(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* Enrichments *) (* *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5. Require Import ProductCategories_ch1_6_1. Require Import OppositeCategories_ch1_6_2. Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8. Require Import Subcategories_ch7_1. Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4. Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5. Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8. Require Import Coherence_ch7_8. Require Import BinoidalCategories. Require Import PreMonoidalCategories. Require Import PreMonoidalCenter. Require Import RepresentableStructure_ch7_2. Require Import WeakFunctorCategory. (* in the paper this is called simply an "enrichment" *) Structure Enrichment := { enr_v_ob : Type ; enr_v_hom : enr_v_ob -> enr_v_ob -> Type ; enr_v : Category enr_v_ob enr_v_hom ; enr_v_i : enr_v_ob ; enr_v_bobj : enr_v -> enr_v -> enr_v ; enr_v_bin : BinoidalCat enr_v enr_v_bobj ; enr_v_pmon : PreMonoidalCat enr_v_bin enr_v_i ; enr_v_mon : MonoidalCat enr_v_pmon ; enr_c_obj : Type ; enr_c_hom : enr_c_obj -> enr_c_obj -> enr_v ; enr_c : ECategory enr_v_mon enr_c_obj enr_c_hom ; enr_c_bin : EBinoidalCat enr_c ; enr_c_i : enr_c ; enr_c_pm : PreMonoidalCat enr_c_bin enr_c_i ; enr_c_center := Center enr_c_bin ; enr_c_center_mon := Center_is_Monoidal enr_c_pm }. Coercion enr_c : Enrichment >-> ECategory. (* Coq grinds down into a performance bog when I try to use this *) Definition WeaklySurjectiveEnrichment (ec:Enrichment) := @treeDecomposition (enr_v ec) (option (ec*ec)) (fun t => match t with | None => enr_v_i ec | Some x => match x with pair y z => enr_c_hom ec y z end end) (enr_v_bobj ec). (* technically this ought to be a "strictly surjective enrichment" *) Structure SurjectiveEnrichment := { senr_c_obj : Type ; senr_v_ob := Tree ??(senr_c_obj * senr_c_obj) ; senr_c_hom := fun (c1 c2:senr_c_obj) => [(c1, c2)] ; senr_v_hom : senr_v_ob -> senr_v_ob -> Type ; senr_v : Category senr_v_ob senr_v_hom ; senr_v_i := [] ; senr_v_bobj := @T_Branch ??(senr_c_obj * senr_c_obj) ; senr_v_bin : BinoidalCat senr_v senr_v_bobj ; senr_v_pmon : PreMonoidalCat senr_v_bin senr_v_i ; senr_v_mon : MonoidalCat senr_v_pmon ; senr_c : ECategory senr_v_mon senr_c_obj senr_c_hom ; senr_c_bin : EBinoidalCat senr_c ; senr_c_i : senr_c ; senr_c_pm : PreMonoidalCat senr_c_bin senr_c_i }. Definition SurjectiveEnrichmentToEnrichment (se:SurjectiveEnrichment) : Enrichment. refine {| enr_v_ob := senr_v_ob se ; enr_v_hom := senr_v_hom se ; enr_v := senr_v se ; enr_v_i := senr_v_i se ; enr_v_bobj := senr_v_bobj se ; enr_v_bin := senr_v_bin se ; enr_v_pmon := senr_v_pmon se ; enr_v_mon := senr_v_mon se ; enr_c_obj := senr_c_obj se ; enr_c_hom := senr_c_hom se ; enr_c := senr_c se ; enr_c_bin := senr_c_bin se ; enr_c_i := senr_c_i se ; enr_c_pm := senr_c_pm se |}. Defined. Coercion SurjectiveEnrichmentToEnrichment : SurjectiveEnrichment >-> Enrichment. Definition MonoidalEnrichment (e:Enrichment) := PreMonoidalFunctor (enr_c_pm e) (enr_v_pmon e) (HomFunctor e (pmon_I (enr_c_pm e))). Class MonicEnrichment {e:Enrichment} := { me_enr := e ; me_homfunctor := HomFunctor e (enr_c_i e) ; me_full : FullFunctor me_homfunctor ; me_faithful : FaithfulFunctor me_homfunctor ; me_conservative : ConservativeFunctor me_homfunctor (*; me_homfunctor_c := RestrictDomain me_homfunctor (enr_c_center e)*) }. Implicit Arguments MonicEnrichment [ ]. Coercion me_enr : MonicEnrichment >-> Enrichment. Transparent HomFunctor. (* like SurjectiveMonicMonoidalEnrichment, but the Enrichment is a field, not a parameter *) Structure SMME := { smme_e : SurjectiveEnrichment ; smme_mon : MonoidalEnrichment smme_e ; smme_mee : MonicEnrichment smme_e }. Coercion smme_e : SMME >-> SurjectiveEnrichment. Coercion smme_mon : SMME >-> MonoidalEnrichment. Definition SMMEs : SmallCategories. refine {| small_cat := SMME ; small_cat_cat := fun smme => enr_v smme |}. Defined.