--- /dev/null
+(* HaskStrongToWeak: convert HaskStrong to HaskWeak *)
+Generalizable All Variables.
+Require Import Preamble.
+Require Import General.
+Require Import NaturalDeduction.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Init.Specif.
+Require Import HaskKinds.
+Require Import HaskCoreLiterals.
+Require Import HaskWeakTypes.
+Require Import HaskWeakVars.
+Require Import HaskWeak.
+Require Import HaskStrongTypes.
+Require Import HaskStrong.
+CoInductive Fresh A T :=
+{ next : forall a:A, (T a * Fresh A T)
+; split : Fresh A T * Fresh A T
+Fixpoint rawHaskTypeToWeakType (f:Fresh Kind (fun _ => WeakTypeVar))(rht:RawHaskType WeakTypeVar) {struct rht} : WeakType :=
+match rht with
+ | TVar v => WTyVarTy v
+ | TCon tc => WTyCon tc
+ | TCoerc t1 t2 t3 => WCoFunTy (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t1) (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t2) (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t3)
+ | TArrow => WFunTyCon
+ | TApp t1 t2 => WAppTy (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t1) (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t2)
+ | TAll k rht' => let (tv,f') := next _ _ f k in WForAllTy tv (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f' (rht' tv))
+ | TCode t1 t2 =>
+ match (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t1) with
+ | WTyVarTy ec => WCodeTy ec (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f t2)
+ | impossible => impossible (* TODO: find a way to convince Coq this can't happen *)
+ end
+ | TFCApp tfc tls => WTyFunApp tfc ((fix rawHaskTypeToWeakTypeVec n v : list WeakType :=
+ match v with
+ | vec_nil => nil
+ | a:::b => (rawHaskTypeToWeakType f a)::(rawHaskTypeToWeakTypeVec _ b)
+ end) _ tls)
+Definition typeToWeakType (f:Fresh Kind (fun _ => WeakTypeVar))
+ {Γ}(τ:HaskType Γ)(φ:InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar Γ) : WeakType :=
+ rawHaskTypeToWeakType f (τ _ φ).
+Variable unsafeCoerce : WeakCoercion.
+ Extract Inlined Constant unsafeCoerce => "Coercion.unsafeCoerce".
+Definition strongCoercionToWeakCoercion {Γ}{Δ}(τ:HaskCoercion Γ Δ)(φ:InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar Γ) : WeakCoercion.
+ unfold HaskCoercion in τ.
+ admit.
+ Defined.
+(* This can be used to turn HaskStrong's with arbitrary expression variables into HaskStrong's which use WeakExprVar's
+ * for their variables; those can subsequently be passed to the following function (strongExprToWeakExpr) *)
+Definition reindexStrongExpr {VV}{HH}{eqVV:EqDecidable VV}{eqHH:EqDecidable HH}
+ {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}(exp:@Expr VV eqVV Γ Δ ξ lev) : { ξ' : HH -> LeveledHaskType Γ & @Expr HH eqHH Γ Δ ξ' lev }.
+ Defined.
+ *)
+Definition updateITE {Γ:TypeEnv}{TV:Type}(tv:TV){κ}(ite:InstantiatedTypeEnv TV Γ) : InstantiatedTypeEnv TV (κ::Γ)
+ := tv:::ite.
