(*********************************************************************************************************************************) (* HaskProofCategory: *) (* *) (* Natural Deduction proofs of the well-typedness of a Haskell term form a category *) (* *) (*********************************************************************************************************************************) Generalizable All Variables. Require Import Preamble. Require Import General. Require Import NaturalDeduction. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import HaskKinds. Require Import HaskCoreTypes. Require Import HaskLiteralsAndTyCons. Require Import HaskStrongTypes. Require Import HaskProof. Require Import NaturalDeduction. Require Import NaturalDeductionCategory. Require Import Algebras_ch4. Require Import Categories_ch1_3. Require Import Functors_ch1_4. Require Import Isomorphisms_ch1_5. Require Import ProductCategories_ch1_6_1. Require Import OppositeCategories_ch1_6_2. Require Import Enrichment_ch2_8. Require Import Subcategories_ch7_1. Require Import NaturalTransformations_ch7_4. Require Import NaturalIsomorphisms_ch7_5. Require Import MonoidalCategories_ch7_8. Require Import Coherence_ch7_8. Require Import HaskStrongTypes. Require Import HaskStrong. Require Import HaskProof. Require Import HaskStrongToProof. Require Import HaskProofToStrong. Require Import ProgrammingLanguage. Open Scope nd_scope. (* * The flattening transformation. Currently only TWO-level languages are * supported, and the level-1 sublanguage is rather limited. * * * This file abuses terminology pretty badly. For purposes of this file, * "PCF" means "the level-1 sublanguage" and "FC" (aka System FC) means * the whole language (level-0 language including bracketed level-1 terms) *) Section HaskProofCategory. Context (ndr_systemfc:@ND_Relation _ Rule). Inductive PCFJudg Γ (Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) (ec:HaskTyVar Γ ★) := pcfjudg : Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★) -> Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★) -> PCFJudg Γ Δ ec. Implicit Arguments pcfjudg [ [Γ] [Δ] [ec] ]. (* given an PCFJudg at depth (ec::depth) we can turn it into an PCFJudg * from depth (depth) by wrapping brackets around everything in the * succedent and repopulating *) Definition brakify {Γ}{Δ}{ec} (j:PCFJudg Γ Δ ec) : Judg := match j with pcfjudg Σ τ => Γ > Δ > (Σ@@@(ec::nil)) |- (mapOptionTree (fun t => HaskBrak ec t) τ @@@ nil) end. Definition pcf_vars {Γ}(ec:HaskTyVar Γ ★)(t:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★)) : Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★) := mapOptionTreeAndFlatten (fun lt => match lt with t @@ l => match l with | ec'::nil => if eqd_dec ec ec' then [t] else [] | _ => [] end end) t. Inductive MatchingJudgments {Γ}{Δ}{ec} : Tree ??(PCFJudg Γ Δ ec) -> Tree ??Judg -> Type := | match_nil : MatchingJudgments [] [] | match_branch : forall a b c d, MatchingJudgments a b -> MatchingJudgments c d -> MatchingJudgments (a,,c) (b,,d) | match_leaf : forall Σ τ lev, MatchingJudgments [pcfjudg (pcf_vars ec Σ) τ ] [Γ > Δ > Σ |- (mapOptionTree (HaskBrak ec) τ @@@ lev)]. Definition fc_vars {Γ}(ec:HaskTyVar Γ ★)(t:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★)) : Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★) := mapOptionTreeAndFlatten (fun lt => match lt with t @@ l => match l with | ec'::nil => if eqd_dec ec ec' then [] else [t] | _ => [] end end) t. Definition pcfjudg2judg {Γ}{Δ:CoercionEnv Γ} ec (cj:PCFJudg Γ Δ ec) := match cj with pcfjudg Σ τ => Γ > Δ > (Σ @@@ (ec::nil)) |- (τ @@@ (ec::nil)) end. (* Rules allowed in PCF; i.e. rules we know how to turn into GArrows *) (* Rule_PCF consists of the rules allowed in flat PCF: everything except *) (* AppT, AbsT, AppC, AbsC, Cast, Global, and some Case statements *) Inductive Rule_PCF {Γ}{Δ:CoercionEnv Γ} (ec:HaskTyVar Γ ★) : forall (h c:Tree ??