Coercion dataConToCoreDataCon : DataCon >-> CoreDataCon.
(*Opaque DataCon.*)
-Definition compare_datacons : forall tc, forall dc1 dc2:DataCon tc, bool.
- intros.
- destruct dc1.
- destruct dc2.
- exact (if eqd_dec cdc cdc0 then true else false).
- Defined.
-Axiom trust_compare_datacons : forall tc dc1 dc2, if compare_datacons tc dc1 dc2 then dc1=dc2 else not (dc1=dc2).
-Instance DataConEqDecidable : forall tc, EqDecidable (@DataCon tc).
- intros.
- apply Build_EqDecidable.
- intros.
- set (trust_compare_datacons _ v1 v2) as x.
- set (compare_datacons tc v1 v2) as y.
- assert (y=compare_datacons tc v1 v2). reflexivity.
- destruct y; rewrite <- H in x.
- left; auto.
- right; auto.
- Defined.
Definition tyConKind' tc := fold_right KindArrow ★ (tyConKind tc).
(* types prefixed with "Raw" are NOT binder-polymorphic; they have had their PHOAS parameter instantiated already *)