+Fixpoint strongExprToWeakExpr {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}
+ (ftv:Fresh Kind (fun _ => WeakTypeVar))
+ (fcv:Fresh (WeakType*WeakType) (fun _ => WeakCoerVar))
+ (exp:@Expr WeakExprVar _ Γ Δ ξ lev)
+ : InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar Γ -> WeakExpr :=
+match exp as E in Expr G D X L return InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar G -> WeakExpr with
+| EVar _ _ _ ev => fun ite => WEVar ev
+| ELit _ _ _ lit _ => fun ite => WELit lit
+| EApp Γ' _ _ _ _ _ e1 e2 => fun ite => WEApp (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e1 ite) (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e2 ite)
+| ELam Γ' _ _ _ _ _ cv _ e => fun ite => WELam cv (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite)
+| ELet Γ' _ _ _ _ _ ev e1 e2 => fun ite => WELet ev (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e1 ite) (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e2 ite)
+| EEsc Γ' _ _ ec t _ e => fun ite => WEEsc (ec _ ite) (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite) (typeToWeakType ftv t ite)
+| EBrak Γ' _ _ ec t _ e => fun ite => WEBrak (ec _ ite) (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite) (typeToWeakType ftv t ite)
+| ECast _ _ _ γ _ τ _ _ e => fun ite => WECast (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite) (strongCoercionToWeakCoercion γ ite)
+| ENote _ _ _ _ n e => fun ite => WENote n (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite)
+| ETyApp _ _ _ _ τ _ _ _ e => fun ite => WETyApp (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite) (typeToWeakType ftv τ ite)
+| ELetRec _ _ _ _ _ vars elrb e => fun ite => WELetRec (exprLetRec2WeakExprLetRec ftv fcv elrb ite) (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite)
+| ECoApp _ _ γ _ _ _ _ _ _ e => fun ite => WECoApp (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite) (strongCoercionToWeakCoercion γ ite)
+| ECase Γ Δ ξ l tc atypes tbranches e alts =>
+ fun ite => WECase (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite)
+ (@typeToWeakType ftv Γ tbranches ite) tc (map (fun t => typeToWeakType ftv t ite) (vec2list atypes))
+ ((fix caseBranches
+ (tree:Tree ??{ scb : StrongCaseBranchWithVVs _ _ tc atypes
+ & Expr (sac_Γ scb Γ)
+ (sac_Δ scb Γ atypes (weakCK'' Δ))
+ (update_ξ (weakLT'○ξ) (vec2list (vec_map (fun x => ((fst x),(snd x @@ weakL' l))) (scbwv_varstypes scb))))
+ (weakLT' (tbranches@@l)) })
+ : Tree ??(AltCon * list WeakTypeVar * list WeakCoerVar * list WeakExprVar * WeakExpr) :=
+ match tree with
+ | T_Leaf None => []
+ | T_Leaf (Some x) => let (scb,e) := x in
+(* [(sac_altcon scb,
+ nil, (* FIXME *)
+ nil, (* FIXME *)
+ (*map (fun t => typeToWeakType ftv t ite') (vec2list (sac_types scb))*)nil, (* FIXME *)
+ strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e (weakITE' ite))]*) []
+ | T_Branch b1 b2 => (caseBranches b1),,(caseBranches b2)
+ end
+ ) alts)
+| ETyLam _ _ _ k _ _ e => fun ite =>
+ let (tv,ftv') := next _ _ ftv k in WETyLam tv (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv' fcv e (updateITE tv ite))
+| ECoLam _ _ k _ t1 t2 _ _ _ _ e => fun ite =>
+ let t1' := typeToWeakType ftv t1 ite in
+ let t2' := typeToWeakType ftv t2 ite in
+ let (cv,fcv') := next _ _ fcv (t1',t2') in WECoLam cv (strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv' e ite)
+with exprLetRec2WeakExprLetRec {Γ}{Δ}{ξ}{lev}{vars}
+ (ftv:Fresh Kind (fun _ => WeakTypeVar))
+ (fcv:Fresh (WeakType*WeakType) (fun _ => WeakCoerVar))
+ (elrb:@ELetRecBindings WeakExprVar _ Γ Δ ξ lev vars)
+ : InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar Γ -> Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr) :=
+match elrb as E in ELetRecBindings G D X L V return InstantiatedTypeEnv WeakTypeVar G -> Tree ??(WeakExprVar * WeakExpr) with
+| ELR_nil _ _ _ _ => fun ite => []
+| ELR_leaf _ _ _ _ cv v e => fun ite => [(v,(strongExprToWeakExpr ftv fcv e ite))]
+| ELR_branch _ _ _ _ _ _ b1 b2 => fun ite => (exprLetRec2WeakExprLetRec ftv fcv b1 ite),, (exprLetRec2WeakExprLetRec ftv fcv b2 ite)