mkFunTy, -- :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
applyTy, -- :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Maybe TypeRep
- --
- -- let fTy = mkTyCon "Foo" in show (mkAppTy (mkTyCon ",,")
- -- [fTy,fTy,fTy])
- --
- -- returns "(Foo,Foo,Foo)"
- --
- -- The TypeRep Show instance promises to print tuple types
- -- correctly. Tuple type constructors are specified by a
- -- sequence of commas, e.g., (mkTyCon ",,,,") returns
- -- the 5-tuple tycon.
+ -- * Types as values
+ TypeVal, -- view type "a" as "a -> ()"
+ typeVal, -- :: TypeVal a
+ typeValOf, -- :: a -> TypeVal a
+ undefinedType, -- :: TypeVal a -> a
+ withType, -- :: a -> TypeVal a -> a
+ argType, -- :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal a
+ resType, -- :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal b
+ TypeFun -- functions on types
) where
import qualified Data.HashTable as HT
-import Data.Types
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Int
-- | A concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type. 'TypeRep'
-- supports reasonably efficient equality.
data TypeRep = TypeRep !Key TyCon [TypeRep]
+ --
+ -- let fTy = mkTyCon "Foo" in show (mkAppTy (mkTyCon ",,")
+ -- [fTy,fTy,fTy])
+ --
+ -- returns "(Foo,Foo,Foo)"
+ --
+ -- The TypeRep Show instance promises to print tuple types
+ -- correctly. Tuple type constructors are specified by a
+ -- sequence of commas, e.g., (mkTyCon ",,,,") returns
+ -- the 5-tuple tycon.
----------------- Construction --------------------
(typeOf ((undefined :: (a -> b) -> b) f))
+-- Types as values
+This group provides a style of encoding types as values and using
+them. This style is seen as an alternative to the pragmatic style used
+in Data.Typeable.typeOf and elsewhere, i.e., simply use an "undefined"
+to denote a type argument. This pragmatic style suffers from lack
+of robustness: one feels tempted to pattern match on undefineds.
+Maybe Data.Typeable.typeOf etc. should be rewritten accordingly.
+-- | Type as values to stipulate use of undefineds
+type TypeVal a = a -> ()
+-- | The value that denotes a type
+typeVal :: TypeVal a
+typeVal = const ()
+-- | Map a value to its type
+typeValOf :: a -> TypeVal a
+typeValOf _ = typeVal
+-- | Stipulate this idiom!
+undefinedType :: TypeVal a -> a
+undefinedType _ = undefined
+-- | Constrain a type
+withType :: a -> TypeVal a -> a
+withType x _ = x
+-- | The argument type of a function
+argType :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal a
+argType _ = typeVal
+-- | The result type of a function
+resType :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal b
+resType _ = typeVal
+-- Type functions,
+-- i.e., functions mapping types to values
+type TypeFun a r = TypeVal a -> r
-- Generate Typeable instances for standard datatypes
+++ /dev/null
--- |
--- Module : Data.Types
--- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
--- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
--- Maintainer :
--- Stability : experimental
--- Portability : portable
--- This module provides a style of encoding types as values and using
--- them. This style is seens as an alternative to the pragmatic style
--- used in Data.Typeable and elsewhere, i.e., simply use an undefined
--- to denote a type argument. This pragmatic style suffers from lack
--- of robustness: one fells tempted to pattern match on undefineds.
-module Data.Types
- (
- -- * Types as values
- TypeVal, -- view type "a" as "a -> ()"
- typeVal, -- :: TypeVal a
- typeValOf, -- :: a -> TypeVal a
- undefinedType, -- :: TypeVal a -> a
- withType, -- :: a -> TypeVal a -> a
- argType, -- :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal a
- resType, -- :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal b
- TypeFun -- functions on types
- ) where
--- Types as values
--- Type as values to stipulate use of undefineds
-type TypeVal a = a -> ()
---- The value that denotes a type
-typeVal :: TypeVal a
-typeVal = const ()
--- Map a value to its type
-typeValOf :: a -> TypeVal a
-typeValOf _ = typeVal
--- Stipulate this idiom!
-undefinedType :: TypeVal a -> a
-undefinedType _ = undefined
--- Constrain a type
-withType :: a -> TypeVal a -> a
-withType x _ = x
--- The argument type of a function
-argType :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal a
-argType _ = typeVal
--- The result type of a function
-resType :: (a -> b) -> TypeVal b
-resType _ = typeVal
--- Type functions,
--- i.e., functions mapping types to values
-type TypeFun a r = TypeVal a -> r