-> DataCon
-> [Type] -- Types to instantiate the universally quantified tyvars
-> ([TyVar], [CoVar], [Id]) -- Return instantiated variables
+-- dataConInstPat us con inst_tys returns a triple (ex_tvs, co_tvs, arg_ids),
+-- ex_tvs are intended to be used as binders for existential type args
+-- co_tvs are intended to be used as binders for coercion args and the kinds
+-- of these vars have been instantiated by the inst_tys and the ex_tys
+-- arg_ids are indended to be used as binders for value arguments, including
+-- dicts, and have their types instantiated with inst_tys and ex_tys
+-- Example.
+-- The following constructor T1
+-- data T a where
+-- T1 :: forall b. Int -> b -> T(a,b)
+-- ...
+-- has representation type
+-- forall a. forall a1. forall a2. forall b. (a :=: (a1,a2)) =>
+-- Int -> b -> T a
+-- dataConInstPat us T1 (a1',a2') will return
+-- ([a1'', a2'', b''],[c :: (a1',a2'):=:(a1'',a2'')],[x :: Int,y :: b''])
+-- where the double-primed variables are created from the unique list input
dataConInstPat uniqs con inst_tys
= (ex_bndrs, co_bndrs, id_bndrs)
-- make the instantiation substitution
inst_subst = substTyWith (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) (inst_tys ++ map mkTyVarTy ex_bndrs)
- -- make a new coercion vars, instantiating kind
+ -- make new coercion vars, instantiating kind
mk_co_var uniq eq_pred = mkCoVar new_name (inst_subst (mkPredTy eq_pred))
new_name = mkSysTvName uniq FSLIT("co")
eta_expand n us expr ty
= ASSERT2 (exprType expr `coreEqType` ty, ppr (exprType expr) $$ ppr ty)
case splitForAllTy_maybe ty of {
- Just (tv,ty') -> Lam tv (eta_expand n us (App expr (Type (mkTyVarTy tv))) ty')
+ Just (tv,ty') ->
+ Lam lam_tv (eta_expand n us2 (App expr (Type (mkTyVarTy lam_tv))) (substTyWith [tv] [mkTyVarTy lam_tv] ty'))
+ where
+ lam_tv = mkTyVar (mkSysTvName uniq FSLIT("etaT")) (tyVarKind tv)
+ (uniq:us2) = us
; Nothing ->
exprIsConApp_maybe, mkPiTypes, findAlt,
exprType, exprIsHNF, findDefault, mergeAlts,
exprOkForSpeculation, exprArity,
- mkCoerce, mkSCC, mkInlineMe, applyTypeToArg
+ mkCoerce, mkSCC, mkInlineMe, applyTypeToArg,
+ dataConInstPat
import Rules ( lookupRule )
import BasicTypes ( isMarkedStrict )