Add finder, summariser, part of CM, to repo.
module CmFind ( Path, ModName, PkgName,
- ModLocation(..), Finder, newFinder )
+ ModLocation(..), ml_modname, isPackageLoc,
+ Finder, newFinder )
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import IO ( hPutStr, stderr )
+import List ( maximumBy )
+import Maybe ( catMaybes )
+import Char ( isUpper )
+import List ( nub )
+import Time ( ClockTime )
+import Directory ( doesFileExist, getModificationTime,
+ getDirectoryContents)
import Module ( Module )
-import CmStaticInfo ( PCI )
+import CmStaticInfo ( PCI, Package(..) )
-type Path = String
+type Path = String
type ModName = String
type PkgName = String
data ModLocation
- = SourceOnly Module Path -- .hs
- | ObjectCode Module Path Path -- .o, .hi
- | InPackage Module PkgName
+ = SourceOnly ModName Path -- .hs
+ | ObjectCode ModName Path Path -- .o, .hi
+ | InPackage ModName PkgName
+ | NotFound
+ deriving Show
type Finder = ModName -> IO ModLocation
+ml_modname (SourceOnly nm _) = nm
+ml_modname (ObjectCode nm _ _) = nm
+ml_modname (InPackage nm _) = nm
+isPackageLoc (InPackage _ _) = True
+isPackageLoc _ = False
+mkFinder :: [(ModName,PkgName,Path)] -> [Path] -> Finder
+mkFinder pkg_ifaces home_dirs modnm
+ = do found <- mkFinderX pkg_ifaces home_dirs modnm
+ putStrLn ("FINDER pkginfo\n" ++ unlines (map show pkg_ifaces) ++ "\n")
+ putStrLn ("FINDER: request = " ++ modnm ++ "\n" ++
+ "FINDER: response = " ++ show found)
+ return found
+mkFinderX :: [(ModName,PkgName,Path)] -> [Path] -> Finder
+mkFinderX pkg_ifaces home_dirs modnm
+ -- If the module exists both as package and home, emit a warning
+ -- and (arbitrarily) choose the user's one.
+ = do home_maybe_found <- mapM (homeModuleExists modnm) home_dirs
+ :: IO [Maybe (ModLocation, ClockTime)]
+ case (in_package, catMaybes home_maybe_found) of
+ ([], [])
+ -> return NotFound
+ ([], locs_n_times@(_:_))
+ -> return (homeMod locs_n_times)
+ ((pkgname,path):_, [])
+ -> return (InPackage modnm pkgname)
+ (packages, locs_n_times)
+ -> do hPutStr stderr ( "GHCI: warning: module `" ++ modnm ++
+ "' appears as both a home and package module\n")
+ return (homeMod locs_n_times)
+ where
+ in_package
+ = [(pkgname,path) | (modname,pkgname,path) <- pkg_ifaces,
+ modname == modnm]
+ homeMod :: [(ModLocation, ClockTime)] -> ModLocation
+ homeMod locs_n_times
+ = fst (maximumBy (\lt1 lt2 -> if snd lt1 > snd lt2 then lt1 else lt2)
+ locs_n_times)
+-- See if a .hs or (.hi, .o) pair exist on the given path,
+-- and return a ModLocation for whichever is younger
+homeModuleExists :: ModName -> Path -> IO (Maybe (ModLocation, ClockTime))
+homeModuleExists modname path
+ = do m_ths <- maybeTime nm_hs
+ m_thi <- maybeTime nm_hi
+ m_to <- maybeTime nm_o
+ return (
+ case (m_ths, m_thi, m_to) of
+ (Just ths, Just thi, Just to)
+ | thi >= ths && to >= ths -> object thi to
+ | otherwise -> source ths
+ (Just ths, _, _) -> source ths
+ (Nothing, Just thi, Just to) -> object thi to
+ (Nothing, _, _) -> Nothing
+ )
+ where
+ object thi to = Just (ObjectCode modname nm_o nm_hi, max thi to)
+ source ths = Just (SourceOnly modname nm_hs, ths)
+ nm = path ++ "/" ++ modname
+ nm_hs = nm ++ ".hs"
+ nm_hi = nm ++ ".hi"
+ nm_o = nm ++ ".o"
+ maybeTime :: String -> IO (Maybe ClockTime)
+ maybeTime f
+ = do putStrLn ("maybeTime: " ++ f)
+ exists <- doesFileExist f
+ if not exists
+ then do putStrLn " ... no"
+ return Nothing
+ else do tm <- getModificationTime f
+ putStrLn (" ... " ++ show tm)
+ return (Just tm)
newFinder :: PCI -> IO Finder
-newFinder pci = return (error "newFinder:unimp")
+newFinder pci
+ -- PCI is a list of packages and their names
+ = do
+ -- the list of directories where package interfaces are
+ let p_i_dirs :: [(PkgName,Path)]
+ p_i_dirs = concatMap nm_and_paths pci
+ -- interface names in each directory
+ ifacess <- mapM ifaces_in_dir p_i_dirs
+ let ifaces :: [(ModName,PkgName,Path)]
+ ifaces = concat ifacess
+ -- ToDo: allow a range of home package directories
+ return (mkFinder ifaces ["."])
