check_con con
| isVanillaDataCon con
, all isTauTy (dataConOrigArgTys con) = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (badCon con (ptext (sLit "does not have a Haskell-98 type")))
+ | otherwise = Just (badCon con (ptext (sLit "must have a Haskell-98 type")))
no_cons_why :: TyCon -> SDoc
no_cons_why rep_tc = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
- ptext (sLit "has no data constructors")
+ ptext (sLit "must have at least one data constructor")
-- JPM TODO: should give better error message
cond_RepresentableOk :: Condition
bad_cons = [ con | con <- tyConDataCons tc
, any isUnLiftedType (dataConOrigArgTys con) ]
- why = badCon (head bad_cons) (ptext (sLit "has arguments of unlifted type"))
+ why = badCon (head bad_cons) (ptext (sLit "must have only arguments of lifted type"))
cond_isEnumeration :: Condition
cond_isEnumeration (_, rep_tc)
| otherwise = Just why
why = sep [ quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
- ptext (sLit "is not an enumeration type")
+ ptext (sLit "must be an enumeration type")
, ptext (sLit "(an enumeration consists of one or more nullary, non-GADT constructors)") ]
-- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
| otherwise = Just why
why = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
- ptext (sLit "does not have precisely one constructor")
+ ptext (sLit "must have precisely one constructor")
cond_typeableOK :: Condition
-- OK for Typeable class
| otherwise = Nothing
too_many = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
- ptext (sLit "has too many arguments")
+ ptext (sLit "must have 7 or fewer arguments")
bad_kind = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
- ptext (sLit "has arguments of kind other than `*'")
+ ptext (sLit "must only have arguments of kind `*'")
functorLikeClassKeys :: [Unique]
functorLikeClassKeys = [functorClassKey, foldableClassKey, traversableClassKey]
cond_functorOK allowFunctions (_, rep_tc)
| null tc_tvs
= Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
- <+> ptext (sLit "has no parameters"))
+ <+> ptext (sLit "must have some type parameters"))
| not (null bad_stupid_theta)
= Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
- <+> ptext (sLit "has a class context") <+> pprTheta bad_stupid_theta)
+ <+> ptext (sLit "must not have a class context") <+> pprTheta bad_stupid_theta)
| otherwise
= msum (map check_con data_cons) -- msum picks the first 'Just', if any
, ft_bad_app = Just (badCon con wrong_arg)
, ft_forall = \_ x -> x }
- existential = ptext (sLit "has existential arguments")
- covariant = ptext (sLit "uses the type variable in a function argument")
- functions = ptext (sLit "contains function types")
- wrong_arg = ptext (sLit "uses the type variable in an argument other than the last")
+ existential = ptext (sLit "must not have existential arguments")
+ covariant = ptext (sLit "must not use the type variable in a function argument")
+ functions = ptext (sLit "must not contain function types")
+ wrong_arg = ptext (sLit "must not use the type variable in an argument other than the last")
checkFlag :: ExtensionFlag -> Condition
checkFlag flag (dflags, _)