--- /dev/null
+(* HaskProofToStrong: convert HaskProof to HaskStrong *)
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Require Import Preamble.
+Require Import General.
+Require Import NaturalDeduction.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Init.Specif.
+Require Import HaskKinds.
+Require Import HaskStrongTypes.
+Require Import HaskStrong.
+Require Import HaskProof.
+Section HaskProofToStrong.
+ Context
+ {VV:Type}
+ {eqdec_vv:EqDecidable VV}
+ {fresh: forall (l:list VV), { lf:VV & distinct (lf::l) }}.
+ Definition Exprs (Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ)(ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ)(τ:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ)) :=
+ ITree _ (fun τ => Expr Γ Δ ξ τ) τ.
+ Definition judg2exprType (j:Judg) : Type :=
+ match j with
+ (Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ) => { ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ & Exprs Γ Δ ξ τ }
+ end.
+ (* reminder: need to pass around uniq-supplies *)
+ Definition rule2expr
+ : forall h j
+ (r:Rule h [j]),
+ ITree _ judg2exprType h ->
+ judg2exprType j.
+ intros.
+ destruct j.
+ refine (match r as R in Rule H C return C=[Γ > Δ > t |- t0] -> _ with
+ | RURule a b c d e => let case_RURule := tt in _
+ | RNote x n z => let case_RNote := tt in _
+ | RLit Γ Δ l _ => let case_RLit := tt in _
+ | RVar Γ Δ σ p => let case_RVar := tt in _
+ | RLam Γ Δ Σ tx te p x => let case_RLam := tt in _
+ | RCast Γ Δ Σ σ τ γ p x => let case_RCast := tt in _
+ | RAbsT Γ Δ Σ κ σ a => let case_RAbsT := tt in _
+ | RAppT Γ Δ Σ κ σ τ p y => let case_RAppT := tt in _
+ | RAppCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ₁ σ₂ σ γ p => let case_RAppCo := tt in _
+ | RAbsCo Γ Δ Σ κ σ cc σ₁ σ₂ p y => let case_RAbsCo := tt in _
+ | RApp Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ tx te p => let case_RApp := tt in _
+ | RLet Γ Δ Σ₁ Σ₂ σ₁ σ₂ p => let case_RLet := tt in _
+ | RLetRec Γ p lri x y => let case_RLetRec := tt in _
+ | RBindingGroup Γ p lri m x q => let case_RBindingGroup := tt in _
+ | REmptyGroup _ _ => let case_REmptyGroup := tt in _
+ | RCase Σ Γ T κlen κ θ ldcd τ => let case_RCase := tt in _
+ | RBrak Σ a b c n m => let case_RBrak := tt in _
+ | REsc Σ a b c n m => let case_REsc := tt in _
+ end (refl_equal _) ); intros.
+ destruct case_RURule.
+ destruct d; [ destruct o | idtac ]; inversion H; subst.
+ clear H.
+ destruct u.
+ refine (match e as R in URule H C return C=[a >> b > t1 |- t2] -> _ with
+ | RLeft h c ctx r => let case_RLeft := tt in _
+ | RRight h c ctx r => let case_RRight := tt in _
+ | RCanL t a => let case_RCanL := tt in _
+ | RCanR t a => let case_RCanR := tt in _
+ | RuCanL t a => let case_RuCanL := tt in _
+ | RuCanR t a => let case_RuCanR := tt in _
+ | RAssoc t a b c => let case_RAssoc := tt in _
+ | RCossa t a b c => let case_RCossa := tt in _
+ | RExch t a b => let case_RExch := tt in _
+ | RWeak t a => let case_RWeak := tt in _
+ | RCont t a => let case_RCont := tt in _
+ end (refl_equal _) ); intros.
+ destruct case_RCanL. admit.
+ destruct case_RCanR. admit.
+ destruct case_RuCanL. admit.
+ destruct case_RuCanR. admit.
+ destruct case_RAssoc. admit.
+ destruct case_RCossa. admit.
+ destruct case_RLeft. admit.
+ destruct case_RRight. admit.
+ destruct case_RExch. admit.
+ destruct case_RWeak. admit.
+ destruct case_RCont. admit.
+ destruct case_RBrak. admit.
+ destruct case_REsc. admit.
+ destruct case_RNote. admit.
+ destruct case_RLit. admit.
+ destruct case_RVar. admit.
+ destruct case_RLam. admit.
+ destruct case_RCast. admit.
+ destruct case_RBindingGroup. admit.
+ destruct case_RApp. admit.
+ destruct case_RLet. admit.
+ destruct case_REmptyGroup. admit.
+ destruct case_RAppT. admit.
+ destruct case_RAbsT. admit.
+ destruct case_RAppCo. admit.
+ destruct case_RAbsCo. admit.
+ destruct case_RLetRec. admit.
+ destruct case_RCase. admit.
+ Defined.
+ Definition closed2expr : forall c (pn:@ClosedND _ Rule c), ITree _ judg2exprType c.
+ refine ((
+ fix closed2expr' j (pn:@ClosedND _ Rule j) {struct pn} : ITree _ judg2exprType j :=
+ match pn in @ClosedND _ _ J return ITree _ judg2exprType J with
+ | cnd_weak => let case_nil := tt in _
+ | cnd_rule h c cnd' r => let case_rule := tt in (fun rest => _) (closed2expr' _ cnd')
+ | cnd_branch _ _ c1 c2 => let case_branch := tt in (fun rest1 rest2 => _) (closed2expr' _ c1) (closed2expr' _ c2)
+ end)); clear closed2expr'; intros; subst.
+ destruct case_nil.
+ apply INone.
+ destruct case_rule.
+ set (@rule2expr h) as q.
+ destruct c.
+ destruct o.
+ apply ILeaf.
+ eapply rule2expr.
+ apply r.
+ apply rest.
+ apply no_rules_with_empty_conclusion in r.
+ inversion r.
+ auto.
+ simpl.
+ apply systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion in r.
+ inversion r.
+ destruct case_branch.
+ apply IBranch.
+ apply rest1.
+ apply rest2.
+ Defined.
+ Definition proof2expr Γ Δ τ Σ : ND Rule [] [Γ > Δ > Σ |- [τ]] -> { ξ:VV -> LeveledHaskType Γ & Expr Γ Δ ξ τ }.
+ intro pf.
+ set (closedFromSCND _ _ (mkSCND systemfc_all_rules_one_conclusion _ _ _ pf (scnd_weak [])) cnd_weak) as cnd.
+ apply closed2expr in cnd.
+ inversion cnd; subst.
+ simpl in X.
+ clear cnd pf.
+ destruct X.
+ exists x.
+ inversion e.
+ subst.
+ apply X.
+ Defined.
+End HaskProofToStrong.