+ where
+ nm_and_paths :: Package -> [(PkgName,Path)]
+ nm_and_paths package
+ = [(name package, path) | path <- nub (import_dirs package)]
+ ifaces_in_dir :: (PkgName,Path) -> IO [(ModName,PkgName,Path)]
+ ifaces_in_dir (pkgname,path)
+ = getDirectoryContents path >>= \ entries ->
+ return [(zap_hi if_nm, pkgname, path)
+ | if_nm <- entries, looks_like_iface_name if_nm]
+ looks_like_iface_name e
+ = not (null e) && isUpper (head e)
+ && take 3 (reverse e) == "ih."
+ zap_hi
+ = reverse . drop 3 . reverse
\section[CmStaticInfo]{Session-static info for the Compilation Manager}
-module CmStaticInfo ( FLAGS, PCI,
+module CmStaticInfo ( FLAGS, Package(..), PCI,
mkSI, SI -- abstract
type FLAGS = [String] -- or some such fiction
-type PCI = [PkgConfig]
-data PkgConfig = PkgConfig -- add details here
+type PCI = [Package]
+-- copied from the driver
+data Package
+ = Package {
+ name :: String,
+ import_dirs :: [String],
+ library_dirs :: [String],
+ hs_libraries :: [String],
+ extra_libraries :: [String],
+ include_dirs :: [String],
+ c_includes :: [String],
+ package_deps :: [String],
+ extra_ghc_opts :: [String],
+ extra_cc_opts :: [String],
+ extra_ld_opts :: [String]
+ }
+ deriving (Read, Show)
\section[CmSummarise]{Module summariser for GHCI}
-module CmSummarise ( ModImport(..), ModSummary(..), summarise )
+module CmSummarise ( ModImport(..), mi_name,
+ ModSummary(..), summarise )
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Char ( ord, isAlphaNum )
import CmFind ( ModName, ModLocation(..) )
+import Outputable ( pprPanic, text )
data ModSummary
- = ModSummary ModLocation -- location and kind
- (Maybe (String, Fingerprint)) -- source and sig if .hs
- (Maybe [ModImport]) -- imports if .hs or .hi
+ = ModSummary {
+ ms_loc :: ModLocation, -- location and kind
+ ms_source :: (Maybe (String, Fingerprint)), -- source and sig if .hs
+ ms_imports :: (Maybe [ModImport]) -- imports if .hs or .hi
+ }
+ deriving Show
data ModImport
= MINormal ModName | MISource ModName
- deriving Eq
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+mi_name (MINormal nm) = nm
+mi_name (MISource nm) = nm
type Fingerprint = Int
-> readFile hiPath >>= \ hisrc ->
let imps = getImports hisrc
in return (ModSummary loc Nothing (Just imps))
+ NotFound
+ -> pprPanic "summarise:NotFound" (text (show loc))
fingerprint :: String -> Int
fingerprint s
module CompManager ( cmInit, cmLoadModule,
cmGetExpr, cmRunExpr,
- CmState -- abstract
+ CmState, emptyCmState -- abstract
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import List ( nub )
+import Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Outputable ( SDoc )
import FiniteMap ( emptyFM )
import CmStaticInfo ( FLAGS, PCI, SI, mkSI )
-import CmFind ( Finder, newFinder, ModName )
-import CmSummarise ( )
+import CmFind ( Finder, newFinder,
+ ModName, ml_modname, isPackageLoc )
+import CmSummarise ( summarise, ModSummary(..), mi_name )
import CmCompile ( PCS, emptyPCS, HST, HIT )
import CmLink ( PLS, emptyPLS, HValue, Linkable )
cmInit flags pkginfo
= emptyCmState flags pkginfo
-cmLoadModule :: CmState
