(* need this or the Haskell extraction fails *) Set Printing Width 1300000. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Main. Require Import HaskCoreVars. Require Import HaskCore. Open Scope string_scope. Extraction Language Haskell. (* I try to reuse Haskell types mostly to get the "deriving Show" aspect *) Extract Inductive option => "Prelude.Maybe" [ "Prelude.Just" "Prelude.Nothing" ]. Extract Inductive list => "([])" [ "([])" "(:)" ]. (*Extract Inductive vec => "([])" [ "([])" "(:)" ].*) (*Extract Inductive Tree => "([])" [ "([])" "(:)" ].*) Extract Inlined Constant map => "Prelude.map". Extract Inductive string => "Prelude.String" [ "([])" "(:)" ]. Extract Inductive prod => "(,)" [ "(,)" ]. Extract Inductive sum => "Prelude.Either" [ "Prelude.Left" "Prelude.Right" ]. Extract Inductive sumbool => "Prelude.Bool" [ "Prelude.True" "Prelude.False" ]. Extract Inductive bool => "Prelude.Bool" [ "Prelude.True" "Prelude.False" ]. Extract Inductive unit => "()" [ "()" ]. Extract Inlined Constant string_dec => "(==)". Extract Inlined Constant ascii_dec => "(==)". Extract Inductive string => "Prelude.String" [ "[]" "(:)" ]. (* adapted from ExtrOcamlString.v *) Extract Inductive ascii => "Prelude.Char" [ "{- If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't -} (\ b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 -> let f b i = if b then 1 `shiftL` i else 0 in Data.Char.chr (f b0 0 .|. f b1 1 .|. f b2 2 .|. f b3 3 .|. f b4 4 .|. f b5 5 .|. f b6 6 .|. f b7 7))" ] "{- If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't -} (\ f c -> let n = Char.code c in let h i = (n .&. (1 `shiftL` i)) /= 0 in f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7))". Extract Constant zero => "'\000'". Extract Constant one => "'\001'". Extract Constant shift => "\ b c -> Data.Char.chr (((Char.code c) `shiftL` 1) .&. 255 .|. if b then 1 else 0)". Unset Extraction Optimize. Unset Extraction AutoInline. Definition coqCoreToStringPass (s:@CoreExpr CoreVar) : string := "FIXME". (* Definition coqCoreToCorePass (s:CoreExpr CoreVar) : CoreExpr CoreVar := *) Extraction "Extraction.hs" coqCoreToStringPass.