(PCFJudg Γ Δ ec)), Rule (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) h) (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) c) -> Type := | PCF_RArrange : ∀ x y t a, Rule_PCF ec [pcfjudg _ _ ] [ pcfjudg _ _ ] (RArrange Γ Δ (x@@@(ec::nil)) (y@@@(ec::nil)) (t@@@(ec::nil)) a) | PCF_RLit : ∀ lit , Rule_PCF ec [ ] [ pcfjudg [] [_] ] (RLit Γ Δ lit (ec::nil)) | PCF_RNote : ∀ Σ τ n , Rule_PCF ec [pcfjudg _ [_]] [ pcfjudg _ [_] ] (RNote Γ Δ (Σ@@@(ec::nil)) τ (ec::nil) n) | PCF_RVar : ∀ σ , Rule_PCF ec [ ] [ pcfjudg [_] [_] ] (RVar Γ Δ σ (ec::nil) ) | PCF_RLam : ∀ Σ tx te , Rule_PCF ec [pcfjudg (_,,[_]) [_] ] [ pcfjudg _ [_] ] (RLam Γ Δ (Σ@@@(ec::nil)) tx te (ec::nil) ) | PCF_RApp : ∀ Σ Σ' tx te , Rule_PCF ec ([pcfjudg _ [_]],,[pcfjudg _ [_]]) [pcfjudg (_,,_) [_]] (RApp Γ Δ (Σ@@@(ec::nil))(Σ'@@@(ec::nil)) tx te (ec::nil)) | PCF_RLet : ∀ Σ Σ' σ₂ p, Rule_PCF ec ([pcfjudg _ [_]],,[pcfjudg (_,,[_]) [_]]) [pcfjudg (_,,_) [_]] (RLet Γ Δ (Σ@@@(ec::nil)) (Σ'@@@(ec::nil)) σ₂ p (ec::nil)) | PCF_RVoid : Rule_PCF ec [ ] [ pcfjudg [] [] ] (RVoid Γ Δ ) (*| PCF_RLetRec : ∀ Σ₁ τ₁ τ₂ , Rule_PCF (ec::nil) _ _ (RLetRec Γ Δ Σ₁ τ₁ τ₂ (ec::nil) )*) | PCF_RJoin : ∀ Σ₁ Σ₂ τ₁ τ₂, Rule_PCF ec ([pcfjudg _ _],,[pcfjudg _ _]) [pcfjudg (_,,_) (_,,_)] (RJoin Γ Δ (Σ₁@@@(ec::nil)) (Σ₂@@@(ec::nil)) (τ₁@@@(ec::nil)) (τ₂@@@(ec::nil))). (* need int/boolean case *) Implicit Arguments Rule_PCF [ ]. Definition PCFRule Γ Δ lev h c := { r:_ & @Rule_PCF Γ Δ lev h c r }. (* An organized deduction has been reorganized into contiguous blocks whose * hypotheses (if any) and conclusion have the same Γ and Δ and a fixed nesting depth. The boolean * indicates if non-PCF rules have been used *) Inductive OrgR : Tree ??Judg -> Tree ??Judg -> Type := | org_fc : forall h c (r:Rule h c), Rule_Flat r -> OrgR h c | org_pcf : forall Γ Δ ec h h' c c', MatchingJudgments h h' -> MatchingJudgments c c' -> ND (PCFRule Γ Δ ec) h c -> OrgR h' c'. Definition mkEsc {Γ}{Δ}{ec}(h:Tree ??(PCFJudg Γ Δ ec)) : ND Rule (mapOptionTree brakify h) (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) h). apply nd_replicate; intros. destruct o; simpl in *. induction t0. destruct a; simpl. apply nd_rule. apply REsc. apply nd_id. apply (Prelude_error "mkEsc got multi-leaf succedent"). Defined. Definition mkBrak {Γ}{Δ}{ec}(h:Tree ??(PCFJudg Γ Δ ec)) : ND Rule (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) h) (mapOptionTree brakify h). apply nd_replicate; intros. destruct o; simpl in *. induction t0. destruct a; simpl. apply nd_rule. apply RBrak. apply nd_id. apply (Prelude_error "mkBrak got multi-leaf succedent"). Defined. (* Definition Partition {Γ} ec (Σ:Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★)) := { vars:(_ * _) | fc_vars ec Σ = fst vars /\ pcf_vars ec Σ = snd vars }. *) Definition pcfToND : forall Γ Δ ec h c, ND (PCFRule Γ Δ ec) h c -> ND Rule (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) h) (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) c). intros. eapply (fun q => nd_map' _ q X). intros. destruct X0. apply nd_rule. apply x. Defined. Instance OrgPCF Γ Δ lev : @ND_Relation _ (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) := { ndr_eqv := fun a b f g => (pcfToND _ _ _ _ _ f) === (pcfToND _ _ _ _ _ g) }. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. Defined. (* * An intermediate representation necessitated by Coq's termination * conditions. This is basically a tree where each node is a * subproof which is either entirely level-1 or entirely level-0 *) Inductive Alternating : Tree ??Judg -> Type := | alt_nil : Alternating [] | alt_branch : forall a b, Alternating a -> Alternating b -> Alternating (a,,b) | alt_fc : forall h c, Alternating h -> ND Rule h c -> Alternating c | alt_pcf : forall Γ Δ ec h c h' c', MatchingJudgments h h' -> MatchingJudgments c c' -> Alternating h' -> ND (PCFRule Γ Δ ec) h c -> Alternating c'. Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep. Lemma magic a b c d ec e : ClosedSIND(Rule:=Rule) [a > b > c |- [d @@ (ec :: e)]] -> ClosedSIND(Rule:=Rule) [a > b > pcf_vars ec c @@@ (ec :: nil) |- [d @@ (ec :: nil)]]. admit. Defined. Definition orgify : forall Γ Δ Σ τ (pf:ClosedSIND(Rule:=Rule) [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ]), Alternating [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ]. refine ( fix orgify_fc' Γ Δ Σ τ (pf:ClosedSIND [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ]) {struct pf} : Alternating [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ] := let case_main := tt in _ with orgify_fc c (pf:ClosedSIND c) {struct pf} : Alternating c := (match c as C return C=c -> Alternating C with | T_Leaf None => fun _ => alt_nil | T_Leaf (Some (Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ)) => let case_leaf := tt in fun eqpf => _ | T_Branch b1 b2 => let case_branch := tt in fun eqpf => _ end (refl_equal _)) with orgify_pcf Γ Δ ec pcfj j (m:MatchingJudgments pcfj j) (pf:ClosedSIND (mapOptionTree (pcfjudg2judg ec) pcfj)) {struct pf} : Alternating j := let case_pcf := tt in _ for orgify_fc'). destruct case_main. inversion pf; subst. set (alt_fc _ _ (orgify_fc _ X) (nd_rule X0)) as backup. refine (match X0 as R in Rule H C return match C with | T_Leaf (Some (Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ)) => h=H -> Alternating [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ] -> Alternating [Γ > Δ > Σ |- τ] | _ => True end with | RBrak Σ a b c n m => let case_RBrak := tt in fun pf' backup => _ | REsc Σ a b c n m => let case_REsc := tt in fun pf' backup => _ | _ => fun pf' x => x end (refl_equal _) backup). clear backup0 backup. destruct case_RBrak. rename c into ec. set (@match_leaf Σ0 a ec n [b] m) as q. set (orgify_pcf Σ0 a ec _ _ q) as q'. apply q'. simpl. rewrite pf' in X. apply magic in X. apply X. destruct case_REsc. apply (Prelude_error "encountered Esc in wrong side of mkalt"). destruct case_leaf. apply orgify_fc'. rewrite eqpf. apply pf. destruct case_branch. rewrite <- eqpf in pf. inversion pf; subst. apply no_rules_with_multiple_conclusions in X0. inversion X0. exists b1. exists b2. auto. apply (alt_branch _ _ (orgify_fc _ X) (orgify_fc _ X0)). destruct case_pcf. Admitted. Definition pcfify Γ Δ ec : forall Σ τ, ClosedSIND(Rule:=Rule) [ Γ > Δ > Σ@@@(ec::nil) |- τ @@@ (ec::nil)] -> ND (PCFRule Γ Δ ec) [] [pcfjudg Σ τ]. refine (( fix pcfify Σ τ (pn:@ClosedSIND _ Rule [ Γ > Δ > Σ@@@(ec::nil) |- τ @@@ (ec::nil)]) {struct pn} : ND (PCFRule Γ Δ ec) [] [pcfjudg Σ τ] := (match pn in @ClosedSIND _ _ J return J=[Γ > Δ > Σ@@@(ec::nil) |- τ @@@ (ec::nil)] -> _ with | cnd_weak => let case_nil := tt in _ | cnd_rule h c cnd' r => let case_rule := tt in _ | cnd_branch _ _ c1 c2 => let case_branch := tt in _ end (refl_equal _)))). intros. inversion H. intros. destruct c; try destruct o; inversion H. destruct j. Admitted. (* any proof in organized form can be "dis-organized" *) Definition unOrgR : forall h c, OrgR h c -> ND Rule h c. intros. induction X. apply nd_rule. apply r. eapply nd_comp. (* apply (mkEsc h). eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply (mkBrak c) ]. apply pcfToND. apply n. *) Admitted. Definition unOrgND h c : ND OrgR h c -> ND Rule h c := nd_map unOrgR. Instance OrgNDR : @ND_Relation _ OrgR := { ndr_eqv := fun a b f g => (unOrgND _ _ f) === (unOrgND _ _ g) }. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. Defined. Hint Constructors Rule_Flat. Instance PCF_sequents Γ Δ lev : @SequentCalculus _ (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) _ pcfjudg. apply Build_SequentCalculus. intros. induction a. destruct a; simpl. apply nd_rule. exists (RVar _ _ _ _). apply PCF_RVar. apply nd_rule. exists (RVoid _ _ ). apply PCF_RVoid. eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply (nd_prod IHa1 IHa2). apply nd_rule. exists (RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _). apply PCF_RJoin. Defined. Definition PCF_Arrange {Γ}{Δ}{lev} : forall x y z, Arrange x y -> ND (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) [pcfjudg x z] [pcfjudg y z]. admit. Defined. Definition PCF_cut Γ Δ lev : forall a b c, ND (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) ([ pcfjudg a b ],,[ pcfjudg b c ]) [ pcfjudg a c ]. intros. destruct b. destruct o. destruct c. destruct o. (* when the cut is a single leaf and the RHS is a single leaf: *) eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_prod. apply nd_id. apply (PCF_Arrange [h] ([],,[h]) [h0]). apply RuCanL. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | apply (PCF_Arrange ([],,a) a [h0]); apply RCanL ]. apply nd_rule. (* set (@RLet Γ Δ [] (a@@@(ec::nil)) h0 h (ec::nil)) as q. exists q. apply (PCF_RLet _ [] a h0 h). apply (Prelude_error "cut rule invoked with [a|=[b]] [[b]|=[]]"). apply (Prelude_error "cut rule invoked with [a|=[b]] [[b]|=[x,,y]]"). apply (Prelude_error "cut rule invoked with [a|=[]] [[]|=c]"). apply (Prelude_error "cut rule invoked with [a|=[b,,c]] [[b,,c]|=z]"). *) admit. admit. admit. admit. admit. Defined. Instance PCF_cutrule Γ Δ lev : CutRule (PCF_sequents Γ Δ lev) := { nd_cut := PCF_cut Γ Δ lev }. admit. admit. admit. Defined. Definition PCF_left Γ Δ lev a b c : ND (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) [pcfjudg b c] [pcfjudg (a,,b) (a,,c)]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | idtac ] ]. eapply nd_prod; [ apply nd_seq_reflexive | apply nd_id ]. apply nd_rule. set (@PCF_RJoin Γ Δ lev a b a c) as q'. refine (existT _ _ _). apply q'. Defined. Definition PCF_right Γ Δ lev a b c : ND (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) [pcfjudg b c] [pcfjudg (b,,a) (c,,a)]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_rlecnac | eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | idtac ] ]. eapply nd_prod; [ apply nd_id | apply nd_seq_reflexive ]. apply nd_rule. set (@PCF_RJoin Γ Δ lev b a c a) as q'. refine (existT _ _ _). apply q'. Defined. Instance PCF_sequent_join Γ Δ lev : @SequentExpansion _ _ _ _ _ (PCF_sequents Γ Δ lev) (PCF_cutrule Γ Δ lev) := { se_expand_left := PCF_left Γ Δ lev ; se_expand_right := PCF_right