(******************************************************************************) (* Chapter 4: Algebras *) (* *) (* This formalizes for arbitrary algebras what Awodey does for groups in *) (* chapter 4 *) (******************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. (* very handy *) (* Fixpoint listOfTypesToType (args:list Type)(ret:Type) : Type := match args with | nil => ret | a::b => a -> listOfTypesToType b ret end. *) (* Section Algebras. Local Notation "a :: b" := (vec_cons a b). Local Notation "[]" := (vec_nil). Local Notation "[ a ]" := (a::[]). Structure Signature : Type := { sig_sort : Type ; sig_op : Type ; sig_arity_len : sig_op -> nat ; sig_result : sig_op -> sig_sort ; sig_arity : forall op:sig_op, vec sig_sort (sig_arity_len op) }. Section DerivedOperations. Context (sig:Signature). Structure Algebra : Type := { alg_carrier : sig_sort sig -> Type (*; alg_op : forall op:sig_op sig, listOfTypesToType (map alg_carrier (sig_arity sig op)) (alg_carrier (sig_result sig op))*) (*FIXME*) }. (* the "arity" of an operation in a multi-sorted signature is a finite list of sorts *) Definition Arity := { n:nat & vec (sig_sort sig) n }. Definition mkArity {n:nat} : vec (sig_sort sig) n -> Arity. intros v; exists n; auto. Defined. Definition length : Arity -> nat. intro a; destruct a; auto. Defined. Definition arity_get (n:nat)(a:Arity)(pf:lt n (length a)) : sig_sort sig. destruct a. refine (@vec_get (sig_sort sig) _ v n pf). Defined. (* See Bergman, Invitation to Universal Algebra, Def 8.9.1 *) Inductive DerivedOperation : Arity -> sig_sort sig -> Type := | do_op : forall op:sig_op sig, DerivedOperation (mkArity (sig_arity sig op)) (sig_result sig op) | do_projection : forall (a:Arity)(n:nat)(pf:lt n (length a)), DerivedOperation a (arity_get n a pf) | do_compose : forall n a b c, VecOfDerivedOperations n a b -> DerivedOperation (mkArity b) c -> DerivedOperation a c with VecOfDerivedOperations : forall n:nat, Arity -> vec (sig_sort sig) n -> Type := | vodo_nil : forall a, VecOfDerivedOperations 0 a [] | vodo_cons : forall a b n v, DerivedOperation a b -> VecOfDerivedOperations n a v -> VecOfDerivedOperations (S n) a (b::v). (* an identity is a pair of derived operations, WLOG having the same arity *) Record Identity := { id_arity : Arity ; id_result : sig_sort sig ; id_op1 : DerivedOperation id_arity id_result ; id_op2 : DerivedOperation id_arity id_result }. Definition Relations := list Identity. Inductive Satisfies : Algebra -> Relations -> Prop :=. End DerivedOperations. (* TO DO: an algebra of signature [s] in monoidal category [c] *) (* FIXME: generators-and-relations *) (* see also example 9.36 *) (* An Algebra-Sorted-Signature consists of an algebra of sorts and a collection of operations such that each operations's arity is a list of elements of the sort algebra. *) (* Structure AlgebraSortedSignature `(relations_on_sort_algebra : Relations signature_of_sort_algebra) : Type := { algss_sort_algebra : Algebra signature_of_sort_algebra relations_on_sort_algebra }. Structure AlgebraSortedAlgebra {sig}{rel}(algss:@AlgebraSortedSignature sig rel) : Type := { }. Definition AlgebraSortedSignature_is_Signature : forall sig rel, AlgebraSortedSignature sig rel -> Signature sig rel. Defined. Coercion