(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskKinds: Definitions shared by all four representations (Core, Weak, Strong, Proof) *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Open Scope nat_scope. Variable Note : Type. Extract Inlined Constant Note => "CoreSyn.Note". Variable natToString : nat -> string. Extract Inlined Constant natToString => "natToString". Instance NatToStringInstance : ToString nat := { toString := natToString }. (* Figure 7: production κ, ι *) Inductive Kind : Type := | KindType : Kind (* ★ - the kind of coercions and the kind of types inhabited by [boxed] values *) | KindTypeFunction : Kind -> Kind -> Kind (* ⇛ - type-function-space; things of kind X⇛Y are NOT inhabited by expressions*) | KindUnliftedType : Kind (* not in the paper - this is the kind of unboxed non-tuple types *) | KindUnboxedTuple : Kind (* not in the paper - this is the kind of unboxed tuples *) | KindArgType : Kind (* not in the paper - this is the lub of KindType and KindUnliftedType *) | KindOpenType : Kind (* not in the paper - kind of all types (lifted, boxed, whatever) *). Open Scope string_scope. Fixpoint kindToString (k:Kind) : string := match k with | KindType => "*" | KindTypeFunction KindType k2 => "*=>"+++kindToString k2 | KindTypeFunction k1 k2 => "("+++kindToString k1+++")=>"+++kindToString k2 | KindUnliftedType => "#" | KindUnboxedTuple => "(#)" | KindArgType => "??" | KindOpenType => "?" end. Instance KindToString : ToString Kind := { toString := kindToString }. Notation "'★'" := KindType. Notation "a ⇛ b" := (KindTypeFunction a b). Instance KindEqDecidable : EqDecidable Kind. apply Build_EqDecidable. induction v1. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; left ; auto. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; auto. destruct (IHv1_1 v2_1); destruct (IHv1_2 v2_2); subst; auto; right; intro; subst; inversion H; subst; apply n; auto. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; left ; auto. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; left ; auto. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; left ; auto. destruct v2; try (right; intro q; inversion q; fail) ; left ; auto. Defined.