Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. (******************************************************************************) (* Chapter 1.5: Isomorphisms *) (******************************************************************************) Class Isomorphism `{C:Category}{a b:C}(f:a~>b)(g:b~>a) : Prop := { iso_cmp1 : f >>> g ~~ id a ; iso_cmp2 : g >>> f ~~ id b }. (* TO DO: show isos are unique when they exist *) Class Isomorphic `{ C : Category } ( a b : C ) := { iso_forward : a~>b ; iso_backward : b~>a ; iso_comp1 : iso_forward >>> iso_backward ~~ id a ; iso_comp2 : iso_backward >>> iso_forward ~~ id b (* TO DO: merge this with Isomorphism *) }. Implicit Arguments iso_forward [ C a b Ob Hom ]. Implicit Arguments iso_backward [ C a b Ob Hom ]. Implicit Arguments iso_comp1 [ C a b Ob Hom ]. Implicit Arguments iso_comp2 [ C a b Ob Hom ]. Notation "a ≅ b" := (Isomorphic a b) : isomorphism_scope. (* the sharp symbol "casts" an isomorphism to the morphism in the forward direction *) Notation "# f" := (@iso_forward _ _ _ _ _ f) : isomorphism_scope. Open Scope isomorphism_scope. (* the inverse of an isomorphism is an isomorphism *) Definition iso_inv `{C:Category}(a b:C)(is:Isomorphic a b) : Isomorphic b a. intros; apply (Build_Isomorphic _ _ _ _ _ (iso_backward _) (iso_forward _)); [ apply iso_comp2 | apply iso_comp1 ]. Defined. Notation "f '⁻¹'" := (@iso_inv _ _ _ _ _ f) : isomorphism_scope. (* identity maps are isomorphisms *) Definition iso_id `{C:Category}(A:C) : Isomorphic A A. intros; apply (Build_Isomorphic _ _ C A A (id A) (id A)); auto. Defined. (* the composition of two isomorphisms is an isomorphism *) Definition id_comp `{C:Category}{a b c:C}(i1:Isomorphic a b)(i2:Isomorphic b c) : Isomorphic a c. intros; apply (@Build_Isomorphic _ _ C a c (#i1 >>> #i2) (#i2⁻¹ >>> #i1⁻¹)); setoid_rewrite juggle3; [ setoid_rewrite (iso_comp1 i2) | setoid_rewrite (iso_comp2 i1) ]; setoid_rewrite right_identity; [ setoid_rewrite (iso_comp1 i1) | setoid_rewrite (iso_comp2 i2) ]; reflexivity. Defined. Definition functors_preserve_isos `{C1:Category}`{C2:Category}{Fo}(F:Functor C1 C2 Fo){a b:C1}(i:Isomorphic a b) : Isomorphic (F a) (F b). refine {| iso_forward := F \ (iso_forward i) ; iso_backward := F \ (iso_backward i) |}. setoid_rewrite fmor_preserves_comp. setoid_rewrite iso_comp1. apply fmor_preserves_id. setoid_rewrite fmor_preserves_comp. setoid_rewrite iso_comp2. apply fmor_preserves_id. Defined. Lemma iso_shift_right `{C:Category} : forall {a b c:C}(f:b~>c)(g:a~>c)(i:Isomorphic b a), #i⁻¹ >>> f ~~ g -> f ~~ #i >>> g. intros. setoid_rewrite <- H. setoid_rewrite <- associativity. setoid_rewrite iso_comp1. symmetry. apply left_identity. Qed. Lemma iso_shift_right' `{C:Category} : forall {a b c:C}(f:b~>c)(g:a~>c)(i:Isomorphic a b), #i >>> f ~~ g -> f ~~ #i⁻¹ >>> g. intros. setoid_rewrite <- H. setoid_rewrite <- associativity. setoid_rewrite iso_comp1. symmetry. apply left_identity. Qed. Lemma iso_shift_left `{C:Category} : forall {a b c:C}(f:a~>b)(g:a~>c)(i:Isomorphic c b), f >>> #i⁻¹ ~~ g -> f ~~ g >>> #i. intros. setoid_rewrite <- H. setoid_rewrite associativity. setoid_rewrite iso_comp1. symmetry. apply right_identity. Qed. Lemma iso_shift_left' `{C:Category} : forall {a b c:C}(f:a~>b)(g:a~>c)(i:Isomorphic b c), f >>> #i ~~ g -> f ~~ g >>> #i⁻¹. intros. setoid_rewrite <- H. setoid_rewrite associativity. setoid_rewrite iso_comp1. symmetry. apply right_identity. Qed.