The parser/flattener will generate an extra block after an if/else
statement even if both branches exit the function. So it is possible
for the input to the CPS pass to have dead/unreachable blocks.
If a dead block goes to a live block then the live block would
have more parents than the dead block and prior to this patch
the live block would then be identified as a proc point.
This is fixed by adding a check to see if the parent
has at least one owner.
parent_owners = lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet parent_id
child_owners = lookupWithDefaultUFM owners emptyUniqSet child_id
- needs_proc_point = not $ isEmptyUniqSet $
- child_owners `minusUniqSet` parent_owners
+ needs_proc_point =
+ -- only if parent isn't dead
+ (not $ isEmptyUniqSet parent_owners) &&
+ -- and only if child has more owners than parent
+ (not $ isEmptyUniqSet $
+ child_owners `minusUniqSet` parent_owners)
calculateOwnership :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock
-> UniqSet BlockId