Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Notations. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5. Require Import ProductCategories_ch1_6_1. Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4. (* these are the coherence diagrams found in Definition 7.23 of Awodey's book *) (* DO NOT try to inline this into [Pre]MonoidalCat; it triggers a Coq resource consumption bug *) Section Coherence. Context `{C:Category} {bobj:C->C->C} (first : forall a b c:C, (a~~{C}~~>b) -> ((bobj a c)~~{C}~~>(bobj b c))) (second : forall a b c:C, (a~~{C}~~>b) -> ((bobj c a)~~{C}~~>(bobj c b))) (assoc : forall a b c:C, (bobj (bobj a b) c) ~~{C}~~> (bobj a (bobj b c))). Record Pentagon := { pentagon : forall a b c d, (first _ _ d (assoc a b c )) >>> (assoc a _ d ) >>> (second _ _ a (assoc b c d )) ~~ (assoc _ c d ) >>> (assoc a b _ ) }. Context {I:C} (cancell : forall a :C, (bobj I a) ~~{C}~~> a) (cancelr : forall a :C, (bobj a I) ~~{C}~~> a). Record Triangle := { triangle : forall a b, (first _ _ b (cancelr a)) ~~ (assoc a I b) >>> (second _ _ a (cancell b)) (* * This is taken as an axiom in Mac Lane, Categories for the Working * Mathematician, p163, display (8), as well as in Awodey (second * triangle diagram). However, it was shown to be eliminable by * Kelly in Theorem 6 of * but that was under * different assumptions. To be safe we include it here as an * axiom. *) ; coincide : (cancell I) ~~ (cancelr I) }. End Coherence. Coercion pentagon : Pentagon >-> Funclass. Coercion triangle : Triangle >-> Funclass. Implicit Arguments pentagon [ Ob Hom C bobj first second assoc ]. Implicit Arguments triangle [ Ob Hom C bobj first second assoc I cancell cancelr ]. Implicit Arguments coincide [ Ob Hom C bobj first second assoc I cancell cancelr ].