AlgebraSortedSignature_is_Signature : AlgebraSortedSignature >-> Signature. *) (* algebraically axiomatized monoidal categories *) Record AMCat := { amcat_ob : Type ; amcat_I : amcat_ob ; amcat_hom : amcat_ob -> amcat_ob -> Type where "a ~> b" := (amcat_hom a b) ; amcat_oprod : amcat_ob -> amcat_ob -> amcat_ob where "a ⊗ b" := (amcat_oprod a b) ; amcat_eqv : ∀ a b, a~>b -> a~>b -> Prop where "f ~~ g" := (amcat_eqv _ _ f g) ; amcat_eqv_eqv : ∀ a b, Equivalence (amcat_eqv a b) ; amcat_id : ∀ a, a~>a ; amcat_comp : ∀ a b c, a~>b -> b~>c -> a~>c where "f >>> g" := (amcat_comp _ _ _ f g) ; amcat_mprod : ∀ a b c d, a~>b -> c~>d -> (a⊗c)~>(b⊗d) where "a × b" := (amcat_mprod _ _ _ _ a b) and "f ⋉ A" := (f × (amcat_id A)) and "A ⋊ f" := ((amcat_id A) × f) ; amcat_comp_respects : ∀ a b c, Proper (amcat_eqv a b ==> amcat_eqv b c ==> amcat_eqv a c) (amcat_comp _ _ _) ; amcat_left_identity : forall `(f:a~>b), (amcat_id a >>> f) ~~ f ; amcat_right_identity : forall `(f:a~>b), f >>> amcat_id b ~~ f ; amcat_associativity : forall `(f:a~>b)`(g:b~>c)`(h:c~>d), (f >>> g) >>> h ~~ f >>> (g >>> h) ; amcat_mprod_preserves_id : forall a b, (amcat_id a) × (amcat_id b) ~~ (amcat_id (a⊗b)) ; amcat_mprod_preserves_comp : forall `(f1:a1~>b1)`(g1:b1~>c1)`(f2:a2~>b2)`(g2:b2~>c2), (f1>>>g1)×(f2>>>g2) ~~ (f1×f2)>>>(g1×g2) ; amcat_cancell : ∀ a, amcat_I⊗a ~> a ; amcat_cancelr : ∀ a, a⊗amcat_I ~> a ; amcat_assoc : ∀ a b c, (a⊗b)⊗c ~> a⊗(b⊗c) ; amcat_uncancell : ∀ a, a ~> amcat_I⊗a ; amcat_uncancelr : ∀ a, a ~> a⊗amcat_I ; amcat_unassoc : ∀ a b c, a⊗(b⊗c) ~> (a⊗b)⊗c ; amcat_cancell_uncancell : ∀ a, amcat_uncancell a >>> amcat_cancell a ~~ amcat_id a ; amcat_cancell_uncancelr : ∀ a, amcat_uncancelr a >>> amcat_cancelr a ~~ amcat_id a ; amcat_assoc_unassoc : ∀ a b c, amcat_unassoc a b c >>> amcat_assoc _ _ _ ~~ amcat_id _ ; amcat_cancell_natural : forall `(f:a~>b), amcat_uncancell _ >>> (amcat_id _ × f) ~~ f >>> amcat_uncancell _ ; amcat_cancelr_natural : forall `(f:a~>b), amcat_uncancelr _ >>> (f × amcat_id _) ~~ f >>> amcat_uncancelr _ ; amcat_assoc_natural : forall `(f:a1~>b1)`(g:a2~>b2)`(h:a3~>b3), amcat_assoc _ _ _ >>> (f × (g × h)) ~~ ((f × g) × h) >>> amcat_assoc _ _ _ ; amcat_pentagon : forall a b c d, amcat_assoc a b c ⋉ d >>> amcat_assoc a _ d >>> a ⋊ amcat_assoc b c d ~~ amcat_assoc _ c d >>> amcat_assoc a b _ ; amcat_triangle : forall a b, amcat_cancelr a ⋉ _ ~~ amcat_assoc _ _ _ >>> _ ⋊ amcat_cancell b }. (* To Do: AMCat is an algebraically-sorted signature *) (* any given level of the Coq universe hierarchy satisfies the algebraic laws for a monoidal category *) Definition Coq_AMCat : AMCat. refine {| amcat_ob := Type ; amcat_I := unit ; amcat_hom := fun a b => a->b ; amcat_oprod := fun a b => prod a b ; amcat_eqv := fun a b f g => forall q, (f q)=(g q) ; amcat_id := fun a x => x ; amcat_comp := fun a b c f g => g ○ f ; amcat_mprod := fun a b c d f g => fun x => let (x1,x2) := x in ((f x1),(g x2)) ; amcat_cancell := fun a => fun x => let (x1,x2) := x in x2 ; amcat_cancelr := fun a => fun x => let (x1,x2) := x in x1 ; amcat_assoc := fun a b c => fun x => let (x12,x3) := x in let (x1,x2) := x12 in (x1,(x2,x3)) ; amcat_uncancell := fun a => fun x => (tt,x) ; amcat_uncancelr := fun a => fun x => (x,tt) ; amcat_unassoc := fun a b c => fun x => let (x1,x23) := x in let (x2,x3) := x23 in ((x1,x2),x3) |}; intros; simpl; auto; try destruct q; auto; try destruct p; auto; try destruct p; auto. apply Build_Equivalence; simpl; [ unfold Reflexive; intros; auto | unfold Symmetric; intros; symmetry; auto | unfold Transitive; intros; rewrite H; auto ]. unfold Proper; unfold respectful; intros; rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity. Defined. Coercion amcat_ob : AMCat >-> Sortclass. (* To do: arbitrary algebras internal to an MCat *) (* hrm, internalization is sort of a (primitive-recursive) operation on signatures –- you take a signature for X and produce the signature of MCats with an internal X *) Delimit Scope amcat_scope with amcat. Open Scope amcat_scope. Notation "a ~> b" := (amcat_hom _ a b) : amcat_scope. Notation "a ⊗ b" := (amcat_oprod _ a b) : amcat_scope. Notation "f ~~ g" := (amcat_eqv _ _ _ f g) : amcat_scope. Notation "f >>> g" := (amcat_comp _ _ _ _ f g) : amcat_scope. Notation "a × b" := (@amcat_mprod _ _ _ _ _ a b) : amcat_scope. Notation "f ⋉ A" := (f × (amcat_id _ A)) : amcat_scope. Notation "A ⋊ f" := ((amcat_id _ A) × f) : amcat_scope. Notation "'I'" := (amcat_I _) : amcat_scope. (* what we call a category is actually an AMCat-enriched-Cat *) (* Record Cat (V:AMCat) := { cat_ob : Type ; cat_hom : cat_ob -> cat_ob -> V where "a ⇒ b" := (cat_hom a b) ; cat_id : ∀ a , I ~> a ⇒ a ; cat_ecomp : ∀ a b c , (a ⇒ b)⊗(b ⇒ c) ~> (a ⇒ c) ; cat_left_identity : ∀ a b , cat_id a ⋉ (a ⇒ b) >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ ~~ amcat_cancell _ _ ; cat_right_identity : ∀ a b , (a ⇒ b) ⋊ cat_id b >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ ~~ amcat_cancelr _ _ ; cat_associativity : ∀ a b c d, amcat_unassoc _ _ _ (_ ⇒ _) >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ ⋉ (c ⇒ d) >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ ~~ (a ⇒ b) ⋊ cat_ecomp _ _ _ >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ ; cat_comp := fun a b c f g => amcat_uncancell V _ >>> (amcat_mprod V I (a⇒ b) I (b⇒ c) f g) >>> cat_ecomp _ _ _ }. Close Scope amcat_scope. Delimit Scope cat_scope with cat. Notation "a ~> b" := (cat_hom _ a b) : cat_scope. Notation "f ~~ g" := (@amcat_eqv _ _ _ f g) : cat_scope. Notation "f >>> g" := (@cat_comp _ _ _ _ _ f g) : cat_scope. Close Scope cat_scope. (* a monoidal category enriched in an AMCat *) Record MCat (V:AMCat) := { mcat_cat : Cat V (* plus monoidal structure *) }. (*Notation "a ⊗ b" := (amcat_oprod _ a b) : cat_scope. Notation "a × b" := (amcat_mprod _ _ _ _ _ a b) : cat_scope. Notation "f ⋉ A" := (f × (amcat_id _ A)) : cat_scope. Notation "A ⋊ f" := ((amcat_id A) × f) : cat_scope. Notation "'I'" := (amcat_I _) : cat_scope.*) (* * Given an MCat we can derive an AMCat, which can then in turn have * internal stuff –- this is essentially the first externalization * functor (I₀). *) (* Definition AMCat_from_MCat `(C:MCat V) : AMCat. Defined. *) (* need CategoryWithProducts, then use a category enriched in a category with products to get products of categories *) (* it's really only functors we need to change: get rid of the general notion, and allow only EFunctors *) (* then we can more easily do functor-categories! *) *) End Algebras. *)