- -> ModName
- -> IO (CmState, Either [SDoc] ModHandle)
-cmLoadModule cmstate modname
- = return (error "cmLoadModule:unimp")
cmGetExpr :: CmState
-> ModHandle
-> String
-- Persistent state just for CM, excluding link & compile subsystems
data PCMS
- = PCMS HST -- home symbol table
- HIT -- home interface table
- UI -- the unlinked images
- MG -- the module graph
+ = PCMS {
+ hst :: HST, -- home symbol table
+ hit :: HIT, -- home interface table
+ ui :: UI, -- the unlinked images
+ mg :: MG -- the module graph
+ }
emptyPCMS :: PCMS
-emptyPCMS = PCMS emptyHST emptyHIT emptyUI emptyMG
+emptyPCMS = PCMS { hst = emptyHST,
+ hit = emptyHIT,
+ ui = emptyUI,
+ mg = emptyMG }
emptyHIT :: HIT
emptyHIT = emptyFM
-- Persistent state for the entire system
data CmState
- = CmState PCMS -- CM's persistent state
- PCS -- compile's persistent state
- PLS -- link's persistent state
- SI -- static info, never changes
- Finder -- the module finder
+ = CmState {
+ pcms :: PCMS, -- CM's persistent state
+ pcs :: PCS, -- compile's persistent state
+ pls :: PLS, -- link's persistent state
+ si :: SI, -- static info, never changes
+ finder :: Finder -- the module finder
+ }
emptyCmState :: FLAGS -> PCI -> IO CmState
emptyCmState flags pci
pls <- emptyPLS
let si = mkSI flags pci
finder <- newFinder pci
- return (CmState pcms pcs pls si finder)
+ return (CmState { pcms = pcms,
+ pcs = pcs,
+ pls = pls,
+ si = si,
+ finder = finder })
-- CM internal types
type UI = [Linkable] -- the unlinked images (should be a set, really)
emptyUI = []
-data MG = MG -- the module graph
+type MG = [[ModSummary]] -- the module graph
emptyMG :: MG
-emptyMG = MG
+emptyMG = []
+The real business of the compilation manager: given a system state and
+a module name, try and bring the module up to date, probably changing
+the system state at the same time.
+cmLoadModule :: CmState
+ -> ModName
+ -> IO (CmState, Either [SDoc] ModHandle)
+cmLoadModule cmstate modname
+ = do putStr "cmLoadModule: downsweep begins\n"
+ let find = finder cmstate
+ mgNew <- downsweep modname find
+ putStrLn ( "after chasing:\n\n" ++ unlines (map show mgNew))
+ return (error "cmLoadModule:unimp")
+downsweep :: ModName -- module to chase from
+ -> Finder
+ -> IO [ModSummary]
+downsweep rootNm finder
+ = do rootLoc <- getSummary rootNm
+ loop [rootLoc]
+ where
+ getSummary :: ModName -> IO ModSummary
+ getSummary nm
+ = do loc <- finder nm
+ summary <- summarise loc
+ return summary
+ -- loop invariant: homeSummaries doesn't contain package modules
+ loop :: [ModSummary] -> IO [ModSummary]
+ loop homeSummaries
+ = do let allImps -- all imports
+ = (nub . map mi_name . concat . catMaybes . map ms_imports)
+ homeSummaries
+ let allHome -- all modules currently in homeSummaries
+ = map (ml_modname.ms_loc) homeSummaries
+ let neededImps
+ = filter (`notElem` allHome) allImps
+ neededSummaries
+ <- mapM getSummary neededImps
+ let newHomeSummaries
+ = filter (not.isPackageLoc.ms_loc) neededSummaries
+ if null newHomeSummaries
+ then return homeSummaries
+ else loop (newHomeSummaries ++ homeSummaries)