sequenceTop :: NatCmmTop -> NatCmmTop
sequenceTop top@(CmmData _ _) = top
sequenceTop (CmmProc info lbl params blocks) =
- CmmProc info lbl params (sequenceBlocks blocks)
+ CmmProc info lbl params (makeFarBranches $ sequenceBlocks blocks)
-- The algorithm is very simple (and stupid): we make a graph out of
-- the blocks where there is an edge from one block to another iff the
| id == id' = (True, (block,id,out) : reverse accum ++ rest)
| otherwise = reorder id (b:accum) rest
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Making far branches
+-- Conditional branches on PowerPC are limited to +-32KB; if our Procs get too
+-- big, we have to work around this limitation.
+makeFarBranches :: [NatBasicBlock] -> [NatBasicBlock]
+#if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
+makeFarBranches blocks
+ | last blockAddresses < nearLimit = blocks
+ | otherwise = zipWith handleBlock blockAddresses blocks
+ where
+ blockAddresses = scanl (+) 0 $ map blockLen blocks
+ blockLen (BasicBlock _ instrs) = length instrs
+ handleBlock addr (BasicBlock id instrs)
+ = BasicBlock id (zipWith makeFar [addr..] instrs)
+ makeFar addr (BCC ALWAYS tgt) = BCC ALWAYS tgt
+ makeFar addr (BCC cond tgt)
+ | abs (addr - targetAddr) >= nearLimit
+ = BCCFAR cond tgt
+ | otherwise
+ = BCC cond tgt
+ where Just targetAddr = lookupUFM blockAddressMap tgt
+ makeFar addr other = other
+ nearLimit = 7000 -- 8192 instructions are allowed; let's keep some
+ -- distance, as we have a few pseudo-insns that are
+ -- pretty-printed as multiple instructions,
+ -- and it's just not worth the effort to calculate
+ -- things exactly
+ blockAddressMap = listToUFM $ zip (map blockId blocks) blockAddresses
+makeFarBranches = id
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Instruction selection
-- * Machine instructions
Cond(..), condUnsigned, condToSigned, condToUnsigned,
+#if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
+ condNegate,
#if !powerpc_TARGET_ARCH && !i386_TARGET_ARCH && !x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
Size(..), machRepSize,
condToUnsigned LE = LEU
condToUnsigned x = x
+#if powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
+condNegate ALWAYS = panic "condNegate: ALWAYS"
+condNegate EQQ = NE
+condNegate GE = LTT
+condNegate GEU = LU
+condNegate GTT = LE
+condNegate GU = LEU
+condNegate LE = GTT
+condNegate LEU = GU
+condNegate LTT = GE
+condNegate LU = GEU
+condNegate NE = EQQ
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Sizes on this architecture
| CMPL MachRep Reg RI --- size, src1, src2
| BCC Cond BlockId
+ | BCCFAR Cond BlockId
| JMP CLabel -- same as branch,
-- but with CLabel instead of block ID
where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel id
+pprInstr (BCCFAR cond (BlockId id)) = vcat [
+ hcat [
+ ptext SLIT("\tb"),
+ pprCond (condNegate cond),
+ ptext SLIT("\t$+8")
+ ],
+ hcat [
+ ptext SLIT("\tb\t"),
+ pprCLabel_asm lbl
+ ]
+ ]
+ where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel id
pprInstr (JMP lbl) = hcat [ -- an alias for b that takes a CLabel
char '\t',
ptext SLIT("b"),
CMP sz reg ri -> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
CMPL sz reg ri -> usage (reg : regRI ri,[])
BCC cond lbl -> noUsage
+ BCCFAR cond lbl -> noUsage
MTCTR reg -> usage ([reg],[])
BCTR targets -> noUsage
BL imm params -> usage (params, callClobberedRegs)
JMP_TBL _ ids -> ids ++ acc
#elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
BCC _ id -> id : acc
+ BCCFAR _ id -> id : acc
BCTR targets -> targets ++ acc
_other -> acc
JMP_TBL op ids -> error "Cannot patch JMP_TBL"
#elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
BCC cc id | id == old -> BCC cc new
+ BCCFAR cc id | id == old -> BCCFAR cc new
BCTR targets -> error "Cannot patch BCTR"
_other -> insn
CMP sz reg ri -> CMP sz (env reg) (fixRI ri)
CMPL sz reg ri -> CMPL sz (env reg) (fixRI ri)
BCC cond lbl -> BCC cond lbl
+ BCCFAR cond lbl -> BCCFAR cond lbl
MTCTR reg -> MTCTR (env reg)
BCTR targets -> BCTR targets
BL imm argRegs -> BL imm argRegs -- argument regs