check (HsOpTy t1 (L _ tc) t2) args | isRdrTc tc = done tc (t1:t2:args)
check (HsAppTy l r) args = check (unLoc l) (r:args)
check (HsParTy t) args = check (unLoc t) args
- check _ _ = parseError spn "Malformed instance header"
+ check _ _ = parseErrorSDoc spn (text "Malformed instance header:" <+> ppr ty)
done tc args = return (L spn (HsPredTy (HsClassP tc args)))
| isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (KindedTyVar tv k))
chk (L l (HsTyVar tv))
| isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (UserTyVar tv placeHolderKind))
- chk (L l _) =
- parseError l "Type found where type variable expected"
+ chk t@(L l _) =
+ parseErrorSDoc l (text "Type found:" <+> ppr t
+ $$ text "where type variable expected, in:" <+>
+ sep (map (pprParendHsType . unLoc) tparms))
checkDatatypeContext :: Maybe (LHsContext RdrName) -> P ()
checkDatatypeContext Nothing = return ()
-checkDatatypeContext (Just (L loc _))
+checkDatatypeContext (Just (L loc c))
= do allowed <- extension datatypeContextsEnabled
unless allowed $
- parseError loc "Illegal datatype context (use -XDatatypeContexts)"
+ parseErrorSDoc loc
+ (text "Illegal datatype context (use -XDatatypeContexts):" <+>
+ pprHsContext c)
checkTyClHdr :: LHsType RdrName
-> P (Located RdrName, -- the head symbol (type or class name)
| isRdrTc tc = return (ltc, t1:t2:acc)
go _ (HsParTy ty) acc = goL ty acc
go _ (HsAppTy t1 t2) acc = goL t1 (t2:acc)
- go l _ _ = parseError l "Malformed head of type or class declaration"
+ go l _ _ = parseErrorSDoc l (text "Malformed head of type or class declaration:" <+> ppr ty)
-- Check that associated type declarations of a class are all kind signatures.
| isFamilyDecl tydecl
|| isSynDecl tydecl = return ()
| otherwise =
- parseError l "Type declaration in a class must be a kind signature or synonym default"
+ parseErrorSDoc l (text "Type declaration in a class must be a kind signature or synonym default:" $$ ppr tydecl)
checkContext :: LHsType RdrName -> P (LHsContext RdrName)
checkContext (L l t)
check _loc (HsAppTy l r) args = checkl l (r:args)
check _loc (HsOpTy l (L loc tc) r) args = check loc (HsTyVar tc) (l:r:args)
check _loc (HsParTy t) args = checkl t args
- check loc _ _ = parseError loc
- "malformed class assertion"
+ check loc _ _ = parseErrorSDoc loc
+ (text "malformed class assertion:" <+> ppr ty)
-- Checking statements in a do-expression
checkMDo = checkDoMDo "an " "'mdo'"
checkDoMDo :: String -> String -> SrcSpan -> [LStmt RdrName] -> P ([LStmt RdrName], LHsExpr RdrName)
-checkDoMDo _ nm loc [] = parseError loc ("Empty " ++ nm ++ " construct")
+checkDoMDo _ nm loc [] = parseErrorSDoc loc (text ("Empty " ++ nm ++ " construct"))
checkDoMDo pre nm _ ss = do
check ss
check [] = panic "RdrHsSyn:checkDoMDo"
check [L _ (ExprStmt e _ _)] = return ([], e)
- check [L l _] = parseError l ("The last statement in " ++ pre ++ nm ++
- " construct must be an expression")
+ check [L l e] = parseErrorSDoc l
+ (text ("The last statement in " ++ pre ++ nm ++
+ " construct must be an expression:")
+ $$ ppr e)
check (s:ss) = do
(ss',e') <- check ss
return ((s:ss'),e')
= do { pState <- getPState
; p <- checkAPat (dflags pState) loc e
; return (L loc p) }
-checkPat loc _ _
- = patFail loc
+checkPat loc e _
+ = patFail loc (unLoc e)
checkAPat :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P (Pat RdrName)
-checkAPat dynflags loc e = case e of
+checkAPat dynflags loc e0 = case e0 of
EWildPat -> return (WildPat placeHolderType)
HsVar x -> return (VarPat x)
HsLit l -> return (LitPat l)
| bang == bang_RDR
-> do { bang_on <- extension bangPatEnabled
; if bang_on then checkLPat e >>= (return . BangPat)
- else parseError loc "Illegal bang-pattern (use -XBangPatterns)" }
+ else parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal bang-pattern (use -XBangPatterns):" $$ ppr e0) }
ELazyPat e -> checkLPat e >>= (return . LazyPat)
EAsPat n e -> checkLPat e >>= (return . AsPat n)
case op of
L cl (HsVar c) | isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc c)
-> return (ConPatIn (L cl c) (InfixCon l r))
- _ -> patFail loc
+ _ -> patFail loc e0
HsPar e -> checkLPat e >>= (return . ParPat)
ExplicitList _ es -> do ps <- mapM checkLPat es
ExplicitTuple es b
| all tupArgPresent es -> do ps <- mapM checkLPat [e | Present e <- es]
return (TuplePat ps b placeHolderType)
- | otherwise -> parseError loc "Illegal tuple section in pattern"
+ | otherwise -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal tuple section in pattern:" $$ ppr e0)
RecordCon c _ (HsRecFields fs dd)
-> do fs <- mapM checkPatField fs
HsQuasiQuoteE q -> return (QuasiQuotePat q)
-- Generics
HsType ty -> return (TypePat ty)
- _ -> patFail loc
+ _ -> patFail loc e0
placeHolderPunRhs :: LHsExpr RdrName
-- The RHS of a punned record field will be filled in by the renamer
checkPatField fld = do { p <- checkLPat (hsRecFieldArg fld)
; return (fld { hsRecFieldArg = p }) }
-patFail :: SrcSpan -> P a
-patFail loc = parseError loc "Parse error in pattern"
+patFail :: SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P a
+patFail loc e = parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Parse error in pattern:" <+> ppr e)
checkPrecP :: Located Int -> P Int
checkPrecP (L l i)
| 0 <= i && i <= maxPrecedence = return i
- | otherwise = parseError l "Precedence out of range"
+ | otherwise
+ = parseErrorSDoc l (text ("Precedence out of range: " ++ show i))
:: LHsExpr RdrName
mkRecConstrOrUpdate (L l (HsVar c)) _ (fs,dd) | isRdrDataCon c
= return (RecordCon (L l c) noPostTcExpr (mk_rec_fields fs dd))
mkRecConstrOrUpdate exp loc (fs,dd)
- | null fs = parseError loc "Empty record update"
+ | null fs = parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Empty record update of:" <+> ppr exp)
| otherwise = return (RecordUpd exp (mk_rec_fields fs dd) [] [] [])
mk_rec_fields :: [HsRecField id arg] -> Bool -> HsRecFields id arg
| otherwise = do
case parseCImport cconv safety (mkExtName (unLoc v)) (unpackFS entity) of
- Nothing -> parseError loc "Malformed entity string"
+ Nothing -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Malformed entity string")
Just importSpec -> return (ForD (ForeignImport v ty importSpec))
-- the string "foo" is ambigous: either a header or a C identifier. The