-canDoGenerics :: TyCon -> Bool
+canDoGenerics :: TyCon -> Maybe SDoc
-- Called on source-code data types, to see if we should generate
-- generic functions for them.
+-- Nothing == yes
+-- Just s == no, because of `s`
canDoGenerics tycon
- = let result = not (any bad_con (tyConDataCons tycon)) -- See comment below
- -- We do not support datatypes with context (for now)
- && null (tyConStupidTheta tycon)
- -- We don't like type families
- && not (isFamilyTyCon tycon)
- in {- pprTrace "canDoGenerics" (ppr (tycon,result)) -} result
+ = mergeErrors (
+ -- We do not support datatypes with context
+ (if (not (null (tyConStupidTheta tycon)))
+ then (Just (ppr tycon <+> text "has a datatype context"))
+ else Nothing)
+ -- We don't like type families
+ : (if (isFamilyTyCon tycon)
+ then (Just (ppr tycon <+> text "is a family instance"))
+ else Nothing)
+ -- See comment below
+ : (map bad_con (tyConDataCons tycon)))
- bad_con dc = any bad_arg_type (dataConOrigArgTys dc) || not (isVanillaDataCon dc)
- -- If any of the constructor has an unboxed type as argument,
- -- then we can't build the embedding-projection pair, because
- -- it relies on instantiating *polymorphic* sum and product types
- -- at the argument types of the constructors
+ -- If any of the constructor has an unboxed type as argument,
+ -- then we can't build the embedding-projection pair, because
+ -- it relies on instantiating *polymorphic* sum and product types
+ -- at the argument types of the constructors
+ bad_con dc = if (any bad_arg_type (dataConOrigArgTys dc))
+ then (Just (ppr dc <+> text "has unlifted or polymorphic arguments"))
+ else (if (not (isVanillaDataCon dc))
+ then (Just (ppr dc <+> text "is not a vanilla data constructor"))
+ else Nothing)
-- Nor can we do the job if it's an existential data constructor,
-- Nor if the args are polymorphic types (I don't think)
bad_arg_type ty = isUnLiftedType ty || not (isTauTy ty)
+ mergeErrors :: [Maybe SDoc] -> Maybe SDoc
+ mergeErrors [] = Nothing
+ mergeErrors ((Just s):t) = case mergeErrors t of
+ Nothing -> Just s
+ Just s' -> Just (s $$ s')
+ mergeErrors (Nothing :t) = mergeErrors t