Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5. Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4. Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5. Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8. (*******************************************************************************) (* Chapter 9: Adjoints *) (*******************************************************************************) Class Adjunction `{C:Category}`{D:Category}{Fobj}{Gobj}(L:Functor D C Fobj)(R:Functor C D Gobj) := { adj_counit : functor_id D ~~~> L >>>> R ; adj_unit : R >>>> L ~~~> functor_id C ; adj_pf1 : forall (X:C)(Y:D), id (L Y) ~~ (L \ (adj_counit Y)) >>> (adj_unit (L Y)) ; adj_pf2 : forall (X:C)(Y:D), id (R X) ~~ (adj_counit (R X)) >>> (R \ (adj_unit X)) (* FIXME: use the definition based on whiskering *) }. Notation "L -| R" := (Adjunction L R). Notation "'ε'" := (adj_counit _). Notation "'η'" := (adj_unit _). (* Definition 9.6 "Official" *) (* Lemma homset_adjunction `(C:ECategory(V:=V))`(D:ECategory(V:=V))(L:Func C D)(R:Func D C) : (L -| R) -> RepresentableFunctorºᑭ _ _ >>>> YonedaBiFunctor D ≃ RepresentableFunctorºᑭ _ _ >>>> YonedaBiFunctor C. *) (* adjuncts are unique up to natural iso *) (* adjuncts compose *) (* adjuncts preserve limits *) (* every adjunction determines a monad, vice versa *) (* E-M category *) (* Kleisli category *) (* if C is enriched, then we get an iso of hom-sets *) (* Example 9.7: exopnentiation is right adjoint to product *) (* Example 9.8: terminal object selection is right adjoint to the terminal-functor in Cat *) (* Proposition 9.9: Adjoints are unique up to iso *) (* Example 9.9: Product is left adjoint to diagonal, and coproduct is right adjoint; generalizes to limits/colimits *) (* Proposition 9.14: RAPL *)