import TysWiredIn ( charTy, mkListTy )
import PrelRules ( primOpRules )
import Type ( TyThing(..), mkForAllTy, tyVarsOfTypes, newTyConInstRhs, coreEqType,
+ PredType(..),
mkTopTvSubst, substTyVar )
import Coercion ( mkSymCoercion, mkUnsafeCoercion,
splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe, isEqPred )
mk_alt data_con
= -- In the non-vanilla case, the pattern must bind type variables and
-- the context stuff; hence the arg_prefix binding below
- pprTrace "mkReboxingAlt" (ppr data_con <+> ppr (arg_prefix ++ arg_ids)) $ mkReboxingAlt uniqs data_con (arg_prefix ++ arg_ids) (Var the_arg_id)
+ mkReboxingAlt uniqs data_con (arg_prefix ++ arg_ids) (Var the_arg_id)
(arg_prefix, arg_ids)
| isVanillaDataCon data_con -- Instantiate from commmon base
(pre_dc_tvs, pre_dc_theta, dc_arg_tys) = dataConSig data_con
-- again we need to pull the EqPreds out of dc_theta, into dc_tvs
- dc_eqvars = map (mkWildCoVar . mkPredTy) (filter isEqPred pre_dc_theta)
+ dc_eqvars = map (mkWildCoVar . mkPredTy . fixEqPred) (filter isEqPred pre_dc_theta)
+ -- The type of the record selector Id does not contain the univ tvs
+ -- but rather their substitution according to the eq_spec. Therefore
+ -- the coercion arguments bound in the case alternative will just
+ -- have reflexive coercion kinds
+ fixEqPred (EqPred ty1 ty2) = EqPred ty2 ty2
dc_tvs = drop (length (dataConUnivTyVars data_con)) pre_dc_tvs ++ dc_eqvars
dc_theta = filter (not . isEqPred) pre_dc_theta
arg_base' = arg_base + length dc_theta
primRepHint DoubleRep = FloatHint
idCgRep :: Id -> CgRep
-idCgRep = typeCgRep . idType
+idCgRep x = typeCgRep . idType $ x
tyConCgRep :: TyCon -> CgRep
tyConCgRep = primRepToCgRep . tyConPrimRep
typeCgRep :: Type -> CgRep
-typeCgRep = primRepToCgRep . typePrimRep
+typeCgRep = primRepToCgRep . typePrimRep
typeHint :: Type -> MachHint
typeHint = primRepHint . typePrimRep
-- NB: args must be in scope here so that the lintCoreArgs line works.
-- NB: relies on existential type args coming *after* ordinary type args
- ; con_result_ty <-
- lintCoreArgs (dataConRepType con)
+ ; con_result_ty <- lintCoreArgs (dataConRepType con)
(map Type tycon_arg_tys ++ varsToCoreExprs args)
; checkTys con_result_ty scrut_ty (mkBadPatMsg con_result_ty scrut_ty)