Γ Δ lev }. admit. admit. admit. admit. Defined. (* 5.1.3 *) Instance PCF Γ Δ lev : @ProgrammingLanguage _ _ pcfjudg (PCFRule Γ Δ lev) := { pl_eqv := OrgPCF Γ Δ lev ; pl_sc := PCF_sequents Γ Δ lev ; pl_subst := PCF_cutrule Γ Δ lev ; pl_sequent_join := PCF_sequent_join Γ Δ lev }. apply Build_TreeStructuralRules; intros; unfold eqv; unfold hom; simpl. apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCossa _ _ _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev ((a,,b),,c) (a,,(b,,c)) x). apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RAssoc _ _ _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev (a,,(b,,c)) ((a,,b),,c) x). apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanL _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev ([],,a) _ _). apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanR _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev (a,,[]) _ _). apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanL _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev _ ([],,a) _). apply nd_rule. unfold PCFRule. simpl. exists (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanR _)). apply (PCF_RArrange lev _ (a,,[]) _). Defined. Instance SystemFCa_sequents Γ Δ : @SequentCalculus _ OrgR _ (mkJudg Γ Δ). apply Build_SequentCalculus. intros. induction a. destruct a; simpl. apply nd_rule. destruct l. apply org_fc with (r:=RVar _ _ _ _). auto. apply nd_rule. apply org_fc with (r:=RVoid _ _ ). auto. eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. apply (nd_prod IHa1 IHa2). apply nd_rule. apply org_fc with (r:=RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _). auto. Defined. Definition SystemFCa_cut Γ Δ : forall a b c, ND OrgR ([ Γ > Δ > a |- b ],,[ Γ > Δ > b |- c ]) [ Γ > Δ > a |- c ]. intros. destruct b. destruct o. destruct c. destruct o. (* when the cut is a single leaf and the RHS is a single leaf: *) eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_prod. apply nd_id. eapply nd_rule. apply org_fc with (r:=RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanL [l])). auto. eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply org_fc with (r:=RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanL _)) ]. apply nd_rule. destruct l. destruct l0. assert (h0=h2). admit. subst. apply org_fc with (r:=@RLet Γ Δ [] a h1 h h2). auto. auto. apply (Prelude_error "systemfc cut rule invoked with [a|=[b]] [[b]|=[]]"). apply (Prelude_error "systemfc cut rule invoked with [a|=[b]] [[b]|=[x,,y]]"). apply (Prelude_error "systemfc rule invoked with [a|=[]] [[]|=c]"). apply (Prelude_error "systemfc rule invoked with [a|=[b,,c]] [[b,,c]|=z]"). Defined. Instance SystemFCa_cutrule Γ Δ : CutRule (SystemFCa_sequents Γ Δ) := { nd_cut := SystemFCa_cut Γ Δ }. admit. admit. admit. Defined. Definition SystemFCa_left Γ Δ a b c : ND OrgR [Γ > Δ > b |- c] [Γ > Δ > (a,,b) |- (a,,c)]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | idtac ] ]. eapply nd_prod; [ apply nd_seq_reflexive | apply nd_id ]. apply nd_rule. apply org_fc with (r:=RJoin Γ Δ a b a c). auto. Defined. Definition SystemFCa_right Γ Δ a b c : ND OrgR [Γ > Δ > b |- c] [Γ > Δ > (b,,a) |- (c,,a)]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_rlecnac | eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | idtac ] ]. eapply nd_prod; [ apply nd_id | apply nd_seq_reflexive ]. apply nd_rule. apply org_fc with (r:=RJoin Γ Δ b a c a). auto. Defined. Instance SystemFCa_sequent_join Γ Δ : @SequentExpansion _ _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa_sequents Γ Δ) (SystemFCa_cutrule Γ Δ) := { se_expand_left := SystemFCa_left Γ Δ ; se_expand_right := SystemFCa_right Γ Δ }. admit. admit. admit. admit. Defined. (* 5.1.2 *) Instance SystemFCa Γ Δ : @ProgrammingLanguage _ _ (mkJudg Γ Δ) OrgR := { pl_eqv := OrgNDR ; pl_sc := SystemFCa_sequents Γ Δ ; pl_subst := SystemFCa_cutrule Γ Δ ; pl_sequent_join := SystemFCa_sequent_join Γ Δ }. apply Build_TreeStructuralRules; intros; unfold eqv; unfold hom; simpl. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCossa a b c))). apply Flat_RArrange. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RAssoc a b c))). apply Flat_RArrange. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanL a ))). apply Flat_RArrange. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanR a ))). apply Flat_RArrange. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanL a ))). apply Flat_RArrange. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanR a ))). apply Flat_RArrange. Defined. (* Definition code2garrow Γ (ec t:RawHaskType Γ ★) := match t with (* | TApp ★ ★ (TApp _ ★ TArrow tx) t' => code2garrow0 ec tx t'*) | _ => code2garrow0 ec unitType t end. Opaque code2garrow. Fixpoint typeMap {TV}{κ}(ty:@RawHaskType TV κ) : @RawHaskType TV κ := match ty as TY in RawHaskType _ K return RawHaskType TV K with | TCode ec t => code2garrow _ ec t | TApp _ _ t1 t2 => TApp (typeMap t1) (typeMap t2) | TAll _ f => TAll _ (fun tv => typeMap (f tv)) | TCoerc _ t1 t2 t3 => TCoerc (typeMap t1) (typeMap t2) (typeMap t3) | TVar _ v => TVar v | TArrow => TArrow | TCon tc => TCon tc | TyFunApp tf rhtl => (* FIXME *) TyFunApp tf rhtl end. Definition typeMapL {Γ}(lht:LeveledHaskType Γ ★) : LeveledHaskType Γ ★ := match lht with (* | t @@ nil => (fun TV ite => typeMap (t TV ite)) @@ lev*) | t @@ lev => (fun TV ite => typeMap (t TV ite)) @@ lev end. *) (* gathers a tree of guest-language types into a single host-language types via the tensor *) Definition tensorizeType {Γ} (lt:Tree ??(HaskType Γ ★)) : HaskType Γ ★. admit. Defined. Definition mkGA {Γ} : HaskType Γ ★ -> HaskType Γ ★ -> HaskType Γ ★. admit. Defined. Definition guestJudgmentAsGArrowType {Γ}{Δ}{ec}(lt:PCFJudg Γ Δ ec) : HaskType Γ ★ := match lt with pcfjudg x y => (mkGA (tensorizeType x) (tensorizeType y)) end. Definition obact {Γ}{Δ} ec (X:Tree ??(PCFJudg Γ Δ ec)) : Tree ??(LeveledHaskType Γ ★) := mapOptionTree guestJudgmentAsGArrowType X @@@ nil. (* * Here it is, what you've all been waiting for! When reading this, * it might help to have the definition for "Inductive ND" (see * NaturalDeduction.v) handy as a cross-reference. *) Definition FlatteningFunctor_fmor {Γ}{Δ}{ec} : forall h c, (h~~{JudgmentsL _ _ (PCF Γ Δ ec)}~~>c) -> ((obact ec h)~~{TypesL _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ)}~~>(obact ec c)). set (@nil (HaskTyVar Γ ★)) as lev. unfold hom; unfold ob; unfold ehom; simpl; unfold mon_i; unfold obact; intros. induction X; simpl. (* the proof from no hypotheses of no conclusions (nd_id0) becomes RVoid *) apply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RVoid _ _ )). auto. (* the proof from hypothesis X of conclusion X (nd_id1) becomes RVar *) apply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RVar _ _ _ _)). auto. (* the proof from hypothesis X of no conclusions (nd_weak) becomes RWeak;;RVoid *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule ; eapply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RWeak _))) ; auto ]. eapply nd_rule. eapply (org_fc _ _ (RVoid _ _)); auto. (* the proof from hypothesis X of two identical conclusions X,,X (nd_copy) becomes RVar;;RJoin;;RCont *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; eapply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCont _))) ]. eapply nd_comp; [ apply nd_llecnac | idtac ]. set (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ)) (mapOptionTree guestJudgmentAsGArrowType h @@@ lev)) as q. eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_prod. apply q. apply q. apply nd_rule. eapply (org_fc _ _ (RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _ )). auto. auto. (* nd_prod becomes nd_llecnac;;nd_prod;;RJoin *) eapply nd_comp. apply (nd_llecnac ;; nd_prod IHX1 IHX2). apply nd_rule. eapply (org_fc _ _ (RJoin _ _ _ _ _ _ )). auto. (* nd_comp becomes pl_subst (aka nd_cut) *) eapply nd_comp. apply (nd_llecnac ;; nd_prod IHX1 IHX2). clear IHX1 IHX2 X1 X2. apply (@nd_cut _ _ _ _ _ _ (@pl_subst _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). (* nd_cancell becomes RVar;;RuCanL *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanL _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. (* nd_cancelr becomes RVar;;RuCanR *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RuCanR _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. (* nd_llecnac becomes RVar;;RCanL *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanL _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. (* nd_rlecnac becomes RVar;;RCanR *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCanR _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. (* nd_assoc becomes RVar;;RAssoc *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RAssoc _ _ _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. (* nd_cossa becomes RVar;;RCossa *) eapply nd_comp; [ idtac | eapply nd_rule; apply (org_fc _ _ (RArrange _ _ _ _ _ (RCossa _ _ _))) ]. apply (nd_seq_reflexive(SequentCalculus:=@pl_sc _ _ _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ))). auto. destruct r as [r rp]. refine (match rp as R in Rule_PCF _ _ _ H C _ with | PCF_RArrange h c r q => let case_RURule := tt in _ | PCF_RLit lit => let case_RLit := tt in _ | PCF_RNote Σ τ n => let case_RNote := tt in _ | PCF_RVar σ => let case_RVar := tt in _ | PCF_RLam Σ tx te => let case_RLam := tt in _ | PCF_RApp Σ tx te p => let case_RApp := tt in _ | PCF_RLet Σ σ₁ σ₂ p => let case_RLet := tt in _ | PCF_RJoin b c d e => let case_RJoin := tt in _ | PCF_RVoid => let case_RVoid := tt in _ (*| PCF_RCase T κlen κ θ l x => let case_RCase := tt in _*) (*| PCF_RLetRec Σ₁ τ₁ τ₂ lev => let case_RLetRec := tt in _*) end); simpl in *. clear rp. clear r h c. rename r0 into r; rename h0 into h; rename c0 into c. destruct case_RURule. refine (match q with | RLeft a b c r => let case_RLeft := tt in _ | RRight a b c r => let case_RRight := tt in _ | RCanL b => let case_RCanL := tt in _ | RCanR b => let case_RCanR := tt in _ | RuCanL b => let case_RuCanL := tt in _ | RuCanR b => let case_RuCanR := tt in _ | RAssoc b c d => let case_RAssoc := tt in _ | RCossa b c d => let case_RCossa := tt in _ | RExch b c => let case_RExch := tt in _ | RWeak b => let case_RWeak := tt in _ | RCont b => let case_RCont := tt in _ | RComp a b c f g => let case_RComp := tt in _ end). destruct case_RCanL. (* ga_cancell *) admit. destruct case_RCanR. (* ga_cancelr *) admit. destruct case_RuCanL. (* ga_uncancell *) admit. destruct case_RuCanR. (* ga_uncancelr *) admit. destruct case_RAssoc. (* ga_assoc *) admit. destruct case_RCossa. (* ga_unassoc *) admit. destruct case_RExch. (* ga_swap *) admit. destruct case_RWeak. (* ga_drop *) admit. destruct case_RCont. (* ga_copy *) admit. destruct case_RLeft. (* ga_second *) admit. destruct case_RRight. (* ga_first *) admit. destruct case_RComp. (* ga_comp *) admit. destruct case_RLit. (* ga_literal *) admit. (* hey cool, I figured out how to pass CoreNote's through... *) destruct case_RNote. eapply nd_comp. eapply nd_rule. eapply (org_fc _ _ (RVar _ _ _ _)) . auto. apply nd_rule. apply (org_fc _ _ (RNote _ _ _ _ _ n)). auto. destruct case_RVar. (* ga_id *) admit. destruct case_RLam. (* ga_curry, but try to avoid this someday in the future if the argument type isn't a function *) admit. destruct case_RApp. (* ga_apply *) admit. destruct case_RLet. (* ga_comp! perhaps this means the ga_curry avoidance can be done by turning lambdas into lets? *) admit. destruct case_RVoid. (* ga_id u *) admit. destruct case_RJoin. (* ga_first+ga_second; technically this assumes a specific evaluation order, which is bad *) admit. Defined. Instance FlatteningFunctor {Γ}{Δ}{ec} : Functor (JudgmentsL _ _ (PCF Γ Δ ec)) (TypesL _ _ (SystemFCa Γ Δ)) (obact ec) := { fmor := FlatteningFunctor_fmor }. admit. admit. admit. Defined. (* Definition ReificationFunctor Γ Δ : Functor (JudgmentsL _ _ (PCF n Γ Δ)) SystemFCa' (mapOptionTree brakifyJudg). refine {| fmor := ReificationFunctor_fmor Γ Δ |}; unfold hom; unfold ob; simpl ; intros. unfold ReificationFunctor_fmor; simpl. admit. unfold ReificationFunctor_fmor; simpl. admit. unfold ReificationFunctor_fmor; simpl. admit. Defined. Definition PCF_SMME (n:nat)(Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) : ProgrammingLanguageSMME. refine {| plsmme_pl := PCF n Γ Δ |}. admit. Defined. Definition SystemFCa_SMME (n:nat)(Γ:TypeEnv)(Δ:CoercionEnv Γ) : ProgrammingLanguageSMME. refine {| plsmme_pl := SystemFCa n Γ Δ |}. admit. Defined. Definition ReificationFunctorMonoidal n : MonoidalFunctor (JudgmentsN n) (JudgmentsN (S n)) (ReificationFunctor n). admit. Defined. (* 5.1.4 *) Definition PCF_SystemFCa_two_level n Γ Δ : TwoLevelLanguage (PCF_SMME n Γ Δ) (SystemFCa_SMME (S n) Γ Δ). admit. (* ... and the retraction exists *) Defined. *) (* Any particular proof in HaskProof is only finitely large, so it uses only finitely many levels of nesting, so * it falls within (SystemFCa n) for some n. This function calculates that "n" and performs the translation *) (* Definition HaskProof_to_SystemFCa : forall h c (pf:ND Rule h c), { n:nat & h ~~{JudgmentsL (SystemFCa_SMME n)}~~> c }. *) (* for every n we have a functor from the category of (n+1)-bounded proofs to the category of n-bounded proofs *) End HaskProofCategory. (* Definition code2garrow0 {Γ}(ec t1 t2:RawHaskType Γ ★) : RawHaskType Γ ★. admit. Defined. Definition code2garrow Γ (ec t:RawHaskType Γ ★) := match t with (* | TApp ★ ★ (TApp _ ★ TArrow tx) t' => code2garrow0 ec tx t'*) | _ => code2garrow0 ec unitType t end. Opaque code2garrow. Fixpoint typeMap {TV}{κ}(ty:@RawHaskType TV κ) : @RawHaskType TV κ := match ty as TY in RawHaskType _ K return RawHaskType TV K with | TCode ec t => code2garrow _ ec t | TApp _ _ t1 t2 => TApp (typeMap t1) (typeMap t2) | TAll _ f => TAll _ (fun tv => typeMap (f tv)) | TCoerc _ t1 t2 t3 => TCoerc (typeMap t1) (typeMap t2) (typeMap t3) | TVar _ v => TVar v | TArrow => TArrow | TCon tc => TCon tc | TyFunApp tf rhtl => (* FIXME *) TyFunApp tf rhtl end. *)