import TcRnMonad
import TyCon
import Type
+import Name
+import SrcLoc
import Outputable
+import Monad
ty = case tyConFamInst_maybe tycon of
Nothing -> panic "FamInst.addLocalFamInst"
Just (tc, tys) -> tc `mkTyConApp` tys
- ; (tvs', theta', tau') <- tcInstSkolType (FamInstSkol tycon) ty
+ ; (tvs', _, tau') <- tcInstSkolType (FamInstSkol tycon) ty
- ; let (fam, tys') = tcSplitTyConApp tau'
+ ; let (fam, tys') = tcSplitTyConApp tau'
-- Load imported instances, so that we report
-- overlaps correctly
; eps <- getEps
; let inst_envs = (eps_fam_inst_env eps, home_fie)
-{- !!!TODO: Need to complete this:
- -- Check for overlapping instance decls
- ; let { (matches, _) = lookupFamInstEnv inst_envs fam tys'
- ; dup_ispecs = [ dup_ispec --!!!adapt
- | (_, dup_ispec) <- matches
- , let (_,_,_,dup_tys) = instanceHead dup_ispec
- , isJust (tcMatchTys (mkVarSet tvs') tys' dup_tys)] }
- -- Find memebers of the match list which ispec itself matches.
- -- If the match is 2-way, it's a duplicate
- ; case dup_ispecs of
- dup_ispec : _ -> dupInstErr famInst dup_ispec
- [] -> return ()
- -}
+ -- Check for conflicting instance decls
+ ; let { matches = lookupFamInstEnvUnify inst_envs fam tys'
+ ; conflicts = [ conflictingFamInst
+ | match@(_, conflictingFamInst) <- matches
+ , conflicting fam tys' tycon match
+ ]
+ }
+ ; unless (null conflicts) $
+ conflictInstErr famInst (head conflicts)
-- OK, now extend the envt
- ; return (extendFamInstEnv home_fie famInst) }
+ ; return (extendFamInstEnv home_fie famInst)
+ }
+ where
+ -- In the case of data/newtype instances, any overlap is a conflicts (as
+ -- these instances imply injective type mappings).
+ conflicting _ _ tycon _ | isAlgTyCon tycon = True
+ conflicting fam tys' tycon (subst, cFamInst) | otherwise =
+ panic "FamInst.addLocalFamInst: overlap check for indexed synonyms is still missing"
-{- UNUSED??? --SDM
-overlapErr famInst dupFamInst
+conflictInstErr famInst conflictingFamInst
= addFamInstLoc famInst $
- addErr (hang (ptext SLIT("Overlapping family instance declarations:"))
- 2 (pprFamInsts [famInst, dupFamInst]))
+ addErr (hang (ptext SLIT("Conflicting family instance declarations:"))
+ 2 (pprFamInsts [famInst, conflictingFamInst]))
addFamInstLoc famInst thing_inside
= setSrcSpan (mkSrcSpan loc loc) thing_inside
loc = getSrcLoc famInst
FamInstEnv, emptyFamInstEnv, extendFamInstEnv, extendFamInstEnvList,
famInstEnvElts, familyInstances,
- lookupFamInstEnv
+ lookupFamInstEnv, lookupFamInstEnvUnify
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import InstEnv
import Unify
+import TcGadt
import TcType
import Type
import TyCon
| otherwise -> find insts
+ find [] = []
find (item@(FamInst { fi_tcs = mb_tcs, fi_tvs = tpl_tvs,
fi_tys = tpl_tys, fi_tycon = tycon }) : rest)
-- Fast check for no match, uses the "rough match" fields
| otherwise
= find rest
+While @lookupFamInstEnv@ uses a one-way match, the next function
+@lookupFamInstEnvUnify@ uses two-way matching (ie, unification). This is
+needed to check for overlapping instances.
+For class instances, these two variants of lookup are combined into one
+function (cf, @InstEnv@). We don't do that for family instances as the
+results of matching and unification are used in two different contexts.
+Moreover, matching is the wildly more frequently used operation in the case of
+indexed synonyms and we don't want to slow that down by needless unification.
+lookupFamInstEnvUnify :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) -> TyCon -> [Type]
+ -> [(TvSubst, FamInst)]
+lookupFamInstEnvUnify (pkg_ie, home_ie) fam tys
+ = home_matches ++ pkg_matches
+ where
+ rough_tcs = roughMatchTcs tys
+ all_tvs = all isNothing rough_tcs
+ home_matches = lookup home_ie
+ pkg_matches = lookup pkg_ie
+ --------------
+ lookup env = case lookupUFM env fam of
+ Nothing -> [] -- No instances for this class
+ Just (FamIE insts has_tv_insts)
+ -- Short cut for common case:
+ -- The thing we are looking up is of form (C a
+ -- b c), and the FamIE has no instances of
+ -- that form, so don't bother to search
+ | all_tvs && not has_tv_insts -> []
+ | otherwise -> find insts
+ --------------
+ find [] = []
+ find (item@(FamInst { fi_tcs = mb_tcs, fi_tvs = tpl_tvs,
+ fi_tys = tpl_tys, fi_tycon = tycon }) : rest)
+ -- Fast check for no match, uses the "rough match" fields
+ | instanceCantMatch rough_tcs mb_tcs
+ = find rest
+ | otherwise
+ = ASSERT2( tyVarsOfTypes tys `disjointVarSet` tpl_tvs,
+ (ppr fam <+> ppr tys <+> ppr all_tvs) $$
+ (ppr tycon <+> ppr tpl_tvs <+> ppr tpl_tys)
+ )
+ -- Unification will break badly if the variables overlap
+ -- They shouldn't because we allocate separate uniques for them
+ case tcUnifyTys bind_fn tpl_tys tys of
+ Just subst -> (subst, item) : find rest
+ Nothing -> find rest
+-- See explanation at @InstEnv.bind_fn@.
+bind_fn tv | isTcTyVar tv && isExistentialTyVar tv = Skolem
+ | otherwise = BindMe