import Linker
import RtClosureInspect
-import PrelNames
import HscTypes
import IdInfo
--import Id
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import Name
-import NameEnv
-import RdrName
import UniqSupply
import Type
import TcType
-import TyCon
import TcGadt
import GHC
-import GhciMonad
import Outputable
import Pretty ( Mode(..), showDocWith )
-- | The :print & friends commands
-pprintClosureCommand :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> GHCi ()
-pprintClosureCommand bindThings force str = do
- cms <- getSession
+pprintClosureCommand :: Session -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> IO ()
+pprintClosureCommand session bindThings force str = do
tythings <- (catMaybes . concat) `liftM`
- mapM (\w -> io(GHC.parseName cms w >>=
- mapM (GHC.lookupName cms)))
+ mapM (\w -> GHC.parseName session w >>=
+ mapM (GHC.lookupName session))
(words str)
- substs <- catMaybes `liftM` mapM (io . go cms)
+ substs <- catMaybes `liftM` mapM (go session)
[id | AnId id <- tythings]
- mapM (io . applySubstToEnv cms . skolemSubst) substs
+ mapM (applySubstToEnv session . skolemSubst) substs
return ()
import GhciMonad
import GhciTags
+import Debugger
-- The GHC interface
import qualified GHC
import GHC ( Session, LoadHowMuch(..), Target(..), TargetId(..),
Type, Module, ModuleName, TyThing(..), Phase,
BreakIndex, Name, SrcSpan )
-import Debugger
import DynFlags
import Packages
import PackageConfig
("e", keepGoing editFile, False, completeFilename),
("edit", keepGoing editFile, False, completeFilename),
("etags", keepGoing createETagsFileCmd, False, completeFilename),
- ("force", keepGoing (pprintClosureCommand False True), False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("force", keepGoing forceCmd, False, completeIdentifier),
("help", keepGoing help, False, completeNone),
("info", keepGoing info, False, completeIdentifier),
("kind", keepGoing kindOfType, False, completeIdentifier),
("list", keepGoing listCmd, False, completeNone),
("module", keepGoing setContext, False, completeModule),
("main", keepGoing runMain, False, completeIdentifier),
- ("print", keepGoing (pprintClosureCommand True False), False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("print", keepGoing printCmd, False, completeIdentifier),
("quit", quit, False, completeNone),
("reload", keepGoing reloadModule, False, completeNone),
("set", keepGoing setCmd, True, completeSetOptions),
("show", keepGoing showCmd, False, completeNone),
- ("sprint", keepGoing (pprintClosureCommand False False),False, completeIdentifier),
+ ("sprint", keepGoing sprintCmd, False, completeIdentifier),
("step", stepCmd, False, completeIdentifier),
("type", keepGoing typeOfExpr, False, completeIdentifier),
("undef", keepGoing undefineMacro, False, completeMacro),
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- commands for debugger
+sprintCmd = pprintCommand False False
+printCmd = pprintCommand True False
+forceCmd = pprintCommand False True
+pprintCommand bind force str = do
+ session <- getSession
+ io $ pprintClosureCommand session bind force str
foreign import ccall "rts_setStepFlag" setStepFlag :: IO ()
stepCmd :: String -> GHCi Bool