall t. C [t]
- -- Then faced with
- -- case (case e of ...) of
- -- C t xs::[t] -> rhs
- -- We get the join point
- -- let j :: forall t. [t] -> ...
- -- j = /\t \xs::[t] -> rhs
- -- in
- -- case (case e of ...) of
- -- C t xs::[t] -> j t xs
- let
- -- We make the lambdas into one-shot-lambdas. The
- -- join point is sure to be applied at most once, and doing so
- -- prevents the body of the join point being floated out by
- -- the full laziness pass
- really_final_bndrs = map one_shot final_bndrs'
- one_shot v | isId v = setOneShotLambda v
- | otherwise = v
- join_rhs = mkLams really_final_bndrs rhs'
- join_call = mkApps (Var join_bndr) final_args
- in
- returnSmpl (unitFloat env join_bndr join_rhs, Just (con, bndrs', join_call)) }
-Note [Refinement]
- data T a where
- MkT :: a -> b -> T a
- f = /\a. \(w::a).
- case (case ...) of
- MkT a' b (p::a') (q::b) -> [p,w]
-The danger is that we'll make a join point
- j a' p = [p,w]
-and that's ill-typed, because (p::a') but (w::a).
-Solution so far: don't abstract over a', because the type refinement
-maps [a' -> a] . Ultimately that won't work when real refinement goes on.
-Then we must abstract over any refined free variables. Hmm. Maybe we
-could just abstract over *all* free variables, thereby lambda-lifting
-the join point? We should try this.